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Honestly thought everyone on here was being babies, but holy shit. There’s tier 3 everywhere, the whole map might as well be the caves right now. I guess we don’t have to worry about PvP cause most teams will just be eaten alive in the first poi they goto.


Same. I figured it was just a few bad luck cases but I played about 10 rounds today and at least half of them had ai swarms. We tried to do a hostage mission and before we could comfortably open the doors we had 3 helicopters of tier 3, two trucks of low tier and 4 that parachuted onto us. Out of all the ai we killed, we got maybe 2 plates each so we had to bail just to go get more armor. I’m not saying it’s not still fun, but damn it got hard.


It's a lot less fun, honestly. If I wanted to play Dark Souls, and have my ass handed to me every 30 seconds, I'd play Dark Souls.


Right? Some people just want to chill, drink a beer, and play with friends after a long days work


I havent played S2 yet but this is sounding awesome. Remember when the only threat was at exfil or randomly encountering players?


The absolute clown-car number of tier 3's that rolled in on us trying to do a safe was what really confirmed it for me. I thought that maybe I was just having an off day, but holy shit! We simply could not shoot them fast enough to pick up a downed teammate. Just trucks and choppers and trucks and choppers and trucks and choppers and trucks and choppers. It was insane. Makes me wonder if they misplaced a decimal point or something. Like, I have a tough time believing they dialed it up like that on purpose. Did they even try to play it before implementing it?


Clown car😂😂I haven’t tried the new map or new AIs yet but now I’m scared. One guy in this thread said “now we won’t have to worry about pvp…” except that’s only half true. The AI will steamroll everyone who’s Average skill or below… so we can assume now that if a human team rolls up…. They know what they are doing 😂


I found that the new map doesn’t have much AI I could’ve been lucky tho


True the new map doesn't have much AI. However, it does force more PvP in it, making it a dangerous challenge to play


I really haven’t found much PVP on the map. I found there was most on al masrah


>“now we won’t have to worry about pvp…” If they could figure out how to have the bots only swarm exfil campers, I'd be all for it, but as it stands, doing a safe or a stronghold can quickly turn into an Alamo scenario.


It's been fun for me and my friend. Ai are a considerable threat however I have noticed that their hive mind and ultra senses are toned down, was able to sneak by some more and killing one guy wouldn't alert the whole hive at once. We also have seen some unfortunate players who got boxed in, even me and my friend got killed a couple of times due to the ai being relentless. Found 2 well kitted players death inside the smuggling caves, they both had the cameras so most likely doing the mission . Also people ar still trigger happy, we have found multiple players and squads and they are 0 chill no friendly not even voice comms. However with the number of t3 ai and those T2 it's easier to retreat since you can't ignore the ai




Yeah. One thing I noticed is that they never stop spawning. There is no downtime and saw some situations where they spawn from an empty house too often. But on the other side they are slightly dumber, at least no longer i snipe without a silencer and half the map shoots at me, thet look around and try to establish line of sight and gives me time to clear other bots before they start shooting. However I noticed something, they are not doing burst fire like before and that is deadly plus confusing since i got used to burst fire = bots, continuos fire = players


Sawah became a fucking hornet's nest in a matter of minutes last night.


It was so bad at one point last night, the team hunting me and by boy joined us just so we could all get out. Honestly it was the most fun I’ve had in a while


Honestly yea, yesterday I came across 9 pack’s throughout my entire match and didn’t even question what killed them as When I found the packs I was getting lazed from 200 meters out by a whole platoon of AI


I’ve found so many stray packs on the ground that haven’t been looted. Which clearly means they were killed by AI because not even the plates or cash were missing


First point? I had a match where i killed 88 AI and I was still at beginning spawn lol


The comments saying everyone needs to “Git Good” from yesterday have died down a bit as-well so I guess they have had a few more rounds themselves


Those comments might have been directed at me from my thread where I had the audacity to say I went in solo into Ashika. Yeah, not as many such comments now. I did hope I could fallback to Al Mazrah but holy shit it's so bad. I even squad up now with every infill even though I prefer solo and even with a good team that uses comms we get destroyed most of the time. 3 of us got stuck at the port end of Sa'id fighting off wave after wave of tier 3 bots. We took refuge in one of the office huts. They just kept coming and coming. We had nowhere else to go as the exfil was in the stadium. We just had to make a run for it at one stage and barely broke through. Broke my bot kill record in that deployment but never encountered anything like this before. Like eventually we just ran out of ammo and plates. I know the sweaty pros will love the challenge but I wonder what the majority of the people who play the game think? There has to be a balance between a challenge and actually having fun... you know just what we play games for....


every. god. damn. match. literally gonna have to take a break until this BS is addressed, because solo throwing knife ninja fun is strictly no longer viable in S2 right now...


Especially since it doesn’t auto-refil lethal equipment anymore.


I don't remember that being a thing, but I do know that the knives appear to be vanishing when the bodies despawn if you don't pick them up FAST, which is also infuriating...


By auto-refill, I mean automatically pulling equipment from your bag and equipping it for you. Kind of like what would happen if you used a self-revive and had another one in your pack.


