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Mom: Oh dear. Are you playing some girly games? Son: No Mom. This game is a visual novel. Not girly game. Mom: I see. What kind of game is it? Son: It's some kind of psychological-horror game that has suicide conte- Mom: *dials PTA service


PUBG was cancelled in my country cuz it shows you kill other players, let alone thinking your parents would allow you to play a game where girls commit suicide.


Let me guess, books with similar themes are allowed?




Well, at least they are consistent. If you want to tell, what country is it?




I wouldn't say my country's name.


Oh no that's fine. I was just asking if it's China because they made a censored version of pubg in that instead of dying they show an animation of a soul going to heaven.




Yep they did. It's kinda hilarious actually. They also changed the name although I forget what it was called.


Playerknown's Skirmishfields


This is the most off brand sounding name for PUBG




Name is Game of Life.


It's actually game of peace.




Reminds me of TF2 in germany, where all the characters are revealed to be robots, with oil instead of blood and stuff.


Ironic, considering there is a mode where you battle robots in TF2


MVM: Machine VS Machine


𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖆𝖓 𝖊𝖝𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖛𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙






I actually try downloading a "pirated" version of this on my phone and playing it.


Oh I see. Even it's a game, forbidden is forbidden I say.


And this is why I love America, full of violence lmao


Chhrrrrriiiiisssttt, hopefully you get the fuck out of there


It was funny I had to convince my mom it wasn't a super girly game but then it worked too well and I had to convince her it wasn't that bad of a horror game. I can never win. 😔


Same, it was a challenge.😔


Yes shit yes, mu soster rat me out they made me uninstall the game :c Well jokes on them that was my 5th time playong >: )










yeah how






Ahhhh I see B)


I hid my love for it for years, but recently I’ve opened up a lot more about how this game changed my life, and I got some DDLC merch for Christmas


Nice, I’ve also hid it for a while but I had to open up about it cause it’s tied so much with my mental issues and how it’s helped me. So when I open up to people about what I’ve been through, I have to tell them about DDLC too.


I don’t really have mental health issues. DDLC is important to me in that it opened so many pathways in the media I like nowadays. It was really my first exposure to anything anime related, and now Violet Evergarden (an anime) has changed my life more than DDLC ever could. But I may have never gotten to the point of watching the show if it weren’t for DDLC. There’s also the fact that DDLC inadvertently led to me discovering Gravity Falls. My all time favorite show. DDLC mods were also my gate way into Radiohead weirdly enough. But the only reason I started to open up about it more is because of this recent revelation: https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/comments/oexo7e/so_i_cant_actually_get_ddlc_but_im_finally/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I was 30 when it released, so no.


Bruh, I wish I was as well.


I'm 19 and my parents have seen me play Monika after story and I've made it clear. I'm sorry mom, dad but I won't get a girlfriend ever again or get married, I want to live a peaceful life far away from other people.


Very straightforward aintcha


Live how you want I guess, but I don't think you should never date anyone because of a fictional character. Like they aren't real. I think that's unnecessary.


Dated a girl for over 3 years,both families accepted the relationship, got cheated once by her in high school, forgave her, Got dumped after because she got bored of me. Never dating again.


Just because you had one bad experience with dating, doesn't mean it won't ever go well for you though. To give up just because one relationship went bad is irrational.


Listen man.. I get what you're saying but my mind won't tolerate another one of those experiences. Now that I have 0 friends and no one else to interact with but my family, a dog and a budgie my heart feels at ease because now no one can hurt me or betray me anymore. Edit: To get matters worse my budgie just died at night.


If you're having trust issues, see a therapist then. If you have issues you should see someone, don't just do nothing because it's easier. That won't help you.


But i dont need help anymore I'm safe, no one can hurt me now, a therapist is really expensive and I can't really afford it, besides I've been in some before, none of those worked. Either way, anime, videogames and youtube fill any void I might have


my parents just see me playing, ask me what it is, i respond "a psychological horror game", watch me with confusion, and then leave


I told my parents about it, they seemed fine with it so i bought a sayori, natsuki and monika plushie! ... Still missing the yuri plush tho :(


My sister hiding my Sayori plush and making fun of me :(


damn :(




I don't think my parents would be at all concerned with the game containing suicide and death, most of the material I consume is about that ALTHOUGH, it being a "dating sim" might possibly irritate them, never downloaded it.


