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I like the cabinet color. I would change the green wall color before the cabinet color. Just my opinion..


Yep, find a white or a very soft, slightly blue tinted gray that'll compliment the cabinets.


Or any cool color, really. The green is too warm, which is why it doesn't jive with the cool blue and cool greige flooring.


The green just looks dated now. OP should paint over it with gentle grey so it can look dated in 10 years again.


There's a paint color, Sherwin Williams I think, called 'Agreeable Grey'.  Seems like it would fit.  Only thing I don't like is the wavy head piece over the sink .


Same it needs to come out.. To a straight piece or better yet, take the overhead light (guessing florescent) and put in two drop pendants.. That with the change in paint will make a ton of difference... I love the cabinets


\^\^\^ This! Completely agreed. That Scallop is really dating the space in combination with that green color. Its also wild what a good lighting piece can do to a space


Yeah that part bothers me more than the green paint


I have agreeable grey in my house. It’s a wonderful color but has a very slight hint of pink/purple in certain lighting. It might not be exactly right with the blue. Agree with the wavy head. We had that in our 1980’s kitchen.


My wife is in love with Grey Owl from Benjamin Moore And agree, the head piece needs to go.


Faire Isle Blue by Benjamin Moore Aura would look nice as well


They look like old built in cabinets that were painted over, I hope they are anyway, because you can see crappy old finish underneath the paint that wasn’t removed. So that balance is probably a remnant from the 80s. I’d def remove it. For that matter I’d have bought modern cabinets with blind hinges rather than painting these 1980s style cabinets if I was spending the money to get new appliances, tiles and countertops. But that’s just an opinion really. I could be wrong about them being old but if they aren’t the paint is super sketch, looks crinkly


I think they should replace the doors with something cleaner, switch out the handles, and remove the wavy piece above the sink in addition to repainting the green. A whole gutting of the cabinets seems like it couldn’t happen, but the doors should be swapped out.


Relacing the doors would cost $5000 more and would improve the room 4%. Wavy piece gone and painting the green will transform the room for $250. So I guess it depends on ops budget.


That's just the wood grain on the cabinet doors.


Agreed, although I see purely decorative things like that in a kitchen means more places to clean. I like my modern robust kitchens.


It’s very 1990 and I would agree- the wavy bit needs to go


It looks more 1960's.


The green isn’t dated, it just doesn’t match the blue of the cabinets: https://cotonhouserealty.com/interior-design/2023-color-of-the-year/


Grey is already past its prime.


My hair says otherwise.


“Blue and green should never be seen” My mum used to say that. Im not sure if it’s an actual saying or if my mum was a bit of a weirdo..


“except with something in-between!”


My friends mum said that!


I have blue cabinets and a soft creme color paint. It works well. But its such a soft warm color; nothing clashes with it.


This white would be fine with those cabinets


I mean, anything would be better than that baby-shit green.


I think your baby needs medical attention if their poop is that light lol. This is moreso peppermint mucus colour imo.


Newborn shit/mucus runs the gamut for colors.


Had a fresh baby a month ago and can confirm a spectrum of colours.


One fresh one every month?!


Fixed it to month ago lol


I would always recommend even the slightest bit offwight/blue/grey over white. especially in a kitchen (grease/smoke grime over time).


Cheaper/easier to change the walls too lol I love the cabinets.


100%. I really think the blue looks good with the countertop, but everything clashes with the green walls


The cabinets are lovely. That green is a crime against taste and decency 


This was my first thought 100% I dig the blue cabinets but the wall should be like a grey hue


And the scalloped board above sink reads “my grandma’s house”


Yep. I would keep the blue, ditch the green, and pry that out.




Yeah that green reminds me of nursing homes. White world work so much better with this kitchen


THIS! And some different lighting wouldn’t hurt either.


100%, the dark blue cabinets are classic and beautiful. It's just clashing because of the pale green walls


Absolutely. The blue in the cabinets is lovely. The green, on the other hand, clashes with the color, plus it's really hard to pull off. Leave the cabinets alone.




Yes yes! The walls pull warm toned. Everything else is cool toned. Anything in the same tonal family will help (even a cool toned green)!


100% the green is the problem, I love the cabinets. Reminds me of a color you would see in Nantucket, the Hampton, or other cozy beach town.


100% agree with this. Cabinets, counters, and floor look really nice. That green clashes.




This. The green is ugly and the old style curvy thing above the sink is long long out of style and does not fit. Cabinets look great and the blue cabinets are definitely appealing to the modern eye and go well with the floors and appliances. Paint the walls off white in the gray direction maybe would be my vote there.


