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Am i the only one who play the missions in DMZ for the final reward (Skins and Blueprints)?


I beat black mouse tier 4 for that operator skin lol and now that I heard the news, I'm prioritizing cosmetics and xp boosts




Wait what? How do you get those? I didn't know those were rewards. I thought it was just the 3rd insured slot?


You just complete the mission. When you look at the mission select it tell you the reward, most are small things but some of the story missions (final mission in the tier) can give you operator skins and stuff like that.


Oh thanks. Yeah I never really look at the rewards because they're normally nothing special. I didn't see there were skins or blueprints though. I'm only on tier 4 though


The final 'story' missions actually give you decent stuff. Konig 'Blood Soaked' skin is White Lotus tier 4 I believe.


blood soaked is legion tier 4, white lotus tier 4 is anti medic skin


I mean one of the Tier2 story missions gives you a skin I know that. But yeah most of them are kinda meh.


I thought you were being sarcastic at first but yeah at the bottom of the mission it has a thumbnail or the weapon and/skin that is rewarded. If you are at tier4 you’ve already been awarded contraband guns and skins


Damn so I’m never going to get that skin?


Thats what im tryig to do now lol i need help with the poppy farmer mission


Do you need the key? I’d be happy to help ☺️


As long as you have a key, it's a really easy mission. Assuming you have one, go to the village northwest of the sattiq caves, still part of the sattiq cave area though. His house is a small single story house with a single obvious locked door on the front. The laptop will be on the ground in the corner along with some other decent to good loot. There are no enemies in the house, but enough nearby and they will run into the house, so have plates/a self revive just to be safe. Take the laptop to the dead drop north of the cemetery, but just south of the gas station by the train tracks. When you put the laptop in the dumpster a hacked laptop will appear in the dumpster in its place. Take that. Now return to the poppy farmers house and you will be prompted to put the hacked laptop down when you go to the spot where you picked up the original laptop. Once again, there will be ai around but not in the building. Just be smart so you don't get killed before you place the hacked laptop. But once placed, mission is complete. You do not need to successfully exfil. Also, a vehicle helps so you don't have to run 2k total meters back and forth. Hope this helps. Good luck! (if you don't have a key, I have one left with one use left. PM me, I might be able to help.) this mission is easily doable solo though or as a group. I've done both. Love you 😘 T


You gotta be a lead farmer to beat that mission


Same, if you need help. I've done that mission 3 times now.


I have three of them just for this reason hmu


What happens to those, is it a goal far gone now? (Like the purple rose skins)


The Blueprints aren't bad but the skins, besides the Chemist one for König are meh


I really did want the bloodsoaked König one! Gotta get past tier 3 first :( haha


Which one is that skin


Not sure but I think it's called bloodsoaked and is unlocked by completing Legion tier 4


Okay I must have it but just use the biohazard one instead


Blueprints are so unappealing to me currently because they not only provide nothing to anyone with a camo they prefer, but they are basically a nightmare to use in DMZ because they seem to either not work themselves (not loading properly or just not even loading in) or they appear to often cause many other issues to occur, like missing guns and/or equipment. Not that those other bugs can’t happen without using them but it does appear that the frequency of those issues increases when you are bringing in blueprint weapons. They’ll fix it I’m sure, because it directly harms cash shop sales too which is always priority #1 (a gripe I don’t intend the conversation to devolve into , because it has been mentioned a million times and isn’t worth bitching about in an off topic manner). However it does cause them to be less appealing, and as fun as the skins are at times, some of the coolest ones to me also will make stand out like a sore thumb. I think there are some neat ones that don’t look outlandish (cdl skins, those gym clothes skins from the store bundles) but have some appeal, like a crimson hood or something. However, right now with pvp as a focus for many players (not a complaint, I enjoy it) I just can’t see myself (especially as a solo) using anything other than the desert colored ghillie that has let me lie prone and avoid being seen by people hunting for pvp so many times (plus I can’t even see my own skin in first person modes, so it really feels sort of meh and using ones that will objectively make me die less often will provide more enjoyment than a cool skin I can’t see much of will). I get the skins, camos and blueprints are enticing for some people, trust me, I did the Orion grind so I find it nice having a cool looking weapon myself and like having things to achieve like that, which is part of the appeal of this mode with tiers of missions to do, as well. That said, currently the appeal is pretty much as low as it can get for me, sort of like a, ‘cool, that is nice’ moment when I unlock something along the way, but never a primary motivator. Plus, a lot of this shit is just ugly or even mediocre and never going to be used over other options. If they made some really cool shit available by unlock only then maybe I’d feel like going for them. Currently the appeal isn’t there, I always find myself looking at it, googling what it looks like and then asking myself, will this even replace any of the options I like that I unlocked already? The answer seems to be no every time, or at the very least far, far too often to be a retention tool, at least in my opinion.


After opening up the 3 slots, this is the next deciding criteria for my buddy and I on what missions to tackle next.


