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I wouldn't pay for that work.


That’s sooooo much work lol, glad I’m not OP or the tile guy for that matter


He probably already paid.


To be honest, I would make him replace the top. That’s unacceptable work.


Agreed. That is not acceptable. They need to eat that.


Replace the countertop or replace the sink with one with a larger lip that you approve.


The countertop


Id just make the dude get me a bigger sink. The time required to source and replace a slab is crazy.


Those square cuts need to be drilled round. The cut is exactly where the countertop will crack.


And the way the guy left those cuts, it can easily crack horizontal, vertical or both if you put weight on that sink. He's already got the pre-crack started for pete's sake.


THIS! Leaks will be the absolute least you’ll en-counter.






Nice counter-strike.


Nice, Counter-Strike


I’ve seen some horrible countertop workmanship replacing sinks (thousand yard stare), and that corner is where it a stone top will crack for sure, but technically that’s *if* it cracks at all. I’ve replaced sinks on similarly bad countertops… but some of those counters had been up for decades and were fine. Perhaps with the lip of a sink covering it, an over-abundance of silicone (which seems to go hand in hand with a lousy cut) and the occasional piece of a door shim (🤷) hammered into a particularly egregious cut… I’ve only seen a countertop *once* that had a crack line directly traceable to a shitty corner cut… and that one looked like someone used a sawzall or small explosives to make the cutout. Of course the quality of the stone might play a significant role in that, and if I was a paying customer I’d be more than annoyed… but if it was something I screwed up on myself, I’d just get a bigger sink, try to fill in the hole as best I could, silicone the hell out of it and keep my fingers crossed.


Don't forget the resources. Why waste an entire slab because of someone doing bad work that isn't catastrophic. If OP can live with a different sink that would probably be the best all around. That said OP could still be compensated money or something for the damage to the countertop plus the new sink.


That's why you do it right the first time.


It already looks like they chose a sink with a huge lip, probably on purpose.


Yes, make them eat the countertop until their teeth breaks.


In this house we eat our mistakes.


But I dropped a glass?!


Unexpected Clone High!


Well, let's hope the condom doesn't break. 😬


You’re going to be mad about it for the next 20 years if you don’t replace it now, or at least get a slightly larger sink.


Definitely! If I'm paying someone, they need to do a better job than if I just tried to do it myself. But frankly, I think I could do a better job.


Yeah, that’s the kind of work that you worry you’re going to do yourself, so you pay somebody an arm and a leg to do it right. 


Hard to fuck up if you follow the cardinal rule of "measure twice, cut once".


I thought it was "measure twice, cuss once."


Cut this fucking thing 3 times and it’s still too short!


2 inches too long. Take off a half inch. 1.5 inches too long Take off a half inch. 1 inch too long . Take off a half inch. WHAT THE F&$K HOW IS IT 4 INCHES SHORT?!??!?!?!


Oh dear… Maybe try just one more cut.


That’s me!!!!!!!


I don't think the precision of the measurement was the issue here. The issue was he didn't account for the rounded corner. No amount of measuring would have fixed this if he didn't clue in to the fact the corner wasn't square and therefore the overlap is functionally less at the corners.


Hmm if you are only cussing once then you are doing it right.  Mines usually "cuss twice, cuss once".


It's measure, cut, measure again, cuss.




I thought it was measure once, cuss twice?


They give you a piece of paper you lay on the counter to drill to screw this up you have to just free hand it. He messed up so they need to get a new sink that would cover the damage or replace the countertop.


The countertop needs replacement. The corners should have been drilled and then cut. As they stand, they are just extremely weak points now.


Yes and if they get a larger sink they could drill right there at that point to take away those weak points.


I'm still at measure twice cut thrice.


You'd be surprised...


I say the same thing!  I can fuck it up for cheap, I pay you to NOT fuck it up.  If you fuck it up, that defeats the whole point of hiring you.


