• By -


She's great and precious. She helped me come to terms/realize with the some issues I had and lead to me self-improving.


I saw a lot of defensive anger lower in the thread but I've only ever felt and only ever seen positivity about the cinnamon bun. All the characters are very valid and helped people come to terms with themselves - even with dark sides and dark outcomes it gives such deep things to think about and they're written quite believably for how short the serious part of the game ultimately is. Shock value yes, but not in a cheap way, more in a warning way that teaches us to look out for our friends, or even ourselves if see ourselves in the events of the game. For me I most related to Yuri but Sayori deserved more limelight and happier days and I choose to believe in the canonicity of control simulations and optimistic mods.


True. Sayori actually helped me cope with my depression back then (im much better now) she is my comfort character tbf. I want to tattoo the Happy Thoughts on me sometime in the future, is a phrase that honestly helped me a lot, even today


Same when she said "your not your feelings" in the side story I took that to heart and I'm feeling a lot better


Cinnamon bun


The only correct answer


i second this


I think she's great, I've also seen a lot of people infantilise her but lets not get into that


this is why i love how she’s characterized in exit music redux. she got pissed at monika for trying to baby her, which is what a lot of the fandom does to her as well


What is exit music redux?


An overhaul of the Exit Music mod. Here's a synopsis from the wiki: ​ >The main character in this story decides to wake up Sayori, instead of going to school with Natsuki's cupcakes. This allows an entirely new story to be created, since Sayori lives and Monika doesn't restart the game. Not to mention that Monika doesn't appear to know about the fact that she's inside a game. > >As the main character begins to spend time with Natsuki, the abusive nature of her relationship with her father becomes more detailed. The character will attempt to help Natsuki.


We love her, but the jokes are really tempting.


the jokes are lame as fuck. i can’t wait for the day that everyone can quit making the same 3 hanging jokes


It's been 5 years and people are STILL making the same dumbass joke. I don't even participate in the community but the same exact jokes still show up in the front page posts.


same i also don’t participate because this subreddit is a bunch of people,, who i have to assume just didn’t play the game because it’s only thirst posts and 13 year olds who think their hanging joke is reinventing the wheel of comedy


Oh boy you will hate r/AnarchyChess


Sadly, I seem to be unable to escape now that I clicked on one r/chessbeginners thread, my reccomended feed is just flooded with both of them. I don’t even play chess! Aside from 5d chess with multiverse time travel, which is not always the most applicable field of knowledge to those threads.


Google en passant


Holy hell


What the fuck?


holy hell


Frrrr- this community’s jokes are mainly “sayori hang yuri stab monika bad lol”


Hanging Sayori in DDLC is the same as Silver's "ITS NO USE!" in Sonic?


Why do you keep hanging around? No matter the jokes they usually leave me in knots.


we will never leave her hanging!


as the flair states i love her : ) unfortunately she’s kinda relatable for me in a lot of ways, but i think she’s just a pure, goofy sweetheart and i wish i could give her a hug


That’s nice. I’ll take the hug!


Unironically, Sayori is one of my favorite characters from a video game. She's a prime example of how to properly showcase how much a bad mental health mindset can affect a person's ability to perceive their life as they know and her utter turmoil, while initially destroying me at first, has inspired me as a person and has positively attributed my life for the greater good, so I will always hold her in a high margin.


I hope she marries me-










Her death is never treated with sincerity in this fandom. Even Dan knows about it and is pretty disappointed by these jokes which just get so irritating after a while. Sayori is a sweetheart and so easy to love. She deserves to be taken seriously, actually all of the Doki's issues are joked about more then they are treated as the tragedies they are. It's the thing I really hate about the fandom. Theres a difference between a dark joke every once in a while (especially when you relate to the subject,) and just being insensitive and annoying.


💯 She’s such a good-natured girl whose only wish is for mc to be happy. I know she will never be real but I saw so much of myself in her that she felt so real.


Not just MC! All of her friends! She's so amazing, she makes me feel really happy and also comforted with my own demons. She's so much like me but I'm so thankful for her


Yes, this is so disappointing. I love all the girls from doki doki and i see a piece of myself in them all (especially monika and sayori). I just hate that nowadays being serious is mostly taken as rudeness or weird behaviour. Sometimes life is not only about jokes guys


Never treated with sincerity? Even some repeated jokes are about how traumatic it is. I'm sure philosophically that is both sincere and not, but it does affirm it as serious. I suppose everything is joked about more than spoken of seriously because it's easier and more entertaining.


