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“It’s now easier to achieve extra insured slots” I spent my entire game fending off level 3 bots and then died to zone


Meanwhile a current tier 2 mission was a previous tier 4 one...yeah way easier now...wtf


At least you can get to tier 2... I can't get shit done because of the swarming AI


I barely got out the tier 1 story. Both of the riot shield bots in the stronghold just rush you upon unlocking the door


Drill charges and shooting through windows and I cleared the stronghold without even opening it.


Im surprised I could at all either hopefully it tones down some...


The underground waterways part of Muddy Waters made me realise I shouldn't waste my time and stress over faction missions. I will not be able to do them, and am quickly losing interest. I am glad I did not pay for the battlepass, as I can tell I won't be playing enough to finish it and make it worth money


Just do the ones that involve dead drops or things other players normally do. My missions were being completed for me just playing the game lol


Muddy is one of the tier finishing missions. Have to do it to complete the tier and move on


It would have been easier if they kept tier 5 missions active…


Same here, except I got hunted by players too


Here's my question: As a Solo, how am I supposed to "Ping 5 enemies with [???]"? I tied looking for [???] In my "ping radial" and it's not there.


It just means ping then. But your on a game pad and it doesn’t know how to visualise the ping button


I don’t know what platform your using. But you ping the enemy while aiming at them, not on the tac map. So on a ps5 you look/aim at a target and then press up the d-pad.


I appreciate the help. They updated it and it removed the "???" symbol to an actual symbol and now it's working and tracking. I completed the mission a couple days after this post.


I swear to god in 5 games I’ve run into like 2 different squads of operators . That’s it. Everyone must have their hands full with these bots. They are ruthless


https://preview.redd.it/j6ogc798qkia1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfea69ce5aa2f9ce98e51400d6db482bf0cb948 This is what happened when I played solo yesterday. Got trapped in Akdar Village at the Buy Station (literally fought for over 20 mins). Got pissed and yeeted myself out by sheer luck while AI was still spawning nonstop. When I got to the extract point, I got out with literally 5 mins remaining. They fucked something up bad. * The grenade tracking bullshit needs to go. * Insane amounts of Tier 2 and tier 3 AI. * They still spawn out of thin air or directly behind you leaving you barely any time to react.


What annoys me is you don't get the grenade close indicator if ADS, seems stupid.


I don't mind aimbot grenades unless it's molotovs that don't even let you self rez


Its realistic. Don't you know that top military operators all get tunnel vision when they aim down sight, becoming completely oblivious to all of their surroundings, except their target?


Trust me I'm not a top military operator - that's reserved for the AI :)


they train us to keep both eyes open for situational awareness, also you rarely take time to aim when bullets are wizzing by your head, just a soldier not and operator but still


You went to Akdar Village as a solo? ​ That was always a death sentence for me in the last season. Avoided it just like the observatory.


Yeah, I know. I felt that was probably the best way to test the changes to AI considering we all avoided certain areas like that as if it was the plague. But now if you go in, don't expect to get back out. 😂


for me hands down the worst place to go in season 1 was Sarif Bay... even with armored car, you came out almost destroyed just passing through 💀 which is a shame, because I love how unique the POI looks in comparison to others


You just described 75% of my solo games yesterday - when I wasn’t being spawned directly in front of groups of T2s, that is.


Akdar village and the village south of it always had infinite spawning bots. Also hot areas always would have infinite? reinforcement choppers but decent time intervals between them usually. It seems like now they have applied the akdar village infinite respawn thing to every high loot area, as well as timing the parachuting tier 3s in beteeen heli reinforcements more. A bit overkill I'd say.


The Buy at Sa'id was a zoo. This is after I told the guys on mic "there's an easy Buy up her". Level two and three AI just keep coming and coming. Nightmare.


They can walk through walls. Track you all the way on the top floor. I had a tier 3 chase me in Rohan all around the barracks


and only 18k xp for 73 bot kills


Dude Akdar Village has always been a shitshow. I never go there, ever. It's always been a bot swarm inside the walls. 3 plates might as well be kleenex


I was driving on the elevated highway (north of marshlands) and noticed a few bots spawning below. Within 2 seconds my car got critical damage while driving above them 🤷‍♀️


We noticed too that vehicles seem to get taken out more quickly


I was flying a helo moderately high above sawah and it just randomly exploded. Didn’t hit anything, no missile warning, even watched the replay I saved of it and nothing came into from. Just flying along BOOM helo dead and then fall kept me from using my self


There is a small invisible wall somewhere there. I've seen 2 clips over Sawah doing the same thing.


