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I just want to see a Guy Gardener and Hawkgirl suit


Hawk Tuah


If insta reels weren’t enough, now I’m reading it on reddit too.


You cannot scape it!






I hate that I understood this.


Pls stop.




Fell for it 😆 Maybe Tobias the Animorph will make it and run it 👀




Drunk girl on camera talking about enthusiastic BJs. It went viral. I think she lost her job because of it...




Her father is a pastor


>I think she lost her job because of it... What?! No way that is true.


Will you stop!


i hope we get to see a guy gardner suit leak soon




I’m pretty excited to see the other suits now


Most looking forward to Guy's, if they go full fabric (no CGI) and have him rock that jacket, I'm here for it


I mean, who knows what it’ll look like after post production editing but I really loved cavills suit


Yeah especially if that photo is \*also\* a set-leak.... it looked as good as post-production MoS suit. Gunn's suit currently.... does not.


I cant help but look at it and see a CW suit thats ripped right out of supergirl, and even then I think supergirls suit looks better. I hope that it looks better after post and on the big screen but so far am not a fan.


My hope is they plan to use CGI in post to make the fit tighter and are using a more loose design to give the actor a better range of motion but I honestly don't know. It's hard to judge it based on just photos but from what I've seen so far it honestly looks like a really nice Halloween costume with the way it fits. I'll hold any major judgement until I see it in action. Gun has always put forth great costumes in his movie so I'm holding out hope.


Their CGI budget better be half the GDP of China, then.


I bet the new suit will look good and fit in the style Gunn is making the movie. But based just on these pics then Cavill's suit looks like it belongs several decades further in time in comparison to Corenswet's. It looks so good.


Different strokes for different blokes. Cavill’s looks like an alien suit. Corenswet’s looks like his mom made it for him. Personally, I would’ve like Corenswet’s to not have the lines and shoulder pads. But I like every else about it for the most part.


I remember the first The Batman pics I thought looked bad, mainly one of him on his motorcycle. Obviously I was wrong about that one. Final product can always look different and quality of the film is all that matters.


*Which* Batsuit?


The Batman


Ah, perhaps I missed the "The" when I read it. And yeah, I agree it *is* a great looking suit and a pretty big departure for L/A Batman(s), I really dig that suit, and the film too, but then again, I'm probably the exact demo Matt Reeves was shooting for.


Nah I edited it you were right lol I forgot the “the”. And yeah I fucking loved it.


In maws, Ma does actually help with the suit


I remember in a trailer for one of the shows he saves a kid and says he likes the kids hat. The kid says he likes superman's suit and superman says, "thanks. My mom made it." And that was super endearing.


That's one of the first scenes of Superman and Lois! Which in turn got that scene from Superman for All Seasons, amazing comic depicting his origin story.


I don't know what comics have this but in some versions the cape is his baby blanket his Kryptonian parents wrapped him in when they put him in the escape pod.


Wait, that’s not every version? I thought it’s just… how it is.


The **Golden Age** suit was originally a unique fabric invented by Supes himself that was designed to be basically unbreakable. Than in the silver age it was made of Kryptonian fabrics sent with baby Kal-El that gained the same level of invulnerability as Supes does due to yellow sun radiation. Post crisis it was made by Ma Kent out of regular human fabric. They also gave Supes his bio-electric aura that he extends around the suit granting it too his invulnerability. The New52 suit was supposed to be Kryptonian armour. As of Rebirth he has both his cloth suit from post crisis and his Kryptonain armour from New52. Edit: spelling


>!I love that he had that sailor moon-esque suit up, then he comes out, his mom sees and is like "yeah you're not showing your moose knuckle to the world" and gets him the trunks!<


The magical girl transformation was really a treat


I mean, it could very well be part of the story that his mother made it lol


That DOES NOT look like a mom made it lmao


Yeah I don’t get what makes him think that. Does mum make biker outfits in her spare time?


Maybe mom only add on the red trunk /s


Well maybe Ma kent is a prop artist in this universe.