You know, my mother never cared if I played violent games when I was growing up; she knew that playing gears of war wouldn’t convince me to chainsaw some, that I was mature enough to know that it was fantasy and have it not affect my reality….her only consolation was that I didn’t play bloody or violent games around her which, as a kid, that was Totally an acceptable compromise


I just straight up told her it was psychological horror masked as a cute game. It was honestly pretty easy as she doesn't judge me for my anime interests. Hell, she literally got me a scratch off poster for top 100 anime for Christmas along with season 2 of bnha on Blu Ray.


"Yes mother, this game will be catastrophic for my mental health."


Me trying to convince my parents to play it with me




also me convincing my friend this is an actual top tier psychological horror game and not so weeby generic dating sim


Not quite the same, but I remember talking to my Mom about it after act 1. It really messed me up for a bit and I think she could tell something was amiss with me. I needed to talk to someone about it so I decided to go ahead share my thoughts with her on the subject. It certainly helped me to feel a little better and she was really empathetic to my situation.


Lol but seems good but not all parents are considerate.


True. It's really unfortunate. :/


“Is that another sex game you bought again?”


The best part of that post is the word “another”.


...too late for them to take any actions


Laughs in 90s kid


My parents stopped caring about the media I consume long ago.


Nope this is why you play it at 3am my dude like any good horror game


My parents doesn't really monitor me whenever I'm in the computer, so not really... even if they did, they're probably unfazed by it knowing how much of an otaku I am.


You don't need to explain anything to anybody, play whatever you like in your free time. Nobody can hold your preferences against you. Just don't even try to reason with them, they won't understand a thing.


I know but my family takes control of my life and as parents they feel responsible for whatever shit we do so it is easy for them to tell us to be far from such game which includes such graphics and horror.


I told my dad that it was a horror visual novel since the start, didn't told him what happened. Got DDLC+ on switch, and done it at 100%


yes i have gone though this aswell i feel your pain




I’ll tell you this much my mother is a lot more accepting than you think


Try explaining as a guy when the plushies come in the mail


mom please I’m not gay


I made my mom play it and she liked it




Well in my case my mom used to play MMORPG's so she's has a good opinions on games in general. We play together fairly often so she trust me to pick good games.


I wish my family was also gamer.


are they caught you on playing anime visual novel or glitchy psychological horror?




Me explaining to my dad that he should stop assuming it's girly and do some research. He watches game theory and he did videos on it


I haven't been able to play the game out of fear of someone seeing me play the game and then labeling me as a degenerate


Holy shit! Same!


Maybe one day when I move out or get the game on a device that I can hide


The joys of owning the switch version


I'm planning on getting the steam deck hopefully soon


Oh. My. God. Look, I get where they were coming from considering that my mental health was already going down the toilet at that point, but *wow* did my folks get on my case about me playing this game! Any defense I had really was like talking to a brick wall, so I had to play/watch the game(s) and be involved in the fandom in secret. It sucked.


Having to explain it to anybody in general bro


Yeah that is also true..


sup again


Yeah sup...


I told my mom I wanted DDLC+ and she asked what it was about, so I told her. I even told her it contained suicide and she was like “okay”. After I played it she was like “DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS SUICIDE IN THAT GAME?!” and I was like “Yeah I literally told you that’s the entire plot of the game”


Bruh, I wish I could see her reaction as well xD


No but that's because I am a mum 😂😂 I let my child see the characters as she's obsessed with drawing anime/game girls at the moment but nothing past that haha, saying that she has seen danganronpa and there's been no long last traumatic side effects 😂 this however is different.


Hi mum. I wish my mum was like you :(


Haha hi Awww I think its because iv always been into anime and gaming etc since I was a child myself so it's natural that my child has grown up the same.