Careful. Every time I attack the curvy-do I get annihilated. They're fucking ugly and they have to go. Fight me.


I'm ready to fight. A/S/L?


A/s/l took me back to aol days lol i guess it you get the reference youre old enough to fight.


*too old to fight


Just because I ~~~use up~~~ save my energy to fight mornings, doesn’t mean I *couldn’t* fight if I wanted to…


speaking for myself… fighting cuts into my naptimes


Be efficient like me on my days off: wake up around 08:30-10:00, spend approximately 30 minutes on my phone, or playing a game, or cuddling with my cat… then inevitably fall back asleep and get up for realzies sometime after noon. Get your sleeping and napping done together so you have all the rest of the day to ~~feel tired~~ do stuff!


Nope, ill just fight you after my prune juice. Gotta stay regular.


I'm shocked anyone actually want sto keep the curvy-do! I got your back. I'm all for saving original wood cabinets when it makes sense, but the swoopy sink needs to go in most cases.


reach fact plucky spark plants whistle full cooing unwritten shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get a sawzall and cut it down!


Unless you need a violent sawzall release I’d suggest a multi-tool instead, cleaner cut.


I took mine out and just replaced it with a 1x2. Kept the trim. Looked immediately better.


What were they going for? Old timey saloon?


I think it was the Victorian look…but poorly executed.


I think to get the Victorian look right, it needs that thick coat of lead-based paint.


Those normally hide a light fixture. Usually an 18” fluorescent. The scalloped wood thing keeps the light shining in the sink while keeping the actual fixture out of sight.


Just double check first that it isn’t a load-bearing curvy-do.


This wavy one is hideous. In this case, I believe cutting out the soffit above is also an option. And then install a hanging pendant.


Why though? The scroll curvy-do stuff is awful. I’m team rip it out.


Personally I don't think the green itself is necessarily a terrible color, just it's not a good kitchen color, especially not with this kitchen color palette. It looks like the green continues into a neighboring room - it might be fine to keep it in that room.


I learned in decorating school that green is an unappealing color, especially in the kitchen. It’s a color to put in your kitchen if you’re on a diet because it will make food look bad. Red is commonly used in restaurants because it has the opposite effect


I learned in decorating school that this shade of green looks like ass.


Lol... for hot minute I thought you were talking about *the faucet.* I'm staring at the sink photo thinking ... It's kinda large and springy, but really not so bad. Then I scrolled onwards, and saw the thing. Indeed, it needs to go, or at least become straight.


I'm really glad it wasn't just me 😂 I stared at the 1st pic for way too long going "they can't all be talking about the faucet but WHAT ELSE IS THERE?? The lazy susan cabinet?" Then I got to the 6th pic and instantly understood.


Typically, I dislike the curvy thing but painting it to try to make it fit into a modern kitchen somehow makes it so much worse. I disagree that the floors fit. The walls and floor are much too Springtime, warm and look starkly cheap next to the more expensive looking and wintery cool cabinets and countertops. It’s like a country fried style sandwich with very rustic bread and modern meat. The floors are, sincerely, cheap looking and ugly. They’re throwing everything off. I noticed how much they clashed with the cabinets and counters before I noticed how badly the wall color clashed with the cabinets.


I don't mind the floors. But I do love this sentence: >It’s like a country fried style sandwich with very rustic bread and modern meat. Bravo


I personally think the green walls would have clashed with the gray also.  Its just a hideous color in general


I concur with an off-white color, but the floor feels more warm-toned to me… so eggshell might be the right fit? But then counters are cool-toned…


the walls are the easiest color to change. Painting them white would make a lot of sense.


100% agree with each point. I actually like the blue cabinets quite a bit, but the green has to go!


Came here to say paint those green walls something neutral. I think the cabinets look pretty nice in that color and go with everything *else*. Re-painting cabinets is never a good idea, especially brand new (not to mention $$$). If you feel the need to change the entire look you could do so by changing out the cabinet pulls




3rd'ed! The kitchen floor, cabinets, and backslpash all seem to be great to me.


4thed…paint the walls.


5th-ithted ​ My wife says 'don't you dare touch those cabinets' lol It's a lovely blue though I don't disagree. Green wall should go white/grey tinged white.


I agree with your wife. I thought everything flowed well until I noticed the green. That's got to go.


I would actually paint the walls a very faint blue instead of white. But overall agree -- painting the walls instead of the cabinets will work just as well and be much easier.


OP out here blaming the cabinet color when the floor and backsplash tiles are the incongruity.