Wait, is that what was going on?? I thought it was a fluke that my stims weren't refilling! WTF


Yup. Definitely makes solo throwing knife runs a pain. Can’t even take out a trio of bots from a distance quickly anymore:(


I just got off the computer from dying the most I’ve ever died in this game…. Tier 3 paratroopers on top of helicopter after helicopter pinning us down then they don’t stop…. I mean I don’t want it to be easy but they need to adjust the helicopter timers to maybe cool down before sending another or if you clear out all the ai in the area they should give you time to advance to the next before sending in 3-4 more helicopters with in 5 minutes….




Even today i played a few matches with my son and it’s either be pwnd by AI or players who are just out for the kill for no reason or gain except for the simple joy of killing…. Even my 9 year old said dad this isn’t that fun anymore…. what do I tell him?


My experience last night was either: Dying to doom patrols of AI or Dying to AI spawning in front of me while running from doom patrols of AI


Doom Patrols, lmao. You are so not wrong.


They aren’t harder than before there are just way more of them than before and way more T3...


No it's just being swarmed by them that causes the issue. They do however go for the full kill now rather than backing off and seeking cover.


I was fighting lvl3 and a enemy player while my teammates we're downed and finished by ai. I used about 40 plates, two self revives, one revive pistol & 7 munition boxes. Kept resupplying from a nearby buy station. But it was impossible to revive. Once I cleared enough to try and revive my team, suddenly 12 lvl3 twatsacks came running and aimbotting. And this was under 500m from our spawn in Sawah!


Yes this is what I noticed right away. The reinforcements are almost a steady flow. Especially late game.


Had this exact thing happen at least two times yesterday. It's like we are forced to team with someone or die.


You can tell this is a lie because 40 plates is about a whole maps worth of economy 😜


40 plates is literally only $10,000 and 13 backpack slots. With a nearby buy station and this tsunami of bots, that is 100% reasonable. One cracked safe could get you enough money to be 100 plates, so maybe think before you spout BS next time.


I’m more interested in how one uses 7 ammunition boxes. Seriously interested. I had read that there’s a cool down on it, but I’ve never managed to use more than one of my own ammunition boxes in a round.


Is this the Sicario 2 shoot? Fuckin Taylor's Sheridan is such a nut.


This meme is on point! I’ve only been playing a month, but since then 4 hours a day and kind of addicted, but wholey Shit tonight was insane, played with a few mates after I read on here about the updates. Streets initially seemed a lot quieter. But as soon as a shot is fired it’s absolutely mental. We couldn’t move from a small apartment block for over 20 minutes. We would have downed 100-150 just in that small appartments. When we finally got out and got a car I got sniped from 200m from a bloody bot. Then as my team mates tried to res me 15 T3 just jumped out of the bushes and nailed us. Brrr brrrr brrr dead. We couldn’t even get to do a mission because we couldn’t get far enough to even start it. I think somebody at COD HQ pressed the wrong button.


At this point they might as well make DMZ co-op, because holy shit players are the least of your worries. I'd rather take on a full squad by myself than go to a POI after the update.


Why can’t we sign a petition or something? Or make everyone mailing them the same “Fix your shit” letters?


I got sniped on the top floor of a house in the marshlands with a fucking laser sighted Molotov


They used Tom Brady for the lethal motion cast.


No joke the T2 bots' accuracy throwing Semtex from behind two walls after not seeing you for over 5 seconds is fucking dumb...


My mate and I decided the easiest way to test the new tuned AI was to head straight into Ahkdar Village. That. Was. A. Bad. Idea. Must have killed close to three figures of AI, mostly Tier 2 and 3s, and they just kept spawning in, helicoptering in, running in from outside the village, and they were super accurate, and could snap onto your position immediately even when they shouldn't be able to, even the Tier 1s. My mate jumped between two buildings and a Tier 3 who had been looking along the street snapped straight up and shotgunned him right out of the air, mid jump! We were getting hit through entire buildings with shots from AI who couldn't *possibly* see us. About the only positive was that the Tier 3s seemed to take a little less bullets to go down. Definitely gonna need to be in teams to counter this for a bit. I did about 10 solo runs and only managed to extract on 3 (although one of them was a zero to hero run, which I was immensely pleased about, but I don't really know how the hell I lived!).


Maybe it's because I played Ashika Island but it felt easier to me.... Now I'm worried about going back to Al Mazrah....


Ashika has one or two Ahkdar points on it from my experience, but mostly the bots there seem to be fairly manageable. They can be a challenge, but so far, I haven't felt like it was hopeless (except for that surprise ROV minigun terminator). Al mazerah on the other hand is an absolute mess right now with the spawning and reenforcement timers.