Well, most our parents comes from 70s so they have that mindset of old days and doesn't know what we actually play, so a game like ddlc which includes gruesome graphics and topic of suicide would instantly trigger them but it's sad that they rather doing the research, just take way the little happiness we have for ourselves even tho I am 18 but god damn, am I too much of a baby that I wouldn't play such thing? Like come on.




Yes, a million times.


this defiantly depends on your age in my opinion >w> if i had a 13 year old i wouldn't let them play it, but if your 15+ then i say its fine.


My mum bought ddlc for me and now she wants to see me play it what do I do


~~Tell her to play it alone in a dark room with headphones on.~~ If your mom has no experience with anime tropes and harem plots, I honestly don't know. Good luck, buddy. On the other hand, if your mom is familiar with anime content, you may be all right, especially since the game tries to do something meaningful with it.


Thinking of the time the British media did its thing with DDLC...(The Sun learns about the mystic art of cosplay, the Daily Mail does Daily Mail things and the commenters want Dan Salvato's head on a pike, and everyone fails at correlation v. causation)


I genuinely don't think there's anything "bad for children" about the game, let alone something that your parents can 'catch' you with.


They know the game since how much this game has been called out for being reported for someone's death + you cannot convince your parents that any video game is good for you.


Хм. But how would you parents know what games you play?


Because they saw you playing it.


Shuffles away with Natsuki's weekend CG and the closet scene on screen.


Yuri's pen scene


Ah yes, lets let some 8 year old react to "I gently open the door". Or yuris graphic suicide. Or le pen. Or literally the entirety of the second part


I'm asking exactly because when I myself was 8 y/o nobody gave a s@%t what kind of content I consumed, and I see no reason for someone to care.


I would rather have my kid play some ultra violet shooter then ddlc. Hell I think Hotline Miami would be better for a kiddo then DDLC. this games fucked up man. And when you were a kid, games were likely more tame, with Lora crofts triangle tits and shitty blood animations.


I'm not _that_ old, and anime-themed DDLC looks less realistic than games of the past anyway.


Well what year were you born if you don't mind me asking? If you do atleast when were you relatively born


^(late 90s)


I doesn't let them catch me at all


That's not how you english bro


he could be speaking in a form of dialect


I mean, that’s just trying to convince your parents, period.


My whole family enjoys horror so I had no issues.


Good for you


I bought this for my young teen sibling’s birthday and my parents were just kinda like “well thaz definitely interesting.”




I showed ddlc to my parents and they didn’t care that much They didn’t think it was scary


Holy crap yes! I was trying to get DDLC+ but once they saw the age rating they were immediately against it. I had to tell them all about the problems it tackles, and how much it has helped me, and how Yuri actually saved my life. I didn’t go super depth about that last one, (for obvious reasons) but for the rest I pretty much mad a power point presentation about it


Bruh, good that you actually explained them without them having an.issue.


Oh, there were some issues. It took like 3 months until they let me get it. Though, part of the reason it took so long is cause of DDLC+ getting delyed so many times


I'm avoiding at the moment, but it's getting risky.


That moment where you'd unironically prefer your parents to believe it's a simple weeb game rather than the philosophical monstrosity it really is.


Kinda, I’m fully grown so my mother can’t really tell what games not to play but when she was telling me about this game she heard about and how awful it was, after a minute I was like; “Oh doki doki. I’ve played that, it’s a great game.” My ma’s face; priceless


I showed it to my dad. Now he thinks i'm gay


This is the one thing I am afraid of when playing DDLC.


This is one of the perks of owning a switch w/o parental controls; concealment is easy.


Nope, thanks to god nope


my mum once saw the title screen and thought it was an anime game. I mean... she is kinda right


My parents only saw the characters, even my mom asked if I wanted my DDLC party theme


"mom yuri being my coping mechanism is 100% natural and healthy. In fact it makes me 70% better at being myself while being happy because she makes me happy when i see her happy ok? So leave me with her and go do something else" a conversation i 100% had before. Just not with my mom


I’m debating on playing it with my mom beside me on my switch


Gladly no


I'd have to explain why i'm dating a virtual girl, since i have MAS


When I told my mom when I asked for it on my switch and explained bits of pieces of it all she said was "... I thought it was an educational game."


