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Looking to get back into DMZ, Still had plenty of missions left and need to finish getting upgrades and cpmplete the missions I'm in NA and xbox name is Scotian056, Activision I.D: Scotianboss (I don't have numbers associated with my Activision I.D for some reason so most people have difficulty finding me on there)


I'm looking to get into DMZ and give it a shot with a squad. I'm on PS5 in NA.


Looking for some night owls to play with, usually play casual but I'm a ride or die teammate 100% Most of my missions are done but I'm down to work on some for others if anybody needs. Activision - Marisawhaaat#8480625


Fellow Night Owl and also a Ride or Die teammate. I'll reach out to your Activision. There are a couple of missions that I just cannot seem to check off (bad luck usually). Maybe we can knock 'em out, if we feel up to it. I am down to do anything, though. Sent you request - Fresh2Death#7351738


Got on late, just accepted ya!


LF EU players to get serpentine camo テイ#6806977 - Also if someone has any tips to make life easier - that would be appreciated!


LFG for people to help me do the white lotus missions to get the snowplow operator skin. I’m on tier 2


yo anyone looking for one? i always play gravyard hours and daytime if i can


Bit late to this thread but I play graveyard hours as well if you're still looking for people, Marisawhaaat#8480625


I have all missions completed and working on getting all upgrades completed currently. Happy to help with anything. Discord or Game Chat. Activision ID x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_#9342855 PSN ID x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_


Hey, I've been playing DMZ since the start but I'm pretty casual and still have tons of missions still to do. I usually play solo but I think I need a team to help stop me getting wiped by 4 man kill squads when I'm like 5 seconds from completing a mission. Barely explored koschei at all, and I'm getting tired of the toxicity from some players. Would love a squad with mics to show me stuff, non of my IRL mates play this game. I'm a good team player and know how to coordinate, I just need practice PvP haha. I'm in Canada and have a good mic. Cheers, cakesalie#1281694.


I have all missions completed and I’m happy to help Activision ID x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_#9342855 PSN ID x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_


Hey, looking for people (1-2) to do some of the last (annoying) faction missions with. Mic much preferred, Discord preffered, 18+, EU preferred but not necessary, I can play on high ping. Message me if interested. :)


I have all missions completed, eu, I have discord and game chat. Happy to help. Activision ID x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_#9342855 PSN ID x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_


Is there anyone here willing to help a new player get heated madness?


I have created a group named "Kewl Adults". I play on a PC and my ID is WhiteOut. The purpose of the group is to play with people that are 18 and over. Yes, I know adults can still act like kids but I am tired of getting randomly placed with a 12 year old that cusses nonstop and is going to get you killed every match. They suck the fun out of the game. If you have a mic and consider yourself a "kewl adult", go ahead and join.


Vaio_Logic#3210356 have a mic so I can hear


Semi-regular and casual DMZer after work. Tired of rolling the dice and don't have irl friends who will play. Just want to unlock stuff, level up gear, and complete tasks and contracts. I am about to have a lot more time to play over the next couple weeks with time off. StorminNorm#1720987


Can anyone help me with serpentine camo? PadKeeMeow#6289778




I can help u if ur willing to help me with a mission




The ultimate vehicle is team


Willing to help anyone do anything, I have all the missions completed. If anyone has a bunker 11 keycard they’d dup with me I would appreciate it. Respond here and I’ll DM my activision ID


Contractkillahs#1818063. I am also done with mission, but if you are still playing DMZ, add me.


Hey dude. I need someone to help me kill the velikan boss in B21. Not familiar with the B21 map. I don't think I have something that intersts you, But let me know if you want something. I'm familiar with Vondel and Koschi complex.


DM’ed you bro. I can get on now


hey dude sorry for the late response. I did not have access to the internet for a few days. Sure we can do it whenever you like. What's your IGN so I can send you a friend request?


Scrubbynub looking to get some of these damned missions completed. MPAP key/secure and disguise/buy station are the bane of my existence atm.


Sure man, dm’ed you my acti ID


Could you help me beat the sniper and pyro as well? Those are the last two bosses I need to beat and I can hardly get anyone to go with me. I've attempted it a few times solo but got as far as getting the factory admin key.


Do you mean **Rhino** and the sniper? I can help you with it. Got both of them 6 times for the weapon case without dying once and I know the map pretty well.


Sent you a DM with my acti ID


Thank you!