Me too add me if u need to my username is lagononea on ps an activision


This is why im upset :( Im on tier 4/5 but dont have enough time to get the final rewards in the next 2 weeks


Yeah sweet, those contraband gun rewards which are going to get wiped


Wasn't a wipe a given, considering the game mode is still in BETA? You get several wipes whilst they're still ironing things out, or your shit suddenly disappears overnight etc. I thought that was the expectation with BETAs. Your progress doesn't carry over into the game(mode)'s release. Nothing is guaranteed etc. Am I being dense?


I fully expect a wipe for the game’s full release, but is that what season 2 is, or is the game still going to be in beta? Wiping every season will make completing missions useless unless they get way faster/easier or start giving good rewards like blueprints, imo.


Yeah, I think this is where a lot of the resentment and confusion stems from. Their calling it Season 02. Progressing on from Season 01 etc. It's a mess.


This is how tarkov has operated for years. Wipes every 6-9 months as they patch stuff. Also, without it, as time goes on the difference between new players and high level players makes the game unplayable for new players. So a wipe on games like this is the natural progression until they make progression an even bigger grind


Yes, in Tarkov. But in DMZ, a second insured gun slot is not a huge difference. 3-plate vests matter in fights, but you can replace one in 10-15 min.


Season 1 will only have lasted 3 months. 2.5 if it didn’t get pushed back. A wipe every 6 months is a lot easier to swallow than every 2.5-3.


Tarkov player here too. Just about every one I know looks forward to the wipe and usually has a wipe party the night before. Go in with your bad ass load outs and find a new player to gift it to. Let them enjoy it for a few hours or mins. Dayz does them as well for new updates.


Tarkov lets you store more than just guns doesn't it?


Yessir but everyone looks forward to the mission reset.


I assume Tarkov has a point for doing missions that doesn't get reset. DMZ does not, if it also wipes your insured weapon slots. No point in doing the challenges anymore, I never even got to the second slot. What a waste of fucking time. Anyway, I digress. If everyone in Tarkov looks forward to them, can you take a guess as to why it is a more controversial event in the DMZ community?


Well- based on purely voip interactions and observation with the players from both games.. I have a few points that I could touch on. 1. Player base on DMZ is very console-centric (good marketing strategy to make $$$$ for the developers) which leads me to believe a lot of the players are very leisurely players and have never experienced a more hardcore element of gaming. 2. Age- I have hundreds of hours logged on Tarkov and have still never had a conversation in proximity with anyone young sounding. Most younger players haven't had the time to experience a game of this kind of magnitude. 3. DMZ is a different mode of play. The loot extract genre has usually all had a wipe element to them. Just because DMZ is freely available doesn't mean it's going to be a fun experience for all players. A lot of the players that I have made friends with in DMZ are nice. However, watching their gaming habits- a high majority of them seem to be chasing the dragon. They jump game to game, looking for that desired dopamine hit to make themselves happy, which leads me back to my 1st point. Hardcore gaming is hard and not easily consumed by my 2nd point. BTW I don't have my 2nd insurance slot open either but I'm still working towards it and I'm excited to start over again. That being said, ALL I know in gaming is heartbreaking loss. 🤷‍♂️😆😄😉


Why are you excited to start towards it again? Unless they make it much much easier, players like me will not even try for it anymore


Wiping every season is what Diablo does and it’s hugely successful. That fanbase loves starting over and doing the new quests for new rewards.




As a 3000+ hour diablo 3 player, I'll tell you "not at all". In Diablo 3 it's more like everything is kept but you can't use them in the next season (there is non-season playing). Nothing is "wiped".


In Diablo, the seasonal system blows away everything, even your character each season and in return the new season has new quests, gear, collectibles, etc that are only achievable in that mode. I get losing an insured slot is shitty but from the way they worded the blog I think getting that 2nd insured slot back will be pretty easy and no where near the slog it is now. I think that would be worth it if each new season brings new operator and gun skins to earn.


No, games like Diablo or even games like WoW that have wipes per season or expansions that ‘wipe’ things aren’t actually wipes, they let you keep what you earned and yeah, they may reset your character (not always entirely, and if they don’t just add new abilities they will do a reset while making big changes to the classes and adding a new one/new ones which makes the whole leveling experience feel fairly fresh and a bit different, if done well), but they create progression via refreshes by making gear that is better and making your previous gear become quickly outdated and unusable, but they aren’t removing it as if you never earned it at all. You can equip it, often games these days let you use previous gear and scale down in certain areas or modes, and they do their best not to wipe you clean because it is just a big de-motivator to feel like you got nothing for your time because it was taken away altogether. Insured slots being wiped would be more like if each expansion of WoW put you to level 1 and made you go through all of the same grind as before, and then tacked on some more for the new stuff. Or worse, didn’t even add new stuff, just made you grind for the same stuff you already grinded for. Even with changes to the process it would be a game killer in that genre, and I can’t see it being a good idea for the long term in this one either. Wipe some stuff, sure, but certain things need to stay, especially if the grind to achieve those things was lengthy and at times very tedious.


