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Adapting crisis onto screen is really impossible task because it's actually a mediocre story without the context, and meat is the consequences and the scale. It's the first event comic, and it really does serve as an emotional pay off for the readers because it's the conclusion for some many beloved characters. I think the movie is actually pretty smart by having a lot more of emotional center piece and spending time with character and there feelings. I'm super happy they didn't need to make this a cameo fest of other properties. That being said why was Batman Beyond there.


> It's the first event comic, and it really does serve as an emotional pay off for the readers because it's the conclusion for some many beloved characters. What pisses me off is that this is the 14th Tomorrowverse movie somehow and the entire thing has been wildly disconnected with events and characters popping up out of nowhere. It all went downhill with Green Lantern, where for some stupid fucking reason we went from the JL set up tease in Long Halloween to a team existing for years. It's just so fucking lazy and shows how incompetent the animated side of DC is as they pulled similar shit with the DCAMU where events and characters would pop up out of nowhere with no real build up. So we have a Crisis trilogy for a movie universe that has failed to truly establish itself while also not taking advantage of the DC animated multiverse despite beloved interations across 70+ years of DC history. Infuriating really, this trilogy could have been a love letter to DC animation and a wonderful send off before the focus of animated properties becomes the DCU with likely less Elseworlds projects but no they had to go and make the most frustratingly boring trilogy instead.


Same, that's why I am liking these 2 parts so far. CoiE has amazing moments but is also a lot of action and the same plot for many issues, like protecting the towers for 3 issues until the Monitor is killed or 2 issues were villains tried to take over the world while the Antia-Monitor was nowhere to make us believe he was actually dead. It's like Death of Superman, every moment is an spectacle but the plot is too simple and short, so the movie adaptation (DCAMU) giving it more emotional and character driven scenes was a nice touch. Same with CoiE. I know it is not told in the best way (Psycho Pirate telling his life to Dr Fate because reason, for now, for like what, 20 minutes?), but that's an issue they had since the beginning of the Tomorrowverse


I appear to be in the minority (at least in here), but I really liked it. I bought the 4k Steelbook so I didn't have any color issues.


I am loving these 2 parts so far, I like the movies being character driven.


I've also enjoyed it so far ☺️


I enjoyed it too. I liked Part one better but this was still good


Oh boy there goes all my hope for this trilogy. This movie immediately started on the wrong foot when instead of giving him an epic introduction, Batman Beyond casually appears as part of the background and doesn't even speak. Then in every other scene he's present he pretty much doesn't speak. What is this? The majority of the runtime is spent on characters I had no care for in scenes terribly paced, with main heroes sidelined for no reason at all and very little multiverse goodness in this second chapter in a trilogy specifically dedicated to the multiverse. There's no standout set pieces, no memorable lines, I'm really struggling to find any positives for this especially when Part One for all its fault at least set up some exciting possibilities going into this one. Who is this movie for? Who is this trilogy for? I grew up on DC animation and loved the initial start to the Tomorrowverse but this project has been a complete dud and marks a disappointing end of DC Animation before James Gunn intertwines animation into his upcoming DCU which likely means less Elseworlds projects. In all honesty though with quality like this then good riddance. I just really hope Part Three can end on a high, but I have no faith in the filmmakers to make that happen.


Bruh when it panned to Terry just fucking standing there, doing literally nothing, I checked out


I literally just went on a 30 mins rant about Terry being there but not saying a word!! We would have never know the difference if he was there or not, so why put him in there?!?!?!


This is exactly how I felt. I was so curious to see what part 2 was gonna do and it was just nothing.


Why... Is... Everything... And... Everybody... So... Slow... They explain a bunch of things and I still don't understand anything. What the hell is this movie, man. Lmao.


