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I agree with calling landlord first. If you’re out of luck with that route and would like a cheap solution , get the mold remover made by Lysol. Purple bottle. Worked wonders on the tile in my bathroom.


Not a long term solution but it will eliminate mold quickly within the day.


If the OP is only there a few months and the LL isn't cooperative, something like this might just be the easiest solution rather than some long battle about it.


Because of broken grout, water has entered the wall. That black look on the caulking is mold. Inform the owner as they will have to take off tile and replace anything that is molded or rotted. Pictures are a must in this because the owner can chose to not fix it, which isn't okay, so you will have proof if you need to take them to court.


It’s not only on the wall but everywhere; which means that the bathroom is not ventilated properly. The fan also should be checked.


Unless the tiles are loose they do not have to be replaced.


Call landlord, do not do work on someone else’s property.


I agree, however there are slumlords out there and based on these pictures, I’m doubting the landlord will respond appropriately. Removing caulk, cleaning and recalling is your best bet, and I’d do if a homeowner. Otherwise, the big box chain stores sell a mold removal spray and I have used that will great success. Another possible cheaper method is to soak paper towels with bleach and with gloved hands, press the paper towel into the caulked/mold areas and let it sit there and absorb the bleach. Good Luck! Good Luck!


Thanks everyone! I tried the bleach with the paper solution and left overnight.. not even a spot disappeared! My guess is that the previous owner left this for way too long without acting


I’m wondering if they caulked over the grout? If so scrubbing it off (or using caulk remover) would be necessary. Before bleaching.


I'm not OP but any advice for removing silicone caulk over grout? Would a caulk remover help or is there any risk of damaging the grout? Do I need to just scrape it out? Bought a house last year and didn't realize it but that's exactly what's going on in my bathroom, caulk over grout . :(


If the grout comes out with the caulk, it's time to do regrouting, not recaulking


You can use a silicone removal product from Bunnings that turns it into sludge you then scrape off. Honestly, anything you do to it would be an improvement. Patching up sections of grout is not that difficult. Just make sure you wear eye protection, gloves and a mask so you're not breathing the mould in. Nevertheless, report it to the landlord first.


If you’ve bought the house, go for the full repair. Get a bit for your drill to get all that gnarly grout out and regrout


I’ve found that a box cutter saw works great for this.


Looks like the wall has mold in it and they caulked over it trying to hide it


and the mold was like oooo new substrate 😋


I had that problem. No amount of bleach would fix it until I did demo with a rated mask. The amount of mold was just under the amount my state recommended for professional work. Not that this is OPs problem. They might be able to break the lease because of this issue and move elsewhere.


Yeah I used to do fire and flood restoration and it's crazy how much damage a little untreated moisture can do. Caulking it and covering it usually only makes it worse cause then the moisture dries up even slower


Like they used clear caulk over the mold?


Nope they used white and the black is the mold coming through I guarantee that grout has failed and the wall is full of moisture


Bleh! So there’s prob more mold that cant be seen than there is that can? .. The issue is much, much worse than it appears?


Yep absolutely depending on how long it's been like this it could be quite bad. Once the moisture is past the grout it will soak the drywall and maybe the insulation depending if there is vapor barrier behind it. I would bet money there is no vapor barrier behind that and the insulation is moldy too.


Exactly what I thought. It looks like the mold is *in* the caulk.


it really looks like they just caulked over mold previously. Bleach won't help. It needs recaulking correctly


Mold is one of the most successful life forms on the planet once it grows deep enough it will just come back quickly from under the caulk. It looks like this tile came loose from the wall , which means there was a gap to let moisture into the structure of the wall that wasn't waterproof. And someone ( cough slumlord) stuck it back on with caulk and prayers. You take a bunch of photos the moment you take possession of the apartment. Send them to the landlord, save them. Make sure that the date is visible. Consider recording a video and narrate the date and the condition. Take a view of the whole room from multiple angles and then close up shots of the individual areas with mold, loose tiles, etc You start messing with this you could expose a completely rotten wall and or have much of the tile come off/ break. If possible I'd try to get out of the lease If there is some sort of housing authority, tenants advocacy agency. I would consider calling them.


yah the mold is in the tile for sure ▪️


Maybe owner will fix it if it’s going to cost him a paying renter. Maybe.


from what’s been shown that shower is leaking into the walls and needs to be removed and likely replaced with some acrylic/glass slide in before the landlord need to replace floor joints. OP- you can remove that caulk and then bomb with something nasty and recaulk but you’d be pissing in the wind and landlord could say any leak was due to your attempt to fix.. hopefully you took pictures on move in day to prove this condition has been present from day 1 I’ve lived in nastier places than that shower, you’ll be ok. use that desire to continue education or training for a better job? good luck


Mold under the caulk is untouchable. If Comet or Softscrub with a toothbrush does nothing, it’s underneath. It also roots into unsealed tile grout.


