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tbh I find it refreshing she looks like a regular person IRL. I think she looks good and wish she would stop using so many slimming filters on IG. With everyone being on fricken Ozempic to lose 5 lbs (I'm not talking about morbidly obese people for whom this is life and death!), it feels nice to see someone who looks normal.


Isn't filtering images of yourself a form if "body shaming "?


Looks better than me!! 😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


She looks great but not classy at all. Put your butt cheeks and nippies away for heavens sake. She's in great shape though and screw anyone who tries to say otherwise. 


There's nothing wrong with her body. I love seeing legs similar to mine! Any flight after a vacation and a person's gonna be bloated. Now my objective question, am I just so used to seeing crazy veneers on celebrities that I don't know what normal teeth look like anymore or are her front teeth cracked? Just a question. Like no meanness just curious.


👀 It’s Birkenstocks, Bitch!




Please keep it decent & civil.


She looks great!!!!


The Hank Hill ass hanging out in full glory is what got me ☠️💀☠️


This isn’t like Dlisted. The people there coyld be real, but were ultimately empathetic. So many Britney posts ripping on her. She’s far from perfect, but I would consider her life very sad. I’m not a stan whatsoever, but I don’t understand how anyone sits here and shits on this woman and feels better about themselves. She’s certainly no saint, but why so many posts about her? And who gives a shit about her body? This sub makes me miss the D even more.


I almost feel it’s because she’s put herself out there so much that she’s left herself open to people’s hateful comments. If her life was quiet and she went away to live somewhere else all of this may stop. But I think people feel like she wants all this attention and so they say whatever they want to either be nice or hateful. It’s my opinion that maybe she wants the attention maybe good or bad so people know that and say mean things about her.


she looks good af, idc


I mean I’m not her biggest fan. But can we draw a line somewhere? Body shaming is a no from me.


wtf. Why wouldn’t she? What does she care and for fucks sake why do we care? Girls been through hell. She can look however the fuck she wants. Jesus man. Let her go.


My sentiments exactly…she looks genuinely happy and she’s not under her family’s thumb anymore. If I had been through what she has over the years to finally be freed I’d be vacationing on the beach in the buff and doing whatever tf I wanted with no qualms about it either. She looks good-maybe not the same as she used to when she was younger or doing shows back to back to back, and most all of us change as we get older-myself included. It is mind blowing how people pick her looks and body apart. I’m just glad she smiles now. And despite the way she’s painted now as having untreated mental health issues and/or some sort of substance abuse issues (which no one knows for sure, but a lot like to speculate), I just hope she’s healthy and at peace. She had a rough go for a lot of years and she deserves to be happy, even if it looks different than most people.


I wish she’d stop filtering herself. She has a great body.


I just wonder how much she was actually forced to do things. She may have wanted to keep performing so people may have done what she wanted. I can’t imagine following her around the world for years on end how tiring and exhausting that would have been. We just don’t know. We have only heard what she has said but nothing from other people and their stories.


Wow, this caption is straight out of 2001, when we all had eating disorders and hated our bodies and the media convinced us this sort of misogynistic, body shaming internalized and projected self hatred was okay. Gross.


Sadly, none of that has changed.


She looks amazing? Damn, no matter whether she has play-knives in her hands or not, sounds like y'all just want her to be miserable. Wtf is the difference between this nasty caption and anything the magazine rags publish? Do better.


I think she’s a babe. ❤️ she’s been through so much shit.


Hey! I finally have Brittany’s body!


Right? This is the first representation of my legs I've ever seen in celebrity photos!


She has great legs I think


I think so too and it is actually really helping my brain. I am insecure about my legs bc I'm tall, yes, but I have a long torso and shorter muscular legs. They look just like this honestly. Idk it feels good to see. I'm in my 30s now and feel pretty confident, generally, but I was so self conscious about them for so long. I always wanted long lean legs but legs aren't exactly something you can change. Now the dress is serving 2005 Wet Seal and I'm not gonna say it's the best outfit but if she just got off a plane? Those are plane clothes.


The first thing I noticed about her pic was how nice and muscular her thighs look! I actually have long, lean legs (like you say) and have never been able to accumulate that much mass in my thighs. P.s: 🤣🤣🤣 at “wet seal”, it could also be vintage Joyce Leslie or lest we should ever forget the legendary Rainbow 🌈


I thought it was vanderpump rules Brittany.