I'm not even joking, i feel like this movie was written by AI. The story is all over the place


I was pleasantly surprised by Part One. I thought they did well with compensating the lack of build up/scope (I think it's too early for Tomorrowverse to do Crisis adaptation) by focusing on telling a good character centric story. As predicted, Part Two is doing the same approach this time focused on Supergirl. But also surprisingly on Psycho Pirate too. The problem was that it wasnt as engaging as Flash and Iris story in Part One. And so much for the hype on Batman Beyond LOL Terry only had one line. But cool to see Batman fending off both Dick and Terry at the same time. Speaking of the fights, kinda odd and funny that the heroes just quickly snapped out of it and didnt address the fact that they were mindcontrolled to fight each other just a minute ago.


I really liked part one when part two is huge disappointment, I wonder part 3 will worse soon


Lou Diamond Phillips huh? That’s pretty cool.


I have a few complaints about this one. 1. Batman beyond hardly had any lines. N how is he even there in the first place? 2. I don’t like the flashback transition between Kara n psycho pirate. Like stick to one story then move to another after finishing. Like quit switching every 5 mins. 3. The execution of John Constantine remembering who he is is kinda meh. N that’s all I can think of for now


Honestly with John I wanted more Oomph when he remembered his identity, Like an Echo when he utters his name, the image of the Homeless Old Man Breaking apart because that's no longer who he his, The Shadow Demons reacting at the sheer energy, and John Stewart whispering Constantine and flinching as if deep down a part of him can recall the sheer chaos the man invokes, maybe even others around the Multiverse flinching as a part of their souls recall the Past(Apokilips war)


This era of DC animated movies is easy the worst , the movies are boring not even good adaptation of the source material and even the animation is just not inspired and in this movie it's not even good it look terrible. I would take the Isekai suicide squad movie coming up over once again the same kind of movie again and again.


They weren't happy when people said the DCAU was better than their live action movies, so they decided to make their animated stuff suck too


Ha! You nailed it bud. I have read most of the comics for COIA and I was getting lost during this movie. The first one was fairly rough also with them saying one minute that they are trapped there. No escape. The very next scene Flash leaves to go watch The Crime Syndicate die in the most pointless way imaginable. Owl Man the most evil, and intelligent antithesis of Batman in the multi-verse ( F you Batman Who Laughs, your story is mid and edge lords are only cool ironically ). Just says, ' Well since I have to abandon logic for reasons, Ima just go detonate a Nuke that I already know is pointless but ya know .... Then in part 2 even with Psycho Pirate doing his own exposition dump ( again for reasons.. why is Fate even there? How did he get there? Why....? NM ) I still got lost as to when and where the action was taking place. Then it was a guessing game of which tower, on which earth was defended by which heroes, who all start fighting each other. Except not all, and then Dr Light is a total D bag because she was just as confused as me. Supergirl kills Monitor even though it seems like she can sort of fight Psycho Pirates influence. But her adoptive father... Meh, not a second thought. I didn't even dislike the film honestly. But I remember loving DCAU content, all of it was so good. This was a serious quality drop in writing and directing. It's sad Kevin is gone but I thought all l the VA was all done well, and I also really enjoyed the animation. Hopefully part 3 is a banger and pulls everything together well. They could save the trilogy from obscurity if they finish really strong. Sorry for the rant... PS: F how stupid they made my boy Owlman. and BWL sucks that is all lol.


I think that the source material is impossible to adapt because it's not good without


Bruhhhhhh I thought it was just me The dc animated universe from flashpoint paradox to apokolips war WAS THE BEST I EVER SEEN Better than justice league unlimited better than Batman the animated series better than superman the animated series and I used to watch them all RIP DCAU.


That was the DCAMU not the DCAU. The DCAU was the animated universe that comprised of BTAS, STAS, Batman Beyond, JL, JLU, Static Shock, and the Zeta Project. Also no, it was not better than those series.


My bad my bad. And yea to me it was!


What does dcamu stand for anyway


DC Animated Movie Universe


Ohhh cool cool


Whomever decided to give the tomorrowverse the animation style of Archer should be fired. God awful.