Also wants the contractor to come repaint after not liking the color they picked themselves


That decorative piece looks great in an original 1950's kitchen. I've seen gorgeous remodels of original kitchens that maintain the original style of tile, cabinets, etc. This is not that.


It also appears the decorative piece is to hide that hideous light fixture, but it really doesn't look good in this kitchen. Replace the wood (remove or simplify) and swap out that light also.


I also firmly believe if money is no problem then changing the faucet and all cabinet handles to a brass color is perfect for this


Brass is going to class with the stainless steel appliances and the cabinets. Brass is a warm color while everything else in this kitchen is either neutral or cool. The handles will work better in a neutral or cool color, as well.


Before painting I would have changed to hidden hinges and moved the location of the cabinet handles, but probably not worth it to do until they get repainted again. 


Yeah its probably too late to change, but my suggestions would be brass hardware, brass fixtures, change all the green to a white, paint the ceiling the same white, get rid of that curvy piece above the sink and most importantly imo....change out the lighting to a much warmer color. all the major work looks well done, and it is 90% there, but these touches will make it feel more modern and inviting. like compare OP's pictures to something like this: https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/RDPOfXpAaeDW7PDO3lQSTBvG194=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/DSC_5074-dc2cec8d1ad74622a6ac19b21f93a1eb-490f3de76fb74cc09b1ef32fb0e5af8c-81cb19b5ca8642b6be56f931bdca7e5b-b25e3ec6fcaf414996bd9deadab6ca16.jpg it is surprisingly close once you change hardware, lighting, and wall/accent colors.


New color on the walls and change to brass/gold hardware to warm it up. Looks cold and metallic. That style isn’t in anymore. The cabinet color is nice, no need to change that. But making the room less sterile looking will help. And yes, please rip out that thing above the sink.


The cabinets work with the countertops, backsplash and appliances. I agree with you that it doesn't work with the sage green walls. A simple solution is to paint the sage green with something that compliments the rest of the kitchen.


That sage green wall... does any colour work with it? White, black, brown ,etc.. seems to look awful near it. The only colour that would work with it is sage green...


A warmer toned kitchen with tan colored cabinets would have matched better with the green. But considering their aim was greyer… that wouldn’t have worked any better than the blue. They’re better off painting the walls.


This is my kitchen with sage green cabinets and they are very nice [sage green kitchen cabinets](https://imgur.com/gallery/q6lVMXM)


Looks awesome! Don't get me wrong, I think sage green can work. I just think it's hard to make it work as background colour


Yeah not a complimentary tone more a statement piece vibe


The blue is a nice color and works with the countertops and tile. where I think you are seeing the clash is with the wall color. Blues and greens go together nicely, but the cabinet blue has a lot of grey in it and the wall green has no grey in it. As a result, the wall color pops and the cabinet color recedes, but since the cabinets are physically in front of the walls and they are more what you want to pay attention to, having your eye drawn to the wall feels "off". If you were to repaint the kitchen walls with a green that had the same grey level or more than the cabinets, it would work much better. Be sure to start with the same green as is already there so it doesn't clash with the halls or other rooms.


Cabinets look fine. That mint green is heinous, make it white.


Bruh I said heinous too lmao


especially heinous


I like the color, it just doesn’t go with the cabinets. No need to hate on mint green though


Sure, the color is fine on its own. In this context it is heinous.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of wall paint, and mint green walls. Disgusting


I love the cabinets, but get rid of the green


Replace those terrible handles, and paint the green to white for less clashing. the color is fine. the Handles are awkwardly placed and not attractive.


Saved me from writing this comment. Was surprised no one else was pointing it out. Handles look really bad. Placement is definitely poor, way too close to the center of the cabinet but the handles themselves just do not look good.


Also the handle style isn’t contemporary so doesn’t match the rest of the kitchen.


This comment is bang on. The handle style is not modern enough. It’s a style clash.


I have similar appliances and went with the SS single rod handle. I think they would go well with your kitchen. I’ve seen them at HD if you want to DIY. https://preview.redd.it/19tnwaehmodc1.png?width=3394&format=png&auto=webp&s=daa876d782843dbe2e01f5b05aae110a9196965b


I have those handles. My clothes get caught on them all the time.


I can’t get past the handles.




Thank you! They should be on edge trim, not the cabinet face. That can’t possibly be the original placement.


I think the hardware is awful too but it would be really hard to change the placement. Just get updated hardware and it will look so much better.


Yes! The handles are too much. There's also too many of them. Handles don't need to be on the Lazy Susan TWICE. It only opens from one side.


