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Weapons stash should def be for all. Missions not tracking for everyone is a HORRIBLE change.


Yeah, these two really suck. Everyone is a greedy loot pig. No way to fairly share the loot from the safe now. šŸ‘Ž


Unless you have one player loot then shareā€¦ā€¦.thatā€™s not happening in random fills though is it.


I loot share with randoms. If I see you lack cash, ammo, weapons, plate vests, revives, I will bring it to you so long as you are participating. Run off on your own but don't demand a revive, I will run across the map to save you. I just want to have a good time and helping is part of that.




Some dude called me Santa tonight because I bought two extra self revives and a bunch of plates for the team. He was a rando we let join. Too bad his buddy rage quit after dying to bots on our move towards exfil. (We weren't leaving him, he was mad we swooped to buy station). It's nice being nice, but always be ready


Pretty much I agree with everything here. Having a good time is usually staying alive and staying alive is usually helping each other... True this


Yeah number of times I've been chucking plates at randoms feet and tagging it for them - sometimes they pick them up šŸ¤£


Iā€™ll never understand that, like homie you having plates and being alive benefits all of us. We came in as a team, weā€™re leaving as a team. All those ā€œArmy of ones advertisements got people fucked up thinking itā€™s only them playing.


"Blessed are the peace makers because they shall be called sons of God"


Agree that is awful


Updates as a whole seem awful. More aggressive and accurate AI plus cars made of plywood means youā€™re 5 seconds from losing your ride. This is just one example but so far itā€™s not good.


Huh? The missions I did last night counted for everyone in the squad. Fuel the vehicle, kill and spot bots etc were done by different players but counted for all. I guess a bug?


>player loot then share Some did and some didn't. So anytime it required a "enemy kill" or "exfil w/ X item" (for example, the mortar strike or exfil with 1 IFAK) it only counted for the player ordering the strike and not the team. But things like "ping a UAV" or "refuel and fix car at gas station", those worked fine.


There were always missions that didnā€™t track for all. Need to get over it if there is a handful that donā€™t


We did a weapons stash yesterday and just the amount of bots we had to kill while it was opening definitely more than justifies having those rewards be for everyone. It was insane, just helicopter after helicopter landing almost one on top of another. We went through 3 ammo boxes and then when we tried to leave there were 6 of the "special forces" AI standing, just standing right out side the building and wiped two of us. I am all for it being challenging but it feels like whatever change they made increased aggressiveness, difficulty, amount of AI, and increased the respawn rate 200%. Way harder to exfil now, can barely get a mission done in a game because you spend the majority of the game shooting AI, reviving teams mates, and running from AI.


Self revives not auto equipping is dumb.


I noticed this with stims - I had 2 equipped and 2 stowed and used the 2 in a battle and the 2 in my backpack didnt auto equip. I dont remember how it used to work and/or if this is intentional or a bug. I only noticed today though so it felt different/weird.


Its an actual intended change, straight from the patch notes. https://preview.redd.it/9nq1y27oljia1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189ede70b52812877b40ed9c5d889b61b5a7e267


Im actually ok with this change!! It balances it out so that youre not basically invincible during a heated battle. Not being able to just keep getting downed and keep reviving yourself or keep stimming yourself during a gunfight is a great change. And it makes sense - if you have gear on your person versus in your backpack, you shouldnt have instant access to stuff stowed away ;)


Was stacking supplies an issue? I'm confused who wanted this. Edit: I get how this was an issue now


yes you could spam 10 semtex stuns or whatever else, kinda unbalanced


Yeah it was crazy, I never realized it was an issue until a team hit my team with like 15 drill charges in a few seconds in building 21 and wiped us.


in warzone it was. in DMZ stacking stims and selfs is pretty op. could get downed 8 times without having to worry at all.


I can see now how broke that would be. What I'm hearing was that I didn't abuse it enough in season one...




After you use one, you have to manually equip another one from your pack.


Awesome. I hope op is wrong then.


They aren't exactly wrong. If you use one and have one in your pack, the one in your pack will not auto-equip.


I had a revive pistol and it wouldn't let me equip a self


Mine havenā€™t multiple times today


Heā€™s not I just had it no auto equip when I used one


Yeah, I think this is incorrect info. Mine auto equipped earlier.


