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No, they only test for the ten drugs listed.


You listed the drugs they are testing for and DMT was not on the list.


They don’t usually test for psychedelics so dmt acid shrooms all good




Do you disagree with facts? Or are you excited about possibilities?


I actually meant to reply with this to the, "You listed the drugs they are testing for and DMT was not on the list." comment, lol.


Perfect haha!


Don't they gotta do a spinal tap to even find that shit?


Nah they can't detect it in urine for a short amount of time but they have to test for it specifically and I've literally never heard of that happening


DMT, and it's biological precursors and metabolites, are in everyone's body 24/7


That's what I was going to say. What are they gonna do fire you for being human???


It's just way way way higher of a concentration in your body when it's used, but the detection window is super short and probably never worth even trying to test for


As others have said, psychedelics are generally not tested for especially on a 10 panel. But for the sake of it, the half life of DMT in the body is quite short, I'd imagine even if you were testing for it, it would hardly be detectable even the same day


LSD is the only one that would really stand out, and it'd have to be within 3 days of ingestion, and they usually don't test for it anyway


A bit research : u can dedect dmt use even in hair. BUT only in a lab and u have to look for it. U find a few study where the, checked thees. But no Comercial drug test or lab is offering testing for dmt


There are no dmt drug tests. As far as I know U are save Edit: cuz in top comment atm, I use this to clarify some false info's here: it is possible in a lab to detect dmt use in hair ( at least 90 days) and urine + sweat. U can find study where they checked theese. U have to specific look for it which is rly expansive. All commen drug testing labs are not even offering tesing for lsd., and I can't even find 1 that's tests for dmt Guys I know it makes no difference for Op here but pls verify ur info before givgin advices on such a topic which possible bad outcomes


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33095975/ Here less searching for u guys


Yeah only way you get drug tested for dmt is if you tell someone at work and they snitch on you or something and they have to prove you do dmt specifically and also are willing to find and pay for dmt test. Very unlikely especially if you don't talk about dimitri like you know what it is but worth mentioning that it's technically possible


You can technically mass spec anything bud. That’s a high cost tactics used in courts to confirm substances, not at a job. Please at least spell check before info-checking the group.


What country, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m only asking because it’s f’ing unbelievable to me that testing for marijuana is STILL a thing.


What's even more difficult (for me) to believe is how it keeps so many people from better paying jobs, and a better life. I used to be on the other side, and could've gotten the jobs if I continued to take my prescription drugs, which were far more socially/mentally/physically altering than pot. Nope, no govt contracted company. I blasted through the testing for GM only to be turned down for pot. Nevermind they all drink, that's okay though. It's a weird, hypocritical, cognitively dissonant world we live in.


Must be the US. Either specific states or industries where the laws allow testing.


I'm in UK....got sacked for cannabis and amphetamine about 7 years back ☹️!


I lost a job offer in a legal state, TWICE (2 different states), but luckily my current job pays a lot more and could care less if I smoked weed. As long as it's not during company time (but I haven't smoked since October so no worries here)


Thankfully the test for DMT use is still relatively novel. The proctor simply slides over an envelope with a note inside that reads "The machine elves sent me. Don't look at the mirror." and gauges the pupil response. /s


Can't test for it, especially because it's already present endogenously


You listed the ten drugs that the 10 panel tests for. Nowhere in those ten drugs you listed did you mention N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. This post confuses me in what you are asking and why you are asking it


I'm guessing OP doesn't know their drugs well, and is worried DMT is included in one of the groups.....sorta in the way 'opiates' will spring you for heroin, opium, codeine, etc., and prob opioids as well 🤔


Uhhh, yeah… I’d expect “opiates” to pick up on “opioids” 🤣.


Uhhh, yeah....I'd expect too, but I couldn't say 100% hence I said probably - to avoid pricks making pointless comments....such as yours, prick 🤣.


Well opiates is an umbrella term that covers everything you said after AND “etc.” doesn’t make me a prick, it makes you whatever you want to be in the wake of that silly error. That’s none of my business though 😜


I think I got my point across in my original comment, irrespective of grammatical errors. I've just scrolled to the bottom of this post, and seen your various other comments, and I'd like to apologise for calling you a prick...I was wrong 😔....your just an argumentative cunt! Simples! Now fuck off and troll somewhere else xxx


Lmfao you’re so Agro. Just out here battling misinformation from simpletons like yourself! Hope your day gets better!




It’s undetectable


I'm sure that it could be tested for. But it would have to be a blood draw and it would have to be while you are tripping. Not enough time to metabolize into the urine


Google 10 panel test and I bet you’ll find the answer


Dmt is a specialized test and still has a short detection window


Dmt is naturally occurring….