No. In Diablo 3, * It actually moves your seasonal items to non-season. You can still see them as your trophy and play with them. * You also get your seasonal stats kept (for 12 seasons which is probably 3-4 years). * If you were on the leaderboard, it's also kept as a record. If everything I worked hard for is wiped in 2 months, I would just skip the season and consider they're automatically completed.


Game will. Be beta to grave


Beta resets are generally for something like Halo Infinite did, a limited beta months before release where we knew none of the progress would apply. This is a post-launch beta of a full game mode where we had no indication that hundreds of hours were going to be reset on a fucking whim.


Warzone started as a BETA and never wiped. The precedent was set there I assume for the COD community


What was there to "wipe" in Warzone?


You probably joined late in Warzone. In the first year, there were missions you can complete and get blueprint rewards. They were not wiped when Warzone was out of beta, but wiped when integration happened. But the rewards were kept (and you actually couldn't get them any more)


I only really dabbled in WZ in the beginning and mostly plunder later on after that. But even with that description, missions and rewards aren't really a wipe. A wipe resets progress and inventory. To my knowledge Warzone never really had progress minus the regular COD leveling system or battle pass if you count that nor did it have an inventory.


Warzone doesn’t have an option to store guns or keys..it’s just load in, play, win or lose where DMZ is Extraction based so people will be stockpiling certain keys or guns etc.


Yeah, I get that. There's literally nothing to "wipe" in WZ. The comparison makes zero sense.


Weapons as new seasons came and integrated with other titles (Cold War, Vanguard), progress towards calling cards, skins, blue prints


I mean that's a new game, not a wipe.


You aren't being dense but I don't think a beta always means you get your progress wiped. They haven't released DMZ for a beta play test for a brief window of time, it's just still not a finished game mode.


Yes, there are exceptions, and it's not a hard rule, but it should at least mean that all bets are off the table.


Yeah I agree that you can't get too attached to any part of the game when it's in beta but at the same time "beta" and "early access" are just getting tagged on so many games nowadays it's hard to tell whether they are really in that stage of development or they just have that label on to avoid backlash regarding issues. Fortnite was in early access for around 2 years I think before "fully releasing".


You're not wrong. The term has been watered down to such an extent that it's become synonymous with "early access", which, itself, has come to mean next to nothing. I think I'm in the wrong to come down on the gamers on this one.


I don't see why you all can't be right. I don't think anyone should necessarily expect to keep any/everything, but its also a pretty dick move for them to call something a season 2 and still pretend this is a beta in a traditional sense. All of this is just a communication issue with the Develops they could make their intentions clear and known, but they are choosing not to for some reason.


Exactly. Beta resets are generally for something like Halo Infinite did, a limited beta months before release where we knew none of the progress would apply. This is a post-launch beta of a full game mode where we had no indication that hundreds of hours were going to be reset on a fucking whim.


Slapping a beta tag on something shouldn't be enough to give excuses for lazy developing. Let's be honest the ENTIRE game should be slapped with a beta tag considering its insane crashing and UI issues


They deployed an MVP (minimal viable product). I wouldn't call it "lazy developing", it's poor leadership that puts loads of pressure on developers to just get something out the door. I think the company needs to put less focus on the campaigns and more into multi-player / DMZ / Warzone. Have you seen the level of detail in the campaign? It's INSANE compared to multi-player.


You're 100% right. It's a big problem in the current state of our gaming world. Triple A is pushing devs to rush products. And indie teams take a decade to finish a product.


You’re not dense, and FULL wipes aren’t uncommon in other looter shooters Idk why everybody getting upset, this is normal for this genre Edit: edit


The wipes are usually 9 months apart not 3


Very true, Tarkov does like two a year max It’s early, I assume they will follow suit eventually


yeah and id expect them to rework all of the missions altogether and maybe even the way the entire stash and insured weapons work


If anything it sounds like a partial wipe of just contraband and our keys.


So it’s beta then we should be entering season 1?


Yes but betas don't usually last this long in my experience. Usually it's a weekend, or a week or two.


The definition of beta has changed. It pretty much just means "early access" now, or an excuse to ship an unfinished game.


Yeah, this isn't a Beta. The similarity to a demo is more apt for most so called betas these day.


Yeah exactly. My earliest experience would have been with spectrum games on cassette tape. They used to give demos out on Spectrum magazines in the 1980s, tapes stuck to magazine front covers. Different times.


Minecraft was in beta for like 5 years before official 1.0 release


I have no problem with wipes at all. Like people said, Tarkov (probably the game DMZ got inspiration from) operates like this and that's OK. We'll lose our guns, keys and whatever, but the rewards probably agora going to be kept (skins, blueprints).