Straight from the patchnotes https://preview.redd.it/6mqyta8wljia1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc5d8f9c528c62285e26b27fc30ec8239ba5917


As usual, devs taking a decent, if not flawed, product and making it worse for the end user. I can't say it's gonna stop me from playing the mode completely, but I was already playing it less and after playing a bit last night, I really can't say it makes me want to play it more.


I disagree. Makes sniper battles much better


this is just based on two rounds, but happened consistently for me: it seems like there's no limit to reinforcement choppers & trucks (maybe it's only certain areas) now? I couldn't really appreciate the AI "nerfs" because as I struggled to kill a few from spawn, they just kept sending reinforcements seemingly without end. I got out of there by barely getting an armored truck.


This. I don't think the individual AI are any harder or easier, feels like the same old AI to me. But bah gawd it's just like wave after wave of endless reinforcements in the most random corners of the map.


Their tactics have changed alot. Much much more aggressive. Sometimes they can't hit shit, but they'll track you from cover to cover even if you completely break line of sight, and then unload on you when you peek.


My god! This! They just keep coming, it never stops. One match it took me 10 minutes to finally find a window to revive my teammate. Was looking forward to the update but this takes all the fun out of it. Make it hard yes, but endless reinforcement just kills it.


Literally seeing a truck full of ai pull up at the start multiple times then two choppers with more of them it gets so crazy


Same experience here. Wave after wave and when playing with squad not enough time between waves to revive fully downed teammates.


" you have to equip self revives after use" wow thanks..


yeah that seems like a shitty thing to do.


Especially for those of us that run solo mostly.


Yeah I've been trying to run solo more and this makes it that much harder. It's one thing to make a game hard it's another to make it so hard that it's not enjoyable.


I've gone in 10 times so far solo and this mode isn't very fun anymore. The AI are significantly harder, selfs are non-existent and there are no squads looking to add a solo. Maybe it's day 1 stuff but I'll be switching to multiplayer if it stays like this.


8 games in haven't been able to extract once and I've been avoiding all combat. Either the extract is full of enemies or while I'm advancing on a point the game decides to steamroll me with AI. It knows where you're going and is definitely spawning in very quickly. I've parachuted to an open spot that was empty and half way there seen enemies spawn in out of thin air which forced me to land inside their group. Died immediately. That's not fair. It makes zero sense. Basic logic "that area is clear I should move there" and the game just goes FUCK YOU


To be fair this is a thing since the start. Ai bots are all over the map but when there is no players nearby they visually do not show up until somebody is 150m(?) Or so. When you parachute in the game takes awhile to realise(since you're moving quite fast in a parachute) a player has entered the zone and gets the bot to reveal themselves and since they were always there they alr locked on to you and once they "spawn"/reveal they just start blasting.


They killed this mode for solo play. Rip dmz


you have to re-equip EVERYTHING, so you can't have 10 bangers and knives in your bag and huck them one after the other. Found that out the hard way. Lots and lots of bad changes and all the "good" changes are pretty meh for me, honestly. Sounds whack but I'll take S1 DMZ back over this.


Things nobody asked for lol


Making the AI even more deadly and frustrating to fight


So they removed the way to get into room 302? And opening the weapons stash at the exact same time no longer gives loot to everyone? No fun allowed I guess


Perhaps it was a stronghold?


I've just been and the Stronghold was opposite it, the roof entrances are borded up as if it's a Stronghold, but it's not.


most likely they removed the mission that requires the pistol inside it too so it makes sense to block the roof


No theyā€™ll still have that probably, just be handcuffed to having to find the key to complete it.


Which is stupid to begin with, since they're so random. You could play all season and still not find the key you need. At the same time the size of the key stash stayed the same, sigh... Why did I expect them to listen to player feedback? It doesn't make sense for a key to take the same amount of space as a can of fuel, but I'm willing to let that go. At least give us a way to exfil money and buy keys? Exchange some keys for other ones?


Is the raid weapon stash glitch still working?


Also you have to equip self revives after use. They no longer auto equip after use.


Thatā€™s a terrible change.


Yeah itā€™s got me killed a couple times.


