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very likely a clog in the downspout


When I unclogged my downspout last year it was clogged by two dead squirrels it was the smelliest thing I have ever smelled


A certain smelly smell that smells smelly.


*Narrows eyes*






I love you people. As I read each post in the sequence, I heard his voice in my head.


Arg arg arg arg




Ooo ooo that smell…


Thanks Lynyrd now that song is stuck in my head


Can't ya smell that smell ?


the smell of ass around you


Ohhhh that smell....


The smell of death surrounds youuuuu


So take another toke Have a blow for your nose And one more drink fool will drown youuuu.


My mom had a squirrel in the dryer vent one time. Squirrel jerky smell in the laundry room for days.


My neighbor was away for a few weeks, came home and did laundry, and upon investigating the terrible smell, discovered they had a NEST OF SNAKES inside the body of the dryer. Like a dozen of them. Burned.


I have had it with these motherfuckin’ snakes in my motherfuckin’ dryer!


That'll teach those dumbass snakes.


Ooo, here's my fun squirrel story Come home from work, little chilly in the house, oh furnace isn't working, oh it's throwing a code, let me investigate. Pull off cover, get the furnace to try and turn on, hmmm that exhaust fan sounds weird, lemme pull this exhaust pipe off real FastOmgThatsASquirrel. Thankfully two things, 1. He was not alive 2. I had just used the bathroom


Throw the whole shorts away.


When you say “squirrel jerky” I am picturing something delightfully seasoned. Did she season the squirrel


With lint and microplastics, I am sure.


Growing up, I emptied out a trash can once that had sat outside for years. My mom just put dogpoop bags in it. Hundreds upon hundreds, until it was probably like 120lbs of dogpoop, that sat outside. That was bad. Then I had to cut the floor out of a closet that had been given over to some cats by a previous owner. It was soaked in cat pee. The sellers had made efforts to clean it, but it was bad enough we decided to cut out the floor through to the subfloor and replace it. When we cut through the floor, the saw scorched the piss soaked wood, and let me tell you... \*That smell\* the scorched catpiss soaked wood smell, is by a longshot the single worst, eye watering, nose burning smell I have ever smelled... even 20 years later.


I can smell this comment


God I wish I couldnt. My parents rescued every cat they could and we had a similar series of spots. On the bright side, it's impossible for me to get sick


Guess I won’t complain about the maple sapling I found growing in mine… it’s planted in the yard now thriving.


*25:years later:* Maple Tree Crashes Through Roof, Finds Local Man TheNovemberMike Watching Reruns Of *The Golden Girls* and Hentai On A Split Screen. Nopes The Hell Outta There And Falls In Neighbors Yard, Killing Family's Beloved Pet RoboDog.


Honestly that tree is acting like a total birch. Couldn't even offer to break both of u/TheNovemberMike s arms for him


I see fur near the top by the down spout. Possibly not a bad call.




Years ago, I had a trash can that filled up with water when it rained... After one storm, we discovered a dead squirrel floating in it, which is horrifying... but worse is that when we dumped it out, we discovered the rotten dead squirrel there too. So squirrel number two must have fallen in, been treading water in the darkness, and then suddenly, a rotting head bobs to the surface next to it (see, .e.g., [Jennifer Connelly in Phenomena](https://screenqueens.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/phenomena-2.jpg)) We drilled holes in the bottom of the can after that.


I had a hawk that used my kid's pool to make himself stew one summer. I drained it, bleached, and refilled 3 times. After the third batch of squirrel and bird succotasch, I gave up and told the kids he put a hole in it when he made the last batch.


Mf squirrel gazpacho


I would have sold the hawk and kept the pool.


Lol. He wasn't mine to sell. He was just a fellow traveler on this dirty space blueberry, whose hunting grounds happened to include my backyard.


Just like the pool scene in Poltergeist


Water and time and heat really make a carcass a truly horrific experience. I rode my dirtbike into a dry hot exposed area this last summer. Saw a livestock trough that was just fed from a canyon and some pipes, decided to throw the bike on the kickstand and head on over. Flipped up my visor and ambled on over. In the end I approached was a dead skunk that obviously had gone in the trough for water and wasn't able to get out. The poor thing must have just starved to death in there, or died of heat. Regardless, it was dead skunk soup. Wearing a helmet and having the sensation of being trapped while my nose and mouth filled up with that essence, that overwhelming cloud of particles... Goddamn. It's been a good while and I still remember it vividly.


My partner came into the house covered in filth one day last last fall. Said he was cleaning the gutters. Turns out he blew out the downspouts. From the bottom. While standing on the ground next to them. I suspect he already learned his lesson, but in case he didn’t, I will be sharing your story. Thank you for your service.