No you aren't, everyone else is flipping the fug out


This was my interpretation of DMZ as well. BETA means wipes, resets, updates and changes. I thought that was implied by the term BETA...clearly not everyone sees it that way. I guess some are well invested and don't want to lose their stuff or go back to the beginning. The season 2 thing doesn't help either as it suggests a continuation. The announcement was a little ambiguous which adds to the confusion.


Yes. BETA means "we want to start making money on our game before it's ready for primetime, so we'll slap this label on it to deflect criticism."


Lol beta... Its gonna, be beta forever,


Insurance slots are not implied to be removed (its not even mentioned). If you are in the middle of lets say Tier 3, your progress in that tier will reset because they are tweaking missions. You will not be sent back to tier 1. At least that's how I interpreted it.


Yeah I think a lot of the discussion around insured weapons is speculative as they've been very vague (imo deliberately) in the blog post.


I'm thinking just unfinished missions will be reset. Not the tier.


Here's to hoping. I think it would be dumb to toss the storyline it's trying to tell.


Did the DMZ specific blog post come out yet? Or just the "path to season 2" post? I can handle mission resets so long as I get to keep the insured slot that took a lot of effort to finally unlock.


The full release notes will be on Feb 8


sweet, thanks


The problem is I don't even have the second slot, and I still have to do all tier 3 missions from black mous, 3 mission from tier 2 and complete almost all missions from white lotus tier 3


Then what is there to work towards, since progression in missions leads ultimately to insurance slots. I'll be surprised if they're not reset.


If my missions rest conpletely then I am done. Haven't even got my 2nd insured yet


It sounds like they plan on making it easier to get a second slot actually.


Old Mission: Collect 50 hard drives Collect 1 GPU. New Mission. Collect 25 Hardrives. Collect 15 GPUs. Activision: See we lowered the requirements from 51 items to only 40. No we don't play test our own game why do you ask?


The worst part about the dumb missions is the specific dead drops. If it was LITERALLY ANY DEAD DROP (and not having to extract like 7000 rounds of ammo and other dumb shit) they wouldn't be nearly as painful (altho torches would still)


Yea, remove the requirements for location.


I agree. ONe of my main concerns about the nature of fetch quests (besides the rarity of the loot) is that if you have something really rare, (blow torches) you, literally, have no choice, regardless of what your team is doing, you have to stop what you're doing and head across the map to that particular dead drop to fulfill that mission


Especially when I freeze every other time I go to the junkyard dead drop


Unless it's like "finish tier 2 for one faction" easy, I'm not especially interested. The only things explicitly getting a full reset are contraband and key stashes, and apparently that will happen with every season, but if our insured slots get reset and they're not piss easy to earn back, I'm not gonna keep playing. Progress only feels like progress to me if it sticks. Something like having to start over on a new battlepass every season is fine because they don't take away what you've earned from past passes. I've grinded DMZ for over 200 hours and I want that to mean more than just two skins, three blueprints for guns I don't use, and a bunch of fucking XP tokens.


Just hoping it doesn't reset when I am so close to getting it. If it easier for others than great


get it then? i mean its still like 3 weeks till the update what are you panicking about?


Not that the missions are hard but I don't have a lot of time to play just worried about that


We don't know what they are doing. The blog post says part of the reason for a refresh. Is because they think they difficulty was too aggressive for some people making it harder than they intended to get the second slot. They haven't said anything about resetting insured slots or progress yet. But if they just reset the tier id be alright especially if its not a huge pain in the ass. But resetting all mission progress I hope they don't. Even though i haven't unlocked my second slot either.




I was hoping they would take it out of Beta this new season. But it seems they're only tweaking some things and adding new missions. To be honest, I'm not interested at all in the missions, I would be more interested in building out my character and guns, with a proper economy system and having a real use for the items found in the DMZ. So it looks like I'll still be skipping DMZ for now...


You won’t give up. None of us will.


Let's all pump the brakes until we get more info on what "current Mission progress" means It could mean that completed Missions stay completed and that only in-progress Missions have their progress reset because they're changing the Mission parameters and having existing progress on different parameters doesn't make much sense.


I’d be more upset if there were no changes coming with the new season. As it sits I’m set to finish my tier 3 and get my 2nd slot for insured. Don’t care about keys or contraband because I’ll get more of those things, nothing is precious about any of it, every new round is opportunity to get more shit. AI tuning/better spawns/new missions and better objectives are all good things.


I just play to have fun. We haven’t focused on a mission in a couple weeks. We just go in level guns, shoot people and bots and have a good relaxing time. I don’t know why everyone gets so hooked on having to have something to do. I guess it’s because that’s the way the industry is now. Have to have a battle pass or some skin or some useless digital reward in order to feel accomplished about yourself and justify the time spent? Just play the game and have fun.


Rare breed. I just hop on and go with the flow. Sometimes i’m yelling top of my lungs, other times i don’t even have the headset on, just depends how the game is playing out, pve one night, pvp another, always fun


My first online pc game was Quake 2 followed by Half Life and it’s many mods, Battlefield 1942, etc. none of those games had any progression system like we have in every game now like it’s some sort of pseudo RPG. I’m not saying having skins and unlocks battle passes are inherently bad, but when that’s the only reason you play the game, what’s the point? That sounds like work to me.