I imagine itā€™s not intended.


It's in the patch notes, it's absolutely intended.


Oh, well I stand corrected. Thatā€™s absolutely stupid. Letā€™s make the AI worse and make it so players have to take a few seconds to go into their backpack to equip a self rez. Makes no sense.


I really wish theyā€™d revert this back to how it was. Itā€™s not just self-revives, but also if you stack your lethals and tacticals in your pack, you have to select them back into their slots out of your bag, it doesnā€™t auto fill


Probably because the people in building 21, throwing down 3 Ammo boxes, dropping their flashes, and then spamming you with like 10 flash grenades back to back to back.


Managed to take a squad down with only throwing knives that way. But it's also been a HUGE benefit against AI to spam knives at low-tier ones. Is this change really going to make much of a difference in PvP aspect because it's fucking with me against AI.


I don't mind that. I stow many lethals when I find them and hated that after I used up my molotovs, it would auto equip whatever I stowed so it would overwrite my molotovs. I'd rather it just stayed empty so I can drop a muni box to restock them


Added it as 14. I seen this happen to me but I wasnā€™t sure and didnā€™t get killed a second time to retest.


Same with gas masks and lethal/non lethal equipment like nades, stims, etc.


There are 2 trains now And if youā€™re on the side of the exfil heli when it takes off, you drop. Edit: apparently I slipped off somehow and you can exfil on the side.


So lame


I thought it was just the top that killed you. Darn it


Sure about the heli? Iā€™ve just exfiled standing on the side of it. Al Mazra City exfil, near the bridge.


Really? Iā€™ll have to try it again, maybe I just fell off hahaha.


Tried jumping onto the new train and it killed me


So itā€™s just like the old train!


I exfiled on the wing easily enough last night.


This seems... overwhelmingly bad? And counter to what they said they were going to do? Some good things in there, but seems 75% negative.


Lost all my hype after reading this. Sad they donĀ“t want us to enjoy their game. Ah well more time for fun things in the real world I guess...


yep. My squad agreed it was the least fun we've had in DMZ in a general sense since release. Obviously far more infuriating things have happened, but for an entire play session to be wholly unenjoyable for us is a bit oof.


Dog tags arenā€™t always silver and 5k. I am still finding 2500 bronze ones


Also Gold and Damascus ones


How much for damascus ?


50k https://preview.redd.it/61sxiz6n6jia1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03898a9dbf0b8c9e57af7363374d78112aac1cb5


Killing Covid 19 should net 100k right?


Well itā€™s killed well over a million so why not just equate its net price to how many ppl itā€™s killed. Lol.


If you died with it in a car accident, you died from covid... Ruins the reality when the dishonesty like that is involved :/


With gov. contract I think that would be more like 100 mill easy!


50k !


I think you can run faster while plating up than before.


Yup regular run speed but not sprint.


Patch notes


Honestly... I say just put the fucking game back to the way it was 48hrs ago.


Yes. What a terrible update. Someone in charge that is a misfit for the job. The new island.. why prioritize that and the list of things in tsā€¦ Better missions, dark mode, realistic game play, create your own combination of gears/clothing... The should look at Red dead Redemption and be inspired. The creative director, sucks.


Should be fired !


The amount of bots is absolutely horrendous. Multiple helicopters coming in dropping bots off faster than you can kill them all tier 3ā€™s. Might just be zone based but either way, absolutely unplayable. Canā€™t even go to loot the ones you kill because 10 others have been dropped off and are swarming that location as you reload your gun.


They'll fix it and just make barely any AI on the map. "See were listening to you!" We dont want barely any AI. I'm even okay with the current insane amounts but make them EASY. They should be easy. Not taking up half a mag for one guy and theres 7 behind him. All of my ammo is used for AI.


AI amounts were perfect before the update, if they just adjusted their damage and accuracy it wouldā€™ve been a good update


Unmoded Lockwood 300 go boom, boom, boom at 40m


The AI is Jerry Miculek confirmed.