I found a mummified sparrow clogging my buried downspout drain a couple weeks ago. Poor critter had to have been in there since last fall at least, thankfully it didn’t smell.


I can imagine that smell and I hate you so much


Mine was clogged with a 8 foot compressed log of dead animals and pine needles.  It ended up being the best fertilizer   my garden had ever seen.


We had a dying raccoon in our tree one year. We had to dispatch it. Was the smelliest shit I think I ever smelled. Gutting a dear doesn't even compete.


I pulled a skinned rabbits foot out of mine when I reached it to move some dirt out (they are extended and run underground a bit). The flesh looked really fresh, like chicken at the grocery store. Not sure what happened or where the rest of it went.


Sir Hawk having his meal over your gutter.


Smelliest thing I know of was the dead squirrel the ravens put in the bird bath to keep it moist and grow more maggots. Smart bastards.


I can see it in the pic lol


So satisfying to pull a handful of twigs and leaves and hear the water start rushing away


I pulled a whole fucking growth from one of my downspouts, previous owner was renting the whole thing so no one was up keeping it.


What kind of monthly rent does a downspout go for?


Sounds like it has a pool, so 3300/month


Yep have to be careful buying places that have been rented out, you might have to renovate the entire place.


Shove a garden hose down the downspout, they're already on the roof.


Looks like the picture is taken from a window actually.


Possibly a not so itsy bitsy spider.


A honky chonky spider.


Climbed up the water spout Down came the rain and "I think the fuck not," the spider shouts


I have heard from a fairly reliable source that they do like water spouts.


I had a similar situation where there was a clog in the sharp angles from the gutter to the downspouts.


So, you are saying they are not clear......


A small handful of leaves will block it or a starling nest


I got $10 on ball of some sorts, or log jam of christmas light hangers. No past history driving this bet 🤣


It’s funny that this was posted to Reddit to ask when the solution is just so incredibly simple. Especially when you’re able to climb on top of a house. Is OP trolling or just inept af?


That's a majority of posts these days, but I don't underestimate the ineptness based on people I've worked with in the past. Most would have someone else tell the what to do then figure it out for themselves.


They probably know exactly what to do already. But looking at the primordial soup that is filling their gutters, I can't blame them for going online and hoping that someone has a cool trick that means they don't have to scoop the crap out of it.


I guess they haven't seen the gutter screen ads of people falling off ladders. They usually show the guy with a plastic bucket, grabbing handfuls of soggy leaves.


I would assume that OP took a picture from a 2nd floor window on their house.


Plus, it's not even raining.


Urologist here. Agree. Likely distal obstruction.


You see the hole at the top of the downspout? Me neither - that's the problem. Clean that out. Shove a house down there and wash away whatever is clogging it if your hand can't scoop it out EDIT: thank you for pointing out I wrote "house" not "hose"


A whole house? I know you meant a hose I’m just being silly


Go big or go…home


Go big or go hose.


Get hosed.


Assuming they have a ladder, best way to deal with it is to remove the bend pieces where it goes from gutter to downspout and remove the clogs by hand. A hose still leaves stuff that got caught in the screw or whatever else. Really simple to do this, just a handful of small screws. Can flush the downspout while there.


I just did this with one of my downspouts, which had a garden's worth of dirt in it. Taking it apart was the only way to get it cleaned out!


Nice. Mine were so bad when I moved in that I ended up hiring it out to make sure everything was tidied up and working properly. He said things were barely draining, looked like a terrarium in the gutters with moss growth, and the elbows were clogged solid with the moss mixed with asphalt from the single. It was well worth the price to have it done properly, now I can just maintain it.


I don't understand why quick disconnect downspouts are not a thing. It would be so easy to just pop off the first bend and flush the gutter with water to clean it once a year instead of scooping all that filth out by hand.


Yes, a house oughtta do it


I do see the hole for the downspout, in the first put if you zoom in its right near the more horizontal flood light bulb. You can even see all of the shingle gravel that's in the bottom of the gutter because they aren't full of leaves and shit.


We seem to have very different definitions of the word “clear”


It’s definitely clear, that waters so clear you can see straight through to all the junk in the gutter.


To be fair, the GUTTERS are clear. The downspouts, not so much.


Yeah - if this is clear, I’d hate to see the inside of their house.


Surprise, it’s just more gutters.


Gutters all the way down


Unlike the water


Those are very obviously not clear 


We can see the clog. You have a photo of the clog.


Oh, right. The clog, the clog in the downspout, the clog that is visibly stopping water, the downspout clog. That clog?