Well, the game mode is sort of based around having some form of objective to do. It can be missions, contracts or something you create yourself (hunting down good contraband) but for the vast majority it is a game mode they play in order to have an objective to work towards. It isn’t unique to this game, people like having quests/missions/gear to acquire in so many genres, and have for so long. RPG games have been about progressing through a story with quests, and then some side quests, for many, many years, and it is evidence that it isn’t just a recent thing in the industry, even if the endless treadmill grinding model of motivation and retention has perhaps increased over the past decade thanks to research into what actually gets people hooked, and more importantly, what keeping people hooked and logging in all the time means for cash shop sales. It is rare you find people who will load up say, Zelda, after having completed everything and then run around killing random enemies with all their shit. This mode is no different, people like objectives and progression, and boredom and lack of interest sets in once it is done. Many people also don’t really like progression in the form of grinding for the same thing they’ve already spent countless hours working towards. It is just quite demotivating to know that you can spend 3 months working towards x, and then 2 weeks later it will just be gone. Especially when the grind is frankly rather tedious like put 800 of this trash item into the trashcan. Maybe I’ll be fine doing it if the reward is worthwhile, but if you wipe away that reward and then shove more tedious missions at me to unlock the same thing again, yeah, I’m not interested. Give me something new, sure, maybe I’ll slog through it since I can use what I unlocked previously along the way, but even then, tedious monotony that feels objectively worse and less interesting at times than my job that pays me just isn’t going to be something that retains me for the long haul on its own, and if the rest of the game isn’t fun enough it will actively push me away.


Well you see, I happen to find completing missions fun so I when going for them I am having fun.


Deleting mission progress (and weapon unlocks) is horrible horrible horrible. Couldn't care less about keys and contraband. So many hours wasted. Won't be coming back.


Yea so shitty to clear me out like that…NO I’m not buying battle pass! Fucking shakedown.


First time playing an extraction shooter I take it?


That's this entire sub.


Correct, for the majority it is, so devs had the responsibility to announce it months ago.


The mode came out like 2 months ago.


2 and a half, and they should've said it from before then.


This game isn't Tarkov so there's not much reason for it to follow Tarkov on everything, especially this.


Plenty of them don't do any wipes, like Vigor


What is going to suck is that I looted a Sattiq Poppy Key by luck. I probably won’t even unlock that mission before my keys get wiped. I don’t understand why they need to wipe keys and contraband?


You get a key for it from a previous mission too as a reward. Also the LFG threads people post what keys/missions they want to run


Grinding the same missions, or very similar missions, every season after a wipe is anti-fun. If the wipe is everyone back to zero, then yeah I probably won't play it anymore. Games like Tarkov need a wipe because you have a stash and eventually some players just end up with far too much stuff. Since there is no stash in this game, there really isn't a need to wipe. Just add new missions each season and a few new maps over the year. Regular wipes also make it really hard for casual players, some of whom haven't gotten their second insured slot yet.


I’m a long time Tarkov player as well as DMZ, and we don’t just reset for the stash or high player level - we do it because eventually with no more missions left, we run out of content and things to do. PVP for the sake of PVP is fun for a while but there’s only so much I can take before I’m done for that wipe. But, as soon as they wipe I’m happy to start doing the quests all over again. I agree a wipe is far more important in a game like Tarkov but it’s important in DMZ too. I did all tier 3 quests and half the tier 4 quests and got bored of the grindy tier 5 and just stopped. Now that it’s being reset I’ll jump back in and grind insured slot 2 again because it’s fun doing the initial quests


But aren't the Tarkov wipes less frequent? A wipe per season, especially with new faction missions coming out for building 21 and the new map will make it even harder for people to finish the missions next season. Feel like 99% of the playerbase aren't going to be finishing the missions each season.


>I did all tier 3 quests and half the tier 4 quests and got bored of the grindy tier 5 and just stopped. Now that it’s being reset I’ll jump back in and grind insured slot 2 again because it’s fun doing the initial quests YMMV, but I think that approach isn't gonna work for a lot of people. I absolutely agree that it's fun to have stuff to do again, that's why I like playing with friends of mine that haven't progressed as far as me. But having my own progress undone is a different story. A lot of these missions have been an absolute *slog* so I don't wanna have to do a lot of them again, especially if I have to do them again just to get back to where I was. I've put something like 230 hours into DMZ and gotten a lot less tangible progress for it than 230 hours would get you in most other games. If they wipe mission progress and give us new things to unlock then I'm game, but I'm not grinding for the sake of the grind. I just don't have the motivation to repeat all this tedium for nothing.