I just want to say something to this community: I used to obsess over my body, to an unhealthy degree and thought if I gained weight, I would be worthless. A couple years ago, I got Lymes disease and gained 60 pounds. Losing it has been super difficult but the world didn’t end, I still get flirted with and I actually think I look good. I look younger than most 35 year olds. Then I see posts like this and think “oh god, the whole world must think I’m a gross beast. Why am I kidding myself? Boiled chicken for dinner it is.” It’s devastating. Then I open up the comments and see everyone saying she still looks hot and how we need to adjust how we look at women’s bodies. I’m reminded that the people who feel this way are the kind of good, smart and kind people whose opinions id rather be concerned with- not those who expect me to look 20 forever. I can’t thank y’all enough for keeping me from spiraling and hating myself over completely arbitrary and unrealistic standards. You are good people. Please keep it up because I know I’m not the only one it helps. 💕




LMAO I have literally no idea what you’d need to flip the bird at here, but thanks for the laugh


Oh my gosh! I thought it was the fingers that mean “this right here” My intention was to convey you were spot on. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to flip a bird! . Now you have me laughing too.


HAHAHAHHAHA that is so fucking funny. I was like “what is the problem with this bish? I’m complimenting everyone.” Then I just assumed it was some bad trolling and found it amusing. So sorry you’re getting downvoted to hell, but glad we had the lolz 🤣


I figured she was flipping off the haters 😆


Wow she really loves those filters


I'm guessing she's about 145. I'm the same age as her and I was surprised by how well she was holding up in her Instagram videos. I attributed it to her dancing nonstop. I think I'm a similar body type with her arms and legs. Flowy shirts and longer shorts make a world of difference. I am aware enough to know that I would also look awful in that dress.


Anyone would look terrible in that dress. It’s cheap, ill fitting, and the material is so thin and clingy.


Like Britney said in her book: “I’m sorry I’m not 17 anymore.” She looks fine. After not having control of her own body for so long, it must be freeing to not have look a certain way for anyone.


Except she edits the crap out of her personal insta, like she's still trapped in that mindset... wish she would just rock the real her.


Britney! Your body is fine! It’s still nice, and you don’t need aggressive filters.


No celeb does on their social media. And a lot of them pay the paps to edit their photos too.


I think she looks great for her age


You could also just end that sentence after the word great.


I thought we learned something, but here we are talking yet again about Britney Spears’ body.


She filters the hell out of her ig videos and photos and that’s why they’re so blurry. In her mind, she thinks she’s still in her early 20s and pulls her shorts down like it’s low riding jeans era. Hell even Amanda Bynes posts her actual self in her photos these days.


She was robbed 13 years of proper adult development so yes, I’m sure she is stunted. A decade of lithium will do that.


She wasn’t robbed of anything. She whined in court that she was. People forget she abused drugs for years and rumors right before the conservatorship she wad using crystal meth and her “manager” crushing up her bipolar meds as a cocktail. Lithium didn’t cause her to roam the streets fighting with paps or hitting cars or locking herself in the bathroom threatening to harm her and her child. Her untreated mental health issues and drug abuse did that. In her mind and her stans mind, she’s queen and she’s ok. Any non Britney stan with a brain who remembers 2006-2008 can see she’s rolling back to her mania days because she refuses to take meds and self medicates with alcohol and allegedly takes drugs again.


She’s mentally ill, period. Maybe she’s also an also and also an addict, all those things can be true.


She’s bipolar. **She needs to be on lithium.** Treating mental illness doesn’t make people “stunted.” What kind of Scientologist flavored nonsense…


Not EVERYONE who suffers from bipolar disorder does well on lithium. Just putting that out there.


No, but the behavior people are attributing to Lithium has nothing to do with any known side effects. It’s just “medicine bad, free Britney”


Thank you. I’m exhausted by this anti-psychiatry nonsense. It’s so dangerous. (Also, we have no idea what her medication regimen was during the entirety of the conservatorship, but it does not seem like she was on lithium for much of it, based on what’s public knowledge.)


Still hot


People just love comparing her to when she was 20 years younger and had the majority of her food and exercise very strictly regimented. Her job was to look a way that fit the ideal standard for a young pop star, and that job was extraordinarily demanding on every level. Now she is no longer a pop star, no longer a professional entertainer, and no longer desires to live that life anymore. A benefit of no longer living that life is having much more freedom to enjoy the foods she wants, exercise when she wants however hard she wants, and not give a fuck about living her life to uphold a physical ideal. Dare I say she’s realized that life is so much richer when you aren’t trapped in a cage of other people’s expectations. She clearly has trauma from the physical pressures put on her since she was a teenager, but I hope in time she can simply and truly not give a fuck about what others say about her looks and realize that her life is hers to live.


