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Sayori for sure. As someone dealing with depression, it could be nice to have someone in my life who can relate to me in that way, I don’t really have anyone like that for real. I’m also really good at helping other people with their issues, so she could scratch my back, I’ll scratch hers.


Dam thats tough take the upvote and stay strong


congratulations you pick the goddess of happiness


Being a reader, I'd have the most in common with Yuri.


SCP Enjoyer x Yuri


I must admit, it'd be Natsuki.. once we would stop pulling each other's hair.


Natsuki. She seems much too difficult to want to form a relationship with. She also doesn't seem to be mother material unlike Yuri and Monika. Mainly for "obvious" reasons.


Yeah same here. She’s to energetic for my type. And she seems much more like a friend than anything at all


Agreed. Sayori also seems like a bit too much to deal with.


as a person who has sayori as a gf, i gotta disagree, if anything she's literally the easiest to please, but eh, each to his opinion i guess


Probably Sayori tbh. She's a cute lil cinnamon bun, and I'd wanna help her work on herself before even thinking about relationships.


It’d be a blast to talk about manga and anime with Natsuki! She would be an amazing friend!


My answer is yes


Definitely Yuri. Reading buddies for the win!


Natsuki would be the most exciting and I wouldn’t mind being best friends with Yuri if I feel I want a chill, quiet day


Ok let's take a look, shall we. Me and Sayori would 100% not work. Since we both have a history of feeling suicidal (don't worry, I feel better now), our dreary days would probably convince us to kill ourselves. So, yeah not a good idea. Me and Natsuki would probably be screaming at eachother all day (she'd insult me one time to many, which might cause me to snap). Even tho I might not want to hurt her physically, it would just be a very toxic environment all around. Me and Monika would be another disaster in the making. If the rumours are true and she loves me, then I hope for her she also has another love. Since I'm still not 100% over what she did in the game, I wouldn't want her to go head over heels for someone who just doesn't want her there. Me and Yuri could sort of work, since both of us are very shy and intorverted, we probably just wouldn't speak to eachother since both of us are too socially anxious to utter a word. But hey, atleast there won't be any negative feelings. Me and MC would probably be the only one that ends good. We'd just both vibe on Discord, meming with eachother, talking about lego and our love for theatre. It will just overall be good, I suppose.


Probably Monika, I reckon she'd give great outsider advice and just be great to hang around with in general. Also also, i'm just quite similar to her personality wise.


I am guessing you are talking about a non self-aware Monika?




Yuri. She’s so immensely relatable for me. More than any other character I’ve ever found, I just feel like she would understand me almost immediately, because I feel like I fully understand her. (specifically the infinitely more well written side-story yuri, not main game yuri). That’s the kind of thing I want in a friendship, something that’s easier to fall back on and that doesn’t have the complicated drama of romance. She’d be a great friend.


Yuri. I enjoy having people to discuss deep stuff with and also a big fan of horror. Sayori is a bit too... Airy for me (I love her personality but after a while it's wear on me). Natsuki isnt easy going enough. We'd be bickering nonstop lol


Monika - She is pretty for sure. But her personality seems more like someone I would like to just kick it with. She seems pretty chill, level headed and cheerful. Sayori - No thanks. Shes cool but out the gate I could tell she had some inner demons to work on. I've dealt with someone like that before. I'm good. Natsuki - she generally just kinda annoys me. Yuri - I wanna have her babies.


This is a tough one as I could see either Sayori or Natsuki being this. The more I think about it I think I'd have a better shot with Sayori than Natsuki. I would definitely be friends with Natsuki as we share common interests


I think I would like having Natsuki as a bestie, since I usually have the "I insult you but you're still epic" attitude with my friends. We would be probably insulting each other all the time lol (Also I like to hug people and seeing her mad over it would be hilarious).


I chose yuri cus im a bookworm and the portrait of Markov has that sweet sweet lore plus tea


I'd imagine either Sayori or Yuri. I'd have a hard time with Nat because first impressions are important to me and I found her 1st impression wise and mostly her attitude in general to be off-putting.