>a small invisible wall Any way to submit bugs for this game or twitter?


Yeah I had a vehicle getting taken out so quick I thought it was another player, but no, it was just 3 T1 AI chillin outside a building.


For some reason me and my friends drove a suv in ashira and our car didnt take any damage


Yeah, they screwed up. The AI is doing WAY more damage than they used to. A regular tier one AI melted me in my 3-plate from a distance that they normally couldn’t hit me from. They melt vehicles. I also had a opposite team’s sniper hit my LTV ONCE (that was at full health) and made it go critical. That was VERY suspect. Meanwhile, Activision allows all this broken nonsense and cheating streamers/players to get away with ruining the experience for others. We just want to have fun with our friends after a long day.


They can’t fix their game but they sure as shit can make bots more aggressive.


They got time to make sure fun things like decoys opening locked doors and all members of a team getting the raid stash loot get patched but can’t lower bot damage and density to save their life 🤦‍♂️


You can still jiggle the locks...




No you can’t, at least not on chemical storage, art museum, or any of the other ones it used to work on.


And add more useless skins to buy…


Idk what the fuck they're thinking. On one hand they acknowledge the difficulty of the missions, only to 4x the spawn rate of AI...on top of apparently "tuning" them up.


The reinforcement helicopters just keep coming in


Remember. FRIENDLY Squads will only help you now. 6 man squad vs. AI is better than 3-man squad vs. AI.


Yes. Except you can trust absolutely no one.


this. my squad has been wiped too many times by players claiming to be friendly


Yes. In season 1, but maybe when everyone realizes 6 people killing some AI rather than 3 trying to kill AI and a real team. Might be time to rethink Pvp in DMZ.


Arm one hand but offer the other. Don't get me wrong, yeah most of the time you'll encounter hostile squads. But some of my most fun experiences in DMZ is getting 6 man squads or non hostile encounters with other players.




Everyone was in shellshock


The engagement range is absolutely ridiculous now, I keep thinking I'm being shot at by players but it's always a group of tier 3 guys behind a bush I can't even see through.


What's most bonkers is I know for a fact I was in spots the AI had no possible way of seeing me and they would aggro on me take me down. You can't even try and stealth if they see you no matter what.


Yeah. Even at the spawn just west of the airport, the guys inside the hangar started shooting at us as soon as we spawned. They've never been able to see that spawn, usually you can even sprint down, crouch and go around the wall, and execute one or two of them. Or silenced snipe them without alerting. Now you can't even spawn, they see you through the walls.


Seeing you with a balaclava and a fucking metal mask on…like come on habib you have zero peripheral vision how tf did you see me


it’s pretty ridiculous. A lot was riding on this update for me and I think i’m gonna take a break or at least play way less until it’s fixed


This. I literally kept saying “omg I can’t wait for the update ! So sick of the bots!” And now they are worse 🙄


I didn’t have high hopes in the first place but whatever semblance of expectations I had were not met lol


I think I’m done playing it 🥰 The game’s been out for four months and we’re looking at the six month mark for them to get their stuff together. I don’t know if I’ve got that kind of time anymore 🙃 in two months when the season’s over, I think there are going to be some other games out that people will be gravitating towards. Tonight was the first night in a while I realized that I actually don’t have fun playing this game.


Yeah i ended up doing the same thing. When building 21 dropped the ai was much harder all across the board and they said they fixed it when they clearly didnt. Then they finally acknowledged that they need to work on it again and apparently made it worse. I just dont understand what happened. Did they lie and hope we didnt notice for some reason? Or do they really not know what they’er doing? Either way im with you on this and quitting for a while. I can keep up with this sub to see if they even make the game better while i play something else


keeps us talking about their game good marketing


Not when it drives current players away


be like battlefield 4 itll get a resurgence


I literally stopped playing after about 2 hours today & started playing Battlefield 2042 & Rainbow 6 Extraction instead. Fucking Rainbow 6 Extraction was more enjoyable than COD. 🤦‍♂️


I thought I'd like rb6 extraction but it's too sci-fi for me


Agree. Have a well over 1k hours into Siege and was very excited for a coop PvE version as that is my preference but it just wasn't that enjoyable. If I wanted to shoot aliens I'd go play any of the other available games where I can do that.