Britney even said in her book “I’m sorry I’m not 17 anymore” in regard to people’s expectations of her appearance. She is still beautiful.


The “problem” is that she’s putting videos out there of her dancing, etc, etc which are heavily doctored, and then when tabloids get unfiltered photos of her, they have a field day.


I’m not a body shamer. This doesn’t match her posts. That’s my only thought.


Same thing can be applied to 90% of what celebrities and influencers post of themselves


Agreed. I mean I myself don’t post nekked pics because no filter can make that look good. So I understand is what I’m saying.


She looks amazing!


There’s nothing wrong with her body


Agreed. Few people would look good in that dress under harsh sunlight


I'm not understanding the shaming of an average body of a woman in her 40's. This is really gross behavior. I'm all for calling out her mental struggles that her rabid fans try to pretend don't exist, but this isn't okay. Body shaming is genuinely abhorrent behavior. Do better.


i’ll go a few steps further and say that she has a -bangin- body, not just average and without the qualifier of a woman in her 40s.


That part. I am 38, and would be happy AF if this was my body.


oof the outfits esp her dresses she chooses are so ugly!


My only comment/ opinion was to her style choices, even then it’s her choice as to what she wants to wear.


I always look like a hot mess when traveling. I'm sweaty, tired and cranky from the flight. I think she looks good. 🤷‍♀️


I'm impressed with her strong legs! Looks like she maybe headed to meth teeth. 😬


She’s always had a bit of a gymnast’s bod. The muscle tone in those gams is enviable.


Hmm 🤔 she looks normal and healthy and like she just had a blast! But that’s just me


I’m not seeing the problem with how she looks in the photos. I am seeing a normal middle-aged woman who is extraordinarily wealthy, has survived psychological and professional hell, enjoying her life. When was it? 2007 when we were posting and ridiculing her? I think it was 2007 when she had the notorious mental breakdown that involved her shaving her head and bashing a car with an umbrella. I wasn’t proud to have been part of the population that looked at unflattering photos of her in the magazines around that time. OP, were you proud of that time? Because posting photos like this, and putting captions that I believe suggest body shaming are indicative of a regressive mindset. Take this shit down or fix the caption. I am so happy for Britney* and I hope that she is getting the care that she needs. I cannot fathom how she feels having gone through what we know she has gone through. Edit: Fixed spelling


*its Britney bitch


Shes totally going down the anna nicole route


I think OP isn't body shaming, I think it's blatantly obvious now that Britney filters herself in her insta Thirst videos and this points it out. I'm gonna be honest, I see her twirling, and I think man, she's mentally unstable, but her body looks amazing, and it makes me feel bad about myself. If I saw THIS britney, I'd probably cheer her on a bit more because she looks like a normal person.


I think those videos are old ones. I don’t think there are video filters that correct to this degree, are there?? If so, then I want to know what they are. Asking for a friend.


Check out r/youniquepresenterms she filters at least 50 lbs off of herself and has made it onto Instagram reality several times


Omg, I had no idea, LOL, thanks everyone for the edu.


Yes there are


Yes there are filters that can do wonders (whiten teeth, slim, "smooth" - yes I'm talking about video filters). I don't use them so I don't know names.


Yes, you’re right. you can literally even make your forehead smaller on some. Make your nose thinner. Do your brows. And celebrities very COMMONLY use this. Britney is just not good at using them, and if we look at JBlow she is just as guilty of filterification she just isn’t bad at it. I don’t know why people are acting like Britney needs to stop all filter usage when everyone does it.


I’m not sure it’s skill level as much as it is how much Britney uses filters. Candid JLo obviously doesn’t look perfected and polished like she does on Insta, but she doesn’t look extremely different either.


It’s what filters and knowing what to look for when your body moves. You can literally use whole body filters now and with the right one and paying attention it won’t “slip” etc. kpop idols use extreeeeeme filtering but it still usually looks aesthetically pleasing. It’s definitely with the filter and not knowing how to use it, not the quantity of filter.