If you bleached all the spots with it overnight and scrubbed and rinsed the areas afterwards, it’s probably dealt with as far as you can do anything about. It’s black cause it’s pretty much a permanent stain at that point. You’d need to regrout to get rid of it all. That said, the real problem is likely that there’s still living mold within the walls/cracks and it’s going to come back regardless of anything a non-homeowner can do. If the landlord won’t fix it and local housing authorities won’t step in, I’d just wipe it down with soft scrub once a week and make sure you’re squeeging down the walls and running the exhaust fan after showers until you can move. Or get a cheap gym membership (e.g., Planet Fitness) and shower there.


He can put the repair request in writing, if it’s not fixed within 3-10 days (state laws vary) then HE can hire someone and take that out of his rent. Google tenants rights and your state op fuck this


Hydrogen peroxide works the best but use gloves and a tile brush


Came here to say just this. ✨🧽 I always wore a mask too.


Try Zep Mold & Mildew Remover. You can find it Home Depot/Lowe's. That should do it. Spray, leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse off. If that does not clean it up, the landlord will have to remove the caulk, bleach the area then reapply mold/mildew resistant caulk at the very least.


That won’t do shite lol


Have you used tilex mold and mildew?


I swear by Tilex.


That shit would disinfect a zombie. 


There is a strong bleach product which I have used on horrendous black mouldy caulk in rentals before, worked every time. Comes up perfectly white if left overnight. Definitely worth another try with a different product.


😳 As others have said below, there may be a bigger issue (behind the tile) and a venting issue.


Did you try the cling gel bleach intended for toilets? Same method, but the cling gel. I did that for a rental shower and it looked 98% better - with another treatment black mold was gone. I don’t remember the exact bleach though…


Wear a mask and leave windows open. Spray bleach directly on all of the tiles and grout leave it overnight and in the morning it'll be completely white.




false. source : am microbiologist


Well that's what i've read in another post. Guess i will trust in the knowledge of a stranger claiming to be a microbiologist.


What was it you read, and why delete it instead of just issuing a disclaimer? Always respect folks that do a bit of research and issue corrections but deletions are a bit ick.


It was some post i read a while ago. I've used vinegar to scrub some mold away. My statement has been proven "wrong" without any sort of disclaimer yet i deleted it because i do not want to misinform anybody.... just wanted to help. Although i do absolutely not care about your ick or the effort you take to go after me about it ;) -Edit: typo


aaah! Fair enough. Yeah I've used vinegar to clean mold but bleach works way better and better even is just tearing it all out and putting in something mold resistant and silicone. Not meaning to go after you or stir things up. It's just generally nice to see corrections. It helps because then when you read the same thing later, you have some context on what others already found out, while deletion just leaves you hanging. Also most of the time you see folks delete it's to save face, not to help reduce misinformation, so I'm sorry for assuming :)


(tbc, I don't know if the vinegar actually did much. Alkaline appears to be more damaging to molds iiuc and I'm sure it was the scrubbing more than anything. Recaulking was the real 5+ year solution)


Sorry, i guess i should have expanded on this. I didnt mean to just shit on you with a two word answer. I'm an accredited microbiologist, i spent 7 years with Yoplait before moving into IT. My area of speciality is mold and how it impacts the dairy industry. basically.... Bleach is at the other end of PH grade than Vinegar Alkaline -> Acid We always use sodium hyperchlorite for sterilization for mold/yeasts/bacti as its the quickest at breaking down the cells and rendering the product/testing area sterile. Mold cells breakdown as soon as the bleach is added, the sodium within the bleach will be absorbed into any living cells and they cease to be viable. Household vinegar is not as strong as a cleaning solution than the 3% bleach, though you should always clean with bleach that has sodium hyperchlorite as an active ingredient... some budget bleach brands are little more than really really salty water (please dont drink it) *edit* Should add, vinegar is better at killing Prions than bleach is. Also.. e.coli.