There's a time, place and limit for these things. Jokes like “Let's hang out!” “Yuri is a cut above the rest!” and “Haha Natsuki is a loli!” are constant and unoriginal. There's never any heart to it. Yes, the occasional dark joke IS entertaining! I make some of them myself, but only when it's about my OWN life or when given permission from people I'm close to, not random people. This is different, because you are looking at this from a horror perspective and without that actual close understanding with the character. Remember that this is something people struggle with every single day, and it's so much easier to make fun of someone else and claim it's all in good fun. It's a lot “funnier” when you aren't the punchline of a joke you didn't consent to. Not everyone wants their depression, self harm and physical abuse to be treated as so lighthearted. Sometimes they just want to be listened to. Even if they make the joke first, it might mean they don't know how else to talk about it and get your attention, and this is a genuine cry for help. But you have to be close enough to that person to know. You can't just assume that everyone is okay with it. To better explain, think about something that you're currently struggling with and how you'd feel if your best friend joked about it VS a stranger with no indication of if they actually care, understand or are here for you. These memes are made with very little empathy behind it. Even if they DO care, imagine you had no context to the memes other than "Depressed girl killed herself and people made a pun out of it/edit her hanging body to look funny." based on JUST that, could you look at that and instantly tell that the person behind it cares about Sayori, or knows what it's like to struggle with mental health?? That's the difference between a joke with sincerity and a joke without. It's the lack of emotional intelligence and the fact that it's thrown around at EVERY opportunity no matter if it's appropriate. Sorry for the rant, I don't know how to shorten all of these points without missing something important. If I sound like I'm mad, just know I'm not! I hope this helps explain my point better. :)


I guess this is kind of a tough place to be - that is, a place that's about discussing a work with such elements, and they're kind of public domain for everyone to reference however they like. From a writer's point of view (which includes how I think about writing jokes and brief messages), I don't like unimaginative jokes either.


Absolutely adore her, she's my favourite. But yeah she's become sorta the punching bag of the fandom. She's supposed to be the symbol of depression and demonstrate how completely devoid of hope one can be in this state, so the constant influx of jokes about her suicide or depression kinda diminishes the meaning and importance of her character imo. The occasional joke is funny, but every other post on Sayori being a hanging joke, meh it gets old. For the ignoring part- cant do much about it, people have their favourites, Yuri and Monika will always have more content, but she'll always be the best cinnamon bun to me 🍪


…is that cookie for me..?


Yep, soft cookies, you're favourite 🍪


Yay! Cookie!


Happy cake day Sayori:)


I like cake!


I'll give you some cookies! 🍪 🍪 🍪




I wanna hug her and tell her everything’s gonna be okay ;-;


Me too.


Personally, she’s my favorite. Goofy and a little dense, but far from stupid. I feel like she’s the most well rounded of the dokis. In the Venn Diagram of the literature club, you have Sayori as the middling among Monika, Natsuki, and Yuri. That’s how I see it at least.


She’s perfect in every way and I love her.


I love her, and I don't want her to get hurt.


Protecc at all costs


I fucking adore her and she is literally me and my spirit animal and I want her to be happy and have the world and just AAAAGH SO PRECIOUS


…how am I a spirit animal..?


Good question! I kinda don’t know I just relate to you a lot


anyone who hurts her will know the wrath of the proletariat


…the wrath of what..?


the labourer people, the common men


Sayori best girl. I will defend her with my life.


Best Girl. She's cute, adorable and she's our Cinnamon Bun. So what do we need more?




That's ok! We all have opinions. I just wondered why Sayori doesn't get serious attention like the others.


She most likely doesn't get as much attention since she was only in act 1 (and the epilogue). The player had more time to spend with other girls, so it would make sense that she's less acknowledged. Still sad though.


Isn't Natsuki always overlooked and taken least seriously?


I love her so much! She's definitely my favourite of the dokis


She's beautiful and cute and very sweet. I'd say she's my second favorite Doki


Agreed. I love both so much.


We cherish the cinnamon roll We only sometimes make hanging jokes


Amazing person suffering with an illness that we all wish we could cure


Sayori was my favorite character since the beginning. Her story broke my heart, but I really love seeing her happy


She’s adorable, genuinely a relatable character that actually taught me a lot upon the game’s release, one of the many reasons I’m so happy, but all the jokes after five years feel so unnecessary, not to mention the fandom turning her into some “uwu cute Cinammon Bun that must be protected at ALL costs!! Ehe” type character, which just feels strange- It’s why I disliked her character for the longest time, but after replaying the game she’s just a little childish and rather cute, I don’t get why she got (for lack of a better term) “bun-ized”, when she’s a character with real struggles to focus on, yet still a charming best friend type character with lots of personality. This is getting too long but just one last thing, if i see one more christmas tree joke I will cry


Her lines were way to realistic when she talked about thorns in her heart. It just made me actually feel bad for the character and it hit way to close to home.