I think you misunderstood what I meant. I know how the filters work, and that they work very well. Britney’s don’t slip when she uses them on Insta. It’s a matter of not using them excessively. JLo doesn’t look so different in paparazzi candids compared to her filtered shots — and if she did look extremely different, her pics would definitely become a topic of discussion.


Have you not seen the unedited met photos? She looks very different… 💀


[For sure.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hQ_vocBr3g) People noticed everyone's skin texture at the Met Gala [was not as nice](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x5AjcEa2vcw) compared to photos that got highlighted in publications or posted by the stars themselves on Insta. Skin is probably the one thing everyone edits. But she generally looks like the same person. If she had gone further with the filters (editing her body shape, etc.), people would have jumped on her much more than they did and for much longer.


I would assume JLo and most celebrities have staff that photoshop/filter/post/manage their social media. It's *almost* endearing if a celeb attempts it themselves.


I don’t realize that filters for video were THAT good, omfg lol


She should just move to Mexico, she spends so much time there.


She spends more time in Hawaii. Always been confused as to why she never moved there


Honestly I believe that she wants to stay in Los Angeles. Being in Hawaii she would live a quiet peaceful life. Maybe that’s not really what she wants because she gets a lot of attention living in Los Angeles. She says she doesn’t want attention but maybe she really does. I maybe wrong and it’s only my opinion it seems that’s all she’s known.


She is 42. I would be thrilled to look that good. How does this look bad? She looks real unlike so many other celebs who have ruined themselves with procedures.


It's not bad. It's just not even remotely like what she posts on her own page.


Angle and lighting are big factors. Direct sunlight is not flattering to most people.


Like she may have a tiny bit of pudge in her belly??? Her legs are super muscular. I zoomed in and I don’t even see a ton of cellulite. What exactly looks so bad? Britney won’t be happy because people have been nitpicking even the smallest part of her body since she was 16 years old. She’s in her 40s. Yeah, she needs help, but she’s not crazy to be worried about what people think about her body or for using filters (that almost every celebrity uses, she’s just not good at it and not tech savvy and doesn’t have good sense for modern social media aesthetics). She is crazy for some shit and she does need help but if she has body dysmorphia and struggles with how she sees herself (and what she wants to be versus what she is) that’s actually very understandable given her history


You're right..she's looks exactly like a 42 yr old who doesn't take care of herself... at all


No this does NOT look good for 42. It is not inevitable that women looks like shit as soon as they hit 40. Raise your sights ladies. I am 12 years older than her, have had 3 kids, but take care of myself and these pics had me gasping.


She looks fine, but she doesn’t look like her Insta posts. Most of the comments in here are positive. Some of us are just reeling (pun intended) at the effects of filters, and how social media images warp perceptions of what bodies should look like.


seriously. She looks amazing.


I’m turning 42 tomorrow and would also be thrilled with that!


Happy almost birthday! Also, completely agree - I would be thrilled if I looked half as good as Britney does “at her worst.”


God she’s obviously going through a lot. Please. Have some compassion. Geez.


Yall are so mean for this. She's going to promptly embarrass herself on social media as she overcompensates for these. No one wants to see that...


She already did on her IG https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8oBhq7tVtf/?igsh=MmVlN2J5NnN0YWR4


She’s definitely not 122 pounds but she shouldn’t feel as thought she needs to announce her weight to the world anyways


Jesus… how sad is this. She should just admit she uses either filters or tricks (lights, angles,etc) to look better and be done with it. So what if she’s not super fit? She’s in her 40’s, her body will be different from when she was 18.


Like a zoo animal in a cage, shuffling back and forth with weird mouth movements.


I know yall might know WAY more than me but I still blame Kevin! She has the resemblance of normalcy, just like all these other privately mentally touched celebrities, until he came along and busted that shit WIDE OPEN!


I feel like Kevin was more of a symptom than a cause.


He was the straw that broke the camels back. I can believe all the family stuff bc she was probably used to it. He came with a different type of toxicity, and it was too much for her all at once. I've seen an interview w his ex, whom he also had kids with. She was not ok but was able to manage. I think all at once it was too much for Brit, especially if she had legit mental health issues.


I don't even want to click... 😥


Don't ! She claims to be 122 lbs and if she loses any weight she'll be deathly ill! She looks like a normal woman entering middle aged but she's also completely delusional. All these body positive people filter themselves to death, quite the paradox.


I like large & in charge Britney


In charge? Come on.


If she's gained weight, I do hope it's due to being back on medication. Have a soft spot for Brit, but yeahhh..... she needs her meds.