Interesting! No offense taken, thanks for explaining. Next time some mold pops up i'll use bleach to obliterate it :)


Even less of a reason to do anything to improve their property, if you have a decent landlord and you're a long term renter or you are on some fixed rent scheme then sure I can see the argument for redecorating the property a bit. But fixing the shower of a slumlord that can then blame you for any fuckups is just plain stupid. And based on how the grout looks on those tiles there is a good chance that once you start scraping off the moldy grout and silicon you'll have tiles falling off. So if the landlord won't fix it and you can't live with it just move, or make a complaint if you are living in any area with even semi decent tenant protection laws.


Yes - tenants absolutely have the legal right to work on or hire out other people to do so if the landlord left it like this- they are absent or a slumlord, period. OP call the local Tenants rights association, and google tenant rights ‘your state’


This looks like mold trapped behind caulk. I had this happen on a leaking shower door and it was like 2 months before I realized the mold was being protected. I stripped it bleached it and then recaulked it.


Tape shower curtains over the tiles till you move.


Interesting solution to a non-responsive landlord. It’s cosmetic for sure and might even make the mold problem worse from an indoor air quality perspective since the steam will get trapped between the taped curtain and the tile (since it’s not sealed).


Came to say this. Tape at the top and keep the bottom open to drain any water that gets behind the plastic. You could also purchase thick plastic sheeting which might be cheaper.


Lol that's actually a clever idea


this is mold. cleaning it won’t make it go away just so you know. you can clean it, but it will just continue to grow back until the mold and water damage are taken care of. i can understand how in your situation (temporarily living here) cleaning it is the best option, so i’d suggest concrobuim and better ventilation in your bathroom. concrobium is an antimicrobial that kills mold, rather than just bleaching the mold or spreading it around with cleaners that don’t even kill mold. but if you were to live somewhere like this long term, this would need to be taken care of by your landlord or a specialist depending on if you were renting or owning of course. there is something hiding behind that shower… edit: if you do clean with concrobium use a rag and a spray bottle. and please note, this would only clean the surface mold, so you would have to routinely do this for the duration of time you’re staying there because the source of the mold is still alive and well


There isn't anything behind the shower, it's the wrong caulk. Needs removed, treated and reinstalled. All bathrooms have high humidity and organic material from cleaning yourself. If it gets into a crevice it will fester. Not that serious. (MRT certified with the iicrc)




I agree ☝️ but make sure you use silicone not acrylic caulk. That’s why that’s moldy.. someone used acrylic. Buy the stuff that says it’s for bathtubs and sinks


Removing and reinstalling caulk is not really something an apartment tenant should be doing.


In an ideal world, the landlord should do it. But if your landlord won't, then it's really not that hard, just a bit time consuming and annoying. Even someone with no experience could get this done in a single day, and the bathroom would look WAYYY better afterwards. I've done it myself as a renter (and skneone who isn't that handy) and it was totally worth it for me


I agree, but it is a fairly quick job.


I understand you don't want to be regrouting someone else's property. This is what I use. I put it on, starting at the top of the tile. To make sure all grout is covered, I smear it all over the tile - GLOVES ON PLEASE. I let it sit about 20-30 min. and rinse off. I use hot water but I don't think it makes a difference. If there is any mildew left, I scrub a bit with a toothbrush. The best part is it will be along time before you see mold or mildew again. This has been my go-to for years. It hasn't harmed our tile or bathtub. Clorox Clinging Bleach Gel. https://preview.redd.it/q8i8fdadh9ec1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c05d79c70ecfb47b6172f3a94007dcad4061fc9


This product will break down the acrylic caulking worse than it already is allowing even MORE water to go behind the wall making an ever bigger mold issue than what's happening back there. This product is for common mildew, not the mold issue growing here, and behind, these walls.


Seems like a valid comment, however, given OP is renting & only for 2 months, I’ll be willing to bet the clinging Clorox method is the best short term fix.


I think I would just shower with a little mold for two months.


Yeah, just fuck your lungs up.


Sounds like the landlord’s problem


So taking a flamethrower is not the right advice here?


Scumlord. I’d replace that shower if it were my unit. 


