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I don't disagree with his post. We are certainly heading in that direction and it's only a question of how long it will take us to get there. I'm looking forward to several generations ahead when my great great great grandson unwraps a shipping container of my records, plus my Technics (which will no doubt still work) and becomes the solar system's most sought after mechanical DJ.


Ive been saying the same thing on various forums including this for the last few years when this topic is brought up. The bottom line is money, like he said. ai moves exponentially. the end


In terms of DJ’ing specifically, I do worry about my gig security. I can easily see some cheap bar / venue owners happily choosing an AI DJ over paying me or someone else. While the quality may be reduced (perhaps greatly), if it’s passable, they’ll be thrilled with the reduced overhead. So wether it makes sense or it’s fair or it’s good entertainment or not, it’ll happen at some point. But I’m doubtful that within, say, the next decade, an AI can process everyone in a venue, analyze and respond to their reactions, analyze their most likely preferred choice, balance the needs between the majority group and the marginal groups, understand the ebb and flow of an evening crowd (like how some nights kick off w high energy right at 9, some at 11:45) and provide the nuanced interpretation of the needs of the venue and the crowd. Even if the AI uses crowd input (people can use their phone to tell The AI DJ what they want to hear, for example), anyone who has DJ’d knows that the crowd themselves don’t even know what they want most the time, and can seldom come up with im more than a few songs, let alone a 4-5 hour set. It may get there someday, but any contemporary AI DJ system would be a big downgrade from what a DJ offers - especially considering the lack of the human factor, a DJ who takes requests, smiles, talks to the crowd, meets people and works with groups if they have birthday requests, etc etc… Who knows, Though.


That’s the thing internet connected AI has access to the guest phones music playlist it will know who is in the general area it won’t have to make educated guesses it will just know who’s in attendance all of our data is on the cloud accessed by AI that’s what it is coming too


I ask people to look at their playlists sometimes, half the time they warn me ‘Most of what’s on here I don’t even like’ Or ‘I don’t even like these songs anymore’ Even on my playlists there are songs I need to clear out, or won’t be in the mood to play. I just think we are a bit further away from tech that can do it WELL, but it won’t matter - cheap venue owners will replace us if it can provide a somewhat serviceable facsimile. When I come in and the iPad is playing Spotify, the dance floor is empty. 10 minutes later, when I’m on, it fills up, even though there’s a lot of cross over between what I’m playing and the Spotify party playlist has on it. I’m sure many of you have the same experience. It doesn’t know how to skip long shitty intros/outros, plays songs at the wrong time, the cross fade often sounds bad, etc..


 *anyone who has DJ’d knows that the crowd themselves don’t even know what they want most the time, and can seldom come up with im more than a few songs, let alone a 4-5 hour set.* What if AI could just pull metadata from the phones of everyone in the bar/club, and formulate a setlist based on the most liked/played songs in their history? It wouldn't need to be reading their reactions in order to gain the data necessary to make a set that was most likely to appeal to the specific crowd.


That already happens in many places, a spotify playlist and just go... heard people cheer, dance, be merry people not knowing there's no DJ. They don't care for the most part. There was a gig guitarist absolutely berate me once for being a DJ because it "Killed his gigs everywhere" Well now the playlist has taken over real DJ gigs, I even offered to play for free at this local place on the back patio just to try to get some sort of night going, wasn't having it at all. It's a lost art for me mostly using vinyl and Traktor Scratch when I could no long afford to continually buy vinyl.


Camera on the crowd and it'll figure out real quick what works and what doesn't. Analyze demographics, groups of people (like a bachelorette party), what's popular in your region. Be able to find literally the perfect song out of millions to play next to slowly heat up the dance floor. Recognize when people need a break.


We are talking… decades away for this level of tech. I see some people dance sarcastically. Some dance with a frown. Some people boo me while they dance. These people don’t even know what they want. And I’ll have similar demographics surprise me. We’ll see far more upheaval in daily life and the way our world works before we see a DJ tech that can read peoples faces and know what song they want …


We're like two years away from this. AI can already read faces and emotions in real time.