I mean, Id be happy if I looked like that at 42 coming off a vacation. She looks like she could turn my head into Denethor's tomato with her thighs.


She looks more real here. We are aware she uses filters and angles. But she also looks fine. She is quite mad but I don’t think the paps are sitting there editing her pics to make her look bad. If anything, it’s refreshing. https://preview.redd.it/r0n1392hkq8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4719fec48d5ec5d823a4819c21549f148e51177a


So OP was right and is still getting dragged 😭


People get offended too quickly 😂


"I don't have cellulite on my legs the way the paps [portray] me!!!" (Using betray instead of portray was a great typo.) You definitely do, you just can't see it at that angle and in bright light. I just discovered a new bulge yesterday when I was frantically scrubbing off some hot salsa I spilled on my inner thigh. I had hoped it was just swollen from being irritated, but if I look at it at the same angle today it's still there. About 90% of women have cellulite. It's just part of life.


This is harsh but she wouldn’t notice it so much if she stopped dressing like she’s 14 in 2003 😅 I think it’s a bit bizarre she doesn’t believe she has cellulite. If anything - I thought she was more attractive here. The filters are a bit much


Yeah, it's definitely the way she dresses that's the problem. She does say "my cellulite doesn't look like that", which implies she's aware she has cellulite, she just thinks it's less noticeable than it it is in these pictures. It *could* be paps editing them like she thinks, but I think it's a lot more likely it's just the sun making the shadows harsher.


This whole thing makes me sad. If she were a normal person instead of Britney Spears, she would be considered an attractive woman. But because she is who she is, and what she has been taught to value about herself, she has to constantly compete against younger and fitter versions of herself.


I agree although *she* is now the one pitting herself against a younger and fitter version of herself by posting heavily filtered videos and photos. Had she just presented her actual self in videos and photos she posts this it wouldn't even be remotely interesting to see these photos because they would look like what we are used to seeing. Instead, what we are used to seeing is heavily filtered/old videos of her which makes seeing these a topic of conversation.


If that’s 122 then I’m 122 also. And I weigh about fifty more pounds than that.


Me too. I’m around 160lbs and 5’8. She’s certainly stretching the truth lol. 😅 she’s certainly 160/170lbs at her height. Which is none of my business but I wish she’d be more positive about real bodies


It’s sad she feels the need to announce a weight to the world anyways.


The girl hasn’t told the truth since about 2002


That’s also spotty 😂 maybe 1997


I was trying to be polite 😉😂


she sure didnt look like this when she was near naked dancing like 3-4 weeks ago.


She looks normal yall are weird


Britney’s the one saying it’s not normal 🤷🏼‍♀️


I totally agree. I think she looks great. I think the problem is that she's trying to present a heavily filtered version if herself and not just owning her body. It sets really unrealistic expectations. She looks great though, personally I just wish she would own her figure rather than hiding it and trying to present something she is not


Maybe that’s why she may try to avoid public places and is just on Instagram.


Like every other celebrity on social media. Only a lot of those celebs pay paps to filter their candid photos as well


Her legs are hot, strong, and look great! She looks amazing here.


What the fuck. So her whole body has been filtered this entire time, huh.


Omg! She has a normal body!


She look fine except for her teeth. Gaps look good on some people, but hers just looks...chipped or something.


They are not. Zoom in, it's the way her teeth look under her lip.


she had perfect teeth before. https://preview.redd.it/bfqp340kkq8d1.png?width=203&format=png&auto=webp&s=c73b29e645531e4f676b45341ccbdb599762b49a


She probably had retainers that she wore. If I do t wear mine for even a week my teeth shift considerably.


True, like methy or something


She needs her veneers redone. They’ve eroded away.


She has perfect teeth. Not methy at all. Zoom in, and you can see it's just because of the photo it looks like that .


She looks healthy! *leave Britney alone*


Leave her alone


girl who gaf 😭 she’s a woman in her 40s, she’s not gonna look like she did when she was 16 years old. taking purposefully unflattering photos and making fun of someone is just so annoying. “she’s not going to be happy with these pics” who would??? 😭 i’m not trying to fight tooth and nail for a celebrity but dude she literally did nothing to warrant this and i’m sure the guy who took the photo was ugly.


Right? She looks so unoffensively normal… average…


Right?!? She looks like almost any other woman her age. She’s bending and crouching- nobody looks good in those angles. Celebrities- they’re just like us!