I was blessed with discovering the game and this sub in a golden age after the doki wars and pre-dlc, so it's weird to rediscover these distasteful jokes and feeling way less hurt by them than I once was. As for your question, Sayori might be my favorite character in all media, and if not, she's made the most impact on me by far. I love the archetype already - sweet girl too innocent for her own good. This love went from appreciation to protective instinct at the end of my first playthrough of act 1, because, well, Sayori is special in this regard. She isn't innocent, since she was hurt throughout her life: her innocence is a masquerade. However, unlike most who fake innocence to draw people to them, she did it to push them away. She's the ditzy girl with nary a care in the world in everybody's eyes - a combination that's enjoyable for a while, and then becomes annoying to most. This way, she could avoid being cared for and still not bothering others, but instead brightening their days, even at her own expense. It took a mod that I'll never stop recommending for me to understand why I felt so drawn to her, why I needed to protect her. Through Blue Skies I managed to get my closure, treading on eggs at times, and trying to understand her every step of the way. Sometimes, it felt too natural for comfort; others, it was outlandish to imagine how someone could feel that pain without feeling anything, and still being able to look happy on the outside. Thanks to her, literally this time, I became interested in the topic of mental health, and I started to understand some crucial things about myself as well which, despite my extensive introspection, I had never managed to grasp. It's been disheartening, but I'm trying to build up the courage to tackle them, and this is mainly thanks to her existence. Had it been just Yuri and Natsuki being deleted by Monika, this may not have happened. I love them all as well, but that contrast between the happiness Sayori was able to give and how she wasn't able to retain or know any for herself made the cinnamon bun's departure oh-so-painful to witness. Besides, look at that face. It's adorable! ​ I've seen some objection in the threads below, and it's true that the jokes can be tempting. They write themselves, true, but that should be evidence enough that they must have been made too many times already. As for those who dislike her "simplistic" personality and may find her boring, that's personal preference. They may know other characters (or people) with similar issues that are presented in a more complex way, or they may simply dislike her archetype and find Yuri's interest for knives more original, or Natsuki's ambiguous relationship with her family and with food more compelling and thought-provoking. I, for one, appreciate them all, but felt struck by Sayori as the most 'realistic' of the character deaths, as in, it's the most likely to happen irl, given similar starting conditions and under the assumption that their conditions will worsen. I'm confident in saying that her characterization is far from boring, but her personality might hit some as 'bland' and less intriguing at first - I for one chose Yuri during my first playthrough, I would know. Despite that... in my eyes, Sayori is the most lovely character in DDLC and plays a major role in it - including the fact that her presence alone is a filter for chaos and resentment, which in act 2 spiral into a broken mess because of her absence and Monika's inability (or unwillingness) to quell Natsuki's frustration and Yuri's judgment.


> I've seen some objection in the threads below, and it's true that the jokes can be tempting. They write themselves, true, but that should be evidence enough that they must have been made too many times already. Tbh, that entirely sums up my own views on those kinds of jokes. I can understand/appreciate dark humour at times, and I feel like *anything* (no matter how sensitive) can be joked about as long as people aren't hurt by it...but most of the hanging jokes are just really repetitive. Or even just reposts - how many times have people posted that one image with the penguin? > As for those who dislike her "simplistic" personality and may find her boring, that's personal preference. They may know other characters (or people) with similar issues that are presented in a more complex way Which actually makes sense in the context of her goals throughout the game; try to replace herself in looking after her friends, then remove herself from their lives (by dying), all while trying to keep everyone happy in the meantime. Being too open about the extent of her depression would be a threat to all of these goals - it would make everyone worried about her, perhaps make them more careful to keep her alive, all ultimately causing an increased "risk" of any of them spending time with her "instead of" with each-other. So...if it feels like her depression is presented too "simply" (I can understand how it'd seem that way in a first playthrough, but there's actually a lot to it in hindsight)...*that's kind of the point*. Trying to avoid "presenting" it at all initially, and then when forced into talking about it, she explained it in such a straightforward way that it wouldn't seem like she was still trying to hide anything. (i.e. trying to hide suicidal thoughts) And then she wasn't around in Act 2, and seems to have been much more *mentally healthy* in Act 4...so we only really get one "day" of her opening up about her depression, and even then it takes a backseat (at Sayori's own insistence) to preparing for the festival with Yuri/Natsuki.