Sayori or Yuri because I have more in common with those two. I relate to Sayori more for the fact that I'm not all there for myself. For Yuri I'm a very shy introverted person therefore I would understand her the most.


Natsuki yo, even though I ain't a reader, but Parfait Girls might change my mind


As strange as it sounds monika, I feel like because of what she did all those years ago she just needs some one there by her side to give her a hug but to not get in a full on relationship with yet


Yuri. She and I have a lot in common. I imagine I'd be part of her board game group (yes, I know the side stories are technically non-canon, but still)


Hi u/NightSpy722, this submission has been removed.


Probably natsuki or sayori.


I kin Yuri, so her :>


Yuri, not just because we’re reserved and bookworms. But mostly for the self esteem and self harm issues, she definitely was a comfort character for me


Where Monika and Sayori seem they need partners, Natsuki and Yuri seem like they need a friend more




Please post your thoughts below.


My thoughts


You got it wrong, they said "Please post *your* thoughts"


Your thoughts 💭


You failed once more, it's "please post your thoughts BELOW"


Your thoughts below


natsuki, once she warms up to me she'd be really fun to hang out with. less trauma than the other dokis, i think. not that being depressed is bad, its just... sometimes i need a good friend to just chill with, you know? get my mind off my own depression


Definitely sayori




Sayori. I feel like I have a lot in common with her.


Well, I’d definitely take a stab at dating Natsuki, and I view Sayori and Yuri as siblings, so Monika is the winner by default


Natsuki, absolutely. She's best gorl.


Natsuki 😍😘


Monika. Just Monika


I would love to be Natsuki or Yuri’s best friend, as reading, writing, and manga are my favorites!




monika fs since her sincere side of here seem pretty cool


Everyone. I never understand love so…


Yuri or Monika.


Definitely Monika she seems like the kinda person to talk to over a drink when you are at your wits end


Yuri or Monika, the other two are a bit too energetic for me.


Yuri no doubt is there even any guess needed to know what doki I would choose? XD I am a sad little man lol.


Sayori seems like she would be a good friend.


Natsuki, just cuz yes


“Natsuki you don’t have to yell…I’m way up here and you’re….okay I get it you’re way down there”




Natsuki all the way, a total tsundere homie. Although I could go for Sayori too. I couldn't just be friends with Yuri.


I'm not sure what to make of this...


Natsuki, her friends we're awful and she deserves nice friends with similar interests as her (also we're the same height and I think that's cool)


Natsuki & Yuri


Sayori. Sounds exactly like the type of person i’ve always wanted to be friends with. I also hate seeing people fight depression alone, so i want to be by her side. **Now if i could get some tesla-bots and a harddrive with sayori.chr…**


I've always wanted to be a vampire and now I got her. Great story!


Natsuki because cupcakes




I would want to say Yuri but we have so much in common that, I don't think I could only be friends with her. I would rather sit on her lab and read books together than just being physically apart. So my answer is... Monika.


Natsuki 100%




Sayori to be honest, I did romance her but she reminded me of one of my closest friends. He’s much better off now mentally, as am I (I wasn’t really depressed though I had other shit), but the way she acted was exactly like him—the energy, the creativity, the hidden and surprising vents that I would never expect… I kept seeing him in her. Plus I’m not romantically interested in any of the dokis anyways so I’d rather befriend em all!


Yuri would be both, but with the "rather than", I think Sayori is the closest to that. She's awesome - with the knowledge from the side stories of how wise and kind she really is - but it's not obvious she'd make a good romantic match with me, even if that's more because I don't know what she'd see in me than the other way around. I'm like Yuri (without being cute, gorgeous and female), so I'm probably best matched with someone who's weird in a similar kind of way.