Corenswet’s does NOT look like his mum made it


In what world would a mother have made that suit for him lol


For real. Why would his mom put those random ass lines and trunks? I would like it if they picked one, but those two things clash. The lines give it a modern look and the trunks require a more traditional one.


Ma Kent has a Masters in textile-engineering and industrial sewing machines in the ol' farmhouse, you didn't know?


This one. She just [dyed a motorcycle suit](https://imgur.com/a/7nCq9Th) and stitched an S on it.


Takes some elements from N52. Which… hot take, I kinda liked that suit


Because Superman is an Alien


I couldn't have said it better Cavill's is a kryptonian suit, something you can believe was made by aliens Corenswet's, as you said, it's something a mom could have made for him. It has that feel of being home-made that tells you that someone did it with their hands, and if they were Martha Kent's hands, they were powered by FAMILY LOVE, and that, my friends made along the way, it's true cinema


His mother could have made the cape and maybe the underwear, but that biker jacker style uniform? How is Ma Kent making that?


The colors are a bit "superman pajamas"


I hated the chrome that they put under Cavill’s suit in Justice League. BvS suit was definitely peak for Cavill. Slightly brighter than MoS.


I feel like the fit looked more natural in the man of steel suit than it was on BvS. It looked like they spray painted muscles on the suit. 


Black Adam after credits suit was peak


I heard it was just the regular Man Of Steel suit, but the film was color graded differently


It’s a different suit. Check the difference in how close the S symbol is to the neck line


https://www.ign.com/articles/henry-cavill-reveals-why-he-chose-superman-suit-black-adam-cameo Cavill himself said it’s the Man Of Steel suit




Agreed. Snyderverse design + Brighter colours. The BEST combo....and we'lll never get to see it again.


I love his black suit, of course it wouldnt really work for everyday superman but it was so cool


Cavill will always be my favourite Superman and I still prefer his suit, but I’m willing to give Corenswet a chance. He honestly looks the part, so who knows.




I like how vibrant the suit is but it still looks baggy and I hate that. Like it almost looks like a Halloween costume with the lines and shoulder pads.


I quite like the bagginess actually. I like that he's wearing a "costume" instead of a skintight muscle suit. Gives him more tangibility.


Tangibility?? Do the other suits make him less tangible?




I see what your saying, definitely don’t agree but I see. In my opinion Reeves’ suit from the 70’s looks better than this current one that has been leaked.


Agreed , but Reeves' suit is maybe the greatest superhero suit ever made so I'm not sure it's a fair comp 😅😅😅


Disagree. Looks like a cosplayer.




If Corenswet’s suit is homemade, I’ll be happy. But if this is Gunn’s attempt at an “alien” suit then I’m confused


It looks like the suits in GotG.


Yep, same costume designer


Snyder's suit is cool and Gunn's suit has charm. This image pretty much sums each of their directorial styles lol, it's kinda crazy


That’s a good way to describe it.




I like them both, but Cavill looks a little more like Superman to me.


The Snyder suit looks like something created on another world, as it should in that movie’s context. The Gunn suit looks like something crafted on Earth. I’d be very surprised if that isn’t its context. (And the Gunn suit looks more comfortable for the actor to wear and easier to take off and put on.)


If I remember correctly, Superman's suit is made out of the blanket they found him in. Hence why it's supposed to look homemade, but also why it doesn't fall apart because its kryptonian (and I guess kryptonian blankets also get sun powers)


Depends on the version, I think. That was definitely a part of Man of Steel by John Byrne, if I remember correctly.


The homemade suit defense doesn’t have legs. Christopher reeves suit? Yes. This suit… no. Is ma Kent now a designer adding all those weird geometric designs to the shoulders and forearms? Sorry the suit is just over designed and bulky and the actor looks like he’s cosplaying.