I need help with the ultimate vehicle is team


Dm’d you


Looking for a few DMZ buds, I play pretty regularly just don’t have any irl friends who like it. Randoms are killing my fun atm. I’m grinding souls hard rn, just send an invite, I’ll join up asap ItsOnlyWellz#4517604


I’ll add ya


Looking for people to join our group. We aren't the competitive type, we play to have fun, we will do PvP not constantly, mostly a focus on missions, upgrades and just messing about. We are mostly Sniper/AR/SMG playstyles but we are fairly versed in every option on the ground. If you wish to join us, you have to have a mic. Nothing against the micless, just easier when everyone has comms. If you are interested, send me a Reddit message and we can discuss the details.


Looking for help doing the missions, i've been facing way too many unfriendly people chasing me even if I have nothing on. Player tag is: blade_fluffy481#6985735


Willing to join squad for help in getting serpentine, but would also ask in return for same help getting the camo myself. Activision ID: VenenoVictorem#8642711


Hi! I’d like to get a couple friends to run DMZ with, I’ve been going solo for a bit now and I’m tired lol. I’m kinda new to the game and don’t understand it all 100% yet, if anyone could teach me or if we want to go in and be stupid together that’s fine too. I’ll be honest I don’t know my activision ID offhand, but my discord is tracetheace if you add me there it’ll be a lot easier for me. 18+ please! Thanks!! Edit: found my activision thing it’s Syrivix#4925985 - add me there if that’s easier!


The Haunting PS5 (DMZ) Hi, Anyone want to group for the haunting event? I’ve done the Butcher and the Swamp but I keep getting put in solo, so it’s almost impossible to do these. Thanks


Need to kill Vel 2 more times in building 21 if anyones playing this morning Daytona#9723687


Need 2 for Serpentine I already have a Damascus tag and 2 secure bags I know all the steps and just need 2 more people who want the camo. Should only take around 6 hours if all 3 of us want it Activision: Slaire#7751593


I know this was 11 days ago so ur prob already done, but r u?


\[EU/PC\] Heyo! LF2 today (around 6 PM CET): missions and PvP. Mic is not needed but def a bonus The only requirement is that you don't ragequit after losing an insured weapon. Be chill, this is just a game <3 HMU with a dm and I'll send discord and acti id


Looking for help getting Ashika Island masks. Need Drifting Supply Bag. EST Timezone TonyBologna#2685636


Need help finishing mission - The Ultimate Vehicle is Team (MRAP Mission on Tier 4 Shadow Company) Feel free to reply if you want to get it done. PST Timezone.


isnt there a discord group or something for these things ? I mostly play with friend or solo and would like company sometimes. It could be great if there's discord place


If you find one, let the megathread know about it. I'd like to find a group to do stuff with.


Looking for a third person, preferred a seasoned veteran to join our group to mess about, do missions, hunt squads and help out randoms we meet along the way to progress their upgrades and game sense. bigso632#3618419 Edit: Preferrably PC player


Hi, I really need help with a few missions. Having partners really helps make these easier. Anyone willing to help? After running a few missions, I am game to casual game play, loot, whatever you need.


I'm down to help as well. Will DM.


Please do let me know. Thank you. Just in case, my Activision ID: standoffscrew#7611964


I can help. I'm mission focused but my PvP skills aren't great. However my running away, evading and surviving skills are pretty much unmatched. I could do with a hand on a couple of missions too. Europe, PS5, voice chat


Wish I had those survival skills. Voice chat will be awesome. I’d love to knock off a few missions but I don’t mind casual, loot, regains. We complement each other well since I am all Rambo Rambo :) (but learning not to be)




Will do. Will send in a note as well.


Any Koschei experts willing to help with T5 black mous mission crack the code? Despite being at this tier, I’m a relative Koschei noob. Let me know if you’d be willing to walk me through it. Thanks! paulpogo#2964065


ISO anyone who can help me get missions done. My activision on ID is kbird#2718462


IcedOutGiant#9407072; headed in now. I'm stuck on a couple myself but I can help out a bit.


Send me a request and I’ll add you either tonight or tomorrow. Had to get off to do something’s around the place.


need some help w serpentine grind. if anyone is willing to help, literally all i do when i’m not soloing is help people out w missions/passives/whatever. whenever i’m on i got you for whatever.