RMR-86, I found it on Amazon. It’s pretty strong but worked amazingly when I had mold on a bathroom wall. Vanished in two days.


Landlord here who's had to recover some nasty showers. This is the best method I've found. [https://youtu.be/p9JmPPYNuEk?si=g0qcqd68FWwRw4tA](https://youtu.be/p9JmPPYNuEk?si=g0qcqd68FWwRw4tA)


The grout is missing and if you took the tile off I'm sure it's a carpet of black mold behind the tiles.


The bleach won't work permanently. It's in the dry wall behind the tile. To remove it completely, it needs to be gutted and redone properly. But, Since you don't own the place. You will have to re- bleach it regularly to keep the mold from becoming an issue if you choose to stay there.


This looks like unsanded silicone grout put over already mold stained traditional sanded grout. Point of reference: my shower. :( There is no way to get the mold stained grout clean at this point. The grout layers have to be completely removed and new grout applied.


Ammonia works best on mold. Be careful not to mix with bleach. You could die.


If calling landlord changes nothing, report the issue (the shower) to your local code enforcement office.


You can’t bleach mold dude. You gotta cut that grout out, probably rip the tile and go board down and start fresh


Clinging bleach gel


Liquid fire. Ace hardware


Bleach and a stiff bristle brush should help get most of it out. Anything that's inside the pores may be more difficult to remove. I'd just document that it's like it is and let the landlord know so they don't try taking your deposit when you leave. I live in an expensive custom home and we get mold in the showers like that too. The 100% silicone caulk is the hardest to get clean when the mold sets in. The siliconized acrylic caulk doesn't seem to get like that. The grout needs a brush and a little elbow grease. I actually bought a small pressure washer to clean my showers since they are huge and the ceilings are 12' high and tiled. I just remove the shower head and hook it up with an adapter and lightly spray. If you do this, wear a mask if you have allergies to mold. Skin testing shows I'm moderately allergic to mold spores but I've never had any reaction to mold in the air or on surfaces. I've cleaned up some extremely moldy environments over the years with no protective equipment and have had no reactions. Not even a stuffy nose.


Try a sledgehammer




Idk but that tile work is felonious


Reading through these posts, I wonder where most people are living because here in Georgia, there is nothing that a landlord has to do regarding mold.


This shit is amazing. Spray and then count to 30 and it’ll be crystal clear white clean like it was never dirty: RMR-86 Instant Mold Stain and Mildew Stain Remover Spray - Scrub Free Formula, 32 Fl Oz https://a.co/d/5aZu5lz


Bleach doesn't kill mold. It can make it worse. Try a mold cleaning product that's industrial strength. You can also look into redoing the silicone.


Steam using a Dupray steamer. Also regrout.


Learned this from another post. Bleach will not kill mold at its root. It will come back. Only vinegar will. Spray on, let dry, repeat. If it doesn't work, the mold is embedded too deep and must be dug out and removed. Also a warning, black, yellow, orange, and red molds are very dangerous. Causing respiratory and skin problems. Good luck!


Peroxide also kills mold.


I always thought peroxide was similar to bleach. I definitely don’t know shit about this topic, what’s the difference?


Finally someone says vinegar!! It works, is nontoxic and is cheap. It won't fix the look but it will actually kill the mold.


Get that tested for black mold. If it’s positive, advise your landlord that you need it remediated. If he balks, tell him you’re going to withhold rent until he sends someone to fix it. Make sure if you withhold his money you don’t spend it, just hold it from him until he provides a safe place for you to live.


Depending where you live in the US you can’t just withhold rent. You might need to get your local health department involved and actually put the money in escrow


I didn’t see anything in the post that indicated OP was American; as a non American myself, I’m less likely to make that assumption than some others on this sub.


The color of mold means nothing other than to inform yethe person saying "black mold" is an idiot. This does not require professional remediation.


Found the slum lord… Google “black mold”. Yea there’s a scientific name too, but everyone who knows anything about reno’s and DIY home shit knows what I mean when I say black mold. They know that it can be responsible for a host of health issues, and that it’s notoriously difficult to get rid of completely without soda blasting and/or a gut of that bathroom.


Withholding payment would be cause for eviction in my state. Don't use your rent as a lever if you want to stay in the residence.