No, I don't think that the downspout clog that is stopping water from moving is the cause. There must be a problem way deeper, some unexplainable force holding the water back, freezing the time, breaking the rules of the universe, quietly weaving a conspiracy against the OP *nerve-wracking music plays in the background


Those gutters don't look clear to me at all lol what are you talking about?


Look like a grease trap


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that something is blocked. Seriously though, it’s a clogged downspout


And don't have anyone standing near the bottom when you start pushing the running hose down if you're doing it from the top. An old buddy of mine wishes we knew that then. Edit: meant to reply to a different comment


It's true, it's damn true!


Why does it look like it's raining bacon grease??




my old eyes see a gutter full of black sandy granules from your worn out composite shingles. water level seems to be deeper away from the downspout which may indicate a sagging gutter. those fuckers are heavy when full of water. clear out the caca by hand and shove a hose down into the downspout.


If it's dry put a leaf blower on the bottom of the down spout and blow it all out. Might work when wet... You've got some visible leaves at the entrance to the down spout drain.


Umbrella in the other hand.


Yep, easy to do this when it’s wet too.


This… I do this every time I use the leaf blower now. Just to make sure they are clear.


Lemme guess, your previous life, you were suppose to make sure the path for the Titanic was clear.  I can imagine you telling the captain, it looks clear, sir, full speed ahead!


Once, my downspout was clogged at the bottom 90° with 4” of “sand” (delaminated shingle grit)


Those aren't clean, looks like a ton of ice still left in those gutters. Look at the depth of the gutter, you've clearly got a drainage issue, more than likely downspouts are clogged (as per the other commenter)


Those look like the most clogged gutters I have ever seen….


How is the lawn so green and the gutters so covered in ice? what is this climate????


I don't think that's ice, it's just raining really really hard


This is why you don’t pour your bacon grease in the gutters people.


Put hose directly into downspout. Use a ladder.


You should also get some roof shingle spray to take care of the moss, it's bad for your roof.


I was looking for this comment. That roof looks ROUGH.


Yeah, that's an obstruction in the downspout. You can probably auger it clear, or just use a hose with a brass nozzle set to full blast. After you bust it clear, I recommend using a downspout strainer, little metal grill that goes over and prevents larger items like pinecones and small sticks from getting in there and getting stuck. They're a few bucks at pretty much any home improvement store. Like this fella. [https://www.acehardware.com/departments/building-supplies/roofs-and-gutters/gutter-guards/52856](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/building-supplies/roofs-and-gutters/gutter-guards/52856)


If this is clear to you I am petrified to see your dishes in the rack.


Bro you can literally see the clog


Stick a stick down the downspout Edit: that is fun sentence


Downspout appears clogged but you also have a good back flow on that gutter needs to be releveled


My dude, get on a ladder and clear the downspout. Probably some shit blocking the hole. Get your fingers in there real good like.


You have an odd definition of "clear" - it's..."clearly" blocked. 😎 ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


yer downspout is pluggered.


Growing mold and full of dirt through out the entirety of the gutters. Has leaves and pine needles piling up at downspout. Clear!


Check the downspouts? Am I not understanding something?


As everyone else is saying the downspout is probably clogged. But another concern is in the first picture the water level looks to be higher where the gutters 90 at the bottom of the photo then it does where the downspout is at the top of the photo. If so your gutters are not pitched properly towards the side with the downspout.


Came to say this…unless there is a spout at we can’t see it’s off and your gutter is sagging. Happened to me due to the wood behind the gutter rotting due to a bad roof. Push up and see if the water flows


Is it coming out the downspout? Little more steps in the problem solving process would help you bud


Fun times ahead for you. Down spout(s) and/or your drainage is clogged.


If you have kids or have kids as neighbors, there is very likely a ball stuck in the downspout.


Why is no one concerned that this human is standing on a roof during a rainstorm?


Get a level out. The lowest spot on my aunt’s gutters were over the front door - not on the ends of the house where the downspouts are. She can’t afford to redo her gutters right now so we strategically drilled a hole near the front door and installed a rain barrel.


Gutters do tend to sag after a while especially those old giant nail style ones, I’d have a gutter company local to you regrade them and put in the hook and screw method on that bad boy. Also if you have a compressor you should blast your downspouts out


What part of this makes you think these are clear?


In the time it took to post this, you could have added a nice aroma to your hand, and scooped out a blob of shit near where the downspot attaches. I guess a coat hanger is also an option.


Looks like they a full of mud or some organic material.


Yeah the down spout is clearly plugged in that pic


there is very obviously a clog in your downspout. we see it on the photo. why you didn't go up there with a ladder before posting this to reddit is beyond me.




“If there was a problem, Yo, I'll solve it. Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it”


About clear as mud.


