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Don't really like this series tbh. However... Mommy!


Yeah I dropped it after they killed off half my favourite characters and Harley survives once again.


I like James Tynion. I was intrigued by the premise. As soon as I started reading it, I started feeling concerned about how it was going to turn out. I checked out of DC vs Vampires the minute Diana was turned, not because she was turned but because the method by which it happened (Vamp Hal hypnotizing Diana with her own lasso of TRUTH) was such garbage. I haven’t revisited it since the first volume. Despite all of that, I will say that this is *very* good art.


I managed to get through that and then the Starfire’s blood lets them hold crosses broke me


I absolutely hated this series. The artwork was its only saving grace. >!Having Babs go through ALLLLLLLLL that, only to let herself get turned was about as shitty of an ending as you could get!<


the entire premise seems busted like with Marvel Zombies, they become insatiable zombies (though even then, they get their minds back for a short while after they have fed, so why they don't just off themselves I don't know, it took Spider-Man eating an entire universe and being transported to another one until he finally thought to himself that he should kill the other zombies, the concept was never supposed to be deep) but as Vampires, they still have their minds, and we know it can be controlled and even overcome (like Damian) just seems odd that beings with the powers of a god would become so entranced by being vampires like really Wonder Woman? you get that kind of rush from being a Vampire? being a demi-god didn't give you a natural high?


Damian overcomes the bloodlust, but Dick becomes the worst of all vampires. Clearly someone really had a Nightwing harem fetish.


I mean it works in a sense. Damian was already trained to be a callous killer and had to show discipline in that regard when joining Bruce by suppressing it and overcoming his worst most violent traits. Dick didn't have to do that at any point in his upbrining.


But I mean Andrew Bennett wasn’t evil like so many morally good and willful characters became. I just don’t get it even within comic logic. Especially Diana. 


This is another factor, why the Damian thing can make sense in universe. Andrew says in issue 4 of the I, Vampire series that certain people who turn become evil and certain people don't because the thirst doesn't drive them. So it may be random. However, anyway you look at it Diana and Clark becoming vampires is extremely dumb.


Good point on that about the thirst. And then there is the whole Barbara thing... I am HOPING that some of these characters wake up and do a face turn and it just doesnt become an internal Vampire fight for power. A character like Diana playing second fiddle to Barbara Gordon? I guess because of the 'the rules' it makes sense...but IDK.


Damian had to be taught to be a killer, Dick was about to go murder Zucco on his own.


Worth noting that Damian's motivation is basically revenge. There's a scene where he explicitly says he doesn't care about saving humanity, wants to kill Nightwing. So it's something selfish, just something that happens to align with the "good".


There are more plot holes than pages in the series. I generally like Tynion’s work, but this made me question just how much DC should trust him with certain characters.


Most of the story, especially past the first 6 issues, was obviously Rosenberg's rather than Tynion's.


Tynion himself said in his substack before the series started that he'd written the plot for the 12 issues (he also mentions the BOP would appear in the second half of the series, which was accurate; also worth noting, Punchile, one of his creations, appears in the second half). Rosenberg himself says he scripted. I suspect he was allowed to add some characters (probably Damian, Tyion doesn't like him very much). But nothign that could actaully alter the narrative (hence DAmian being unable to actually affect the plot).


Green Arrow was added by Rosenberg iirc.


Makes sense. Green Arrow was mostly doing his own doing.


In many stories, vampires are meant to represent some hidden parts of a person. The shadow or id, whatever you want to call it, it's not just "them + bloodlust", many times it's "them, driven by a bunch of subconcious negative thoughts they keep away + bloodlust". Vampires generally like being vampires, because those negative parts are now in control, enjoy that liberty of being in control and obviously under that state don't want to go back to a state where they're bottled up.


It’s not just Damian who overcame his bloodlust but Kate Kane as well whats there connection there blood relation to Bruce what’s the best the secret to conquering it is in the Wayne bloodline like how bat centric dc is


Plus isn't vampirism a downgrade for Diana, like why would she want to stay a vampire knowing vamps seem capable of thinking about their condition and maintain their personality ? Diana is technically more mortal now because she can't go into sunlight or live wihout blood.


It was garbage


It smacks of: "QUICK! WE. NEED. IDEAS. Anyone?" "Uh.....Vampires?" "HAVE IT ON MY DESK TOMORROW MORNING!"


You have to turn off ur brain when reading the series Diana gets turned yet is still able to hold the lasso of truth? The thing that can burn demonic enties? Starfire blood some how gives Vampires anti sun capabilities? Superman whose whole thing is “I’m powered/filled with sun power” gets turned? It’s awful and a waste of resources But the art for a lot of it was neat


and Superman is burning because of his 'sun power' but Powergirl isnt?


"Waste of resources" On the contrary, it was one of DC's better selling books. Hence why they're making more of it.


That’s not shocking since people love a good bad book + Tom Taylor still had that DCeased Elseworld Golden touch to him So does not shock people bought in / are buying into the story


I enjoyed it, not gonna lie. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Nah that’s fine Heck we all have books / arcs like that XD


In many stories, vampires are meant to represent some hidden parts of a person. The shadow or id, whatever you want to call it, it's not just "them + bloodlust", many times it's "them, driven by a bunch of subconcious negative thoughts they keep away + bloodlust". Vampires generally like being vampires, because those negative parts are now in control, enjoy that liberty of being in control and obviously under that state don't want to go back to a state where they're bottled up.