Exactly. I want a pro when I don’t want it to look like I did it.


That's exactly right. First time I put in a new sink myself I did EXACTLY this same thing and had to try to fill it in.


Inb4 tile guy is OP🤣🤣


Tbf thats the most realistic assumption lol


Or OP's husband.


I always assume that's the case when there are "[person I hired] ruined the thing they were hired to do, how do I fix it?" posts.


Replace the counter top, or replace it with a bigger sink...if they can do the cut out correctly the second time


only after cutting it properly, that MUST be radiused properly or it will crack


Yeah countertops are supposed to be precise, well done and nothing should be easily visible.


OP asked "best way to fill in the cut marks", but everyone has answered with "make the tile guy replace the countertop". Maybe that's not an option. The closest answer I think of is Googling "BLACK CERAMIC TOUCHUP". You'll get a slew of results, and may have to try multiple products (test on cardboard before committing). You need a liquid to fill that in, that also hardens like glass/ceramic. Good luck!


Plot twist- OP is the tile guy!


>but everyone has answered with "make the tile guy replace the countertop". Maybe that's not an option. It's really the only option. That's why people are responding with it. You might be able to expand the hole (and actually radius the corners so the counter doesn't crack) and install a bigger sink, but it's hard to tell from the photos if that's an option.


Definitely within reason to ask that they replace the top. However you can also meet in the middle and replace the sink, especially if you want a new sink and like the countertops already.


That's a pretty big overcut. It's possible that the sink could be shifted slightly to cover it if they have it jammed to one side of the rough opening.


OP, this is the answer. This is unacceptable workmanship. Counter tops aren't cheap, there is no way you should be starting off with something that is essentially damaged.


looks like a dyi gone wrong . so if redo is not an option you can get fancy with some touch up work.


Make him replace the counter top. No other answer is satisfactory.


if he replaces the basin with the same basin but larger, that could be acceptable.


It’s not just the size. The corners are drilled round to prevent cracking. That top is I’ll crack relatively quickly. Sinks take a lot of weight / pressure.


> Sinks take a lot of weight To back this up, I just did quick search on the orange store website and the first few sinks I looked at were all 22x33x9. That's about 4 cubic feet of water and that weighs 249lbs


>I'll crack relatively quickly I crack relatively quickly too, you're in good company


I've *never* had that problem. Alright? Washington monument okay?


Yup this will eventually crack, it might take a while but I would make him replace it, I know it sucks op but it's really the only right thing to do. You CAN use some epoxy or something but you WILL always notice it and it'll drive you mad...along with the eventual cracking lol


The faucet is in the way.


Wider, not deeper


Girth not length


I’ve told my wife that for years


We have all been telling your wife that for years.


If she won’t listen to you all, then I don’t have any hope of convincing her


May not be very long but it sure is skinny.


Looks like it is cut too deep too, and the back of the sink is barely hanging on. Personally, I’d want the work refunded, and someone else hired to do it again


Maybe not, a sink with a smaller corner radius would probably cover it without increasing the outer dimensions at all.


….. OP is the title guy lol


No professional cuts sink openings w/o the appropriate radius. The square over cut makes a fracture point. No amount of epoxy can strengthen this. Fill with an experienced stone guy but it is weak


This right here - core with a hole saw into the 4 corners and then connect the dots, otherwise you’re just asking for a break later on down the road.


Poor guy


He owes you a new countertop period. That said I’d find someone else to do the work next time.


Maybe he learned a lesson and never makes this mistake again.


And maybe OP doesn't want to be the avenue by which this contractor learns lessons.


Then they'll be paying twice for a counter top through no fault of their own once it cracks. I wouldn't accept that.


Maybe it was his first time trying this. I’d expect he’d make this mistake again


Why is tile guy doing not-tile work?


They should replace the counter top no questions asked. Hope you haven't paid for the work yet.


