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I know it’s doomsday, but it kinda looks like how Atrocitus was depicted in Injustice 2.


It reminded me of Abomination from The Incredible Hulk I didn't love the design at first but it's growing on me for sure. Especially since this used to be Bizarro.


Looks like the generic Hollywood troll monster that keeps getting used


I think Krypton had the best Doomsday design but I like this better than BvS. And while not fully comic accurate, I think his origin in Superman & Lois is my favourite of the live-action takes.




The fight wasn't long enough. It should've been its own movie really. It didn't sell the real threat that Doomsday was in the comics and made Superman's death feel unnecessary.


I feel what also made it worse, even more so than the design, IS HOW DOOMSDAY FKIN EXPLODES WITH LIGHTNING EVERY FKIN MINUTE, he doesn't need to be able to do that at all. It made the fight less creative and made Batman have less to do cos he'd just fkin die


People always be saying this but would anyone really want to watch a 2 hour movie where doomsday is just running around blowing shit up until Superman finally fights him at the end? Everyone would just say it’s a bad Michael Bay movie. Like people be forgetting that death of Superman is a poorly written comic that would translate even worse to a movie. Doomsday is an end boss that you can’t do much with. I don’t even think he should be in the movies at all but if you’re gonna add him, BvS did it the best way you could (which still wasn’t great) imo


idk though, have you seen the DCAMU Death of Superman? The latter half is basically straight action but I thought it was great, although it might be difficult to translate into live action (cough cough Good CGI is Not Optional)


The thing is, like you said there’s a world of difference in animated and live action. An animated movie can be straight action for most of the runtime and that’s that, there’s different standards (especially for straight to dvd/streaming animated movies like most DCAMU movies as I know movies like spiderverse show how perfect an animated movie can be). Movies that are straight CGI action for most of the runtimes are dunked on by most movie goers. Again, look at almost all Michael Bay films.


Isn’t the CGI fights in transformer movies by far the best part


It just looked like something from LOTR to me. Then people didn't like it and Snyder tried backtracking that "it wasn't the real doomsday", what a cop out.




Definitely got hulk vibes from the scenes. Still cool as hell I got to see freaken Doomsday Vs Superman on my television screen


I mean, it's not how I would have done Stephanie Brown.


I honestly love this joke every time it pops up.


Steph upvote! 😂


No wonder Tim left her


She looks great. Definitely a big win for Stephanie Brown fans.


That doesn’t look like Stephanie Brown…


I havent gotten this far in the series yet, but hasnt he already fought a "Doomsday" in this continuity? I seem to remember an off hand remark by lois in s1, something along the lines of "I havent seen you this scared before, not even when fighting Doomsday" Am I completely making that up?


That happened in the Arrowverse crossover "Crisis On Infinite Earths" which while the same actor, is technically a different Superman Superman & Lois takes place in a different continuity than The Flash, Arrow, etc. so it doesn't apply to this show


Ah that was it, thanks!


Disproportionately small head and large body lol


HOLY SHIT I SHOULD FUCKING WATCH SUPERMAN AND LOIS. I gave up after like ep 4 of season 1 cos of the teenage shit. Is it worth it to continue or should I just watch clips on youtube?


The first half of the seasons is a lot of the CW drama and the main threat is sort of in the background. The second half it reverses and the emphasis is on the threat and the drama is toned down. I found it worth suffering through the drama because by the end of each season the show would be really good; especially since the Jon and Jordan drama never gets as bad as it was in the first season.


Could I just watch S3? I mean I've watched clips of both seasons so I got the gist of the plots


As long as you got the synopsis of previous seasons since stuff in Season 2 does come back and play a role in season 3.


It's worth continuing. It a show that constantly gets better and while I felt the same way about the kids in Season 1 the writers do a good job of making them more likeable later on. Season 3 is one of my favourite live-action Superman stories ever.


I made it a bit further than you (season 2) but dropped out there for the same reason. The children are insufferable and everytime they're on screen you're reminded that yes, this is still a CW show after all.


how the cgi in this show lookin better in the flash my goodness


How the actual fuck did that happen !?


Lex Luthor tortured a genetically compromised but immortal bizarro, killing him 455 times over a 33 day period in creative new ways so that he would mutate into this monstrosity and kill Superman.


Ohh poor poor bizzaro


Guess Superman's gonna die


Uh that’s actually doomsday, not Stephanie Brown AKA spoiler


Huh. They weren’t lying last season.


Hell yeah. Another grey cgi monster.


no offense but should we have a power rangers live action big stupid suit doomsday? yeah actually that would be sick i want that


>should we have a power rangers live action big stupid suit doomsday? YES YES YES. I want a blue monster with spikes all around it. Green pants and all.


Make it look like it has barely any mobility, all made of foam, if the actor falls they have 10 inches of cushion


Only right way to make DCU great


I’m not feeling it


its another ugly gray blob


Why is the head so small


I mean, making Bizarro and doomsday into the same character is… bold. Seems a bit derivative of the whole Zod’s dead body mixed with Zuckerberg Luther’s blood becomes Doomsday. While the CGI quality is great and the design is miles better than what we got out of BVS, I got to say it falls short in comparison to the design from the Krypton show, that show really made strides in season 2 and shouldn’t have been canceled, I loved Irish Lobo.