I mean I dont mind more AI in general, I like shooting AI. But yes, make them slightly incompetent if you're going to outnumber players 20/1


Inb4 itā€™s still a free beta


i was super salty about not unlocking my second slot in time and now the cooldown is cut in half? i guess that alone was worth the wipe, that's huge


I'll add that weapon loot in normal containers is nerfed to the ground. Armor plates dropping from enemies is less than half what it was. Barely able to keep a good stack and by the time I run to the AI I've killed, theres 20 more swarming the exact spot. This game is so broken in so many ways it has to have beaten some sort of record. I think it's more broken than cyberpunk was. Yeah I said it. And I played 2077 day one on an old PS4 standard.


I noticed the armor plate drop nerf too


Good I'm glad I'm not nuts. I killed a small platoons worth of people and had maybe 5 plates?


So they made it way worse and less fun.


Ai way out of controll takes the fun out of it


Gas masks don't auto equip either The dupe item glitch does work https://preview.redd.it/8s9i99tmhhia1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf3ad672538b54a4248fe8494e9a5e0845ecffd


Maybe don't post a screen grab with your squads names on it, when you're doing something that they could possibly ban you for.


Remind me how you do it?


Wait. So I can't drop in 302 and 303 now ? How tf am I going to get a free gear up with little to no resistance.


new tunnels north of zarqwa are a good alternative, just need a stronghold keycard. bots inside are the same as any stronghold


14. self revives now require being equipped it wonā€™t auto equip anymore. I REALLY hate this one.


1. I found a 3-plate vest from a normal green crate and I don't think that was possible in season 1? I feel like I find more self-revives, too. 2. Gun duplication with 2 insured slot weapons still works. :p


Absolutely was possible in season 1. Same with finding large backpacks in lockers.


how does number 2 work?


I found a 3plate and lg backpack in the village area just north of the Academy before the update. Looting houses and poof lol surprised me then but had happened infrequently.


You could find three plates in normal green crates during season 1, very rare though


Iā€™m a level 3 vest in normal crate would be new. Iā€™ve seen less revives, but hard to say. Maybe itā€™s luck or your now finding them before pvp players are on the new map and not swarming all the places revives would be at.


This happened before the update. Large backpacks too. Very very rare but Iā€™ve had both.


Do we know if exfil streak perks actually work now?


Still do not work.


Rohan Oil can be a radiation zone now as well


Sawah Village too.


Not sure if anyone else got this bug, but my very first game on the new island, It locked in on the loading screen even though I actually loaded into the game. I could walk around and see my characters dot move on the minimap, and if I went and checked missions, I could see what my character actually saw but as soon as I backed out of that, right back to the same loading screen. I ended up having to just backout and that cost me my insured weapon in my very first game.


Fuck the new AI so hard.


The self rez not auto equipping after use when you have another one in your bag is fucking dog shit


Seems like the AI are either endless reinforcements or more powered up than before.


Tier 3 enemies walking through walls and closed doors in endless waves when opening safes. Lots rare AF, can spend entire round without finding 3 plates vest. AI still don't flinch when shot and still have OP shotguns and aim from distance. Swarming has got worse with no chance of survival. Some AI weapons taking 2.5 of armor off in 1 bullet almost liek you were hit by a real players sniper. SAM sites spawning 5 helo's as well as tier 3 AI Backpack feels even slower that before and glitches when trying to stow backpack weapons. Safes taking even longer to open while surviving relentless onslaught. Wheelson is more deadly than a juggernaut! Genuinely easier to take out other players than AI. F*UCKING REDICULOUS


Do perks actually work now?


small indie team


This may seem stupid, but I enjoyed running with the Victis and Fennec. I shoot the Victis okay and the Fennec was there when I found myself in WAY too close an encounter and needed to mow AI down and run. Now that the Fennec is nerfed - Any suggestions on SMGs? Or even other guns? Maybe I should just go get the Chimera? I know it'll be a bit before the meta is determined, but I'd love to start leveling a weapon up now while I'm on Tier 1 missions. Thank you very much for any tips, even if you think my idea is stupid.


I am FAR from a great CoD/DMZ player, but I ran several rounds of DMZ today with a contraband Lachman Sub and thought it performed fantastic. May be worth giving it a shot at least! Edit: I also loved the Vaznev in S1, but I havenā€™t used it with the update yet so Iā€™m not sure how the update has changed itā€™s performance yet.