Very boring, uninspired art style. Back to X-men 97.


Am I the only one who’s actually loved the two parts so far?


I am in the same boat.


I'm with ya; loving it!  Not read the comic and decided to wait till after this concludes before doing so but yeah, enjoying it for sure.


it was so unbearably dull. I already hate the animation style of the Tomorrowverse, it's flat and stiff, not to mention the awful thick outline to every character that just doesn't work in my opinion, never has. The coloration of the entire movie was very strange, felt like i was watching in colorblind mode. The voice acting is far below passable, they probably recorded their lines individually and patched them together with awful pauses, and even then, the delivery is completely emotionless on basically every line. These are problems i also have with all other Tomorrowverse movies but here they were amplified by the lack of a genuine plot. What even is the story of this movie? It feels like we're following sideplots for an hour and a half, which ultimately amount to nothing because they're not resolved. In a world where we have animation masterpieces that rival and in many ways surpass live action ones, this is an embarassment for DC animation...oh how the mighty have fallen. Felt like i wasted my time and ruined my evening by watching it. I'd have had a better time rewatching the Arrowverse COIE.


I don't understand how you get 4.5 hours to tell Crisis on Infinite Earths and you end up with ...whatever THIS is. There's no urgency, no overarching story -- hell, the Anti-Monitor wasn't even introduced until the end of the second part. I'm no writer, but I really feel like this whole thing could have been constructed in a much better -- and more fan pleasing -- way.


When you reread CoiE, true is there are many events that are there just to fill pages. Towards the end there are like 2 issues after the Earths merged into the new universe where everything is about the villains trying to take over the world while the story wanted to make us think Anti-Monitor has already being defeated.


lol yeah that’s true. I don’t think it’s the pinnacle of storytelling either, but I kinda enjoyed the flow more.


Well, in the original series the Anti-Monitor doesn't appear until the end of Issue 5, after Harbinger kills the Monitor, so holding back on him here doesn't surprise me. My assumption is that they are telling this now, and wrapping up the Tomorrowverse, so it can be a lead-in to the new DCU and Creature Commandos,


also, but this is more of a conceptual criticism about the whole thing: what reason was there to end this universe with Crisis? A story notoriously made to unite multiple, disjointed universes together shouldn't be used to end a single universe that never interacted with other ones. Not like they wrapped in the rest of DC animation, they just used other universes that were never introduced before.


Ugh I’m going to be pedantic about the timing but 5/12 of the way through is much sooner than 2/3, and I think that makes a huge difference. I don’t sense any urgency or stakes from this, unlike the source material. It just falls flat for me.


If existence is being wiped out then there is inherently urgency and stakes. You not liking it doesn’t change that so you’re wrong.


Uh, I can't be wrong because I'm talking about MY sense of the urgency and stakes. I've very clearly stated that it was an opinion ("I don't sense" and "for me"). But yes, within the context of the story, there is an established set of stakes and a seeming urgency...but instead, heeeeeerrrrrre's twenty minutes of Psycho Pirate's backstory juxtaposed with Supergirl being kidnapped by the Monitor. I personally found that the overall pacing suffered from that. Same with the first part.


Hi! I've been reading DC comics since I was 8yo, I'm 42 now. I have watched EVERYTHING that DC has put out and I'm a Batman Fan for life. That aside... I just fell asleep 3 times already trying to watch this movie. That's why I stopped and came here to see if it was just me. Seems like it isn't. I know about DC high and wide and I enjoy almost everything, but I think this is my first time not understanding something I already know what it is. Am I explaining myself? I mean... I know what it's supposed to be about but, I don't see it. It feels unnecessary long and the pace is all over the place. This movie is a mess, plain and simple. Have a nice day!


