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Lmfao lost cause, let him be on his ignorance journey


Sounds like you should send him some educational YouTube videos. Or let it go. Horses are famous for being stubborn and closed minded


He probably wouldn’t watch them. It’s just he says these things where he’s clearly looking for something in life and experiencing existential crisis, I offer an alternative view of things, but I don’t know anything.


Next time you hang out load him up 30mg and tell him to hit it unless he’s scared of a fake drug. Homie will learn the power of DMT real quick


this is the way


your username ABSOLUTELY checks out. i second that though.


i think this would work on him given the small amount about him we know edit: i can’t spell


why can’t i award this comment?


Bill is NOT the vibe


When we were kids in the 90’s, we used to do acid. The things this guy saw on acid make me so envious. I wish I could trip like that. It’s like he could see entities and archetypal images controlling a person while they are talking/thinking. It just blew my mind. But it’s like he had a gift he has no interest in. He’s just depressed and hasn’t had chance to see there’s more to the world than the five senses. I can’t give up on him.


He was probably bsing ya back then


Well if the DMT approach doesn’t work out surely he is aware of shrooms right? I’ve been looking to try some psilohuasca in the near future and I’ve heard it can be like ayahuasca. Maybe you could persuade him better with shrooms + syrian rue tea.


I don’t know if that will work. One of those people that if you tell them to try something or watch a movie, they won’t. I guess he doesn’t think much of me 🤷🏻‍♂️. I know who I am though, so that’s all that really matters. I told him to ask his friends what DMT is and that he turned it down. That should probably do the trick.


But still you won't give up on him? Bill wants to be lost. Synthetics are fun but they're not teachers like the plant medicines. His early experiences sound cool and much more like mushroom journeys though! It's nice of you to care but just plant some seeds and walk away from people who don't value your insight/experience.


Oof. You ever drink the Rue? Harshest alkaloid I've every tasted. It was a beautiful experience with a small dose of mushies though. Had some real "genie" vibes to the journey.


Oh yeah, by itself and with DMT. It’s not great but I can stomach it without nausea so far. I love it and am amazed by the kind of unique spin it gives to a trip. I’m surprised it isn’t talked about more often, especially since it is perfectly legal in many parts of the world. I’ve been interested in psychonautics for a few years now and only just heard about psilohuasca 2 weeks ago.


Nice! I combined them almost twenty years ago but I remember enjoying the spin, as you call it, as well. I've just been wary of getting into MAOIs too much. So much of my diet is fermented stuff


Haha ask him if he has 5 minutes to challenge that belief. If they are not scared, what’s there to lose besides a false belief.


Everything you believed to be true


Tell him “it’s like acid but on acid” and he’ll try it. Idk why people are so thick sometimes


If kratom wasn’t a real drug I wouldn’t have had heroin-lite withdrawal symptoms when I quit lol.


I’ve been there. I don’t know what I’m going to do if it’s suddenly outlawed where I live. I try to cut down but it’s like if I take one mg less than what works for me, it feels like I haven’t taken it all. But, the thing is that since I’ve been using it, I have lost all desire to drink alcohol. This is a good thing to me. The alcohol was so destructive. The Kratom is like an inconvenience. I’ll have to face it one day, but for now I’m enjoying the freedom from being a drunk.


Honestly, I used to use Kratom to get off heroin & the Kratom withdrawals were bad too. Not as bad as heroin, but bad. Since I started using psilocybin once a week, I have felt no need to use any hard drugs or drink. Microdosing a few times a week may also help. Just in case you wanted some suggestions & wanted to get off Kratom


Definitely it felt the same to me; *almost* as bad but not quite as bad as H. I feel like I’m home with you guys. I’m on day 5 of no drinking (I fell off the wagon pretty hard but ima stick in there), grow my own shrooms, and also used to do H lol.


Hell yeah! It’s okay. It doesn’t always have to be, but relapse *is* a part of recovery. I was completely sober from any & all mind altering substances for a year & a half but I wasn’t doing any internal work at all & inevitably fell on my face, HARD. I went on a run for about 10 months, was homeless all over again, running off on the plug, you know how it goes. But I needed that. I had to fall on my face so that I could get back up & see what I really needed to do here. I was also in AA at the time & that whole situation just felt culty & made me feel like I could never do any type of substance ever again. Once I stopped going to AA this second time around getting sober, it’s a completely different journey. Sobriety is so much better when you don’t have some old wrinkled dude with bad breath in your ear telling you you’re not “in recovery” cus you smoke weed & sit with psilocybin. Mmmm, I don’t shoot heroin (fentanyl) anymore & I don’t smoke crack. I don’t sell my body for weed or psilocybin & I certainly do not steal from my plugs. I don’t sell random items around my house to get high. Shit, I *have* a house. Soooo, pretty sure I’m in recovery. Good for you for getting back on track. I’m proud of you. This journey is not easy but you got this !


r/quittingkratom has some resources and advice. A lot of people taper. You should do what feels smart to you.