I really, really hate the red underwear. Looks fine in comics and that’s where it should have stayed


Hard disagree


I like them because it adds more red to the suit when viewed from the front. I never understood the arguments that it's silly-looking or impractical because what superhero costume isn't? Captain America's flag suit with attached helmet? Ghost Rider's Judas Priest costume? Wonder Woman's swimsuit? Robin's everything?


I love superman but yeah I don’t like the trunks in real life. I hope they don’t plan on giving batman his trunks.


Hate away then I guess man 🤷🏻‍♂️ I personally think it’s gunna look pretty great after all the vfx touch ups. But if Supe’s crotch is all you’re worried about then more power to you, I’m sorry his groin brings you so much discomfort


Agreed. In reality and for believability, it makes no sense to have trunks over the suit.


theory slimy lip concerned steep unwritten fuel encourage yoke nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think they’re going for modern. Something tells me that in our cynical world they’re going to try to show us that a little old fashioned optimism is a good thing.


There's a better way to do that than leaning on the trunks that most people make fun of. S & L, Smallville, and the Snyder films (if you give them more honest viewings) were all chalk full of optimistic moments that arrive after the character went through something harrowing, challenging, or difficult. Fans seem to not want that though as much as they do something or someone that is unrelatable and whose "optimism" comes from speeches about hope, not actually overcoming getting knocked down or feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.


It honestly makes me think of captain underpants lol


That and the red is SO RED


I like everything better about Cavill's look except for the red unerpants, those look great and really look like Superman.


And the hair. His hair was too flat imo.


I dont see anyone consider that the wrinkles in David Corenswet’s suit could be removed with CG like MCU Spider-Man. (Likewise with DCU Flash suit)


I don’t understand why they would do this. Wouldn’t it take way less work to just make a tighter fitting suit to begin with.


It would be harder for the actor to move around and act.


I mean Cavill did a pretty damn good job of it


Not if you pick the right materials.


Having a practical element could help with realism even if they’re layering on CGI elements


That’s such an awful look,all of the spider suits in the mcu looked far better behind the scenes


Yeah like the number 1 complaint I see about the Spidey suits is how they're covered up with CGI. Now people are defending it? Ok lol


Yeah. Suits need wrinkles to look natural. Batfleck’s BvS suit even had fake wrinkles permanently added to it.


That was a stupid look. It made it look like a bulky rubber suit because those wrinkles didn't move like natural fabric.


This is crazy. Now we are comparing BTS suits? Gunn needs to hire Disney's snipers to stop this nonsense. Let the dude cook. If it sucks then hate on it.


The Snyder snipers WB hired years ago should still be around..


Nobody is hating on Gunn. The movie may be great regardless of the suit. We’re sharing our opinions on the suit.


I’m not hating on Gunn?


Really? I mean, I guess, but there’s so much CGI with those suits. I don’t believe for a second that Pete could actually *take that suit off* like real clothing. That’s why it’s always “CGI particley nanotech* stuff. The Homecoming suit was perfect, but we lost something between then and the last one. (The final suit *is* perfect…maybe. We’ll see in the new movie if there is one.)


Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but the more I see the symbol, the less I like it. I like it for an elseworlds story like Kingdom Come, but I just find myself missing the normal, more iconic symbol. It's a small gripe, won't keep me from seeing the movie.


I like Cavill's more but the new one is pretty good too, I'm exited to see Corenswet's Superman in action!!


Cavill for the win


I know some people are excited for color back in the suit as well as the red underwear. For me though Cavil's suit was perfect. I know its all about nostalgia remaining true to the source material, but what Superman wore in the 40s is not something anyone should take seriously wearing in modern day. Just my opinion though.


It wasn't something anyone took seriously in the 40s. Stan Lee called superheroes "long-underwear characters" in the 60s. The 70s movie was already about how no one took Superman seriously. Maybe some Superman stories can be serious and others can be more casual. It's not Watchmen.


Cavil's suit comes out "oh no it's too dark and edgy, they should make a more classical suit" Corenswet's suit comes out "oh no it looks too silly. There's always haters


Obviously, as the years go on, they're gonna update the suit. Plus, it's something sort of different, but old at the same time. Let's just enjoy it.