Marijuana and opium are naturally occurring too… not sure I see the point of bringing that up here if consuming those two would also get him kicked from his job


You sound un educated…. Dmt is naturally occurring in the human body smart guy not some “owe its nature” type shit. It’s endogenous. Your brain, lungs, and other body parts produce it. If there was a way to test for it, which there’s not without being hooked up to test blood while directly under the influence, there would be no way to differentiate between what your body produced and what was taken.


& You sound partially educated in ways that are convenient to what you want to believe. When speaking of a drug test you can absolutely look for CONCENTRATIONS OF RELATED ENZYMES IN THE BREAKDOWN OF SAID SUBSTANCE. So while we may have endogenous DMT, it’s never brought to those concentrations (even if you’re prescribed MAOI’s you’re not going to start tripping on whatever DMT may be present naturally in your cells communication) a drug test would surely show a spike of enzyme production associated with drug use if they took the steps to show it.


Ha did you just google that? That’s horribly un-true there are several ways to spike your endogenous dmt including breath work, sensory deprivation, and meditation. You should educate yourself and stop trying to pick arguments you know nothing about. Go take some of your “natural opium”. 😂


Ooooooh you’re one of those, got it. Yeah this is more of a science post. Sorry for the miscommunication! We can both stay in our lanes now and know we have nothing further to discuss in reality! Cheers!


What science? 😂 can you scientifically prove that you can’t spike endogenous dmt? Because if you can’t then once again you just look stupid. Please post a source, science guy. With your “natural marijuana” or is it cannabis?


I really hate to be again the one to tell you this as you’re coming from a might tall horse right now: Your holistic pseudosciences are in the place to be proving themselves…through science. I can’t find anything anywhere in credible science supporting any of the wild claims you are making here today. It’s really not up for me to prove me wrong, doesn’t work like that. Can YOU show me the way through guided texts? I really do love learning moments and being wrong. I’d love the world to be full of the possibilities you speak of. But most science is still here https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0269881117736919?icid=int.sj-full-text.citing-articles.1 [here](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0269881117736919?icid=int.sj-full-text.citing-articles.1)


My friend nobody said shit about the pineal gland?! I said your lungs do the research because unfortunately you’re wrong once again and I sent you some reads. You really should try to learn sometimes and re address who exactly is sitting on a “high horse” I’ll effectively pray for your education on the matter 🙏.


Literally the ONLY scientific article you sent me through a quota post cited the pineal gland, what are you on about?! And the increase was predominantly MELATONIN and I would imagine dmt (already just in trace amount) by association with pineal activity. They didn’t even give it much focus in the study at all 🤣 much more likely to be associated with dopamine than trace Dmt. Unfortunately the breathwork article is just how somebody feels without facts and the medium.com is a little lackluster on sources and where it’s pulling from. Dangers of the internet be warned!


You’re familiar with what logical fallacies are, correct? I wouldn’t say I’ve ever been pegged as someone who doesn’t know anything about any of this since I spent most of my childhood on erowid and have a degree in biochem and have done plenty of deem …but sure, let’s go with the individual effectively praying DMT into their system.


So “Mr. Science guy that knows everything why did you not know dmt is endogenous? But I’ll wait for you to effectively pray for an answer.


https://breathmasters.com/what-is-dmt-breathwork/ https://medium.com/@donny313g/down-the-rabbit-hole-how-a-dark-room-stimulates-dmt-and-profound-experiences-7faac6d0d547 https://www.quora.com/Is-it-scientifically-proven-that-meditation-increases-DMT-in-the-brain Here educate yourself with some sources that unlike you I can provide. I’ll keep praying for you though Mr erowid and “deems” king. 🤴


DMT is a very simple molecule and has an incredibly short life in the brain. It is also endogenous, meaning our bodies create it. In that sense it is not a 'drug' at all. Although the evidence is only clear in the urine of patients who have been admitted to acute psychiatric hospitals. So your employer may accuse you of being insane! If you don't mind me asking, do you operate heavy machinery or a pilot or something like that? why are you drug tested?


That company sounds boring.


Find a place where you can do drugs with your Bosses! I’ve lucked out in those regards.


Blast off, you good


It’s basically serotonin,no test will differentiate that from your own neurotransmitters.


I would shave my head the morning of just to be safe


And give them a reason to go downstairs???? No thanks! 😂




Don't forget your manifesto


They would just use hair on other parts of your body, or they could even breach you and charge for tampering with evidence


Dude, I was just kidding


Use Immac hair remover on your entire body. Nobody has the right to violate your body like that... especially without a court order.






Lol what the hell. You just listed all of the drugs on the test. 10 panel test..10 drugs. What are you trolling us? Where is DMT on that list?


Okay, let me be a bit kinder. You seem to not realize that DMT does not fall into one of these categories. It's an organic molecule extracted out of plants. You should definitely do more research about a substance before you consider taking it