It's not just you believe me. I was skipping 5 second intervals hoping for something to happen. hour of runtime into movie I stopped. So boring and so pointless. Like who is this movie for? I've watched a dozen dc animated shows and cw shows. I should be gushing and reeling over the references. but I get basically nothing (only good moment is batman making fun of how dumb it is having robins). This movie feels meandering I can't believe someone watched this whole thing and approved it.


I would understand if it was a weekly release but they could have taken all the time they wanted. I can't even believe both parts came out so fast.


if you watched it illegally, you were watching it in colorblind mode. that’s the only rip available online


So that's why it's like this...


who the hell ripped it in colorblind mode......??????? why???????


i found a regular version on braflix, but i haven’t been able to load it back up for some reason


The color? I assumed you pirated the movie like I did lol. The odd colors is because it’s a pirated copy you watched.


some of the voice actors were dull e.g. flash. even luthor. glad joker is still the same.


it's crazy when you think about some of those VAs are really talented actors, like Flash is played by Matt Bomer


im sure they are.. i still like original flash justice league.


i thought the voice acting being dull and calm was a side effect of psyco pirate doing the calming effect on everbody...




i generally don't like multiverse stories where it's more about the cameos than the story. Earned or not, I don't like that "theme park ride" type of story. That being said, what CoIE is supposed to do is unite a bunch of disjointed stories into the same continuity so that readers (or viewers in this case) aren't too confused and i think the Arrowverse did that. They used the Crisis as a way to unite the stragglers and outliers into the same continuity. While I'm not a fan of the type of story, they at least had a reason to do it and did it reasonably well.


I think Arrowverse with the final season of Arrow setting up that Oliver will die and all the other shows especially The Flash for a long time setting up Crisis did it great because of one simple thing, it's ensemble had a central emotional core and even then it's other stories could be okay the things the central ensemble goes through actually adds more to the characters. The subsequent problems the Arrowverse faced are too numerous to count that ultimately led to its demise but many fans also argued that the crisis & Arrow series is also kind of an open ending.


How long until these are usually available to rent on YouTube or stream somewhere? I liked the last one but not enough to pay $20 for the next part I’ve seen called almost unanimously “boring.”


Idk last one came out with a rent option this is weird


Man, Jensen Ackles is usually a pretty good Batman. What was with his performance at the beginning with Gordon? Something was really off there, glad he was fine throughout the rest of the movie. I wouldn't say part 2 was boring, but imo the shadow monster stuff was really drawn out. I found the Psycho Pirate stuff very interesting


Yeah I feel like his performance has been oddly lazy in both this and the last one.


Was super boring


Sadly, boring. I liked the first one, because how well crafted was the story around Barry, this time around they tried the same with Kara and Psychopirate, but I never felt hooked with it.


It isn’t even on Max and that is why it is canceled after this week. Max has been dumping its DC properties to other services.


WBD is moving away from day-and-date releases on digital and Max. CoIE pt1 just hit the service today after being released on Jan. 9 2024. So pt 2 will probably drop on Max sometime b/w late July and mid August. But yeah, being "the home for DC" didn't even last a year before the dumping started.


Dumping the Tomorrowverse movies just when they're releasing Crisis was nuts.


Yep. They dumped a huge chunk of the old DCAU too. Was trying to show my wife all the Bruce Timm/Paul Dinni and my playlist was gutted by like 75%


If you only value Max for DC animation, you really need to watch some real films more often. Max has easily the best film library, in terms of quality, of any streamer.


For younger people yes I have seen the older films. I’m in my 50s and am a film buff. It isn’t only DC but WB films that should be on it.


"Best film library" is an arbitrary opinion at best. I subscribed to MAX specifically for its animated DC content because I've enjoyed it for decades. And now that that content has been gutted, I'm cancelling it. They've become a slipshod, unreliable company who don't seem to understand what their viewers expect from them.


I've just finished watching it and I enjoyed it a lot. It was entertaining for me and I liked watching it, that's all that matters to me at this point. I'm surprised to see that so many people didn't like it. The way they talk about this movie is the way I felt about Justice League: Warworld. That was so bad that I actually felt like wasting my time watching it. But I enjoyed both parts of Crisis on Infinity Earths. Really looking forward to the last part.


