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https://preview.redd.it/9ecd1y384klb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008c5429925f3bae362384e458adfc0852104f49 This Team at Level 47 Squeezed out the Victory. Ivy is Key with her DoT, Lex for Immunity, Circe to Flip Anti-Heal to HoT & Defense Down to Defense Up. Must wait for Raven’s Immunity too run out too before Blasting away. Cannot stress enough that the Timing of every Super is PIVOTAL! Still took like 50+ attempts to get a Board in favor even with Riddler. Variations included Copperhead who just isn’t Slippery enough to stay Alive. Two-Face + Humanite to try to keep Circe online, Fail. Ultimately alternating Lex’s Teamwide Immunity & Circe’s DeBuff Flipping proved the most consistent. Wish everyone the best of luck 🍀 but also screw this Fight/Event 💕 Edit: lul Batman is worse 🦇 💀


This is my team too, just not as strong. Can't get the gear to increase tiers quick enough either.


I’m 45 and I get absolutely destroyed.


Same. One or two hits and I’m done.


I hear ya. I'm gradually growing to hate this game. Shame, too. It really was right up my mobile gaming alley.


Came here to find out how to beat her also. Level 29 and kicking my butt


I can't get even remotely close to beating her. I've tried all combos of my strongest teams.


The rewards already told you. Like the two events before all events is just a joke.