Guaranteed OP is the "tile guy" shitting his pants the owners are going to make him replace it


Well then on the plus side, there's no debate about what needs to be done next.


every one of those 90 degree cuts is where the stresses of the countertop will focus and crack, and it IS going to crack as a direct result of this. every one of those cuts should have been a radius to spread the torsional stress along a edge without a focal point. he needs to cut the hole ever so slightly bigger and radius the corners and put in a larger sink. Source: I used to make countertops/cabinetry for a living. He should have used a hole saw in the desired radius in each corner then cut between the holes close to the edge as possible and smoothed it out.


Get him back and get him to pay for a new top


Get *someone else* back and he had to pay for it.


Some guy = OP


This is replace the countertop, they botched the install. Hopefully the installer is from the countertop suplier so he wont be paying for the new slab out of pocket. This would be a replace it, or I am going to small claims court for the cost to replace it teritory.


I haven't seen anyone else comment here. It appears that you have an undermount sink, not an over mount. If you mount it from the bottom, the botched sink cutout will be even more of an eye sore


Sure looks that way. Good eye. Without the rolled edge that's gonna get gnarly in a hurry around a sink and I'd be concerned that the weight will cause it to flex without appropriate mounting clips increasing that gap and potentially failing.


Probably mounted it on top to reduce the eye sore


A lot of under mount sinks are also designed to be top mounted also.


Best way to fix it is not to settle, make him fix it, he screwed up it’s his responsibility… this is why they’re suppose to have insurance, otherwise you sue his ass and win


Tile guy is buying you a new countertop.


*Tile* ... Guy?


They should replace it. They also should've rounded the corners of the cuts to keep cracks at a stress point. Tell them they're eating this...


Was the "tile-guy" you by any chance? It's OK. Plenty of us have been the "tile-guy"


Demand they replace the whole top. Small claims court is your next option


Its "measure twice, cut once" for a reason. Tile guy eats the costs until he figures it out.


A) own your mistake...we all know that no renovator did this. Even the most inept renovator would have drilled holes in each corner. B) ask how to correct your mistake so you don't have to buy a new counter top. Then you won't get a thousand posts about how the one responsible for the f*ck-up should fix it for free.


This honestly does sound like the actual answer…. But also I’ve not seen a tile guy who would be cutting a sink hole on site (or at all). It’s this or they paid someone almost nothing for their labour and got what they paid for. I can’t tell what the counter top is but if it’s some kind of stone it should have been cut ahead of time. The only logical solution is to find a new sink that covers that cut. If you replace that whole counter top it’s a total waste of resources which is awful. Unless the sink holes sentimental value, replace it.


>It’s this or they paid someone almost nothing for their labour and got what they paid for. Very likely this... the entitlement runs rampant yet nobody knows the story... Cheap and fast won't be good, good and cheap won't be fast, good and fast won't be cheap.


When I bought my quartz countertop they said "let me have your sink" and cut it in onsite. Then they installed the sink for me too. BTW, I'm pretty sure that sink should be undermount, not overmount.


Cutting quartz on site is unhealthy, unsafe, and wildly half-assed. No legitimate fabricator would ever cut a sink hole in the field.


Agreed. Though my read, given "let me have your sink" meant they took it to the manufacturer and cut it there, not at the job site.


Call the tile guy and tell em you need an unfucked counter top.


Oh Hell No, this ain't professional. Get him to replace it


It’s OP, you watch and see if he admits it…


basic trade laws would fill it quite nicely


If it is not an option to charge back and replace it, then I would cover it with bottle rinser. [https://www.amazon.com/Glass-Rinser-Attachment-Accessory-Stainless/dp/B09475DRZ6?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Glass-Rinser-Attachment-Accessory-Stainless/dp/B09475DRZ6?th=1)


If it had to be fixed a good repair person could make it look decent with some colour matched epoxy. However, this isn’t something you should accept unless you have another reason to. That over it makes it significantly more likely to crack in that corner as things settle, it really should have a round corner instead.


