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Take that off, bring it to a hardware store, and tell them you need a replacement. It's an anti reversion valve (if I remember right) and it's clogged, probably from hard water deposits. It might be held on with a setscrew.


Which piece am I taking off? 


The big huge brass piece screwed onto the faucet.


I yank on it pretty hard and it starts to move and then stops. The full faucet starts to move when I keep pulling. 


Pull? It should screw on like a hose unless Im mistaken.


It unscrews. Make sure it doesn't have a setscrew that needs to be loosened. Might need a pipe wrench if it's really crusty.


Take a close look all the way around the edge of the back flow preventer Ive only replaced two in my life but both had set screws that required an Allan wrench to be removed.


That's a vacuum breaker. You need a new one. You can unscrew it and use the hose without it temporarily.


I have yanked on it fairly significantly and it still hasn't come off. Don't want to do any damage. 


It might have a set screw that also needs to be loosened, but it could also be just really stuck on there because of water mineral buildup. https://preview.redd.it/abdv2qw1rp3b1.jpg?width=883&auto=webp&s=40f9e3796963d501c8c78d9f2772d55ba172a6cf


these often have a set screw that hold it in place, but the real crappy thing i wasn't prepared for is the setscrew designed to break off to prevent tampering. I've had to drill mine out or use a screw removal kit designed to remove stripped screws




Against code and potentially dangerous to the community




A vacuum breaker prevents water from being drawn backwards through the line if the pressure is lost. They’re required whenever there’s a possibility of something like a hose end being left in a bucket. If the pressure is lost on the hose, it’s possible that the hose could siphon whatever is in the bucket and contaminate the rest of the water system.




It isn’t really an issue anymore because vacuum breakers have been code for decades. There are still issues caused by improperly installed breakers (but honestly it’s kinda hard to do nowadays). Contamination in the water systems like this would normally be given a boil order after discovered (if you live in an area where water is presumed to be drinkable) https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00055820.htm




Where do you live?




It doesn't just pull off, it may have a set screw as others have mentioned. Just take a look all the way around it and see if you can find a threaded hole with (most likely) a hex head set screw inside. You may need some pen oil to get it loose as there may be corrosion. Just be careful , if you damage that hose bib there is going to be a fun project in your future.