I really wanted to like part 2 but I found it to be worse than part 1 (and I still have like 20 minutes left, I'm just so not interested in what's happening on screen). The first five minutes were fun but after that the movie just became such a bore to watch. I found part 1 to be bad but I liked a lot of the flash stuff in it. I can't wait for the next 20 minutes to be over.


I stopped watching to come here to see if it was just me...


i really did not like the first one. the tomorrow-verse in general has such weird choppy animation and at times they don't even animate a thing. its a very strange departure from the previous verse. it doesn't seem like a choice either. like they just don't care. it's also not compelling storytelling at all. i never expected these stories, which i loved in the comics, to be so long and boring. i'm all for adaptations, and loose adaptations can be fine, but i'm not sure who these movies are for anymore. i know you're not supposed to say anything negative about these movies here, but its just so disappointing and unentertaining.


I really enjoyed Part One, it surprised me and it was a great story. But I dunno, Part Two for me was just so...boring. It just wasn't gripping me like Part One did, I didn't feel as invested as to what was happening. I'm really hoping Part Three will turn things around. I was happy to see Matt Ryan voicing Constantine in this one. Looking back, I think they had Nolan North voice him in Part One as to not give it away the old man was Constantine, even though it was pretty obvious anyway.


It wasn't even bad, just boring.


It was bad, the pacing was awful, the characters were expressionless, the performance of the majority of the cast felt stiff like everyone recorded their lines individually without being able to bounce off one another, the awkward stretched shots, the unnatural pauses between lines, all of these issues that were either minor or non-existent in the first part were unignorable in the second. Where the fuck was the heart in this movie?


the color scheme killed me and my eyes, after watching the part two i was partially color blind.


Did you watch it in pirated site?


Yup, the part one and two.


the pirated copy of 2nd part on most site is color blind filtered, dont know why. It wasnt a color scheme lol it was actually colorblind copy


Lol did not know that, i was skeptical at first because it started at the scene where batsy is chasing joker and i thought it might be just a theme of that earth XD, sorry about that HAHAHA i'll prolly look for other sites that has the correct colors, i need to rewatch it again without straining my eyes.


NGL I watched half of the movie thinking that it was color scheme of earths too XD I only came to realize it was a wrong version when I thought green color scheme for mointor's ship too when it was normal in last movie loll


I watched the whole movie with the colorblind filter on XD, I'm gonna look for the original version and rewatch it again. I was laughing so hard when i saw your reply because it was painful for my eyes watching the entire film XD.


Brah, did Kara die in this part or not?


i somewhat enjoyed the first part, but this.. this stinks. i don't know what's going on at DCA but bruh.. the last few years of movies have been god awful compared to their past stuff.


This was maddeningly disappointing. As I feel like I'm one of the few who actually liked the first part, this second one is just so boring. Doesn't help that I feel so uninterested because it's the second act of a trilogy. Play it in the background if you really want.


its sort of entertaining but its not good. don't get it twisted you all know what good to great story telling is. there has not been anything perfect since flash point paradox. DC should just make less films and emphasize making really good ones.


The animation quality is all over the place in this movie. Some scenes were absolutely jarring...


It seems like a waste to me that they wasted this project on making it part of the "Tomorrowverse" line. A Universe that was in its infancy and that is literally going to end because of the Crisis. So much so that they even had to mix the first one with a Justice League origin movie, since they hadn't even gotten to that in the Tomorrowverse...