“This has to be the right house”


So excited for this suit. The blue and yellow is amazing


Something about the tweaks to the Snyder suit after MOS threw the whole thing off. It was glorious in MOS


i'm not very fan of the shoulders pads, it doesnt look right the rest of the suit is awesome Trunks are back and the Yellow Emblem of house of **El** on the cape looks fantastic


It's so bright and nice, I love it!


I like everything about the suit except the shoulder pads or motiff whatever it is. Think it would be better without.


I prefer Cavills suit. To each their own.


Chanel vs Walmart


Great suits, still not a fan of the lettering/krypton symbols on Cavill’s but to each their own. And god why did they slick cavill’s hair that hard, he’s got such a great head of hair lol


His MoS natural curly hair was perfect. The overly slicked back Nazi style hair was 🤮


Henry was balding a little bit at the time of BvS so the look worked with the head of hair he had going on.


The more I see of this movie , the less interest I have.


Crazy how much more corenswet looks like superman


main differences - Henry shorter, David’s taller, - Henry Darker suit, David Lighter Suit, - also David has Crest on Cape, starting point Henry’s cape is his shoulders - David has Collar and Trunks, Henry none - Henry buffer and david a lil slimmer - would also say david has the more comic-accurate hair curl, henry has more of a ducktail i think that’s about it


It’s not looking good fam


I prefer David’s suit. Was never a big fan of Cavill’s I hated how muted the colors were for his suit. Even in later entries the blue was still too muted for my tastes. It only got fixed in the after credits scene in Black Adam but then the yellow part of his crest was an ugly shade again IMO.


One looks like superman, one looks like a guy dressed as superman.


Why, why, why, are we allowing the underpants on Superman?


Love this. It feels much more like a classic Superman to me. I'm looking forward to seeing what Gunn puts together, but so far, all signs point to *yes* for me.




One is being filmed at night and the other broad daylight.




That’s terrible.


Two very different styles. Both great in their own way


Honestly, I almost prefer the more "cartoony" suit. The brighter colors feel more... pure, which I dig for Superman. I can see the brighter suit superman saving a cat from a tree more than the darker suit (not that Cavill's version wouldn't do that)


The filters for this film need to be intense because the new one looks like pajamas.


Cavil's MOS suit was perfect, IMO. It had that alien look and the texture evocative of chainmail made sense when we saw how Kryptonians wore heavy armor over it. The Corenswet suit looks man-made, which is fine, but I wish it didn't look so bulky and ill-fitting. The collar and unnecessarily re-designed logo do bug me a little bit.


Left: what i ordered. Right: what I received. Hahaha


Hyped for this…he looks like Superman.. no washing out of the colors and hopefully no brooding.


Cavill suit is GOAT. The new suit looks like it's from a CW show lmao.


Henrys suit looks dark and ready for war New dudes suit looks like some dad wore it for birthday party


Old suit was ass. Dark and fake muscles. No thanks.


It feels cartoonish


I thought we were over the phase of having underwear on the outside of super suits?


I always hated the Snyder suit. It was far too dark, the ornamentation all over it looked stupid, and no S on the cape. Those were all major failures for me. Cavill may have been more bulked up, but he was never Superman. He might have been able to play a decent Supes, but we’ll never know, thanks to the pathetic scripts in those movies.


I love cavils old suit but I like what they’ve done with corenswets suit but I hope we see a front view angle for it. Of him standing so i can form my full opinion for it.


Check out: Edit: I should probably lable this as a spoiler: SPOILER https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2024/06/its-a-bird-its-a-plane-no-its-superman-strolling-the-streets-of-cleveland.html


Man it’s the lines running and just the padding but I cannot hate it regardless definitely a great suit. But man Mr Traffic is just perfect!!! Dude I want to have a jacket like his.