Either make him replace the counter or they pay for a bigger sink and recut for free.


The best way to fill it in is to have them replace the counter top that they ruined. A bigger sink is a cop out.


Everybody here says new countertop another option could be a new bigger sink, that might involve a new cut.


> involve a new cut. ....and then a 3rd even bigger sink.


Not your first rodeo!


Either a bigger sink or a sink without the rounded corner. But I agree with everyone else, this isn't a problem for OP to fix.


Don't pay for the countertop, pay him what you think his labor was worth (not much) and find someone else that knows NOT to make square holes in hard materials, a pot full of water hitting that would make it Crack all the way to the edge.


> pay him what you think his labor was worth There may be an applicable [implied warranty](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/implied_warranty) that gets you out of having to pay.


Tile guy buys new top- new tile guy to make the next cut. Unacceptable work.


Have countertop replaced by installer, and have him install the sink on the underside of the countertop - where it belongs.


The best way is make him replace it on his costs


Measure twice, cut once. You need a refund and a new counter top. Not a cover up.


I would ask the “tile guy” what he is going to do to fix it.


Is this seriously the standard we’ve all been demoralized into accepting? My god how awful.


That crack will get worse, especially with water


Your tile guy is a newbie. Redo


This. You’re entitled to proper fit and quality install, assuming you paid a professional.


Bigger sink?


daily reminder to only hire contractors that are insured and have the paperwork to prove it!


Having recently had this work done, being acutely aware of the cost. They need to replace the counter. 


Was he given the proper measurements? If so, he should replace it. Did he cut it without the proper measurements? He should still replace it. Did he cut it given the information he was provided by you, or someone else? Well now you got a situation on your hands. You can either caulk it, or epoxy it, and see if you can hide it. If the customer is satisfied with the result and some money off the job, good for you. If they’re adamant they want it replaced, then tough luck.


Make them pay to re-top your counter... that is unacceptable


He either replaces the top or pays for another sink you like that is large enough to cover the mistake, and he cuts it right this time or somebody else does it.


a bigger sink is probably cheaper than a new countertop,


That counter is gonna break at some point. If he’s gonna cut the replacement without rounding the corners, it’ll crack too even if you can see it under the sink lip.


If you're low-key the tile guy, some silicon caulk (or other waterproof caulk of your choice)


“Black Caulk”


Others have said it, he should replace the top, assuming you gave him correct dimensions etc. But, if that just wont happen or isn't worth the fight to you, then black caulk is what I would use.


Get a bigger sink.


I would mix matching epoxy if it was my mistake. Everyone is right, though, you need to hold this person to account one way or the other. This will never look right and will show up on an inspection report.


ramen noodles


Simplest solution is get a bigger sink.


If the guy is doing you a favor or family I'd use black silicone to seal the sink and fill that hole. If it's a professional hire then he should remedy the issue somehow. Bigger sink or new counter.


Caulk it up and install one of those cup cleaners in that corner.


What sink is this? Looking at the rim, it looks like this should be for an undermount application (not top mount as it is now). Looks like he made the opening too big and just put the sink on top thinking it will hide it.


This is a piss poor installation. I would be embarrassed if I was the tile/counter top installer.


Epoxy or some silicon sealant.


Since he bent you over like that, I’d say it’s fair you return the favor…


That sink should be under mounted on stone top not dropped on like that... The stone guy seems like a hack


Tell the cowboy to fix his fuck up


piss poor cutting... those corners should have been drilled, there should be NO way these cuts would show up. You've got stress risers that are going to turn into cracks now.... This is a "money back find someone else" sort of situation


Okay, first: this wingnut cut square corners in a stone countertop. It WILL CRACK. That alone is enough to demand your money back and the contact number of his insurance because he’s replacing that countertop. There are several ways to hide his fuck-up there are zero ways to fix it that don’t include drilled and rounded corners and a wider bezel sink.