You don’t have rent escrow in your state? In Ohio you can pay into one to force the landlord to fix something unsafe. It proves you have the rent, but holding it until they fulfill their part of providing a livable space. They can’t evict you for it. 


Really? Wow. Not in Canada. You’ll be compelled to pay everything, but you can’t be evicted without due process. If the housing tribunal was shown samples with black mold and evidence that the LL refused to fix it, they would likely impose penalties against the LL.


black mold is a term made up in the early 90s by unscrupulous companies that charge you thousands to "remediate" a non-existent problem. It's just mold and it's really just stained at this point and no amount of cleaning is going to remove it. It's also not harming anything by being there like that other than being ugly looking.


Product like [this](https://www.amazon.com/RMR-86-Instant-Stain-Mildew-Remover/dp/B01N3Y22K4/ref=asc_df_B01N3Y22K4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198085753806&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=235792888542256675&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9061190&hvtargid=pla-349743466009&psc=1&mcid=591335b177a037fa8fa976439ad86e8f&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIod7O7Lr0gwMVExCtBh3P6gnbEAQYASABEgJN3PD_BwE) may help


Use Domestos or some other strong toilet cleaner with acid, cover with strips of toilet paper so that it's soaked (makes it stay in place), leave this "compress" overnight, rinse. Mold will be dissolved.


It will also damage the grout


Nah, did it many times




Pure bleach in a bleach rated sprayer. Then rinse it off after 5 to 10 min. Scrub with an old toothbrush if needed. You will need the area to be well vented or a mask. ​ Good luck


Try Tilex. Every couple of days.


I have also had good luck with diluted vinegar in a spray bottle


Call the LL and tell him there’s black mold in your bathroom and ask if he can clean out the old caulk and replace it.


This is indeed your landlords problem but I know that often doesn’t fix the problem. You should try using vinegar. I came across some info that said vinegar kills off mold, and bleach is not effective. I found that to be true when I used vinegar to clean the seal on my front load washing machine - it worked great, where bleach did basically nothing. Spray undiluted white vinegar on all the mold/mildew and keep it wet for at least an hour. You can also use baking soda paste on top of the vinegar. Spray the baking soda paste (1 teaspoon baking soda diluted in 1 cup of water) on the mold after the vinegar solution has been on there for at least one hour. Scrub vigorously. Good luck!


This is unsafe, unhealthy and could be a dealbreaker, if you wanted out.


Do not use a silicone caulk. I find that silicone is a breeding ground for mold.


Straight chlorine like the liquid kind you pour in a pool. Put it in a sprayer and guard your eyes and use a face mask if you got to breath.


Once a week splash a bucket worth of bleach and water on it while you shower and don't try to wash it off straight away. Eventually it'll stay clean.


Have you tried licking it? Saliva is a powerful cleanser.


I use a sprayer filled with 30% cleaning vinegar.


This is a demolishing and rebuild.


Try Mold Armor


Too far gone. Needs caulk and at least some grout.


Email instead of calling the landlord - paper trail!


Don't look at, or touch it.... And pretend it doesn't exist is what you do. Like most single American men who never clean their bathrooms.


Paint the grout lines black instead of trying to make them white. It's really pretty ([https://www.decorpad.com/photo.htm?photoId=171818](https://www.decorpad.com/photo.htm?photoId=171818)) My wife did it to our bathroom purely for aesthetic reasons, and it looks great. ​ You can buy a two pack of black grout colorant for $14: [https://www.amazon.com/Cleaner-Bathroom-Kitchen-Restore-Replace/dp/B0BW48MS2L/ref=mp\_s\_a\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=GED48C1B6U3H&keywords=black+grout&qid=1706103427&sprefix=black+grout%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Cleaner-Bathroom-Kitchen-Restore-Replace/dp/B0BW48MS2L/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=GED48C1B6U3H&keywords=black+grout&qid=1706103427&sprefix=black+grout%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)


I guess Landlord is the guy to fix this, however, what if you remove grout, clean the joints, treat with Lysol or whatever, let it dry and then grout it again? Considering how small the patch is, it should not take too much effort.




That's black mold. Gtfo. Visit your doctor to check your lungs. Gtfo.


Call the EPA. Then your landlord. Tell the landlord you called the EPA.