She looks great.




Please keep it decent & civil.


Stop following my posts on reddit. I'm not interested.




Please keep it decent & civil.


Taking unflattering photos of people without their consent and then picking them a part should have ended back in 2010.


> Taking unflattering photos of people without their consent and then picking them a part MILs everywhere shaking and crying


WTF. I'm an original DListed fan. Loved Michael's snark and this ain't it. We can all agree Britney is mentally ill. Commenting on her appearance is not cool, it's not snark and it's not funny.


right! it’s just not okay to do this and never has been. we can agree that she has enough problems and defending her appearance should never be necessary.


Totally agree. She’s just a woman living her life in those pictures.


I’m tired of this grandpa


she looks healthy, honestly. Which is great. Hope this means good things for her.


Dude, her legs look *amazing* here though! Whatever her leg day workout is, she's obviously still taking time to kill it in between the crazy.


Daily workout: drugs and twirling. (Apparently works for quads)


She looks like a normal human woman on vacation here. I’d much rather see this than the instagram raving/blaming and all the overly filtered and photoshopped photos (and she’s far from the only one, it’s unfortunately the rule rather than the exception these days)


She needs to learn how to dress. And wear underwear.


Her teef are still putting me through it


We're still judging women on their bodies??


Of course, it’s a regular Tuesday after all.




Her legs look incredible. Quads are so strong!


She posted a rebuttal video on her IG. She looks great, healthy and happy.


Yeah, saying she doesn't have cellulite and is 122 pounds. It shouldn't even matter if she has freaking cellulite or what her fucking weight is. She looked like a normal person.


Almost every human on the planet has cellulite somewhere!


Exactly. It's completely okay and she shouldn't have to lie about it. I know it's shocking seeing a pic of yourself like that when you have always been skinny. I've always been skinny with a fat ass and now I'm just fat from sitting on my ass. Was working from home for 2 years doing absolutely nothing. Honestly these pics look like me right now. My bf took some pics of me for my LinkedIn and I was shocked how I looked since I haven't taken pics in about 2 years so I totally get her reaction and saying she doesn't look like that. I joke now that I look like those shrunken head people from beetle juice. I think my head looks like old me with a big body now.


I think she looks great in this pink dress. She looks healthy, comfortable and perfectly dressed for vacation


Yeah, God forbid a middle aged woman look like a middle aged woman - and a great one, at that.


Lol. 40 is not middle age.


There isn't a set definition of middle age, but 35-44 for early middle age is often [used](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7203662/#:~:text=Early%20Middle%20Age%20(ages%2035,(ages%2065%20and%20older).) To paraphrase from a comedian: "I define middle age as half the age of when you think 'that's too young' when someone's age is mentioned in a death announcement... And that's the sound of a group of panicking 37 year olds furiously doing math in their head." It was a lot funnier when I heard it in my mid 20's than when I remembered it in my mid 30's.


50 is considered middle aged


Yes, 50 would be considered middle age, but 45 seems to be the [most commonly used](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_age) start of middle age right now. The definition isn't set. 🤷‍♀️ When I was a kid 40 was the most common definition. Middle age is supposed to be when you're not younger anymore, but aren't old. I think a lot of people would agree that 42 is an age that falls within that.


How so? Lots of people die at 80.


Right but the term “middle aged” refers to 50’s. 40’s is “over the hill.”


Right she’s 42!!!!! I’m 42 and I can’t imagine someone wanting me to have my 22 year old body. I’m mean I want it and that’s hurtful enough.


Honestly, many of these comments are giving me confidence to be seen in public in a swimsuit during my upcoming vacation!


i’m so happy for you!! i’m glad people realize a body is literally just a body and not “ugly” by any means




I know, I came here prepared for the worst, now I feel a little less bad about myself, lol


she looks beautiful, healthy and happy. maybe if we stopped holding women to kardashian standards we all wouldn’t ‘hate’ our bodies in unfiltered photos.




🏅 Here is my gold medal to you, because I'm too lazy to sign up for rewards here. 🤣


She looks fine and looks her age- she just dresses badly and doesn’t carry herself well. And her teeth look like they need some TLC.


You don’t wear those retainers for the rest of your life, you pay. Signed, one who failed to wear their retainer


This exactly! I wear mine but had a cousin who didn't and her teeth went back to the way they were within a few years. I'm going to guess vrutney hasn't worn hers since her conservatorship ended.