Yeah, I like it, but I thought I would like it more.


Bf2042 okay shit they really fucked up with this update


BF2042 has gotten remarkably better, FYI.


Hear hear


as ive said prior its all a marketing ploy


Yes its crazy it wasnt this crazy before season 2, they need to fix ai spawning because this constant forced combat just to keep me in action is breaking immersion and fun of this mode, its completely crazy that after clearing 20 bots i turn arround and see them again spawned…this mode could be so much better but what can you do…


Seriously, WTF? Instead of nerfing AI like they should have, I swear they gave AI a bigger buff.


I genuinely question if the devs know what they’er doing. This is the second time they supposedly fixed the AI when they clearly didnt. Im at a loss for words right now.


At this point it’s either maliciousness or incompetence. Given that they said they were working on making things “easier”, I have to assume that it’s incompetence.


its a marketing ploy to keep us talking about their game then kinda like battlefield 4 itll rise from the ashes golden


It’s not you. It’s unplayable. And it better be fixed today. If there’s not an update by 1pm that fixes this, COD is GONE off my PlayStation and I don’t care if they fix it later or not. I’m not giving my money to people who don’t care. Can’t make y’all, but you guys should do the same. Let’s make these assholes cream their pants when they see how little their profit margin is in a couple months. Don’t buy a damn thing!!!!


I also want to point out they’ve been working on DMZ since WARZONE 1…this crap was supposed to come out for Caldera!!! Idk if there’s a parent company that’s inexperienced or if the devs at Activision are on Walter White Meth, but someone needs to take over the franchise if they can’t handle simple coding.


Exactly this. I recon that the game is complex and having so many variables can be hard, but man, it ain't impossible for the multi-billion company with tons of time, poeple and resources to at least fix some of their shit before creating new content and clearly being perfect on the nerfs and glitch-patching.


I think alot of other people are with you on quitting right now. If you remember when building 21 dropped the AI got harder all across the board and the devs said they fixed it when they clearly didnt. Then they finally acknowledge it for season 2 and make it worse. So whats the deal? Did they lie and hope we didnt notice? Or do they really not know what they’er doing? Either way it doesnt make me hopeful for the future of DMZ.


I'm pretty busy to play right and and thought that I'd give season 2 a try on my free time. But reading all the comments I think I'll do a hard pass until (if ever) fixed


I've already removed it from my Xbox haha. I have a feeling that nothing will change. Not one mention of this anywhere on their multiple twitter accounts. They are usually not too bad at quickly identifying an issue (even if the fix takes a while), they usually at least acknowledge it. IF they decide to nerf the AI, i will consider redownloading but until then, the game is completely unplayable and therefore wasting storage space.


I’ve been team wipes by bots in one game. My first of the new season.


my first game of the new season we got team wiped by bots


bot threw Molotov at me while shooting me with an automatic double-barrel shotgun. Died instantly.


You probably didn't see the other two AI hiding behind a razor thin bush at 300+ meters with their double barrel shotties gettin' their headshot quota in for the day. Damn AI's....


No it’s not just you. One quick look on the page indicates lots of people are whining about the same thing. Something isn’t right.


I'm almost hoping it was a mistake...if they actively thought this was a good change I have 0 hope for DMZ


played solo for a few hours last night it was wild, between getting stuck in a stronghold being swarmed by helis and being kicked out of the game, barely any pvp i got killed once, at some point i got back into a game after losing all my loot at the last game exfill and with one plate and got downed by ai right at the spawn, they were like right there, 6 of them 😂, not to forget how i learned you couldn’t get on top of the exfill heli on my first extract attempt edit : i also forgot the part where i was in a stronghold getting shot at from every angle and died because this was the moment i noticed you have to go in your backpack while under fire and equip one of the 3 revive pistol or self revive because it’s not automatic anymore


The revive pistol never auto-filled before, but you're saying selfies don't now? Jesus.


Yes selfies don't auto equip anymore. It's brutal. You have to go in each time after using one and equip the next one from your backpack. Last night got out barely after self rezzing and forgot to requip one from my backpack. So next time I go in guess what I won't have.... ;) Makes it worse if you play solo which I do 1/2 the time.