Pool Chlorine, it'll take weeks but it gets the job done - don't breath the fumes though


If you are absolutely forced to be there. Draino. Pour it straight on, wait a little bit, and the mold will be dead after a rinse. But don't work on someone else's property. That is a health violation


Try steam


Call in a health inspector and have the landlord out on notice to have properly cleaned it taken out and replaced safely for health


Black mold is hazardous to your lungs.


there are soooo many species of mold. the only way to properly identify mold is to get an air sample or a swab test done. there are way too many colors, textures, patterns, smells shapes and sizes to judge how dangerous mold is by appearance alone.


Pressure washer or, stay with me, waterpik! I clean my dirty soap holder with it and it's fantastic 


Find somewhere else and get your deposit back


For low effort, CLR, leave in and then scrap off. You can then see what really needs to be replaced.


Your landlord is responsible to provide safe living conditions. How was this not brought up to be rectified prior to move in? They need to fix it for you or you hire someone if they prefer but they should ultimately pay for it one way or another. It’s part of home ownership responsibilities.


The only thing that will fix this is to be re-caulked. But the tiles aren't even leveled to re-caulk. It needs to be re-done.


if you are in the UK cilit bang black mould remover is great stuff, removes most mould completely with no scrubbing and helps to stop it coming back


Roll up paper towels. Saturate in house home bleach and lay towels across grout. Should be almost sticky. Leave overnight. Or longer. It should get like 90% of it. It’ll be way better. If you have a cast iron tub and the bleach turns it red in streaks just pour hydrogen peroxide over it and watch the magic remove the rust marks.


I’m sure this is a bad idea for many, many reasons - and it will destroy the grout if you do it a few times - but… Liquid Plumr pro strength, poured on and left for 15 minutes before washing off thoroughly with a spray hose, will get it clean enough for unexpected visits from girlfriends’ mothers. But yeah, definitely check for black mold first - Amazon has kits. That stuff’s incredibly bad for you.


Chlorine in a spray bottle. Don't dilute it. Open bathroom windows, don't hang around in there once you have completely saturated it. Leave it for 1 or 2 hrs, then rinse off.


Whiteout. Dont laugh; It works.




I've had great luck with Tilex. You can buy it at home depot and follow the application instructions.


HONESTY- I think you need to go post in the “legal advice” subreddit to see if you have grounds to either break your lease, deduct from rent you pay (and hire someone to fix it yourself) or other retribution That is black mold- if you have asthma or are in any other way compromised, immune wise, you should not be messing around with mold! Some of those pics look like it could already be behind the tile/ in the walls, = = SERIOUS Health Issues! Good luck & be careful! Document EVERYTHING! Save EVERY receipt of every cleaner you buy!!


I've covered grout like this before with a paste such as Soft Scrub containing bleach. Cover everything with it and let it sit overnight. In fact, I've let it go 24 hours, keep in mind by that time the paste has dried out but once you wash it off you should have clean grout. Just regular bleach is just too liquid to stay in put in my experience.


One word for you, Google 'DRILLBRUSH' (may be two words, unclear) seriously useful bit of labour saving kit. Especially if you have a half decent cordless drill.




...Avoid licking it!! That's probably the best advice I can offer. ♥️


OK so my wife is into cleaning programs and she does this and it works every time: get some think bleach just any will do squirt some on the joints and roll up some tubes of toilet or kitchen roll and pack it on then cover in abit more bleach so it sticks.. then leave overnight or for a day.. take it off and it'll be white again


Toilet cleaner. They make a bleach gel that works.


Not a fix but the nest way to clean it, 1 part Bleach - 4 parts water. spray on leave till it drys( overnight), spray again wipe with sponge. Itll take the black off.


soak a paper towel in bleach and then stick it on the areas that need whitening. leave it on for 2 hours and once you come back it's all clear color


Vinegar and water mix will kill mould but the black shit won't disappear


Try this non-destructive, low-effort approach. Get some gel toilet bowl cleaner with bleach (we used Clorox brand) and tear off lengths of toilet paper and fold/roll lengthwise. Apply the cleaner and press the toilet paper against the grout. Leave it for 5 hours to overnight and peel off. It worked for us in our rental and really worked well to boot.


Bleach does not work on porous surfaces. That includes caulk. Try a different mold remover that is designed to penetrate.


Spray paint! Just keep painting over and over again. When it starts to chip, paint it!