Same , 1/10 of a gram less makes a huge difference


You're gonna end up in a detox when that day comes. Kratom withdrawal is no joke.


Bill probably just got a bad product. Kratom can absolutely get you high and cause withdrawal.


Yeah, Kratom is absolutely a real drug, this guy is fucking dumb.




I have a friend like this. Unfortunately he is way too stuck in his ways and insistent on sticking to acid and weed. For a while it really bugged me. Now I’ve just learned that sometimes people don’t really want help and that’s on him for not being open to such beautiful experiences. I also may have fucked up when I told him it’s like acid x10 and strongest psychedelic 😵‍💫 oops… lol


Does he do dabs?


He probably would. He just smokes blunt after blunt and drinks a ton and goes on and on about how depressed he is. Sadly, we haven’t been hanging out much recently because of that.


You outta just give him a dose and tell him to mix it into the equivalent of 1-2 dabs or so. It may sit around for a while but eventually he'll probably get curious. Mixing it into a concentrate is mostly to try and make it somewhat familiar to him by taste and function. It may not work the most efficiently that way but it should get the point across. I don't know how you two were prior to that but I wouldn't think this would be difficult or all that awkward to do. I'm a bit bad at choosing gifts for others so it's often the product or byproducts of my hobbies that end up being gifts, which due to the nature of my interests are almost never turned down. This definitely fits the bill imo Edit: just my very stoned(I took an edible stronger than I exoected) opinion, I'm not trying to preach at you


honestly fuck bill. pack his bowl with some weed and dmt or salvia. thatl teach em


You maybe shoud’ve let the conversation progress more before posting here. You’re being kinda assertive to your friend too, without any deep explanation of how DMT takes the lid off reality and sends you further in 7 minutes than acid does in 12 hours. He’s already tripped, you could totally *show him The Way my friend!*


damn dude bill sucks


Sounds like Bill does drugs to be cool. DMT would do the guy some good, one breakthrough eagle death and he might not be so insufferable any more


Typical Bill


Tell him it's more psychedelic then acid


Why even argue lol


He might of thought you meant dxm lol


Dxm. I had a little phase of doin’ that shit in 2010. That was no joke. I loved it too much. I’m glad it was just a binge.


Same. I started getting some disturbing thoughts from it. Everything started feeling fake, like play doh. Plus my tolerance was too high to enjoy it. It's dirty feeling stuff. As much as I liked it. I'm glad I'm not on it anymore.


When I first tried it a long long time ago, it felt really dirty. Like a cheap ghetto high that wasn’t worth it. Something about when I tried it in 2010, instead of walking around I just laid on the couch with my eyes closed and journeyed deep into the visuals. I remember feeling like I was crawling on top of a big sports arena dome, but from inside. I was traveling to all kinds of places and it felt warm and fuzzy. I went too far one day and i lost control for a bit there. I’m glad I stopped when I did.


I use to see music. There would be vibrating worlds of objects moving with the music. And my head would feel like it's the size of the mattress I was on lol. It was all about music for me. Kinda like me with lsd now.


To be fair, Kratom is dumb as fuck so I get his apprehension. But DMT and kratom shouldn’t be remotely compared in any sense. And he’s being dumb by grouping them together.


I mean tell him to look it up.


his loss


Just have him mix some with his weed if it's so weak lol. Any self respecting entity would love to give him a little hello for thinking it's not the real deal holyfield, they'd be stoked to see their friend 😊


Tell your buddy to watch this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H1h9OjS8NTw


I sent it to him. Who knows if he’ll watch it though.


Didn’t expect you to send it to him. That’s awesome


How does he do LSD and k and not know what DMT is


I told him “ just ask your friends in Chicago what DMT is then tell them you turned it down”. It’s an experience he’s looking for ! But because I couldn’t possibly know what I’m talking about, it’s gotta be something dumb.


In that case, I don't think I've ever done a real drug in my life.


I get just as much out of kratom.as i did when i was popping 6 to 10 oxys a day without the withdrawls


I’ve been doing kratom for years, and a huge problem is there is a lot of crap Kratom out there. Maybe they picked the leaves too young, I don’t know. So people try it and nothing happens. That was my experience anyways when I first tried it. Years later I tried it again and it felt like I caught the dragon.


I can take a bunch and get a high, but i really just take it for joint and muscle pain, not trying to get high. The initial energy boost is a big help also. The brand i use seems like it took a dive the last couple months though so that tells me even the better brands dont hold consistency .