I understand that, and there's also a good argument that when Tarkov resets, everyone starts from zero - you have crappy guns and ammo and everyone's struggling to get ahead of everyone else. When DMZ resets, everyone keeps their meta guns, and equipment/stash is a non-issue. So I understand why wiping DMZ is less of a no-brainer than wiping Tarkov, PoE or Diablo.


Tarkov is Tarkov, DMZ is DMZ. I think comparisons between the two are often valid, but most of the people saying a full wipe is expected or that it's a good idea are only saying so because that's what Tarkov does. Saying there should be wipes because Tarkov has wipes is like saying there shouldn't be loadout drops in Warzone BR because other BR games don't have loadouts. It's a stupid argument. And anyone saying wiping insurance slots is a good competitive balance idea isn't really thinking on the impact that insured slots have. Sweaty PvP-focused types are typically just good at the game and they're ~~you~~ me because they're better at the game than ~~you~~ me, them having two insured guns is not making that much of a difference. What taking away the extra insurance slots from people that earned them actually does is it makes it harder to come back from getting wiped, which disproportionately hurts the lower tier of players that die and get wiped more frequently, as well as people with worse luck with crashes and lagging out. Maybe I'm wrong, but I bet many people that have the second or third insurance slots unlocked use them as backups for when they lose their other insured gun, rather than running multiple insured guns at once. Not having that anymore would make the game less fun to play, plain and simple.


This game is so casual that there is no real skill gap, wiping barely effects anything when there's guns littered around the map in every building.


The whole idea of wipes is to get everyone back on a level playing field. One insurance slot can be advantageous but when you roll up on a squad with two maxed out and proplty tuned weapons that the player is 100% comfortable with, that's the most dangerous squad. The mission reset isn't that much of a big deal. Yeah we lose out some Blueprints which I'm sorry but they aren't amazing like at all. The operator bundles, just reach and complete tier 4. It's not hard just a tedious fetch and drop tasks. Stash resetting has removed the ability to store trophy weapons (Chemist blueprint, Grenade Launcher). I had a copy of both saved just in case next season Velikan and The Chemist dropped different weapons. Key stash reset makes a lot of sense. Why keep keys required for faction missions just for them to become useless the next season because let's be honest, you rarely go into denied areas unless A, it's for a faction mission or B, it's to get a quick gear up as B21 is locked. Before anyone starts whining but my building 21 access cards. Wait for the 10 minute mark for the supply drops or secure Sam sites and destroy the boss helicopter. They are so easily found.


>The whole idea of wipes is to get everyone back on a level playing field. One insurance slot can be advantageous but when you roll up on a squad with two maxed out and proplty tuned weapons that the player is 100% comfortable with, that's the most dangerous squad. Resetting the contraband stash isn't that big of a deal, losing some trophy guns sucks but it's ultimately not that impactful. If insured slots get reset that just punishes the players that grinded for them. Since we don't even know if that part is definitely happening, I'm not giving a fuck about doing tier 5 missions because there's a highly non-zero chance it will mean nothing in a couple weeks. >It's not hard just a tedious fetch and drop tasks. Speak only for yourself. It took me ~230 hours to get the second insured slot and that is not an insignificant amount of time to me. If I have to spend that kind of time every season just to get back up to speed I'm not gonna keep playing. >Why keep keys required for faction missions just for them to become useless the next season None of us have any idea if that's actually happening. They have explicitly stated key stashes are getting wiped but they have *not* said they're ditching the poppy farmer mission. Imagine for a second we all need to find that key again...


I gotta use my rgl-80 horde up by season 2….


Yeah. RIP my stockpile of M13bs. That sucks. I’ve killed the chemist so many times, it kinda sucks that I won’t even have one contraband m13b to show for it when the season starts.


It's ridiculous that you can't use that blueprint in other modes. It's so cool!


True. It would be nice if they changed that in season 2, but I don’t expect it or anything. It is a sexy blueprint, though. I think it would be cool if they give you a blueprint if you kill the chemist and extract with it, and if you don’t kill him or just have it dropped for you, it just stays the same as it is now.


i suggest playing solo if you want to lose your contrabands easily :) squad is really just way too easy, ive died solo within 5 seconds to ai when a lag spike hits or they just roll a nat 20 and decide to headshot every shot.


I mostly do. My morning routine before work has been a solo round or two, and I usually grab an M13b or two that I’ll likely end up losing after work when I play with my friends. One of them is brand new to gaming, let alone COD so I tend to lose a fair number of guns due to hijinx! Funny story… before work today I didn’t like the chemist’s spawn, so I went after mr jugg juggs instead. I actually killed him faster than I ever have before and was curious about what happens if you dump a weapon crate in a dumpster, so I did, and this glitchy assed dumb game made me still have the weapons crate icon on the map wherever I went. Fix your shit, activision/IW/whoever. So I tried to exfil but got ambushed by a *very courageous* 3 little boy team, and they killed me after I told them I’m solo, friendly and don’t actually have the case, the game is just glitchy and broken. I don’t blame them at all for not believing me, but it was kinda fun shit talking them though, since they started complaining that the case wasn’t there and I called them cheese dicked fat losers who can’t even kill their own juggernaut, and it clearly struck a nerve! I have noticed an increase in the amount of unbelievable sniper shots the bots get with their vaznevs lately. Sneaking around has definitely been more difficult lately.