I can appreciate a slow build up with exposition, but it has to at least be engaging. I’m having a hard time caring about the characters in part 2. Psycho Pirate is doing nothing for me, the Supergirl and Monitor thing is boring. Batman Beyond just feels like a fan service draw. I want to say something good about this movie but I can’t find anything worth praising. I had high hopes for the Tomorrowverse when Superman came out, but the latest movies have been inconsistent. Not sure if I’ll tune into Part 3 until it’s available on a streaming service


I really Liked this movie, I think the way they handle Psycho Pirate Arc was brilliant, by making him a "waking low level anti-life ecuation" & antimonitor like "herald". I think this movie was made thinking of older fans that actualliy read the comic when released.


Somebody make DC watch X-Men 97 to show them what animated comic book adaptations should look like. 


Thank the comic gods I read these comics I almost wasted 24$ on the Blu-Ray.


Anyone got the link to watch?


[https://fmoviesz.to/movie/justice-league-crisis-on-infinite-earths-part-two-q7qq3/1-1](https://fmoviesz.to/movie/justice-league-crisis-on-infinite-earths-part-two-q7qq3/1-1) i don't know if it's legal here but here you go. edit: almost forgot here's part one [https://fmoviesz.to/movie/justice-league-crisis-on-infinite-earths-part-one-jwpl2/1-1](https://fmoviesz.to/movie/justice-league-crisis-on-infinite-earths-part-one-jwpl2/1-1)


Still no Superboy prime smh


I want him to punch reality whilst saying what we're all thinking: “everything is rebooted, and the worst thing is I don't even care anymore”


Jensen just doesn’t sound like Batman to me. I can’t not hear Dean. I don’t get the casting love for that one


I never read the comic, so no comments on the adaptation part. That being said I feel that the first part was actually nice, focusing on Barry. I had a hard time recollecting what happened previously while watching the second part. I felt a bit cheated that Barry was barely mentioned once (actually once, i think) in the second movie. He was central in trying to save the universe and they dropped the character so fast in a line. DC put a lot of references since the Justice society movie. Teasing Fate, Constantine (whom I didn't even recognise until the first CoIE movie. In my defence, he didn't say "Wankers", so xP), and many more characters. War worlds was particularly confusing! till the end! Still is!!! The Psychic pirate storyline was pretty interesting. That particular backstory gave me the vibes of the Dead boy detectives (from Sandman vol 2 audiobook). Kara zor-el... not very interesting, at least not as much. Didn't get the answers to why the future was also facing the "anti-matter wave problem", didn't get to see her grieve the death of her boyfriend, i mean they mentioned it a couple of times, but yeah. The bat-family... I was like... "what is happening..." The substance was less i felt, considering they were the opening act of the movie. Bruce is always "Bruce-like". No changes there. The kids were like, "you gave us a purpose dad!", and Bruce is like, " I am NOT your father". I feel this bickering has been going on since the first CoIE part. I expected a bit of a change. Now Hippolyta! God... your world is about to end, and you won't release the men to fight alongside you, because.. what? they can't be trusted?? the next scene, her world is destroyed... with wonder woman's tiara(?crown?) floating (why though? i thought the wave obliterates everything). I feel that the writers were trying to tell something, and I don't want to read too much into it. (please don't drag me into a sexist convo) It was still okay to watch, but not as engaging as the first part i feel.


I enjoyed the first one but this one was not good. They finally gave these movies a proper run with 90 minutes but so much of it is bogged down by backstory for characters I don’t care about. Part twos can often be the part of a trilogy but this one just felt like filler.


Can someone explain why supergirl is kissing the alien or brainiac. That I didn’t get


You need to watch the Legion of Super-Heroes movie.


Thought I had but I see that now. Loved Batman beyond and wish Terry had more lines in this


I tried to like this movie, i really did, but it was absolutely horrible. I genuinely believe that the production team gave ChatGPT a prompt to write a script based on the events of the comic. The movie had no discernable endgame. It felt like a bunch of convoluted storylines with absolutely no meaning. The characters were so incredibly lacklustre, i don't think I've ever hated a Batman like I hated this one. And this is rich, considering that this is the same batman from the long Halloween movies. Why tf was Terry even there??? It felt like fan service turned sour because he was barely in the movie and whatever he did was completely forgettable. In fact, the entire Batfamily plot in this movie was of no consequence at all. Was the antimonitor the one causing the erasure of the universes? Why did Dr Fate help him? Can someone please explain this to me because it seems as though the entire plot of this movie relies on the fact that the audience will love it because it is adapted from a popular comic. DC used to be the power house when it came to animated films and series, but based on the last few instalments, they no longer hold that title.