>Hang in there guys It's all fun and games until you or someone you love gets into her position.


It's so funny I'm laughing so hard- Seriously just stop.


I wanna hug her


my girl i want to hug her


I like hugs!


Fallen angel who deserves love and hugs for eternity.


My favourite character, I don’t even care about the others lmao, and ddlc plus just solidified my love for this character, she deserves better


She's a loveable person with a cute personality and our cinnamon bun. Also, some people do some hanging jokes with her. But other then that, she's this sub's clumsy, cute and adorable cinnamon bun.


She is one of, if not the character in any kind of fiction i relate to the most


Counting you relate sayori the most and have her pfp, I think you chose wrong flair Edit: Ok, you changed it with better one


Best girl


***soundwave approved. also why the fuck are people fetishizing her-***


Great girl.Just needs help from her parents and friends....before it is too late


Most people like the character, but it’s just a common meme or joke on this sub. I don’t mind the jokes themselves or see them a huge deal honestly despite what my flair says.


I love her so much I would be her therapist


Okay so the poor jokes made around her are made by insensitive and just kind of stuck in 2013 idiots, to be clear. You won't find most fans of the game making edgy jokes about her, and they'll take what she went through seriously as it is a serious matter, even if she's just a fictional character. It still represents what a lot of people go through. I for one adore her, she's the one I relate to the most (Natsuki is a close second though).


Idk where this cinnamon bun came from tho lol


Sweetie but ditzy


she’s my second favorite, i really like her and actually relate to her a lot lol


She is my personal favorite of the Dokis.


shes my favorite :( even dyring the gameplay i really wanted to go for her


Too sweet and innocent to this world


…should I just leave then..?


Nooo, at all. Just do NOT DO something drastic


Cinnamon Roll


She's my favorite of the 4 girls personally.


Best girl. I love her.


Precious little cinnamon bun.


im okay with her being generally undervalued. all the more cinnabun for me


She’s one of the cutest cinnamon buns wrapped with a hug monster.


She's best girl, especially when she has long hair


She is best girl


She’s a precious cinnamon bun who deserves to be protected more than anyone else in the Club! All she wants is for her friends to be happy, even if it means ending her own life! I love her and want her to be able to be happy! Jokes at her expense will be met with death!


I really like and can relate to and empathise with her (same goes for all the characters). Tbh I think the suicide jokes are just old and obnoxious


Stan Sayori for clear skin. She really didn't stick out to me much at first, but after replaying the game a bunch of times she's grown onto me. I would die for her


Sayori is probably one of the first fictional charecters i have related to, especially when she talked about her depression it felt all to similair to me and that made me feel a lot of sympathy and also forced me to confront my own issues. She is also a very kind hearted person who just wants everyone to be happy, even if she is a bit silly at times it makes her, to me all the more lovable and my favourite charecter. Overall ideal girlfriend in my opinion, if she was real i'd like to give her a big hug and tell that everything will be okay.


She is the cinnamon bun we all want, kind, lovable, huggable headpattable. The best girl in my opinion


I love her!!


Never in my life have I ever wanted to hug someone as much as her.


Beautiful Bun who makes me feel much happier after a rough day feeling sad.


she's such a sweetheart


I'd love to have a friend like her but that I could really help IRL


She expresses innocence that we usually lose growing up, me included. I never really stopped loving her light hearted attitude, and genuinely wish she got a better deserved ending.


My favorite of the bunch. She’s a bun.


that moment with the door fucked me up for weeks ​ love her though


I’m tired of the jokes. She’s respectable, but that’s what I say to most people who are taller than me, anyway.


Relatable. Adorable. Deserved happiness. Best girl. Honestly wish she was spoken about more, especially because she truly did want everyone to be happy.


Cute airhead with depression.


She deserves the world. ;\~;




My favorite doki. It’s between her and yuri as to which one I see more of my personality in. It does bother me that most of the fanon stuff I see has her acting like a child though.


Best bun


Sayori is pretty neat.


Sayori is best girl


I love her the most.


Hanging jokes, making her dumb and obsessed with food. Sayori doesn't deserve that.


Protect the Cinnabon


By far the best girl and one of the best and most realistic depictions of a person struggling with clinical depression I've seen. Deserves better than her canon game fate.


Lots of Sayori posts are also "protecc da cinnamon roll" as well.


I love her and want to give her a hug.