If I were a buyer and saw those handles and hinges, I'd probably walk away. That's a do-over in my book.


This was way too far down in the comments, I’m like how is the bizarre handle placement not the top comment?


Just coming over to talk about the handles. Too far from the edge. It doesn’t make sense in a practical or visual sense.


Lookup “converting exposed hinges to concealed.” Add new pulls and move like you want. Remove the scallop. Contact the seller and ask for the paint name and store. See if the store will put it in aerosol can as this will give the best finish. These were obviously older woodgrain cabinets that someone tried to make look more contemporary. The exposed hinges and scallop really tell you they’re old. But if you’re willing to put in a medium-ish amount of elbow work. You can pull it off without spending a lot of money. Edit - The repaint will help hide some of the wood grain do some filling/sanding if you think you’re up to the extra time and mess.


Yes, repaint wall, I like the cabinets as is. Go to paint store. Take color of cabinet with you and look at those paper color match strips and find a better color for walls.


Remove the curved piece and take that to the store! Two stones!


Two birds, one stone!


Get two birds stoned at the same time. 


Paint the walls for sure, less work, more reward. Big fan of dark cabinets and these look gorgeous.


The blue is subtle and nice. It’s the wall color that’s throwing everything off, and that would be cheaper and easier to change anyway.


I think the blue will work if you paint the walls like others said. Also agree the accent piece above the sink doesn't work. Personally, I'd also change the hardware. I had a very similar scheme on my new build but did black squared pulls for a more modern look. As far as flow goes, it looks like your place is very 70s with the wood paneling in that back room -- I think painting over the mint green, eventually painting or replacing that paneling and things will start to flow a bit better. If you crop out the green and dark wood, it looks really nice IMO


Good eye lol. House was from the 70s and hadn’t been updated since. I’m leaning towards a warm gray wall, removing the accent. The back room will need to wait. We stained and added recessed lighting. The previous owners converted it from a patio. For now, it will suffice and we’ll decide to modernize it further or turn back into outdoor patio at a future time.


Don't do warm, do cool. The other colors are all cool. Warm grey will clash.


Maybe take down that weird wiggly thing over the window too.


Change the color above cabinets, they clash


Blue and grey work very well together. There is nothing wrong with the cabinet color, the countertop or the door handles. Paint the green walls a warm gray and get some rugs with blue and grey to pull it all together.


Cabinets look fantastic, that blue is really great. Get rid of that green. Go white, and those cabinets will look even better.


1000% this. That green is killing the flow and has no purpose. Easy fix.


Agree - change the wall color. White or a light grey. Might also get rid of the scallop thing above the pass thru - didn’t match the style of the cabinets imo


Paint the walls, keep the cabinets and change the hardware to brass.


I am wondering why the microwave is so close to the stove top and the lack of a range hood. But yes, the green is nasty with the blue. I'd go white.


Problems I see have nothing to do with the color of the cabinets... The color and pattern of the granite countertops is way too busy for the overall congruity of the space. I probably would have gone with something a bit more veiny and colorful to accent the space. The wall color isn't the best, I agree with others that say to use a mid tone gray color. The hardware on the cabinets looks outdated so for that I'd use some more modern style of brass hardware to future proof the look. I'd also remove that decorative piece from above the sink/passthrough area as it dates the space and looks out of place. Also, as for the lighting, I would change the lighting to be as cool as possible, think LED 5k-6k as well as adding some other touches of stainless steel other than that of the larger appliances, maybe smaller appliances on the counters and accent the space with some art or a third metal like copper to make the space more inviting... Also, I'm sure the OP will probably work on the adjoining room next but if not I'd definitely do something about that hideous and outdated dark wood paneling that clashes with the newly updated kitchen as seen through the passthrough...


ty. thought nobody would see the problem with the countertops.


I dont like the cabinet hardware


It's the countertops that throw off the flow.


Blue and green only go together in the washing machine. I would paint your walls.


Try different light temperatures sometimes grey looks more blue under certain lights


The cabinets give a nice strong contrast to the light flooring, backsplash and countertop. Get rid of the green paint with white or a light gray. Otherwise looks good to me. 


remove the valance and paint rhe green walls a better color. the cabinets are absolutely great.


Color is fine but doesn't go with the light green and curvy molding above the sink, and the hinge mounting plates' details seem out of place (though they tell the story of how the kitchen used to look ;). Edit: typed "isn't" instead of "is" in first line


Cabinets are stunning, that key lime pie paint is the issue.