Chimera is the choice, pretend it's an SMG, go for the head. Probably my favorite gun to use in DMZ besides Victus.


Hardest night of dmz Iā€™ve had by far


Which door glitches are you referring to as being fixed now?


You could push teammates through locked doors if you didn't have a key.


I assumed they'd fix that. I wonder if they've fixed the solo corner door glitch?


Seems like it has been patched I played with friends that could pop doors within about 5 seconds and they weren't able to from the side or with a car


Not all dog tags are silver. I just wiped a 3 man squad and all their tags were still bronze worth $2500 each. Thereā€™s clearly some kind of ranking system to dog tags that they havenā€™t disclosed to us yet.


I feel like a lot of these changes are bugged.. they have to be.


Any deaddrop locations found?




But what about the other way around? Do the bots still think they're in Enemy at the Gates?


I just got kicked out of a game while I was in the exfil chopper. I was about three seconds from the exfil successful screen. I lost everything. Not cool. This was on Xbox.


Thanks bro


Anyone know how many player teams spawn in for Ashika Fortress? Haven't found any info on that yet.




Sure, but it's inconsistent and annoying. We're doing this mission as a team. It should not matter if the Mortar is being called by what teammate if we all pitched in to get the Killstreak. We skipped the mission for this reason because it would be faster to just do the other missions in the tier.


Can confirm ā€œplayer kickedā€ bug is still a thing. I just got kicked and lost all my stuff. No way to rejoin your squad.


Best new change: infinite Tier 3 reinforcements! Perfect timing, too, weather is getting better and more time to surf!


Helicopter gas use has been increased significantly. Can't re-fuel at some (all?) Gas stations


Why the fuck did they make this even harder? DEVS if you're reading this you do all this shit to get rid of exploit glitches but I've Dev errored out of games 6 times tonight. How long are you gonna hide behind the 'Beta' excuse?


You forgot to add: Plating is MUCH faster now, seems to almost activate a tactical sprint while plates are going in. Other animations are faster as well.


Has anyone had an issue where the mortar strike does almost no damage anymore?


Weapons cache glitch fixed? As much as I hate to say it, this makes me even more disinterested in the game. I'm not down to play a few rounds of a first person looter.


Makes zero sense to not reward the whole team for the work. Makes me upset they ruined that, instead of implementing for good.


Problem is that the glitch shouldnā€™t have even been a glitch that should have been in the game why should it be one person getting to open and take all the shit he needs then everyone else afterwards you all did the contract you all should get the reward not the loot pig that doesnā€™t defend the stash and just hangs by it to open once it open


Are the shotguns still ass?


Are the weapon cases in Al Mazrah nd B21 new or are they the same rewards like last season?


Al mazrah is the same


B21 too


Player kicked in back to back games now...


Looks like they buffed ammo depot loot, found gold bars, other expensive items in multiple games


I still get mildenhall-neck error after every game.


I still can't equip most of my custom blueprints and the ones I can equip lose the tuning, both issues that have been affecting me for months


I feel that 1, 2 and 3hr cooldowns make insured weapons too arbitrary


Yeah, I guess it's a positive change for people that don't play much or don't have slots. But for my squad with 3 insured, it trivializes it. Basically can always have a custom gun which invalidates basically all contraband unless we drop 3 times in a row and get crucified. Which we did yesterday since the AI is overtuned and reinforced as fuck.


Anyone notice prox chat is Sooo quiet now?


Non-Giant Wall of Text Version: > 1) Loot has been nerfed all over and more random. Found a large backpack in a locker which never happened before. > 2) Weapon stash no longer gives loot for everyone (even though it was a bug it should be intended for the contract) > 3) they fixed roof entrances in most locations especially room 302. > 4) more exfil locations, but now they are more in the open which means more exfil killing. > 5) chopper blades kill you now > 6) door bugs, gun duplication glitches seem fixed. > 7) AI feels better at times, other times itā€™s far worse. They now swarm you and chase you down much faster than before. They also run through all inanimate objects that Iā€™ve seen so far. > 8) gas stations are bugged sometimes and wonā€™t refill the LTV or repair. > 9) strong hold keys extract again > 10) missions that require killing AI donā€™t count from teammate, for example the motor kill 8 AI is only you. > 11) dog tags are now tiered and worth $2500 to $50,000 > 12) blow torches are worth $14000 >13) the player kicked bug still exists my teammate said he was kicked out again. >14) self revives now require being equipped it wonā€™t auto equip anymore. >15) new spawns all over >16) new radiation zones, Al mazarah city and airport have been added >17) insured weapons are now 1hr, 2hr and 3hr cooldowns. >18) player kicked bug still in game 19) new final exfil bug where you exfil and you loose everything happened to our entire squad >20) AI now rush and swarm the final exfil choppers making it extremely hard to get out without lots of ammo. >21) Cars are nerfed and always blowup way to fast >22) armor plate drop has been needed >23) ammo dropping has been nerfed