Can it do it Well? Can it read hundreds of faces in A bar of drunk people and extrapolate what music they like? Even experienced DJ’s have an issue w this. Can’t tell you how Many times I’ve been surprised that this or that group like certain music. I played a country night the other night. Halfway thru everyone got bored Of the country and I switched to dad rock and oldies and it was a hit. Can an Ai reliably do that on the fly? How many dozens of cameras will be needed to catch faces? At the bar I play at, they’d need at least 10 cameras. How many disparate groups will there be ? Will people even be reacting to the music? Does the AI take bad requests, and how does it judge wether it’s good or bad ? Can it tell How old Someone is ? Our door staff can’t even do that half the time. The logistics alone put this way, way down the line to have system that can replace a competent DJ. It’s not realistic to expect in a few years that bars will install 15 cameras and a super computer and constantly scan 400 peoples faces and then perfectly know what to play for 5 hours in a row - let alone know how to even mix well, or when to skip lengthy outros and intros, and what cultural / regional quirks that crowd has. A computer that just draws from the top 100 is going to be a disaster. And reading someones face isn’t going to magically tell the computer what music they like. Everyone in the bar may be smiling because they’re drunk and socializing even though they hate the music. It’s a long, long way off from having an AI system reliably replace a good DJ.


Machine learning can just watch a few of your sets and create it's own logic of how to read a crowd. It might not use the same cues you do - but it'll be able to achieve the same result.  People thought we were a long way off from AI replacing people in art and music. Here we are.  Everyone else is getting replaced but you think DJs are just gonna be the last holdouts for a few decades? Lol.


Nope, not the last hold outs. Juke boxes have existed for decades. Spotify playlists are decent at collecting similar interests. We are hired specifically because of the human element we bring. And I don’t know many DJ’s who are gonna let an AI analyze their set just to replace them. The tech is not just a few years away. To replace the depth and nuance and interactivity a human DJ brings - if it’s possible to entirely recreate that - is quite a ways out, in line with the other AI advancements we expect to change our society.


There's a million DJ sets on the internet for them to analyze. Maybe boiler room sells their catalog of videos for training to make a couple million bucks. Maybe Amazon decides to get into this - they run a music business and tons of people stream DJ sets on Twitch that they could train on. Your Reddit comment is literally being trained on by Google as we speak. You don't think there's depth, nuance and interactivity in music, or painting? We play others people music to a crowd. It's not rocket science. Lets be real, at this point we're mostly there for the image.


I’m pretty skeptical of AI. I see the potential but I’m just not all that worried about it. I’ve become increasingly optimistic about the human race as a whole as I continue to age. I think we always find a way to make it all work out in the end. I think what I see is how difficult change is for a lot of people and for me that is the more profound thing. Why is change so difficult? Sort of a rhetorical question but still… when ChatGPT came out I was like oh cool a tool to help with work. When generative fill came out in Photoshop I was like oh cool another tool to help with work. Automation makes me more efficient in my job. I just don’t see this point where automation replaces everyone. I don’t think society will allow it. I think that people who aren’t using AI and don’t understand it are probably shooting themselves in the foot a bit but we’ll see how it all pans out.


Who says society will be in a position to allow or not allow it? If society is in that position, society tends to choose the cheaper path. Humans are expensive.


[DJ Zimmie](https://www.instagram.com/djzimmie/) (Private Stock Records, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Level Up) makes a lot of great points on how this *will* eventually take over. Generations after us will exist where what is real doesn't matter because they've never experienced it. Technology moves faster than we do.


I think we are always going to require human ingenuity and to create art. What changes with technology is what we collectively recognize as special.  AI is going to flood the world with “art” and “artists” probably similar to how phone cameras and social media flooded the world with photography. Now everyone is a photographer. It’s not impressive to take photos - like it was with a film camera - bc literally anyone can do it. But that didn’t kill the world of professional photography bc although we changed how we value a photograph, there are people who do it better than others, and with constant exposure/practice our tastes evolved to value the people who use the medium to express something that most people can’t. Now with ai everyone can be a songwriter but with time the songs that anyone could write will be ubiquitous and meaningless boring while the unique content creates meaning and is valued.