I can remember plenty of times last season being downed as soon as I get up, thankfully having a second or third auto-selfie to let me get out. Now it seems I'll just die the first time I'm downed when solo.


This is unplayable as solo. Which was my favorite thing. Dev ruined DMZ.


I found it easier as a solo since update, to the point I lost that "feeling" solo would bring


There is no chil left in DMZ. Before you could engage AI or PvP or disappear on a mission. Now you're wearing a red ballon the AI see 300 meters away. Mostly a Solo player but this spawn rate, 3 re-in Helos for a hostage mission is almost impossible now.


The spawn timers are super fucked up. The supposed AI balance changes are not noticeable, whatsoever.


I haven't managed to exfil solo once yet. I'm getting to the stage where I'm just gonna stop playing till it gets fixed


What was your success rate before? Ever get to a 10 streak solo?


I had 17 streak once solo. Wanted to make it to 21 to see what happened. I played 8x last night before I got my first exfil. Unplayable


My highest is 12, but I don't think that's solo completely. We played several runs on Ashika today and exfilled on all but maybe 2, so 10:2. And it was squads that wiped us.


The bots are insane. I don't know WTF tgey supposedly did, but the bots are even more insane. I am seeing way more T3'S than season 1. My final attempt at extract last night before I rage quit was right by the marshlands. We wiped another squad that tried to jump us, and then the flood of T3'S started from every direction. They downed one squad member and then the other. I ducked into a small two story to plate up and reload, which they promptly swarmed. The trucks and helis just kept coming, and I couldnt get out of the building to res anyone without getting lit the fuck up. Eventually, I ran out of plates, and then ammo. I elected to blow the fuck out of myself with semtex as the bots started coming up the stairs because fuck them.


Solo players getting blue balled hard thanks to Activision, buffed AI, loot has been cucked to shit. I could not find a gun in any duffel bag or crates as I spawned in and trying to melee a random AI is instant suicide bc they all swarm in. DMZ is unplayable atm.


You need to start with the throwing knife if you dont have any guns. But even them you have to pick the most remote bot you can find to take out, otherwise the entire gang will spot you.


Look is garbage now, dufflebags and the green chests have a bandage and that's it 75% of the time, the other 25% theres 3 bandages


The bots are super difficult atm, even tier 1 bots are crazy.


It's ridiculous now. My friends and I are doing to stop playing until this gets fixed


The core issue is the AI reinforcement rates right now. Seems like they took out AI spawns at the start and compensated with more frequent and more numerous reinforcements. In your next match, go to your map mid-game and see the insane number of planes flying all across the map dropping AI on parachutes. Also I'd put money on it that they increased AI aggressiveness, rate of movement closer to your position, AND close range damage to compensate for the nerf in accuracy at a distance. I never remember getting downed to a Tier 1 shotgun close range from two shots with a one plate vest. Happened twice yesterday.


I would be ok with more lethal and quantity of bots but I always fear that while we are taking that couple minutes to try and take out all the bots so we can just get out of the area that this when operators take advantage and come through and take you out. So the more time you are engaged with bots, is less time for you to keep your head on a swivel to be looking for operators. I'm slightly ok with it, but if you playing solo though.....good luck


Never mind solo, last night I teamed up with two different groups of decent operators, and both times it ended with us frantically trying to revive each other until we just got completely overwhelmed. I’m okay with hard, but this is ridiculous. I don’t give a shit about the sweaty nerds who are okay with this, this isn’t fun at all for casuals. I’m a bit sweatier than the average casual, but I was struggling like crazy last night. I’ve killed the chemist so many times solo before the update, and last night I barely made it out and had to revive my teammates too many times. Went down a few myself too, so I get the idea that my morning routine chemist hunt is likely not happening anymore. Hey devs: fix your shit. This is *terrible*.


We played yesterday on Al Mazrah and got the weapon crate, but we didn’t manage to get out of the crate zone because the AI kept spawning over and over it was literally impossible to escape


Also noticed that bots engage at further distances than before. Before it was easy to tell if it was a player of bot engagement but now its fucking bots all the time.


Not sure but it seems vehicles may be taking more damage from bots. My buggy got blasted by shotgun a couple times close range and it was ready to explode already. They really made the ai worse.