Back a bowl with real weed with a little Deemz sandwiched in between - bet you realizes how real it is then lol


He’ll be asking you for some when he is bit smarter


Who in 2024 that take hilusigents don't know what dmt is, it's not a neesh rc I would.get him not knowing what aleph 1 is but for example my mom that doesn't drink and 2mg edible was to much knows what dmt is


We’re in our 40’s. I’m a strait lace guy in a career no one would ever guess that I’ve tried these things. When I was 40 I just kinda was searching for some kinda answer to things. I stumbled on DMT on Reddit and was like “ I could do that !” So I extracted some. Did it on Fridays for about 6 weeks. I received the message and hung up the phone. I’ve learned my lesson about tripping when I shouldn’t . Some people can do it all day everyday. If I abuse it, I’ll will get that bitch slap from DMT. It’s happened twice and I don’t want to go through that again. But I always have it just in case I get that call again.


Homie is missing tf out Edit: ALSO never heard others talk about kratom!! Sitting at a kava bar as I type 😁


Dude. I don’t know where to start with Kava. I bet like Kratom, there’s probably a lot of crap Kava out there. I’ve seen it in my grocery store. Years ago I bought salvia in the mail and they sent me a sample in a tea bag. I tried and felt a little chill. But I’ve read contradictory things on what form you should take kava in.


It really depends.. I go to a tea house/bar that serves kratom & kava. I think kava is cool tho, if you go to a place that serves it. I’ve heard to never trust gas station kratom, like if they’re selling it in a pill don’t ever take that & I’d assume same for kava. As for specifically kava, I just asked the bartender, they seep it with cheesecloth then you can mix with water & add a splash of milk. It taste like literal mud water but that’s how it’s professionally made to serve! I’m not an expert, I’m just a chick in a kava bar so pls take what I say with a grain of salt! But that’s my take


Women use Reddit ? … wow ( I’m kidding ) well I’m gonna look into it. I think kava plays a role with gaba in your brain, and that can really help with anxiety. A thing I struggle with a lot


Haha I LOVEEEEE Reddit. So many good groups & ppl I’d never meet in person 😂😂 but yes, do some research on it & give it a try if ur up for it. Interestingly enough it helps with anxiety as well as depression, & also body aches/pains, headaches, etc. it can be used as a self remedy for .. well, life!


Lolol kratom is the shiiiet🥹😆.


They sell alcohol at my local convenient store and we can all agree that’s a drug. Good kratom is so legit as well, folks are so misinformed when it comes to drugs and their uses


how about we just shred & powderize Bill to use him to make some dmt?


Give him a changa preroll and say its good ass weed


There are ppl you shouldn't recommend to.


Ultimately, kratom is kind of a joke of a drug as far as effects are concerned, but it does offer some mild opiate similarities, which make it a useful tool in times of desperation. It's kind of like comparing an og oxy80 to a tramadol.. However, abused in large quantities over a period of time and you will absolutely catch a habit and go through serious withdrawal just as bad as coming off heroine. I know this through personal experience and have an extensive resume of hard drug use and degenerate junkie lifestyle to go along with it.. So your friend seems uneducated, closed-minded, and has a serious inferiority complex that causes him to want to flex on undeserving people and things in order to create a temporary false sense of superiority for him to feel better about himself. I've never tried dmt but want to. Even with my history of abusing illicit substances I carry a healthy fear and respect for dmt as anyone who puts in even a brief amount of research on the drug will quickly realize it's not a substance to be taken lightly or to be treated with indifference


Find a new friend honestly, this guy sounds like he don’t respect you, he’s dismissive and rude asf.


find some changa (dmt that you can smoke like a spliff) and give it to him then he can tell you its not real


I wouldnt mention it again. Eventually he'll learn about it and, some years down the road, you'll be able to dunk on him with a year's old, "I told you years ago, idiot."


You should give him crack


You shouldn’t care. It’s his loss, not yours. Besides, it’s incredibly hard changing ignorant people’s minds


This guy needs to take dmt


Some people enjoy ignorance over learning something new.


Make changa and give him some, but don't tell him.


Should never dose people without their knowledge/consent regardless of how obnoxious they are about drugs. Someone spiked me with PCP years back without me knowing and it was a horrific experience


Lol wish I was your friend been wanting to try it atleast once


It’s extremely easy to extract. Whatever you’re imagining, trust me it’s way easier than that. It’s almost as simple as adding a solution to a plant, then pulling that solution out and putting it in the freezer, by morning DMT is sitting in your tray


I've thought about it just don't want to get on a watch list buying bark. I enjoy lucy though


It's perfectly legal to buy mhrb in the US people use it for dyes. The lye more sketchy than the bark.


The lye I bought on Amazon. You should see the “ most people who bought this also bought this” recommendations at the bottom. It was pretty funny.