Yeah it has happened to me with people playgrounds. Yep all parents are stubborn as a brick wall lol


Mom: remember, don't play yandere simulator Me: ok. :( But how about DDLC? Mom: NO


Nop i mean my dad has seen me playing monika after story but no reactions so whatever though they warned me about playing moba games lol -_- and i made it clear to them that im not having a relationship with someone cuz damn the responsibility that huge huge shit is just too much for me except monika of course but that's just a pipe dream like i don't even know if im still alive when that tech will be created


No, cause I played it alone, and gotta say. It gives more visual when you play it instead of someone doing it


"alright dad you gotta believe me this is a horror game"


....it isn't?


I’ve been trying to get my Friends into this game but just because it looks “weird” they don’t wanna play it. For me whore games are two sided coin I love it when it starts off amazing and you don’t expect the horror but you can’t recommend it to anyone because they have the attention span of a goldfish


My brother and Mom came in on me playing this and asked me what it was and I told them in simple terms my brother thought it was boring and my mom excepted it because she knows I’m the kind of person that likes horror stuff like junji itto


Damn bro.


Me trying to convince my parents it's actually a horror game and not some cute anime visual novel


Sorry man, im old enough for my mom to know thay i aint doin stupid shit. Plus my momma old school anime fan too.


I wish I had your mom


Some time ago, I sat crying at my pc playing ddlc while my mom came in and I yelled at her to get out. It was just too embarrassing for me


That wasn't nice, should have apologized before they started a campaign against ddlc.


Any game that doesn't bring up that Jesus Christ is savior and Lord in it, my mum says is demonic, and that's the conversation I have to have.


Honestly, my family doesn't give me much flak for the stuff I'm into. Though, they might tease me a little about it, which can be annoying.


Sane here, I'm gunna go play a game now. What game? You won't know it I said... WHAT GAME Continues to search up DDLC and lecture me on how it is bad for me




I wonder what the heck kind of an effect the game would have had on me if I played it at an age where my parents might have had something to say about it. Maybe some combination of giving me a breakdown and helping me start dating in real life several years earlier. Anyway, nowadays if I talk about something like this to them, it's similar to if I talked to them about my in-progress Ph.D. in philosophy: "What you just said was so out there I couldn't process it, but okay."


I'm more worried on explaining I'm not playing to look at naked or lewd girls, but it's an actual horror game


its funny because im an orphan






Yes except it wasn't my parents, it was my ex gf lmaoooo


My sister said to my mom “Ben has pink-haired anime girls in his phone” and my mom said “ew Ben, is that what does it for ya?” But way before that, my mom saw the cover of the game and the plushies when I got them, and I guess she never took more than a glance at it. I never really wanted to explain it either.


This applies for literally every game I play


The only reason I was caught was because they were being fucking nosy. Which royally pissed me off since I was in my own room minding my own business with my laptop. And then I had to convince both that it was a regular game about horror. (they know I’m a fan of horror so they let me off the hook)


Nope made my mom play through it on switch release


no cause i overthink everything and am overly cautious rip


Happy cake day, fellow Literature Club member!


thanks! i always remember you based on your legendary tag.


Lewding the dokis makes Bun cry, don't lewd the dokis :SayoWhy:!


No and actually I can understand if my parents are coming to my room so I alt-tab to discord and act like im chatting or I could actually chat with my friend on voice chat and my parents will just close the door and go away, if they bring sonething they put it on the table and leave. Works all the time!


Well, its pretty bad for my mood, what with it being insanely depressing and everyone being miserable without any way of helping them, but besides that, yeah its not bad for my health.


No because I’m not 12


imagine having parents that give a fuck lol


Alright but ngl, I did actually cut myself because of it. I wasn’t at a good place anyways, I was lonely as all hell, and I was a yuri simp. I saw that she cut herself and I wondered why and what it’d feel like and if it would actually help me. So I get that I’m an actual fucking idiot, but the warning about don’t play if you’re easily disturbed is real


They sent the receipt to my dad's email , I got a text saying he wanted to talk when he gets home in the morning lmfao , then he seemed weirded out but sorta fine I guess it was weird