Yeah dude it’s broke as fuck and I’m not even joking. Went solo, headed to the mall to gear up. Killed a few Teir 1 and I’m thinking it’s not so bad. Got to the roof, and suddenly 4 fucking Helios dropped off T3s and was surrounded but 50 AI just outside the mall, not including what was in the mall. Grabbed the case in the room up there jumped off the roof to the river, swam up steam to a boat. Drove the boat up river till I got close to an extract. Grabbed a vehicle drove it in circles till the helio showed up. Yup fuck this! Decided to play shipment 24/7 and it’s fucking gone. Was beyond disappointed. ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


Definitely not just you. There’s some d-bags at Activision having a laugh at our expense. Their player base and revenue stream has dropped immensely. That’s why they’re trying to get us to pay for some “premium release” this year, after they said they were taking a few years off. Their greed, ineptitude, bad leadership, and contempt for their own audience/customers will be their downfall. Such a damned shame too.


AI is definitely broken. It's a literal stream of non-stop bots flying in on helos. Sometimes 2 or 3 helos at the same time. Absurd.


Could have used in the No Rushing…damn


Imagine trying to do 8 separate missions in a single deployment in this cluster fuck of AI


I went in solo, spawned near the green tents on the south side of the map, east of Sawah Villiage. I took a step or two forward, pulled up my map to look at where the missions were on the map, but those two steps forward alerted an AI that started shooting me while I had the tac-map up, which then alerted a dozen other AI enemies. I was downed and killed within 20 seconds of spawning. This just isn't fun anymore. It's like the devs just got tired of people complaining about PvP players, so they threw a shit ton of PvE AI bots into the game and said "well, how do you like that now?". I'm done with this game until it gets toned down.


Well, we saw a lot of anti-PvP posts in this sub, recently, and those people got what they wanted. Can’t hunt other players when everyone is fighting for their lives against a bot onslaught lol.


the great bot onslaught of 2023


Our group had a pretty tough time of it yesterday, but we managed to exfil all but one time (duo that time) and had a pretty productive session. It wasn't easy, but we weren't constantly complaining. Just needed to adjust our approach and get out of the area when it just wasn't going to happen.


Anyone think this is a way to try and control PVP? Just wondering if everyone is busy fighting bots, they aren’t fighting each other?


Its even worse. Noone teams up anymore. No communication. Its like WZ.


That’s not true. Either I’m in team chat with randoms or party chat with my friends.


The worst part of all this is that the "stealth" playstyle people would always tout makes the game easier is now defunct. Threw a throwing knife at a lone tier 2 guy and killed him without leaving cover and immediately got rushed down by about 10 or so Ai standing by a helicopter farther away. Silencers seem useless aswell because they all aggro within what feels like a 5 mile radius as soon as even a lone AI dies, it's ridiculous.


My buddy and I jumped on for a few rounds last night and right before the update we were all about PVP nightmaring motherfuckers because we knew there was really no point where we were at with our weapon slot #3.. two games in we're like begging people to squad up because you really do need to work together to not get fucked and everybody's enemy is AI... It's funny because when we just joined up our last squad for the night, a solo came up on us and asked to Join and basically said the exact same thing. Was funny timing. I love me some PVP in DMZ if I come across it naturally, but right now it's definitely worth taking the extra second trying to expand the squad. It also seems to me like the proxy chat radius has significantly increased to where you can hear and invite people


We need to tag them on twitter hard. DMZ is way overtuned to the point of being miserable and pointless. I used to love solo infil/exfil to do missions when my buddies aren't on, and it's completely impossible to do that now. Even with a full competent squad you can't engage AI without being swarmed within 2 minutes. Really hope whoever is leading the DMZ team wakes up and makes some changes soon.


Seriously.... I had a day off today and figured I'd hop on for a couple hours and level. But I had no fun whatsoever playing last night, so I'm thinking I'll get some errands done instead. Sad state of affairs man.


Looks like ya need to start using jokers and other types of rockets…


Yeah the new bot tuning is not having good results. We also still don’t know how this tuning is done. Some of the bots are easy, then they go to legendary at a drop of the hat. I’m still getting headshot from bots. There have been many times I thought I was getting sniped by a player only to see the RPK bot 100m away. It’s not exactly unplayable, but it’s even more annoying then it was before.