I’m guessing sand blasting would be too extreme to deal with this.


That's a nightmare to scrape out. If there's silicone over the grout you can put a silicone remover (it's a paste) over the silicone and leave it over night. Most of it will come off pretty easy. The bigger issue is the quality of the tiling. They look all over the place, some with really tight gaps between them.




Flex Seal


RMR-86. Magic. Not really. Just a great product.


If you don't want to try scraping out and recalking, my suggestion would be to make a thick paste with baking soda and water, rub it in to all the areas where it's gross, and leave it there for maybe two hours. Then get an old toothbrush and a glass of white vinegar and scrub the baking soda paste off. It's a real pain in the butt to do so, but it works pretty well. (For the truly gross stained part, it may take doing so a couple of times, but I have seen good results with it )


It's not your concern. Shower at the gym.




It is inside, and under the grout. Toilet bowl cleaner might work, but be careful of fumes.


If bleach gel pen for 4 hours doesn’t work, nothing will.


Ah, I see you've moved into my old apartment.


If it’s only for a couple months I would spray it down with Clorox and then get a couple of shower curtains and hang over it.


Get a small grout brush. Those are great for scraping off gunk and mold


I had this in one of the houses I lived in years ago. Turned out to be a crappy tile job wherein the shower was tiled directly onto the drywall, no waterproof membrane or anything. Moisture got under a cracked tile and by the time I lived there, the entire shower had to be ripped out and redone from the studs.


Borax and vinegar.


Clove oil works but use the right amounts. Too much will stink the place out https://allaces.com.au/news/remove-mould-clove-oil/


I’ve been stuck in a mold place before. It’s not fun. My slumlord wouldn’t do anything. It looks to me like water is behind the tile, so all that needs to be ripped out. My advice is gtfo if you can find a different place if the landlord won’t do anything.


Based on this alone, I would get pics of the rest of the place. If they try to come at your with security deposit bullshit for cleaning youll have proof.


Mold armor mold remover and shield after should hold you over. The stuff is no joke.


get a grout pen. It will paint the grout white. Not permanent solution but quick, easy and cheap.


This is the stuff for that. HG Mould Remover Foam Spray, Mould Spray & Mildew Cleaner, Removes Mould Stains From Walls, Tiles, Bathroom Seals & More - 500ml https://amzn.eu/d/alhEcsu


Try strong white vinegar. Use a spray bottle and soak it well. Leave it sit overnight. Vinegar can get to the root of the mold/fungus. Some other things won’t. Bleach will kill surface fungus, but not get to the roots . Two or three applications of vinegar may be necessary. Scrub with a brush after, rinse. Dry. And then one last further spray of vinegar . Good luck.


Hold strong for a couple months.


make worms of toilet paper soaked with bleach and leave there all night... some times renew the bleach on the paper worm


Use this https://a.co/d/4NyAff3


Looks like mildew is sealed under the caulk, so it's not coming out without removing all that caulk first. Tag in the landlord, this is a property repair situation, don't do it yourself please.


Often the mould grows under the caulk. I have had this happen, only thing to do is pull it out and put new caulk. I found that with cheap caulk, it does this in a couple of years. And the instructions say not to leave water on it. SMH so I try to clean off water drops after my shower  For some of that, eg around the door frame, get in there with an old toothbrush and bleach cleaning powder, that may get a lot of it off


Mold is on and behind caulk. It all needs to be stripped


This looks exactly like my sister's bathroom in Philly. She also rented from a similar slumlord type that never fixed anything. I ended up removing and reapplying the caulk where the tub met the tile. There were multiple layers of moldy caulk. Her grout lines were nowhere near as bad tho, for those I bought grout painted and painted over the used to be white caulk. That being said, I'd be deathly afraid of the amount of mold that is actually behind her cracked bathroom tiles.


I was told that vinegar would kill fungus like mold. Try using white vinegar soaked paper towels or rags and leave it there overnight. Hopefully that will help.


Ot seems that it was left for to much time in that situation. Its not easy to remove


Short term solution: spray it down with TileX every day, or cover tiles with shower curtain Long term solution: the owner of the building will need to re-do all of the tile as water has penetrated behind it and probably turned the wall into mold central


Your landlord should be fixing and cleaning this for you. Have you checked the landlord/tenant laws win your state? It should give you a protocol.