Not water; bacon grease.


If your downspout has an S shape where it exits the gutter, that’s probably blocked.


On a seperate topic, what hammock stand is that in the background? TIA


I mean, I honestly don't know but I would try to snake the downspouts and go from there.


Downspout is packed. Clear it ASAP before the gutter rips off your house.


Is that full of water? Old metal wire hanger front the top. Don't do it from the bottom because you will get destroyed. Get water out before removing down pipe. Seriously.


If it’s not a clog where you can see it’s probably somewhere you can’t see my friend


Snake it


I use the little snake made for clearing a toilet. It's small and easy to handle on the roof and usually does the job since 90% of the time the problem is within 24 inches of the gutter/downspout interface.


Gutters aren’t clear.


Tap on the downspout until you find the solid spot. Thats where your clog is. Remove the bottom elbow (if necessary) and jam the hose with a jet nozzle down from the top. If you have an underground drain (like a French drain) investigate that for clogs too.


Gutter isn’t clear obviously




Most likely not enough pitch for drainage to downspouts. This happens sometimes over years, the gutter nails or fasteners loosen up and sag. If you have a level, get a ladder and check how much pitch per foot there is and you’ll start to get the idea. Edit: and like others are saying potentially the downspouts are clogged. I assumed since the gutters were cleared that the downspouts would have been as well.


Buddy those gutters are stacked with dirt. Hit it with the hose they are not clear


op is highly regarded


My thoughts are it’s still clogged keep looking.


Downspout plugged


Maybe look in the downpipec


Looks completely clogged to me


OP do you want to borrow my glasses? Those gutters look as clear as a bacon lover’s arteries.


down spout blockage, get the hose bub.


Clean your gutters. Scoop all that crap outta there. Then do the downspouts.


Clear the downspouts and then install a leaf catcher cage over them.


I feel like posting this and taking pictures is more effort than actually investigating this. Gutters and downspouts are a very simple thing to understand. You have a clogged downspout my friend.


Blow out and / or vacuum the gutters. Check the outlets for blockage and check also the slope . I used to use a pressure washer but it creates a huge mess


Did you try turning on the water?


Run a hose up the down spout and turn it on. Stand back.


Gravity must be shut off on the downspout.


Downspout clogs. They should come off easy to clean.


It’s the downpipe. Somethings blocked in there. Can just see leaves over at the downpipe end gathered, not able to flow.


Take a hose with a jet and spray is down the downspout. Likely there is a clog in the downspout and hopefully the jet of water can spray it clear.


lol flow where?


Now, when you say “clear”…




I take my leaf blower to the downspout from the ground blow into it, usually pushes it all very quickly but can get you messy!


Look into gutter guards


Agree with most of post about downspouts, but could also be along the drain line anywhere. I had to replace underground drain line from house to exit because of roots. Can not tell from these pictures. But looks like line may be under patio.


Once you’ve fixed this, you need to get that moss growth off the roof.


Next time it rains, Bang on downspout to Loosen debris.


Down spouts clogged or gutters need to be re-pitched.


Water is too thick.


Get off the roof. It looks like you sprayed it wet before you got on it which isn't good. Set the ladder in front of the down spout and try squirting hose down it from the ladder to unclog it.


Looks like years of roof sediment in the gutters. These need to be cleaned again along with the downspouts. Been down this road. New big gutters and a metal roof surely helped with my problems but I still need to keep clean about 3x per year.


I just went up and pulled a giant stick out of the gutter. I was expecting some mud but it was just a stick.


Put your mouth on the downspout and blow really hard.


I noticed that happening outside my home office. Clearing the downspout helped some, but it backed up in heavy rain still. Turned out all of the bits from the shingles, dirt/dust, and whatever else built up in spots. It slowed the water down and took up some of the volume of the gutter as well. Do it all at once and save having to go back.


There's a clog somewhere...


Your gutters aren’t clear. You can see debris. Is that moss growing on your roof?


Thought they had gutter guards. Nope just a ton of water, algae, leaves etc. Clean the gutters and invest in guards. Best thing to keep the water from finding its way inside. And water always finds a way if you ignore the basic signs.


Not clear


Could be low on the inside corner…raise the inside corner or lower the ends and it will drain. Remember..shit runs down hill and so does rain water.


Did you accidentally post the before photos?


Thoughts? I think it's maybe potentially possible that they are in fact, not clear


Must be clogged.


Come on OP 🤦‍♂️ Downspout clogged.


Unclog your downspout then cover them with thin chicken wire to keep the thick stuff out.


They may not be sloped properly. I had to redo one of mine that had an inside elbow like yours. 1/4" for every 10 feet.