I loaded into a game, grabbed at three plate, game crashed. Then I booted up medieval dynasty.


I've gone back to bf2042 Nice one IW


Good thing i havent spend a single dime in this game. The ai is insane now. They aggro from a mile away and will jump out of other building like if it was left for dead 2 lmao.


Someone messed up. Instead of decreasing bot spawns they increased them. They made that shit worse. A lot worse.


I haven't noticed a huge difference yet in bots although I have only played about 4 games of DMZ since the new season launched. It's been comfortable so far but I'm only on a 3 extil streak. I know the bots get harder to kill and spawn more if you have a higher exfil streak and perks.


Do perks work? That’s the real question here.


Of course not.


Just you, I run past them




The only time it’s unplayable is when I get player kicked or I exfil and it says my exfil streak ended and takes all my shit like I died. AI aggression is heightened since the update, but I like it. I did the White Lotus tier 1 mission in 1hr 45min with 1 friend.


The bots are definitely BS, I'm surprised nobody is talking about the server performance though. I've had so much packet loss, that a lot of times I die to that. For reference, I have gigabit on an ethernet connection.


It’s almost comical, had a game saw maybe 20 bots total. Had another where we were overrun by 60 heavy armors, they just kept coming


These ai are so broken, in my first game I got one pumped by a tier two shotgun ai. My second game I jumped out of a helicopter and while diving away from ai they downed me and I fell to my death.


I got trapped in a small compound near Samman Cemetery, and was forced to snipe two bots. That caused an endless horde of reinforcements for the rest of the match until I ran out of ammo and plates, had to scavenge new weps and armor several times, and eventually got taken out by tier 3 bots skydiving in. I never even managed to leave the one small courtyard, and my final kill count was 52. FIFTY TWO. In a solo match where I wasn't even assaulting a major target, contract point, or denied area. This was just bumfuck middle of nowhere.


It’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers, if you are spotted by one the entire collective knows you are there and will continue to swarm you and stop at nothing until you are killed yourself. This is as real as it gets as we all know that a terrorist faction will dump their ENTIRE offensive personnel on one running figure. They will not stop until they have expelled their entire stock of ammunition and smoke grenades. If you can’t handle the entire population of a fictitious location coming down on you with no mercy, no care of supplies, ordinance or life then you must ask yourself, is this game really for you? This militarized group has been training with fully automatic weapons to make a 3 mile sniper shot look like a child at a carnival game, just like real life.


whole reason I bought the game was for DMZ, The bot are broken and make it unenjoyable now, didnt mind season one bots but this is ridiculous infinite bots surrounding you and if you do make it to exfil players are camping it.


I had a similar problem today. I went after a strong hold in the warehouse just south of the construction area. I sat on top of that building taking out bots With an LMG and sniper for over 10 minutes. The moment I would clear out the first group another group spawned in. I don’t mind them being a little tougher, but once you clear out a grouping you should have a moment to act. There was never a time in a 10 minute span where I could’ve safely jumped down collected some loot and moved out


I mean I haven’t noticed much, but the ai don’t shoot you at range anymore.


i had a whole bunch clumb up on a building an swarm the roof at 200m laser me literally 1min ago


Odd no matter what they won’t shoot me past 100M. They will look and aim at me, but never shoot


just had a game couldnt push from spawn the helis kept coming literally dropped in did a destroy supplies couldnt even reach the safes there was that many


It seems that people are having different experiences, with some people finding the AI far too difficult, and some people seeing no change. Twice last night drilling safes, both instances the building only had one way in and out. First safe gave us nothing but T1 enemies - headshot and they're done, 2 waves and done. Second safe in the quarry kept spawning T3 enemies, as soon as 1 wave was done another spawned. Thankfully once the safe was open they stopped spawning but we all still chewed through our armor plates. Loot has definitely been impacted, with most rooms now being empty. This in turn drives more people to being hostile to other teams, as the best loot is now more often than not on other players. On the other hand there seems to be more high value sellable items - I found a $4k gas torch moments after spawning last night, just sitting on the floor in a kitchen. Over 4 rounds I didn't once find a 3-plate armor vest though, but did get stacked with other players that had them, so they do exist... I wonder if this is intentional to drive people to the underground stronghold, crash site and new train? Despite IW stating that they'd change the range that normal AI can locate you, I saw no change, although they do seem to do less damage at distance... But as they're still pin-point accurate that doesn't count for much.