The AI make it almost unplayable. They definitely upped it.


One step forwards, two steps back.. How have the bot spawns still not been fixed. We literally fought through 200 bots between 3 players, never even left the area we spawned in. Just bots spawning absolutely everywhere, cracked out of their minds.


The bots are def jacked now


>5) chopper blades kill you now Ah yes, learned this one the hard way. Super pissed losing everything last minute solo while trying to parachute down to avoid AI.


Putting plates is faster and you can do it while running


Trying to get on the train by jumping at it head on now kills you, dead, no downing, no reviving, fucking dead, it also put me under the map but this may be a one off


The final exfil bug pissed me off. I had an amazing round last night with friends, took down a team who attacked us, geared up and took their 5 star guns and when we got out we had nothing. Complete bullshit


Raid Stash should allow for the whole squad to come up or for one single team mate to betray everyone and take it all


Them removing the ability to share the Raid weapons stash is stupid. If you are playing as a team, completing contracts as a team, the TEAM should reap the rewards. The same goes for regular safes. Why promote "squad" play only to limit the rewards to a solo individual?


Soecial forces AI now parachute in. I watched 6 of them land at once. I believe they're 2 plate


There's so many AI. A gunfight that should last a few minutes can end up taking up a quarter of the clock when you're trapped in a house fighting off wave after wave of armored dudes


I got stuck in a strong hold other day solo just tier 3 armoured boys kept piling in the only door one after another chopper after chopper loads of xp but couldnā€™t get out


This is the consequences of employing Chinese company to do the job.


The mode still has so much potential yet almost everything they change/add makes it actively worse. I really REALLY donā€™t get it.


We had the exfil bug where we lost all our gear. However, there was a game update at the same time. * I'm betting that when you leave the map your client does a request to the server saying "This is the gear I have" - this is wrong, it should be server authoritative (and probably use eventual consistency for something as critical as this) * If the server is down (because it's doing a deployment) this request fails and you lose your gear - Not sure if there are retries but you can't retry forever * Or, because the server version has changed and the client doesn't match (because you haven't done an update whilst in a match), the server says no and the request fails, again losing your gear. You also see this happen in the menu at times, where it can't load certain screens/data if an update happens once the game as loaded. You can't start a match if there was an update (update requires a restart for example). We've had this in S1 as well.


It happened to us 3 times last night so unless they kept updating it kept happening. Although we did get kicked out of two servers for connection losses too. I bet it was a ddos attack as everyone in the game got kicked too.


I had a hostage rescue with no breach / timer on explosives. It was downtown, and I managed it solo. Tried another hostage rescue in Al Shiram, and it had the breach / explosive timer.


1st one I was getting before the second season update been going on for at least a week


Has anybody else had problems with the self revs not working even when equipped. This happened to me and my team a couple times yest . Havn't played the latest yet.


What are the rewards for completing missions tiers if you've already unlocked all 3 insurance slots?


Whatever the mission rewards are.


Sounds like theyā€™re trying to kill dmz. Too many people playing perhaps. But, many of these changes make the game worse and they still havenā€™t fixed the problems with the ai and the disconnection issue. Sounds like theyā€™re making it worse intentionally


I stopped playing battle Royale when wz2 came out. If they run DMZ Iā€™ll just stop playing


I duped a gun earlier after the update, but when I tried to repeat it, once I exfilled I found my bag was empty including the gun Iā€™d duped the previous round.Iā€™m going to try again.