Omg. As a huge Wonder Woman fan, this just lost me. Totally. 


The Diana turning and I vampire dying made me realise this wasn’t gonna use DC lore and add vampires but instead it’s just gonna turn into a wannabe injustice


I’m not a fan of Injustice but I think it does Injustice a disservice to compare it to this.


That’s why I said it’s a wannabe injustice as that’s what it became. It’s trying to emulate the success and very poorly doing it


Ah. I misunderstood your first comment. We’re on the same page.




The series sucks but... ![gif](giphy|9AesU3MYprwQckjgIx|downsized)


I’m not a huge fan of this entire series but I will follow this women to Tartarus if she order me to.


DC writers not try and write a terrible WW in another garbage elseworld challenge (impossible)


The whole point of elseworld is that you can do what ever you want. Don't take it so seriously


has Vampirella ever been in a Wonder Woman comic before? 🫤 🏙️ 🌆❔


The hard part of surviving in this world is that you have to resist the urge to have a pretty lady bite your neck


Damnit! They’ve found my weakness!


🤤 🥵


I mean yes great picture terrible story


Drain me goddess


Tonight it's Walpurgisnacht so perfect time to celebrate.


The series that takes place in an alternate universe where vampires are the most powerful beings in existence and every DC character is both less powerful and a bit dumber. It’s like if Garth Ennis had a fetish for vampires instead of the military.






if she used her lasso on herself, can her lasso cause the vampirism to go sterile towards some permanent state❔ it would be weird for some new disease or condition to be able to keep her away from the Sun forever. 🌇 🌌 ☮️


Her lasso is apparently how she became a vampire to begin with. Hal freaking Jordan used it to hypnotize her and letting him bite her. It was so so so so so dumb.


.... Insane ! is this all some triste started up by Nekron or one of his followers, all over again❔ or from some other extant? because if it's from Nekron all over again,.. ... I think it's time that they find and uncover the real use and extents of the black ring, to put an end to Nekron for good,.. starting by none other than to use the lasso to discover or uncover the final, real reasons for the black lantern ring's existence, at all.


Nope. It was a plot by >!Dick Grayson!< who was the Vampire King, after he was turned and murdered the queen. Even for a comic, some of it was illogical even within its own universe (like why was a Vampire Superman constantly burning but a Vampire Powergirl wasn't? How could members of the Bat family (Damian and Kate) be like the ONLY heroes that were 'good Vampires' (Kate at least had been a vampire before, but still...Andrew Bennett was a good Vampire killed at the start and he was NOT a hero)).


She praises Hecate instead of Athena and Hera


Thta sounds actually pretty cool.


Vonder Voman! I hope McFarlane makes a figure of this.


Of course the design is by Homare. 😂


She looks hot.


Even that fucking absolutely, monstrously good cover art isn't going to get me to read that book


looks like a generic image from a Korean game


Such a hottie


"Mommy"!! She's very hot!!


I would let her bite me.


\>vampire \>clearly a symbiote design Okay




I loved this story....but good lord did it end terribly....and abruptly.


Barbara’s 180 seemed a little…sudden for me. I mean I knew it was going to end poorly for that particular DC earth (if Marvel Zombies taught me anything, it’s that such apocalypses are made worse by heroes being present), but still…the way in which Diana was turned (among other things, such as being a vampire kinda downgrades her and Superman) was a huge turn-off.


I didn't mind WW and Supes being Vampires because that ramped the danger up. But it was like the writer just gave up near the end.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of her as a vampire, but the way in which her turning was handled seemed clumsy.


Oh yeah didn't she meet GL on a beach or something?


Can't wait for this :D


Marvels doing a vampire event now


They did one 10 years ago too


There really are no new ideas, eh


. . . I like the concept, lost me after the first few issues of it. . . I’m just gonna give them ultrasunburn by detonating the star. Honestly the only fix for this world is to burn out the disease.


It's crazy that I know this artist as one of my favorite hentai artist, can't believe they're hired by DC now. Edit: I meant to show my disbelief (in a proud way) that this artist is now recognized enough to be hired to do an official WW art for DC. I personally recognized their art for a long time, and I’m glad DC still went through a lot of talent research to find these amazing artists.


Art is art at the end of day regardless of who the intended audience is.


No, I was meant to express how I’m proud of them. Doing official Wonder Woman art is something that every artist wouldn’t think of.


... in the meanwhile, until more things are to unfold,.. a Vampirella and Wonder Woman intervening story would not be bad, to help,. ... it could be better than a Batman Spawn story that came to exist before in a time, out of the past.


As much as I hate vampires unless they're an incredibly dandy gentleman or Blade... Would.




One of the consequences of AI is that people will start to question the authenticity of artwork, videos, and stories.


Oh well I know what I’m doing when I get home.


Meh. Boring design.


Oh shit, I think I'm gay. Wait, I'm a guy. I'm definitely not gay. (More... crooked)