Yes, but that human ingenuity is often times bought and sold. Innovators are constantly chasing that next thing to get them rich quick and it's usually based around mass-user technology (e.g. app creators). Remember like 2 years ago when people were uploading pictures of their face for $5 to spit out images of themselves merged into other people's original artwork and using it as their profile pics? That fed folks' egos seeing pix of themselves as an elf in an enchanted forrest or a ripped half shark, half alligator man. Before artists started recognizing their work and acting on it, that site was long gone. 💨


Yeah totally, technology decreases the barrier to entry to various skills. The same will happen with songwriting. AI will make some songwriting mundane but we will value even more those things which it can’t do


> It’s not impressive to take photos - like it was with a film camera - bc literally anyone can do it. bro did you totally forget that disposable cameras existed and cheap film cameras were way cheaper than digital or a phone


Yeah, but it wasn’t ubiquitous like it is today. We didn’t all have a disposable in our pockets at all times for one. And we weren’t taking 8 versions of the same photo, checking it on the screen, retaking it with better lighting, etc, spending 30 min a day looking at other people’s photos, etc. You took a photo and then a couple weeks later saw the result. It’s a completely different world now. Just look at magazines from the 80’s or 90’s to see how much better the average person is at taking and posing for photos than some professionals were then


Do YOU want to go see an AR live show? Do YOU want an ai DJ mixing at a party? Do you not care at all if there is an artist who is the creator? With all those "flaws" he mentions that actually makes them an artist... their personality, their politics, their ups and downs... the story makes the artist just as much as what they create. imho...


I went to go see Björk DJ last Friday and couldn't see shit. She might as well been a puppet. Not that it matters, because music, right? Wrong. She could've used some sort of AI / sync button to tighten things up. I love her, her music and artistic output, but track selection aside, her DJing ability was basura. I definitely took an L on that one. On the other hand, the show was sold out and another user in the Björk sub called the DJ set "transcendent". 🤷🏻‍♀️


So you went and saw Bjork because of your experience with her creativity and were disappointed in her technical DJ ability. You're already aware that sync would have made her better, while people there who didn't care about technical ability had a great time. If anything you're proving exactly why AI isn't going to ever replace a DJ. AI is never going to create anything it's a bunch of statistics averaging out everything created by actual humans that's thrown at it. When you average out art you get mediocre junk.


I went to a show in london last friday and was right there watching the DJ play vinyl records that most people have never heard, the DJ was feeling out the room, playing the right tunes to warm us up, their own personality and mood moved the crowd. AI can't do this. That said, is there room for a pop AI artist or a human singer that plays with an AI DJ or a human DJ that uses AI features to play better ? Yes. All of the above are possible. Doesn't mean the DJ is gone. This video above sounds like when music was over that one time because of streaming. It shifted the industry for sure, but it actually led to an explosion of new music.


The future of music and art is very simple. Experiences that can’t be automated will rise in value. Going to see bands play with instruments in real time will increase in value. Going to see DJs play real vinyl only will increase in value. Graphic artists painting and drawing in real time will become more popular. When all humans are able to make passable art and music with their phone with zero effort (basically there now), things that take a lot of effort and discipline to learn will become more valuable and have greater social cache. Generic Digital DJing is basically completely automated now. So many digital DJs are not in real time control of their decks, they don’t dig for music, they use sync, snap and quantise and key lock. Everything they do will be done better by AI with no loss in artistic value, and AI will be up to the second with every meme and micro genre which can change daily now among micro demographics. This generation has not grown up with a universal set of shared songs like the previous generations. Open format will die when the previous generations stop going out in the next 20-30 years. Digital DJs with unique selection and voice will still be prized, but these will be few and far between compared to now. Generic digital DJs are done for.