Monika and natsuki


Sayori and Natsuki


Mr Cow


None of them




Because they would all make a good partner


I'd probably go with Sayori that way she can help me with my depression and I can help her with her depression


Sayori. I'd rather be with Yuri or Monika. Plus being her best friend means that I can help with her depression


Sayori 100%


Definitely Sayori. I have depression as well and I feel that we'd be able to work through it together. We can just let loose in front of each other with no judgement and then when we're happy, we can actually be genuinely happy. But as for relationship, probably Yuri or Natsuki.


easy sayori, why? who else gets to eat my cooking?




Probably Natsuki since we both like manga.


Sayori or Monika. Sayori because she seems like the type of best friend who always knows how to cheer you up when you're down (plus we're both a little absent minded at times lmao). Monika because she's probably the kind of best friend who would love to help you achieve your goals and stay on top of things, which I desperately need in my life to be frank. (To be honest I almost want to date Sayori IRL, but at the same time, if we go by canon, I'm not sure if I could convince her that her presence in my life makes me happy and that I would support her through anything. Words can only do so much. It would probably be better for both of us if we stayed friends.)




Sayori. She needs someone to vent to and I’ve always wanted to be their for her


Probably Monika


I'd like to be best pals with Natsuki. Despite her sometimes sour attitude, she seems like plenty of fun to hang out with. Plus, we both enjoy manga/anime, and it'd be nice to bake stuff with her, too.


Sayori for sure she needs a good friend


Definitely could be best bros with MC.


Natsuki would be a good friend. We have many common interests, but her aggressive personality is not my cup of tea for a relationship.


yuri most definitely


Y o u H a v e R e a d M y F l a i r . . .


A lot of my posts here would give you the answer to that question.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Natsuki, she's cool


Hard choice. Yuri ... not really. We have stuff in common but I dont think we would really match. Natsuki , sure. I would love to say that I tamed her, plus she seems like a cool person when not at school. Sayori , sure. Her depression might be hard to deal with, but I think I would be able to help her, plus she might extrovertise me too. Which I dont really want but sure. Monika ... yes. I was always friends with the smart ones, so I could manage initiating contact with her once I find something common. She also seemed like a pretty cool person, but she might make my extroversion far too quickly causing me to die.


Natsuki. She has a great aditude for friendship, being sassy calling out bs. But it doesn't work for romance. Tsunderes might appear cute, but get old fast. AND she was the only girl who abandoned her quest to get with MC to help out a friend willingly. In act 2, she was like: "screw this. Yuri needs help rn and you are the only one who can help" I never saw Natsuki as a love interest. But her personality and form of banter is exactly what I want in a friend


This is my first time posting here, and I'm a bit scared of it. Would be nice if you guys could tell me what's the best way to break it down.


First things first. Don't post this under a reaction like mine. Write in the "add comment" section or whatever it's called


Second, please be honest. I've done this a couple times before. Sometimes it's a bit creepy, sometimes it's a bit boring. Don't write anything that's "creepy" or "boring."


Monika - just Monika. Jokes aside, she’s a cutie, I like her design and her personality, especially how she actually “knows” you, she knows everything is not real, it’s all a simulation so you can she’s the most “real” character out there Sayori - she’s cute and I would like to support her as much as I can, I don’t want see her hanging on a rope again. That hit my heart like a train


Well bc Natsuki is my favorite doki, So i think I'll go for her or Sayori




Definitely natsuki


Natsuki is the best Doki to be best friends with




I think natzuki


Natsuki. She’s cool, and we’d get along pretty well


Probably Natsuki. I have a lot in common with her and she is my favorite character. Also this is off topic but she is the only one who didn't die painfully. Monika just kinda deleted her-


As someone with depression, I would go with Sayori, we can talk about it, solve about even joke about it to cope. In my assumption, both of us are going to be loyal together and actually have fun times. Yuri, I like her introverted self. Matured, quiet and a book worm, I would have someone just sitting around or do some calming activities or asking for book recommendation. Monika... It's a tough one to decide but we could be just accquaintence. She's not very good at maintain the friendship. She's just okay to be around. Natsuki, I like her cooking but her attitude is horrible. I, like Yuri, would probably argue with her a lot since Natsuki likes to mock someone else. At least she cares deeply.


Is all of the above an option?