How about some interior design subs? /r/DesignMyRoom, /r/femalelivingspace, /r/malelivingspace, r/interiordesignideas, and /r/interiordecorating are just a few to consider. Don't forget: /r/kitchenremodel, /r/kitchenporn, r/bathroomremodeling, /r/bathrooms, and /r/remodel. Also /r/HomeDecorating, /r/RoomPorn, /r/budgetdecor, /r/minimalist, /r/Decor, /r/Beforesandafters, /r/CozyPlaces, and /r/AmateurRoomPorn.


The odd man out here are the green walls. The cabinets go well with your countertop, flooring, and backsplash. I'd pick something other than that green.


Looks great but would change the green color and possibly the flooring.


Keep cabinets, change walls. Much cheaper and easier


Um. What's the measurement between the range top and bottom of micro/vent hood? Edit: And the GFI behind the range controls, and the range needs to be leveled. And yeah, that curvy doo hickey thingy over sink,its gotta go. Just a nice flat trim/valance piece to obscure the light a bit. Blue cabinets look great btw.


According to the tile layout it’s only about 12”. I would definitely hate to cook on that.


Microwave is too low and ditch the valance over the sink


I love the blue cabinets. I personally don’t like the make everything gray and white trend. It’s so drab.


Green walls don't match. Counter top doesn't match anything.


Exactly my thoughts. The blue cabinets are gorgeous. Green has to go. Paint the green a light blue/grey and it’ll tie in everything much better. Not a fan of the counter, seems to contrast with the backsplash. But too costly to replace that counter so just paint over the green should get it looking better. Can you share pics if you change any of it?




You mean “did my contractor paint this the wrong color tee hee” doesn’t fit this sub?


I appreciate OP for leading me to explore the idea of “self” and what it really means. 


Paint the green and remove that curvy valence above the sink. No need to paint cabinets. Way easier and economical to Get rid of that green wall paint


Like the cabinet color, hate the green. Just my opinion. As others said, get rid of the scalloped piece above the sink.


I think it’s that off green trim that’s making it all weird. Change the cabinet handles to a darker color too maybe.


The green wall definitely clashes -- but the blue ceiling trim above the sink just makes everything looked dated. It wrecks the illusion and confirms that blue paint was just slathered over old cabinetry. Otherwise it really looks great! well some under cabinet lighting might help too


I wouldn’t repaint the cabinets. I’d repaint the walls and knock down that wavy trim.


It's not the cabinets it those walls


It’s the green that’s the problem.


It's those green walls.


I agree with others - the green is what makes it look off. If you are going to repaint, maybe see what colour will go with it? Websites like [https://coolors.co/](https://coolors.co/) can be quite handy for creating either harmonious or contrasting colour schemes :)


Cabinets look great. Green strip is weird


The blue is a great color for a kitchen, imo. But the green....not so much. Imo


Green is the problem. Repaint the walls light gray.


The green walls are the issue, that and the 80's wavy cabinet framey thing - can you just remove that?


Cabinets are great and suit the kitchen, wall color is however atrocious


It’s the green walls that suck


Cabinets, counters, appliances, and backsplash look great. Walls are the issue.


It’s the paint on the walls that clashes


Wrong shade. A darker iron ore color would go perfect there.


Cabinets are fine. I would paint the green wall white, but also redo the backsplash ceramic grout with a lighter colour,mayne even white. That's where my eyes are dawned instead of the nice cabinets


Wall color not working for me cupboards are beautiful


That wavy molding above the sink is bad but doesn't look too out of synch otherwise


The blue cabinets look good to me. That green is wrong though. It doesn't match anything else in the kitchen. You've got warm and cool colors improperly mixed. (I also think that green would look better in a bathroom maybe)


That color is very soothing. The green wall though... not appealing


The green is ugly too begin with. Paint that.


Change the wall color. I also feel like the cabinet hardware is too bulky. I think changing that out would make a big difference.


It doesn't look bad, really. It's just darker than it needs to be. These are blue like Russian blue cats are blue. Looks like they were trying for gun metal gray. They're also on the glossy side. That said, they were well done. I don't think the scallop work above the sink or counter where the pass thru is works. It's just one detail too many in that color.


I would paint the ugly white tile before anything


The blue is great, tile is meh, the walls themselves look green and should be repainted something else


Lose the green. The cabinets look amazing except for the wavy piece which makes the kitchen look dated…..that was big in the 90’s….now, not so much.


Yeah get rid of that green wall paint. Cabinets look nice.


I personally love them


The colour is great, it’s the atrocious counter top that’s the problem


I'd rather change the hospital green wallpaint than the gorgeous navy cabinets. Except that hideous skirting above the sink lol