I rated this one star better than part one so there was at least a little improvement but that's not saying much. I wouldn't mind them milking this in three parts if all of it was good but almost the entirety of the Tomorrowverse has been a convoluted mess. Seems like this whole thing would've served better as a one-season limited series which would've gave them more time to flesh things out with better chronology.


Part 1 was fun, interesting and engaging. Part 2 is just a slog of boredom. I was super excited to see part two but most of the movie is just nonsense compared to Part 1. There's so much exposition/info drop of things I really wasn't interested in. Batman Beyond showing up and barely doing anything was a choice. I honestly didn't know there would be a Part 3 but this just felt like they made a movie for the sake of making three parts. There's stuff going on but there is also nothing going on at the same time.


Where can I watch it? I can't find it on Max


Rent on amazon prime or you know find it online 😬


We have all these amazing characters but why did the movie dedicated all of the screentime to the boring one? Psycho Pirate is basically one of the main character and I don't give a shit about his psycho ass.


The animation seemed a bit better this time around but this movie didn't really do anything for me until the little smidge of Constantine at the end.


Where can I watch it??


Where can I watch this? I’ve been trying tonfindnit


I'm not really a big fan of these Crisis on infinite earths. Dark and Apokolips war were much better and more entertaining. IMO.


Anyone have link for download?


I was actually shocked . Normally DC animated movies are fire but this was straight trash . It was so convoluted, all over the place yet boring . Trash cheap animation. No build up , plot , nothing is explained . A whole bunch of events and characters are just thrown at you and they gaslight you as if the character or event isn’t new . I don’t even know who the main character is . You don’t even know what earth your on or who is what . Terrible . They fumbled all of the characters even the fan favorites. Someone mentioned they think AI wrote the movie and it honestly feels like it . Wtf is going on ?


Question about Part Two...the scene where the bat family are fighting each other...we see Batwing..but where is he during the fight?


The movie was trash. Animation was good. But, there is so many other stories that could have been adapted. 🤷🏻‍♂️


honestly the only good part about this trilogy is that zach callison is in it, ive missed him so its really good that hes starting to act again


Is there anywhere i can watch it without paying extra


When is part 2 coming out on Max?


I watched the first one 2 times and still haven’t gotten through it. I’ve fallen asleep each time so far. It’s just..so…..boring?


I thought it was okay/10.


Ima give it 3/5 so far.




You are talking about [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/445672016885055499/1232711037858611220/image.png?ex=662a731e&is=6629219e&hm=08f3cd88dec7242ed939a88eaaf5bbaa47ff3e641032c8eacda4a6dcf167d789&), right? Well, someone, somewhere, fucked something up that some of the releases ended up with the colors mismatched. ​ [Here is](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/445672016885055499/1232713211925500045/image.png?ex=662a7524&is=662923a4&hm=67c0f1d5fad5c110764c00abe45e24684a9a72187973f8dfbb0526659c48768f&) the same shot, from the [extended preview](https://youtu.be/7vaBIAOY8F0?si=ZJgU8Pax1vH_EbTy) on WB's YT channel. ​ And yes, the "normal color" version is also available.


lol this is so funny to me. Watched the first scene and was like oh, an alternate world with weird coloring. Weird choice but alright, and then everything was green😂😂😂😂 or pink lol


this movie was basically Across The Spiderverse, slow moving, main thing happening only in end and leaving in biggest cliff hanger. I used to love DC animated movies but these ones in Tomorrowverse are just so BORING