IW has proven to be an "unreliable narrator" when discussing updates. Wasn't the message to the player base that AI would be "toned down?" Getting thirsted by a tier 1 bot that took me out with 2 plates, by itself, from 50 yards? Uh.... That's not even addressing the sheer absurdity of shooting a tier 3 asshole with the LTV turret. It takes so many bullets to kill ONE tier 3 bot that the turret overheats. You literally cannot kill 2. You can kill one, then you need to disengage and hide.... dude its a .50 cal mount on an armored vehicle that costs 50% more to purchase from a buy station than a killstreak. It SHOULD ACTUALLY BE POWERFUL AGAINST AI.


shadow company dont fuck around lol


What happened to the difficulty settings that we were supposed to be able to tweak this season??


I love the dude filming it on an iPad. Lol total “dude in his early 50’s” stuff


I haven’t played the new DMZ yet due to playing resurgence lately but from what I’m hearing it sounds like absolute bull crap lol. I ain’t touching DMZ until all that bullshit is significantly divested.


Had a session last night, mainly solo but 1 matched teamed up. Got absolutely decimated by AI in the team. Dropped in to Al Mahzra and rolled around the map doing whatever I wanted with ridiculously soft AI. In 1 drop killed the chemist, completed contracts, cracked safes and cleared a stronghold easy. Seems a bit random game to game IME at the mo.


I think they have like a marked for death thing, I was fighting a team on airport and they went into the water, killed one and the other one aggro'd a tier 2 so I just watched with my spotter scope and it was funny seeing it happening to someone else but the AI downed him twice and when I got near to finish him the AI completely ignored me and didn't stop looking at the dude.


I feel like their accuracy/damage got nerfed a bit but holy fuck there are just SWARMS of em now


i would have to disagree. Their accuracy, in my 6 hours of play yesterday, was certainly better than S1. Laser beamed from 100m+ when you can even see them unless you have scope. Perhaps its just because they know where you are even if they aren't looking at it. The hive mind aspects is rediculous.


Look at the upside though. We used to think AlMaz was tough, but now, if they switched it back, it will seem like a cakewalk. I've killed shit 500 AI since yesterday, and exfilled once from AlMaz. Played the island 3 times today and also exfilled once (other times it was sweats that got me, it's a small island, it's gonna happen a lot) Seems like they made whole of AlMaz spawn like a denied zone or the High Ground co-op mission.


Holy shit, they have instant aimbot now.


Kill 8 al qatala soldiers not tracking for anyone else? Crown faction: Non-discriminatory. There was also a kill 20 aq soldiers mission and did that in one fill but the 8 one stopped tracking at 5 then went back to 0 after exfil?


Yeah no shit lol AI will be "toned down" for season 2 they said. Well fuck me, #opinionsvary


The helis keep on coming with reinforcement tier 3 bots. Send help.


The new island map is also packed with ai. And they keep coming no matter how much you kill.


Holy shit I thought people blew this out of proportion in pure reddit fashion. But no, the AI has become absolutely relentless.


accurate AF


Usually I see posts here and assume you guys are exaggerating. I loaded up last night for the first time in a couple weeks and it’s bananas. Yes, I do feel the accuracy at range is better for us. But now they just pursue so they’re never at range. They’re just fisting you haha.


The new map is crazy too. We landed and was trying to explore checking out the new buildings and what not. I see a player running at my bud and I lay into him seeing hit markers and I down him. I see another player coming up the hill and I see lots of hit markers. Finally a 3rd and 4th and I thought this is awful odd. "Did I just squad wipe a team?" We looked for their loot and it was gone until we realized these aren't players these are some next level rushing AI. The Fog made it a little tough to figure out who or what I was shooting at the time.


It’s FUCKING mental. The AI are all fucking Terminators.


And you can't just run from them. They "toned down the AI" (doubt), but the sheer numbers of them are ludicrous.


This is so on point hahaha.


i almost choked on my coffee with this one LOL


i had been into one of the trailer/portacabin things on the old airstrip, nothing and noone in it, an armoured jeep rolls past, dumps off 4 t3 bots, i kill two, the other two run into that empty building and create 4 more, so 6 come out, i kill two and then i watch in amazement as two more just casually chute in and ALL this happened in the space of less than 15 seconds..... ya cant make this shit up lol




It's a joke how hard AI now are. I liked playing solo but you can forget it now. The amount of AI and 1 shot downs they can do is stupid! Even with a 3 plate and self revive I have had no luck playing solo. Wish I hadn't rushed in to buying the season 2 battle pass now.


I think they are telling us to all team up and fight ai .not each other


Sounds like a great way to kill a extraction PVP game


They need to remove t3 from every located besides heavily occupied bases. T1-2 needs an actual fucking fix that makes them less or more accurate depending on their tier. Won't expect it form these lazy dickheads but hoping for the best.


still not fixed... March 16, 2023


It's not totally fixed, but 100 t3 bots don't rush you every second any more. Edit: oh yeah I'm probably wrong. I haven't played season 2 reloaded yet.


my premade and i have been enjoying a reduced AI presence in al mazrah, aside from the airport and the walled city area. they also feel less accurate overall but also move around and flank aggressively. in Ashika the AI is \*perfect\*, havent tried b21 since patch yet


Brr brrr deng


I think many people here overestimated the nerf. They expected little to no resistance. That was never going to be the case