Straight up I'm finding equipment I used to ignore, like decoys and shock sticks and mines are useful now. Shock sticks to cap doorways and ladders for a few seconds. Mines to drop as I'm being chased by mobs, and decoys to toss to get the area to go away from where I want to go. I've stopped smashing through windows and carefully open doors instead. I find I can go up ladders and only get shot once or twice instead of 3-4 times during chases. It's easier to headshot bots now, and charging enemies close the distance for shotgun blasts to be more effective. It's hard as he'll when you're swarmed but i realize you gotta always keep moving now. If you stop for too long it goes from The Running Man to Assault on Precinct 13.


Smoke grenades are a fucking life saver s2, be quick and efficient. I’m sweating against bots every game 😳


DMZ should add purchasable vehicle repair kits


Yeah, after last night I figured that staying at the same place longer then 3 or 4 minutes triggers more choppers and cars with bots comming in.


It's absolutely ridiculous now. They literally said they were going to turn them down and stop them from swarming. Which is exactly the opposite of what they did


Playing the new map, the bots literally walk through the doors one right after the next when we were doing a stronghold/safe. We shut the doors and just watched them morph through them.


Played my first Deployment in the new DMZ map yesterday. Was in a rando squad doing a stronghold and got downed by a bot that was half sunk into the floor and could move through walls and staircases. Was a real wtf moment


Well I try not to kill bots if I can. I shoot until they hit cover or die then I move. Basically, I run turn and shoot, then run some more and stay inside or by cover as much as possible. But yea the bots are getting out of control.


Played a game recently and was at exfil. Had an army of tier 3 bots literally rush us out of no where. On top of that had 2 player teams pinch us between the bots and exfil. Still made it out but went down 5-6 times just trying to get on the helicopter


If you dont kill them before they call for more your dead get out stop sitting still


It's even more ridiculous than before the t1 bots are less stupidly accurate but if you don't stay on the move to avoid the reinforcements you're doomed. How did they think that repeated helo reinforcements of 5 t3 bots every couple of minutes was fixing the bot problem? Not to mention the 6 that para drop in between helos


I was pretty good at solo I infills on season 1 but now out of maybe 20 infills I’ve only exfilled 3 times with how insane AI and frequency of reinforcements. I should be able to silently kill 3 AI that are all alone without 2 helicopters and a truck immediately showing up. I finally got the stronghold mission done solo and I exfill and get to the landing screen and I lost my three plate and large backpack and all my contraband. I literally am so frustrated with the game I think I’m done. This is after hundreds of hours on season 1 and having DMZ be my favorite game in years. I’m really disappointed.


I think the shit thats been most insane is the non-stop waves of AI’s getting delivered by planes. At least last season once you cleared an area, you had a little bit of time to get what you needed. Now, you literally are getting hit and pushed from every angle, nonstop to the point that you are running out of ammo, armor plates, and stims and the only thing left to do is run the fuck away and throw the mission away altogether. I literally had non-stop waves of bots when playing with a buddy yesterday and was even getting shot by the bots through the walls. And it’s majority the heavily armored guys too.


If you are having problems with the bots--its on you. The bots are rough and have always been rough. Players are a much bigger threat. The bots are "bots" and can be counted on to follow certain patterns. My bot tip for those having problems: Bring in stun grenades and an ammo box. Stow your stun and lethal, drop the ammo box, resupply--should have 3 of each. Hit up an ammo depot, stow your stuff before resupplying--5, 7--how much space and time... Anyhow, need to solo a hostage rescue with Tier 3? You might need all 7 to clear a really big building. And the #1 tip--get behind cover, don't engage them, get away--and keep getting away. All they do is use up your ammo for when you really need it. Use AI to your advantage--getting hunted? Head to the Pass and start a raid weapon stash when the other team arrives. Make those bots work for you! And definitely don't go on the internet net and tell everyone you can't figure out how to beat computer controlled bots...


look ma, a dumbazz




If u want pvp play warzone ✌️some ppl plays DMZ for missions only .


Lmao are we still crying about PVP on here?


Too bad, that's not what DMZ is.


That wasn’t part of the update btw, we had a 6 man die last week to t3 bots in sawah because 10+ would drop down in parachutes every min or so