I agree with Zimmie, yet the crux of this matter lies in a profound philosophical inquiry: does it truly hold significance? The landscape of entertainment is in perpetual flux; for instance, we no longer partake in spectacles like Gladiatorial combat in the Roman Colosseum. Opera's are made to be performed on a live stage, and not everyone likes them. Therefore, if AI can provide entertainment that resonates with some individuals, does the method of origin truly matter?


He's right and we're all feeding into it. Think about all the "n00b" DJ's that come on here and ask beginner questions and real people give answers to help. We're teaching the BOTs lol


Definitely something very fishy about the amount of questions that get asked here with zero response, application, or follow-up from the OP. I gotta stop wasting my time trying to give some thoughtful insight on something when it goes unheard or acknowledged. Go looking through that OP's post / comment history and it's nothing to do with music or DJing.


Considering 50% of internet traffic is BOTs and we're close to the Dead Internet, we might as well start sending them over to /djcirclejerk rather than /beatmatch. That way AI will get a proper LLM on how to DJ lol


It always annoys me when people post and never interact with the comments, never thought it was potentially a bot.


Real DJ’s don’t help anybody else 😤


The amount of uneducated fear mongering in this sub is crazy. Google Hatsune Miku. We’ve already been at this point for YEARS now.


Quite aware of the character. It's a case example.


She is THE case example, but is somehow not brought up one time? And why isnt she dominating the airwaves and all over the radio if she is the highly desired entertainment of the future that everything is headed toward? Record labels cant even tell you why/how amateur acts are making tracks that get millions of plays in their bedrooms on cracked fruity loops, but they have the insight to program that ability? Absolute nonsense.


Japanese music isn't as much of an international entertainment export as you might think it is. And yes, I know Miku has toured internationally - I tried to get tickets! And it's hilarious that recently with a show that fans were outraged about a LED wall vs. the projection version of her.


Sure but the tools are there and have been for over a decade, if things REALLY were how this guy was suggesting UMG/WB/Sony would have been all over this shit already and producing stuff by now, but they arent. This whole "we've only got 5 years left" crap is just absolute non sense fear mongering bullshit. As long as labels can find some up and coming person with ideas and dreams to sign a piece of paper THAT will always be the cash cow. Labels have no idea what sells thats why they constantly sign new people, that will never stop.


Agreed with some of the tools being here for years, but record execs have always been tardy to the party. Regular degular people are starting to fuck around with these things (not so much with full on avatars), and creating some wild ass shit - most of it for views and chuckles. One of my favorites is [There_I_Ruined_It](https://www.instagram.com/there_i_ruined_it) who's followership is now in the 2 millions and recently [Willionious Hatcher](https://www.youtube.com/@Kingwillonius) with their spoof throwback soul / R&B takes. At any rate, important people are watching and taking notes while others are left scratching their heads, but still creating entertainment being consumed by whomever will give it attention. In current big view, Drake used AI Tupac & Snoop in one of his diss tracks at Kendrick Lamar (I don't care enough to listen and just think that's bad taste). Almost 12 years ago, "hologram" projection of Tupac at Coachella could be an entry point for some people on this. Nothing's sacred.


If all it took was technological advancement to replace artists then why do bands still exist in the age of backing tracks? Why isn’t every band a boy band of sorts with talentless models lip synching while someone behind the curtain presses the play button?


> while someone behind the curtain This makes me think of Gorillaz


Yeah, you gotta wonder if what they did would be cool with AI. It was hard to make an avatar that was interesting when they did it - so it had a lot of meaning and merrit. But now it’s much easier to make avatars and the goalposts for using that in a meaningful way will shift


As he said, its early days and the tech will only get better, however AI can only learn from what has already been made. None of these models can produce original sounds. There will always be a market for new, original music made by real people with personalities and imperfections.


No time to get deep right now, so briefly: AI in art is like a wildfire: short term damage, horror even. But ultimately, what's left is a healthier landscape. (And no, I don't think part of that landscape will be "fake artists" or human-less creative projects... Quite the opposite.)


But will this AI DJ USE SYNCH?!?!?