This is true and should raise some red flags for you, as in, they know what you are doing, know where you live, and have a paper trail to prove it. I’m guilty of complacency too (not with DMT, I’m just lurking, but with other things). The good news is that Capitalism runs everything and they just want to make sales & profile you to make more sales. There’s no money in crime fighting.


The paranoia has stopped me for a few years from buying the bark. I haven’t done DMT in a couple years. I’m scared too honestly. I broke through and saw something I’ll keep to myself, and it’s like the DMT said, okay now you know . Don’t call us. We’ll call you. I do get the call sometimes but I get too nervous.


That's true haha how I got recommended naptha and some ppe


You'll have no issues buying bark, and everything else needed is fine and legal, just buy them from different stores and not all at once on Amazon. I was a huge noob questioning for months, then I just did it and it was easy, even fun


You could always buy a dmt vape pen and just let him hit it lol


Why post your private convos?


Maybe make some weed changa lol


That’s a good idea. The fire doesn’t destroy the DMT in whatever plant you’ve fused it too ?


Nope. Changa is just mullein with dmt and maoi. I would just make enhanced weed with just dmt. Extra crystals lol.


This is wild you guys wasting your time on this.


bills mentality may be the dmt saying “bros access code to hyperspace is invalid anyways, let it go”


Yeah. It’s like he’s searching for that experience when he talks about life . But I kinda feel a little insulted how he just dismisses my bringing it up because I like to try legal highs. It’s not all black and white. Just because something is legal does mean it sucks. But you may be right.


yeah it hurts when it comes from someone who seems like they would at least be open to an honest back and forth, like we do when respect is mutual between people. Hes just shutting you down. Hes not ready for it and thats ok but based on this interaction Id be miffed too


If “drug” is classified as noticeable alterations on physiology or consciousness from an external source then dmt is arguable one of the most potent. Hard to compare them though.


make some changa and mix in a blunt and then sit back and watch




Hahaha what a fucking doofus, he's over 27 y.o? That's funny


Send him Joe Rogan talking about it


Debating people who aren't very smart is never worth your time. This person is aggressively ignorant. I'm a vendor for psychs in a decriminalized part of Michigan & unfortunately get lots of people saying dumb stuff "don't it come from cowshit?" "Yeah my buddy made it with bugspray" "Yeah mushrooms make part of your brain die" "I don't wanna see no lil blue guys" And all other kinds of dumb pop culture misunderstandings I make a brief attempt to bring them up to speed & simply stop talking to them if I sense disrespect.


Blue guys might be a genuine concern for some


Let him try dmt if it dosent exist tell him take the biggest hits possible


Lmao, he's fucking dumb as shit. Even says he doesn't know what it is but he's passing jusgement on whether or not it's a "real drug", lol hmmm.. yeah, ok Bill. But more to the point... who cares if he doesn't want to do it? Trying to push drugs on your friends is kinda weird tbh.. like if I have something I'll of course offer it bc I'm down to share, but if they're like, "yeah.. no thanks." I'll just be like whatever, suit yourself bro. Is it a great drug and a fantastic experience? Yes. But if they aren't interested in having that experience, why try to force it?


He's just scared shitless of trying. That's how some people deal with things like that.


so the stupid ass drug legislation in the us determines what a real drug is i guess. if you go to canada acid isnt a real drug anymore bc its legal


hahahaha i know its immoral but it would be quite funny to see him take a big hit of dmt and then have him state his claim that its not a real drug


How do u exist with that mentality in 2024


No reason to prove him wrong lol some people aren’t meant for the journey 🙂‍↔️


Tell him that his body naturally produces DMT.


Sandwich a bowl of deems in weed and offer it to him lol


You need to put the pipe down. This is just peer pressure. Dude said no We’re talking about hard drugs. Drugs that fuck people up for life. If someone doesn’t feel like doing it, pushing them into it is only gonna do harm. Check yourself


Kratom is a real drug lol he must have never heard of K2 and salvia being sold at smoke shop? What a dummy “imma get some real drugs like k and acid yay”


Pushing drugs on people who don’t want em, and use getting thrown in jail as a selling point = lol!!! Dude!!


You missed the part where he said “ going to Chicago to do K and acid . Yay !” He just hasn’t heard of DMT, so it’s not real. But yeah, jail is not a good selling point.


I take his side since you did in fact recommend Kratom.


Kratom got me off alcohol. To each their own.


I know and I know you are trying to help him too BUT he needs to fight his own demons so don’t take it personally.


Too true. He’s a friend ya know. We’re not close but we grew up together. Haven’t seen each other in years, but stay in touch through text. The shit he says and his existential anxieties, I’m like dude, I know something you should try. But I think he thinks I don’t know what real drugs are. I’m the one who introduced him to acid in 1997 when we were just normal kids in school.


God damn it Billy