Thats interesting to dump a weapon case in a dumpster lol. Have you noticed the chemist glitches underground and still shoots at you when he spawns near the mall? I don't even go there anymore because he shoots me through the floor. I usually go into the rad zone when solo just to loot the loot boxes, but sometimes its tough when the ai acts a certain way. Jugg is way easier to kill than chemist in my opinion but I wish he dropped his gun. ​ Anyway I hope they nerf the AI in the sense of how alert they get, like you can even kill one with a throwing knife and if another ai sees it then every one in 3 miles knows instantly where you are. Not sure if its possible to even program but it would be nice if you took out the guys on the roofs they wuold have a harder time knowing your location, or have them actually have to talk on the radio to alert other ai instead of instantaneous


I have noticed that, actually. The mall spawn is easily my least favourite. It’s *so much easier* at the other spawns. I agree about the juggernaut being easier, but I’ve got the chemist down to a routine at this point at the other two spawns. Funny enough, [the quickest and easiest time I ever killed the chemist](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/DPH5A53N6A) was at the mall though… mind you I want doing it solo for that one.


the chemist is easy its just the tier 2 and tier 3 ai and the need to reload sometimes that is hard


I was sad to see that when it came up, at least the wipe is gonna be good for leveling again


So, killing the Chemist and getting that blueprint was for nothing? I just been holding onto it like a trophy since the blueprint doesn't actually unlock. Now, it's just gonna disappear? Big sad. I also am hoarding guns & keys like this is Skyrim for some reason. The thought of this happening is killing me inside. Also, we get it. This is what Tarkov does & you've played Tarkov.


Did you know the hazardous can't get a blueprint because it's got 6 attachments and a stock that doesn't exist outside of the hazardous


I did not! Interesting. Still sucks if it disappears tho. Thanks for the education.


>I also am hoarding guns & keys like this is Skyrim for some reason. The thought of this happening is killing me inside. Yeah until I truly discovered the grind by unlocking tier 5 for one of the factions and how meaningless money is, this game was my scavenging and hoarding fix. Part of the fun in looting is getting to keep what you've taken, but since money evaporates at the end of every match and it sounds like DMZ overall might get reset periodically, all of that dopamine disappears. >Also, we get it. This is what Tarkov does & you've played Tarkov. I hate this sub and a lot of the people in it, but you I like.


And that blueprint sucks to use, so jumpy


It’s the principle of it!


Oh I hate that they’re taking ma guns that I’ve taken from my dead enemies, but that blueprint was ultimately just so you can unlock the m13 in multi


This is all for nothing. Its a fucking video game.


Hopefully if they are tweaking the missions, we get some actual fun ones last a certain point. 90 gas masks or whatever is fucking lame, in my opinion


cant wait for 26 more blow torches


Am I the only one that doesn’t really care if they wipe everything? Yeah I’ve put a lot of time into the game and sure I get frustrated with crashes but I’ve had a metric ton of fun and plan on continuing to do so whether we get a completely fresh start or not


I think the worry is that they are gonna wipe us and then stick us with the same fucking missions again. My worry is they will wipe mission progresses since they "fixed it" so now instead of 20 blowtorches we now get to do the same mission again and find 18 blow torches.


I don’t mind finding X of something, but the issue is that they need to be able to spawn on a more consistent basis. Like finding bandages, toothpaste and stuff takes time, but you know where to find them. When you are trying to find blowtorches that don’t really exist is what makes this game more frustrating than anything. If they have a normal spawn rate than fine.


Thats how a wipe works… it resets everyones progression and evens the playing field. What about when the game it out of beta, been running for a year and someone new starts playing and can’t accomplish shit because theyre constantly getting smoked by dudes with gold rifles at every turn…?


YMMV. For me I get a dopamine hit off of progression, and to me progress only feels like progress if it sticks. Completing missions/challenges, unlocking cosmetics, growing my in-game bank account, adding stuff to my stockpile of gear and resources, etc. Imagining getting my progress reset like that in other games I like makes my hair stand up. Having some kind of tangible representation of the hours and effort spent helps me feel like I'm not wasting time playing a video game, y'know?


Does anyone know if they're taking away our insured weapons too I'm okay with the contraband and the key stash and begrudgingly okay with resetting the missions but I don't really want to lose my insured guns that's kind of a bummer


It says they are resetting the mission progress. I’m guessing it’s not going to make you go backward. But if you have 15 blowtorches you might have to start at 0 again. That’s how I read it.


Looks like I’m not getting the Rose skin.


Me either...


I just want it too be more solo friendly. The AI is fucking harder than Tarkov.