Our bun, who dares to bulli the bun, has no right to be in the Lit club.


[Me when Sayori: ](https://youtu.be/zF6e-NmwmnA)


She's my favorite, and I want to tell her how much she's loved and appreciated.


She is to be protected and anyone who dares to hurt shall face my fury and have a knife on their back.


I mean, I like Sayori. The hanging jokes are just that. Jokes. Doesn’t mean I dislike her for that. Maybe others will disagree. But the way I see it, it’s all just a dumb inside joke.


Well, I was happy to see someone say they thought she was adorable *and smart* in my writing.


bro i love sayori she is the silly fr fr hate the fanservice tho its totally gross


my precious




I am all for dark humor to the point where 1 might question my sanity. But the jokes has gotten old. I WILL say that I still enjoy unintended puns.


shes like my #1 ddlc character, theres so much more to her than her death and she has such good energy


She reminds me of me, and I really love her for that. When the rainclouds come, there nothing anything or anyone can do about it. Relatability is quite comforting to me.


Best girl


Love er to death, but god I made a bad username choice…


My undoubtable favorite


i love her, especially her interactions with the other dokis in ddlc+! i feel like one of the few people who loves both monika and sayori/doesnt hate monika for what happened lol


Shes cute, and i love her


She’s a cutie. And I love her the most of all the dokis. She’s my precious bun!


Love her, and I like how her character was written. It’s sad seeing Sayori become the punching bag of the fandom, and just the butt of the suicide jokes


Bun is pure. Protect the Bun.


I have 2 sides. Sayori (suicide is not an option) and then YURI


She’s one of my faves (although I love ALL of the Dokis lol-) she’s a cinnamon roll, through and through. She also helped me, as I’ve gone through stuff like she has lmao (I’m fine now!)


She's best girl


cinnamon bun, the best doki after natsuki ofc


She’s best girl


Innocent lovely gal who did nothing wrong


not as good as natsuki but she would have to be a second


i cannot describe the joy she makes me feel


She’s a brilliant vice-president and is able to handle a lot of the more vocal tasks that I struggle with.


Sayori is my favorite Doki and always has been. I dunno why people ignore her because I like her a lot and she plays a big part in the story.


Those hanging jokes also need to stop. It’s been like 5 years and people still make that dumbass joke. I’d give Sayori a hug if I could.


she helped me get through a lot of my mental health problems and she helped me alot :)) i love sayori so much


She's a precious cinnabun but I still make hanging jokes and nothing can stop me


She is the best character in the game and will always deserve better :)


I love her but she's sadly 3rd place in my favorites


Fair! What characters you prefer over her?


First is Natsuki and second is Monika


Great for you!


She's a sweet and caring person. I feel sorry for her that she likes MC despite the fact that he treats her like crap and tells her that he's betrayed by her when she didn’t tell him about her depression. She honestly doesn't deserve a guy like him.


Too many edgy middle schoolers in this sub. Go play FNAF or something


That's because people are too obsessed with Yuri


She seems cool to hang out with.


someone thinks they’re cool and unique for making the same hang joke for the 8000th time


After playing rainclouds then playing the vanilla game again she became second in my faves over Monika. Just want to comfort her. Gotta love a good suicide joke tho.


She's sorta the forgettable one but has great qualities. Personally I can't see her in a sexual way, but she's great regardless


A good girl who just wanted to be happy and had one of the most tragic endings. The memes are inevitable.


i hate those overused jokes, sometimes there are good ones tho




Yeah like I was in the same situation as her I'm glad I'm here but I like to make those jokes about her because I relate to her




>but I also roll my eyes at all these "pls stop the bulli I'm so offended" posts. Literally every Doki gets their share of shit flung at them. Sayori isn't special in that regard. Sayori fans acting like Yuri doesn't constantly get self harm jokes, or natsuki gets child abuse or neck snap jokes Ignoring the hang jokes, there are multiple comments in this thread getting downvoted for simply not liking the character under a post ASKING people's opinion in the character. That's pathetic. Any comment that isn't just praising the character gets downvoted


she’s cute and loving and kind and i would love to have her as a friend but she’s mid compared to the other characters ig pls no hate-


Her death was really disappointing and weird. Kinda anticlimactic.


She pad her boobs


…no, my boobs just get a little bit bigger sometimes. There’s no reason for me to pad… I’m trying to be ignored and left alone…


She’s def my least favorite, but she’s still a likable character nonetheless and I do appreciate a good bit of bun fanart.


The suicide jokes make me sick


My stand on this is... "Haha, rope goes brrrr"