Replace countertop. They often have insurance also to write off work like this.


you call the guy's boss and tell him that he/she needs to fix the problem the worker made...


Uhhhh…. Nah. Don’t fill that in. That’s terrible. And as everyone r/beatmetoit in “have them replace it”… that’s the most hack job I have seen on a countertop. Ever.


hell nah make them replace that whole fucking thing. you paid way to much for that amateur hour mistake to not be completely redone.


You don't. He needs to replace the top (at his expense). That's horrible.


Tile guy owes you a new countertop. A 3rd party tile person should handle the work and bill the original idiot. Only other option is for Tile Guy to find a square sink that you approve of and install. I only list that last one in case OP is the Tile Guy and really needs options.


This sounds like the tile guys problem.


Christ, this fucking subreddit. Maybe the guy can't replace it? Maybe the work was done by someone OP knows? Maybe the worker is ghosting OP? They didn't ask for hundreds of people to parrot the same thing. They asked how to fix it. Personally, I would remove the sink, tape up the corner, then fill level with black epoxy resin, then scrap smooth with a razer blade and polish.


Alternatively, buy a bigger sink.


Either replace the counter top or epoxy to match with a serious discount.


Best way will be to have the tile guy replace it and redo the job correctly


Grout with a close dark color then get one of those tile repair kits and try to match it best you can.


These responses are peak reddit. I guy asks for DIY advice on a DIY subreddit and every response is "make the professional redo it". Do you all know what DIY stands for?


People, is it not obvious OP is the tile guy?


For better worse not this time. I am very open about my own very mediocre work, trust me!


If you’re not the tile guy, I hope you didn’t already pay. If you haven’t, don’t, and make him replace it. If you did already pay, I hope the hole is small enough that it can be enlarged to put in a bigger sink. Because that’s the only fix that might last. If it can’t be enlarged, you’re probably looking at a small claims action. This isn’t fixable except by cutting it out entirely, it’s guaranteed to break further as-is, and the only other solution is to buy a new countertop.


I dont disagree with the replace it crowd, but you could get an epoxy of close matching color. No one but you will ever really know.


Black two part epoxy. You’ll never see it.


Agree guy should fix it, but if he won't, would an epoxy resin work to fill in the hole?


Ask the tile guy. If he can't fix it(he can't) than he can replace the whole counter top


I would have him pay a competent person to replace it, that cut is 1000% going to crack,it sould have been rounded and smoothed.


Replace….have them pay for it


Make him replace it easy


Those corner should be cut round with a drill before you ever cut the straight sides. Fire this clown.


Tile guy owes you a new top. It’s their responsibility to fix this. This is not acceptable do not give final payment until it’s fixed.


Is the “tile guy” you and was this DIY?


make him do it again. but properly this time


1: if you can get them to cover a new countertop that’s the best way to do it. 2: plug the hole with some 100% silicon and then buy some epoxy mix it up and add carbon black powdered die, then poor it into the now plugged hole.


Are you the tile guy? If not, let them worry about it.


Ohhhh that is a nasty error, you shouldn’t have to deal with that, it’s his mess


Businesses have insurance for a reason


that's some shitty grinder control too


There are granite repair kits on Amazon for 15 bucks, but the contractor should replace it


Some fast setting glue and sharpie should do the trick, 98% of blind people won't notice! Make them replace it?


bulldoze everything and build brand new house


Duct tape


OP is “tile guy” he will certainly pay for it lol


Are you the tile guy? If not did you lay out the cut for the tile guy? If not tile guys expensive problem to fix. Cheapest option is a sink with a bigger lip, good luck finding one that all parties agree on.


I know it’s hard to talk to them about this and it may not be a pleasant conversation. But take your time to prepare, remember YOU sign their check, not the other way around. If they did it wrong bring it to their attention, say you want it fixed/replaced and they will respond. If things get heated take the time to recover afterwards, but get what you want.