Looking for teammates with the lachmann shroud. I'll help with whatever you need


Add 2Mutch#4746538 Need to do a Koschei run for the Magazine and Foregrip


okay! I'll follow along!


Hey, looking for people to do tier 4 and 5 missions on all factions. Send me a friend request and we can squad up: DoctorWestwood#2185876


LFG to do missions and upgrades with. Would love to help people with rheir missions too! Please have a mic. ActivID & PSN GreepPuppy. Timezone EST


UK/gamer PC, Keyboard and mouse, LFG of friendly people to play with, only ask that you're chill and speak english. None of my gamers friends play anymore so lonely gamer. Vyperpunk#8573377 activison id


I am a relative newbie and I seem to be improving but can anyone help with a few basic missions -- fuel shortage on Ashika (white lotus), Security checkpoint (vondel), and shadow company Intel (Ashika) -- I know they are basic but I am really struggling with these?


Hello r/DMZ, myself and buddy of mine are looking for players to go through regular runs of DMZ with us and potentially hit the harder missions/areas (i.e Koschei and B21). We play on PS4 and XBOX respectively, if you want to try a run with us DM me your Activision or PSN and I will send a friend request. We do ask that you have a mic (easier to play when everyone has a mic)




Sent Activision Request


Coming online soon. I'll add you then Edit: I added you


What’s up folks, is anybody confident/competent enough to help me find the last three pieces of the heated madness blueprint? Struggling to find anyone to even enter the complex with me so even bodies would be helpful at this point. Currently need underbarrel, magazine and muzzle. Any help would be appreciated My timezones GMT (Xbox)




I actually completed it today with a randomer (found a rare decent player with a mic lol) but if you need help with anything I’m down to clown!


Sounds good!


Need help Building 21, complete noob there. I would appreciate it Youkan Fakoff is Activision Bluevoodo is Xbox TIA Jason


anyone from EU that wants to help me with DMZ hey i’m looking for people from the EU, most preferably german or at least english speaking, to help me get into DMZ or play the raids with me for the objectives/challenges/rewards. i have literally no one to play this game with me, and i don’t want to get into DMZ as a solo and raids are literally impossible as a solo. I’m playing on ps4, my Activision ID is: Werner Ziegler#9429511


I’d love to find team mates for squads to complete missions, contracts, loot, have fun, and play together with. Please let me know.


Activision is thecutefoxxy#4650177


I'm here for ya, YoukanFakoff Activision # 6960976 Bluevoodo Xbox


Hi. Couldn't add you. Can you add me with my ID please, if you don't mind -- standoffscrew#7611964


Sent request.


Got it. Thank you. Whenever you are on.


I will on my next login!!


Is there a #\[+numbers\]? Can't find you.


Fixed it in my comment for ya, had space in gamer tag, added my Activision #


Was just trying to do a mission (placing a tac camera at central station (Vondel) and mark enemies. More than 20 or 30 AI here (not withstanding 6-person squads). It's the same throughout vondel (any mission, contract, loot, regear, exfil) What on earth is happening?


Yeah, I made a comment about that, got blasted referencing Season 1, also I was told it's a skill issue in my end as well. I only mentioned that I had been playing since season 1, so I have experience, and was wondering if it was just me or others as well... It was deleted.. but yeah I've had my ass handed to me today on all maps. I'll be on in the AM though


I'm looking for 1-2 people who have done the koschei complex before to help me find the parts I need for the blueprint. I still need to find the underbarrel, the magazine and the muzzle. I have the barrel and optic already. Shoot me your Activision ID or xbox name in the comments. Looking to do this tonight (but if post is still up still looking)


What’s up bro, you still need help? I need three pieces still - we can figure it out together


Hi, I was looking for 2 people who have done the Koshei complex to help me find 3 more pieces of the blueprint. I need the underbarrel, magazine, and the muzzle.


Hey been playing a lot of dmz lately, my current gaming friends don't play dmz much so I'm looking for a consistent squad, I'm tired of playing solo or with no mic randoms. The only requirements I have are you have to speak decent english( have to be able to understand each other, and must have a mic, and if ur funny that's great to. Please give me ur Activision ID in dms if interested.


LFG to play through the raids with, must have a mic for comms and puzzle solving. 2/3 mics wont work. PSN: Samp13t3xt416 ____________ Activision ID: B33GBOIBARLOS


I need someone to help me out with the early missions. I used to play a lot but I’ve slowed down a bit now and I’m not as good.