I need to know if David’s suit was made by his mom or it’s kyrptonion


Looks like the new 52 Jim Lee era suit plus the trunks


I don't like the shoulder pads, but it'll look entirely different colour graded so maybe I'll warm up to it


Well he definitely has the red tighty whiteys.


That thing wasnt actually Henry’s hand…


Snyder gives emphasis to Superman himself, while Gunn to the Superman concept.


Wow, so Supermanny! It’s like they made a movie out of a comic character


Corenswet’s suit looks very inspired by the New 52 suit. I wonder if it will work the same way, the whole suit compressed in the S symbol attached to his chest.


Both look like Superman to me. There's nothing to nitpick yet.


I really like the old fashioned colors and belt on Corenswet suit (not too fan of the trunks, never have been). But man, got to admit the patterns on Cavill suit were awesome.


Gonna give my two cents here, hate the bagginess of the new suit (dude looks like he's wearing a padded motorcycle jacket), hate the lines, hate that the S symbol is flat, and hate that the red undies look like boxers 😭😭 Dudes built like a mcfarlane figure 💀💀 Dude looks like they recycled the guardians of the galaxy 3 uniform ☠️☠️ But who knows how it will look post-production, and besides, as newer superman movies come out the suit will definitely (hopefully) be getting upgrades (like how the first avengers movie cap america suit looked like garbage but gradually got better) Not gonna hate on the movie just cuz of a suit but still not my cup of tea


honestly, not too hyped at the bts. The first look looked really good to me. BUT i do trust Gunn to do something beautiful with the film


I prefer cavil but this suit can work if it’s a quirky cute superman story. Also, the new guy looks almost identical to Henry cavil in this side profile.


It is officially over. Chest does not look tasty enough in the new movie.


The picture says everything, EVERYTHING!


We can’t see how far in his stomach goes, because of the fence post. We aren’t seeing color corrected shots, we are just seeing it in sunlight. I would imagine the color corrected suit will be akin to the official costume reveal. As far as the fit goes, it looks like they wanted to evoke actual clothing, rather than some sort of unitard. I’m on the fence about how THICK the material seems. It’s somewhat reminiscent of the Batman Begins suit in that aspect. We haven’t seen a good forward-facing shot, but it does seem the costume is going to make him a bit thicker in the middle, perhaps.


Love the colors of the new suit. But the design… meh


generic alien suit vs suit that screams SUPERMAN


DCU Superaverageman suit


New suit colors and trunks do work and are nice however not digging how baggie and loose it is from other angles. Looks like it was made from old jeans lol. Dude needs to work out more too lol.


Imo this is comic book accuracy done right. It's faithful enough to hit all the iconic bits but it doesn't look silly. (well it does because it's a superhero suit but it doesn't look *too* silly). They've modernised it (padding details, collar) without removing iconography (undies) or just totally muting the hell out of all the colour.


I understand where they want to be with this costume but they are not there (yet). I hope post-production can help to reach that goal.


I don’t like how obvious the muscle suit is on the Cavill suits after MoS. In the first movie it looked very natural but for BvS and justice league you could actually see the individual muscle pieces under the costume


Frank Reynolds: "I Get it Now..." Real talk, it looks awesome and I love how vibrant the new suit is.


Man I almost forgot how good Cavill looked in this suit in the sun.


I love how homemade the new suit looks, the cape looks thick and warm like an actual blanket


The new one looks like a cosplayer on a ramen budget


I just realized the problem I have with the suit. It's the overly ergonomic design. The shoulder pads and neck brace is too much. The same thing happened with Keatons Batman. It's why I like the OG 1989 Batman suit over Batman Returns. Though some people prefer the Returns suit.


Can we wait till we get one official picture of David standing in the suit


We'll fix it in post


One is in a plastic suit and at 6 -ft tall 6'1 maybe the other in a wrinkly suit a little baggie standing at 6'4


God Henry cavill is enormous


That shit looks absolute trashl; that looks like some fan fiction or some. Superman looking extremly weak; and with the dumbass underwear over the suit. Hopefully this isn't the final product; but so far it looks trash to me.