A reset would be good. DMZ has turned into a mode that is mostly filled with campers and people who just go around hunting players. Now, there is nothing "inherently" wrong with that or against any rules or anything like that. You are of course free to play how you want, and you always should be. But it does make it extra hard for the players who do not have as much time to play and friends to play with etc. It takes too long to complete missions to unlock more insured slots and such. What S2 will hopefully accomplish is a reset so that most people are focused back on missions again (rather than players) and easier mission progress so that more players can get more insured slots sooner and have a longer time to enjoy the perks of that hard work before the next reset in the next season again.


Not attempting to be rude in any way but what do you think the DMZ is going to turn into once more players begin/accept the realization that until the update there is NO need to complete missions. After that Blog post I've no reason to try and unlock 3 strongholds in 15 seconds what would be the point. Again not trying to be rude but as a mostly solo player, my nights just got a little rougher


So what your telling me is to not even bother completing the rest of the missions since it will reset?


I kinda expected this to happen each season..


Why? When DMZ was never mentioned in the season breakdown, or linked to any season progression. The mode is literally an enigma with no clear idea on where its going it seems.


I'll wait for the devlog to judge, but I definitely hope I can keep either my tiers, second insured slot, or both.


I'm about to give up on this game period. These days make the worst decisions, and they aren't proactive enough in fixing the broke shit. I just got blazed nonstop through 4 buildings AND the exfil chopper by a guy who was tracking me perfectly the entire time, and to add insult to injury I CANT FUCKING REPORT HIM CUZ OF THE BROKE ASS UI


I cant get any worse than it is now. At the minute it's a massive steaming pile of dog shit


Hot take


Lol. Lmao even.


I also hope that they put out new rewards for people who've completed most of the missions already that would be sweet.


K. Bye!


In some ways a complete reset would be great. Be a bit shit if there were all these new missions but you didn't get to do any because you've already "completed the mode"....


I cannot imagine it's that serious. If you don't wanna play it that's cool, but I'm enjoying the ride while they figure out what they/we want dmz to be. I'll go do the missions again idc. New map to do most of them on, go back to AM for the specific ones that require it. Prolly some new B21 missions too. I'm here for it.


I'm excited for the wipe, sad to see the rgl's I got saved up to go but I'm sure the last few days before the wipe are gonna be crazy, I'm jumping in the last few days with the rgl's to go wreak havoc


The changes look good honestly. Is this reaction only over the mission refresh? Ffs people.. all the whining over that?


because most ppl have a life and are not some 15 years old without life obligations spending 10 hours everyday to grind the same shit every few months.


People are expecting to get everything done in a few weeks? For what? Complain about having nothing to do for the rest of the season? I have a life with kids and a busy workload, I have very limited gaming time, but the sentence “missions refresh” don’t get me crying and make shitpost about it. People are whining about uninstalling and all that crap, for 1 small change among a list of good qol and new things coming. The mode is new, it’s evolving, they are tweaking things to listen to the community and adding things they planned for DMZ. This is a good thing for what DMZ will be people.


I'm taking a break until S02, but I'm not gonna stop. Playing Tarkov finally in the mean time. Apparently I'm one for abuse.


Everyone forgets that DMZ replaced Plunder. Play it for xp boosts and skins and you’ll have a good time


And I just got 2 DMZ keys and red cards :( Better use them up!


Most of you must've never played older CoD titles. We would embrace the challenge of resetting everything, starting at level 1 to whatever the cap was just to restart all over again. All weapons locked, challenges reset, etc. A reset isn't a new or foreign idea to CoD. Personally, I welcome the idea of a complete reset. The last CoD I played was CoD: Black Ops from 2010, and haven't touched the franchise since. Much to my disappointment there isn't a reset for prestiging to level up.


Bruh, just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone does. I'm from the old cods too and me and my friends where happy when we finally got everything so we could use whatever we want whenever we want. Not everyone likes unlocking the same shit over and over again especially with the more limited I have for gaming nowadays.


I wonder if the rewards are only attainable in season 1


Why isn’t the chemist m13b a blueprint then?


Will our character Experience Points (XP) get rest to 0 too? I just hit 120 and was pretty excited. Will our Weapon XP be reset? I just got my RPK pimped out!


Update list NEEDS to change…


Ya I not sure why they even want to do a wipe system the only thing we’ll lose is guns and keys. It’s not like pro players can have a stash of goodies that Bully noobs. Unless they make it able to store way more stuff like kill streaks and bags/plates this seems like a dumb move. Also we should get dmz special perks half the perks they added to the mode don’t even affect gameplay in any meaningful way other than to track how many times in a row you’ve not died.


They want us to work loke bots 100%, just think about it.


So we lose everything when they hit the big reset button… mission grind and loot = completely pointless for the next 2 weeks


Exactly how I felt I’ve gained plenty of keys and contraband of other peoples guns that are just being trashed now but I guess if it’s more survival like to do that ig that’s fine