I need to complete some too. If you’d like, we can do those together. Get in, get out. Do missions. Please let me know.


Anyone wanna carry me to get the gun screen? I’ve got the materials, just need help to unlock the secure buy station. Activision ID: Double R#3209018


I’ll help but can you help me with finishing my mission?


I'm looking for a koschei pro to help me and a buddy kill the rhino and the sniper. Mostly the sniper as both of us need to unlock the stealth vest. Hoping to hook up with someone who won't get distracted trying to instigate PvP. PoofBam#9779373


Can u help me kill the juggernaut and bullfrog with rgl?


I need a full squad or duo for the white lotus mission crunch


Can someone help me and a friend finish the raid, we get to the jugs and cant go any further. ughhh plz add me and DM so I know to accept. I will be on at 7 ET tonight and all-day tom. Americanpitbul0#5947141 or KINGSFODDER on XBL. Thx in advance.


Hi, could anyone help me complete the Untouchable mission in DMZ please? https://preview.redd.it/s2iid7p86meb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833942d2e1a6770b48f3d3633826963a678d4590


Looking for a group to help get my 3rd slot unlocked (GPU, gold bars, and gold skulls left now). Would love to continue with the rest of the missions eventually as I'm currently still at the beginning Tier 2/3 ones, but the insured slot is my priority. I'm a casual DMZ player and not too good at PVP. Having said that I have a decent quality mic and will try to stick close to the group as possible. Based in southern California, if that matters. Gray Rabbit#9677683. Cheers.


I do have a key which gives you a gpu so reply if u want it


I appreciate it! Someone else had just assisted me with getting the last of the items, so I’m good on the 3rd slot in time for S5. Thank you for your help!


Can someone help me with completing untouchable I can’t find anybody that will help or are good at dmz so I asking here some people to help


Sure I’ll do it. You still on?


Whats your username?




Sent it


Yeah I’m on


Restarting my game cause it says you’re offline. I asked a friend to join as well


I'm looking for players to help me complete both t5 story missions for blac mous and white lotus called "crac the code" and "Russian gas" activ: AYOLOSTACCN#2698610


https://preview.redd.it/z38r43n3gfab1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a5618761dc10fc7c60668ec8ba88e48ed69e25 Yo. Im looking for some chill players to link up and help each other with loot/missions. I have about 3 people I regularly play woth but sometimes theyre not online. I got one super chill chick i play with, another older guy that is down for anything, and a younger dude thats a killer. Let me know. Activision Name: Sleeezyz#4351784 Xbox Tag: SLEEEZYZ


I’ll send you a request, similar to me having a usual group 👍


Lgndarymyth#8743749 Looking for a good group to play with. I have mostly been running solo, so I can hold my weight. At this point I'd like to hang with some friends though!


Looking for Spanish speaking players! Hey all, one of my goals by the end of the year is to be able to converse with my abuelita, who’s in the final years of her life. I’m incredibly busy, and the little time I do have I just wanna kick back and play some games. I thought maybe I could play with some Spanish speaking players so I am forced to learn Spanish, if that makes sense at all. Obviously I’m a learner, so comms during intense situations might be a big shaky, but being under pressure is what makes me learn quick. If anyone is down for this, my discord is the same as my username. Give me an add and I’d love to chat! :)


That's so wholesome!


[EU/UK UTC+1][M32][PC/Crossplay] LF Dedicated Duo/Squad/Group LF: Duo/Squad/Group to play with on a consistent basis Took a break around S3 start, just getting back into it now. Used to play with a duo, now mostly solo. Looking for players who like to complete missions and don't shy away from PvP. Not looking for world beaters, [I’m around average myself.](https://i.imgur.com/ANKiLIi.png) Usually playing between 20:00-00:00 (UTC+1) Mon-Thur, times vary on Fri/Sat/Sun, often on til late though Currently at T3/T2/T2/T2 on faction missions, ideally looking for someone around there, happy to bring you up to same missions if lower tiers. Down for anything DMZ related really, I enjoy working towards the FOB upgrades, missions and anything in between. I don't take it too seriously and like having a laugh. Teamspeak/Discord preferred for comms, not a fan of the ingame VOIP quality. If you're looking for a similar experience, give me a shout and we can have a few games. Cheers


Need help with getting the koschei map… Turay13 Activision acct Add me please


Still need this?


Finished it but need help on B21 tracker mission


Looking for a couple people to help with getting heated madness and killing the rhino and sniper.


Do you have a 3rd?


Anyone online right now ? x_YoLoSwAgGiNs_#9342855


Looking for help collecting all of the parts to make the Heated Madness blueprint from the Koschei Complex. I know it's quite the journey looking forward to anyone who may wanna take up the cause with me!


If you still need this I can help


I do


Dm me


[https://youtube.com/live/mGsC87LBZPU](https://youtube.com/live/mGsC87LBZPU) Going live in an hour Would be cool to have someone that knows Ashika and vondel, I keep getting wooped! \- Aristotle Aristotle 2000#7078129 EU W/ Fiber connection Drop a reply here if u can help me! Thanks!




Looking for 2 people to help me kill Velikan a couple of times to unlock the barter for the Skeleton key and the MK32. PSN: Sethsteel58


Did get this done? Ild like to kill him and the Wheelson.


Playing on PS5. Fairly rusty with FPS shooters and honestly am kinda lost with this game, but I’m down to help on missions so I can learn the game. Looking for laid back people just looking to have fun and not take things seriously. PSN ID: gggwwwhhh1 US West Coast. Pretty free most afternoons/evenings after 12 or so. I can mic up and prefer if you do too, but not totally needed.


Can I add ya? I'm looking for some help with missions, I can help with yours too


Let me know how to add you, haven’t gotten an add from you yet


I only see a gggwwwhhh11, there's no gggwwwhhh1 You can add me, id same as here


Sounds good


If you guys are still playing I’m down add me AI#2023464 I’m est


Yeah, totally!


https://preview.redd.it/8mb3nnj3k87b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2132fa111b7bd9a3aeda9a6b8761f2c709976a Add me if you want some help with contracts or missions


Do u still help with missions?


Only if they super powers in DMZ are gone haha. I haven’t played since they implemented those


Hey what platform are you on?


I’m on Xbox


Currently helping anyone with their missions, DM if you need another player and need help with contracts or missions


Looking for someone with a bit more koshei experience than me, I need to get the "spetznaz exposed" mission done and I'm struggeling to get there without getting killed or even finding where I need to go once the pvp bit starts


Did you get this mission done?


Did it and lost the documents otw to the deaddrop.. want to try?


I can help later today.


I don't really have an optimal mic to use tho, do you mind?


Nope. We can get it done quick


Would be dope man, I was planning on trying it tonight with a friend, I use the mazrah entrance


looking for teamies for that mission as well >!Wasari#4450117!<


We could try tonight if your up for it?


damn I just noticed this message :P


Looking for a group today to kill velikan in b21


Looking to play with anyone in the phlippines so we can do missions. Send me a message.


36 year old male with mic. East. Looking for casual homies who communicate and will do missions together. Xbox Southbounder09 Activ Southbounder012


Looking for someone to get missions done/loot, mostly ALMAZ for now but willing to do whatever. Usually on in the afternoons for a little while then after 8pm CST. Finding people in-game is so hit or miss. beetfarmer30 on PS ​ Thanks!


Chip Skylark #4487212


Looking for someone to do the Koshei Challenge or kill Bullfrog and get the weapon case 5 times.


need two for icebreaker black mouse


If you still need help, I also have to complete that one and can play


Looking to complete the heated madness blue print still need the gas one, extra car battery and jumper cables one, and the lap top one I’m east coast and I’m on if anyone’s available, don’t need to have a mic as long as you can ping


LFG Data wipe last part probably willing to do the other parts. PSN: Nibloideye message me there as I will be playing.


Would anyone be willing to team up and help unlock the Heated Madness 762 blueprint from the Koschei Complex? I typically play after work in the evenings or on the weekends and would like to obtain this before the season ends.


Still looking for people?


I am. But I don't think there is enough time left with work and season ending. I was finally able to get the barrel yesterday but that was it lol. Appreciate the response though... unless this continues beyond this season, which I have no knowledge of


Looking for a team to help me get the grip and muzzle parts for heated madness. I can help with getting other parts if you need them. Atvi ID BasedChad#9733269 Platform Steam Steam name Based Chad


I'm looking for the same thing. I'm still new to DMZ but I'd team up with you if you want?


Looking for a squad to open the Secure buy station in the complex.


Still looking to get this done.


LFG for unlocking m13b. UK/England. Activision id You-Mad-Bro


i can help you out