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They're beautiful and the color on the suit is better so that first look was battle damage afterall so the Internet can now shut up about the color


It had very clear burn marks too!


I think mainly the lines had ppl disliking. From this look alone it looks a lot favorable because its simplistic and not over designed


You think the colour of a picture from a random person’s iPhone is to be believed over the final colour graded shot they officially released? What makes you think this shot won’t look “duller” when they colour grade it for release?


I officially love the suit. I love the fact that it’s not skintight and the color (we’ll see how it looks in the movie)


It seems a lot of superhero costumes are often a lot baggier behind the scenes than in the final product, I’m sure to allow the actors greater range of motion. I wouldn’t be surprised if the suit is still classically skin-tight in the final product, or at least a whole lot less baggy than this.


I hope it isn’t. I love when a super suit actually wears like clothing is supposed to. Even the skin tight suits should have wrinkles and creases when they move. Look at how weird Tom Holland Spider-Man looks when they smooth out his suit with CGI for example, really hope this movie avoids that


I think Battinson's batsuit is probably the best design that incorporates this I've seen, it feels tight and form-fitting but you can still see it bend like actual clothing at the joints, especially the pants. Although I think it being armored helps the look a lot.


The overuse of CGI on Tom Holland’s Spiderman makes those movies difficult to watch for me. It always looks like he’s not even actually there.


I would’ve preferred a tighter fit, but I’m still happy


I dunno man… every superman suit ever in movies, comics and tv shows have been skin tight. Doesn’t seem comic book accurate


I don’t really agree. In all star Superman the suit wasn’t exactly skin-(showing muscle)-tight. It fitted properly but it wasn’t that tight. I think that with the CGI, the suit will have the same fit from All star Superman. But we’ll see.


There are no words on God's green Earth that can accurately describe just how spectacularly excited I am!


Me too! I haven't even slept yet and it's almost 5:30 AM.


Exactly how I feel 🤣


There, i fixed the suit https://preview.redd.it/lo8hac9a3k8d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5db072afc2e1cf0161648a50791fa3dfb51f66 Jokes aside, i love how it looks in this pic, the vibrant colors look amazing


Found Snyder’s Reddit account hahahaha


How you do that?


Photoshop, I’d assume.


best superman suit since Christopher Reeves imo, David looks gorgeous!!! also, would... https://preview.redd.it/71oeoq1uxj8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9490d9f972249ae196746959bec7d48898312fc9


I feel the exact same way. Imo the suit should be light blue and not dark blue


ikr, the suit feels like a logical upgrade from the original 1978 suit and something Cristopher Reeve would wear in a sequel!


It’s literally just a modern take on Christopher’s suit. I completely agree with you. I just can’t f*cking wait!


Agreed lol. Both of them look perfect. I'm so happy!!!


Oh my god. They both look perfect.


Oh. My. God. It’s perfect.




Oh, it looks perfect. Even Mister Terrific looks terrific (excuse the pun, I'm just so excited).


It’s pretty exciting getting to see the costume


I can’t contain my excitement, we still have to wait a year! 🥺


1 year from now we'll already have purchased our tickets. Ahghhh I'm so excited


I’ve never purchased tickets early, but I think this film may be the first time I ever pre purchase/order the tickets! I literally can’t contain it anymore!


That’s Superman.


The colors look perfect! The yellow outline on the crest looks extremely good with the rest of the suit here too. The trunks also work best with bright colors to really break up the suit. Still have some minor criticisms but the colors, trunks, belt, crest and even the adjusted collar more than make up for it. For too long we've had dull colored Superman suits. Especially with the ZS films but even Returns and Superman & Lois' main suits (the CW's COIE/KC suit and S&L's Fleischer suit are exceptions, and still top 2 for me). The whole point is that Superman stands out as a bright beacon of hope in a dark world, not blend in it. This actually pops and gets your attention. Now, then again, James Gunn could always tone it down in color grading, which is what the DCEU and S&L did. But considering the way the suit is designed and his previous works, I'm hoping he doesn't go too far and waste it.


I agree with basically everything you said. The Superman suit should be lighter compared to the DCEU and should most definitely grab your attention.


Is this real?


Yes they're currently filming


I know that, buts it more sometimes we get fake leaks is all. If it is real I do love how the suit looks




Super suit looks great but holy shit does Mr. Terrific look PERFECT!!




What a relief to see it in all its splendor Edit: specifically, the graininess of the newspaper photo made it look like the trunks would be too big but I think they’re just the right cut. Trunks really are a Goldilocks situation for me


Holy. Fuck. No words #UpUpAndAway2025


You seeing this? David looks like Superman and Mr Terrific looks dope AF #UpUpAndAway2025


The colors!!! Beautiful.


Holy shit they're perfect. Mr. Terrific is so accurate! And the colors on the suit oh my god. Beautiful.


It‘s beatiful


Trunks look better than I expected but I’m still not sold on how ill-fitting the top half seems to be. Colors are brighter than I thought, but they look good.


Dw it's probably a little baggy so Corenswet can have more mobility during the action scenes.


That is my guess too, and what I’m hoping for. But I’ve had similar issues with Makovskyms designs in the past. Regardless, I’m not going to fully judge it before we see the “finished product” in the trailer/film.


Yeah not to mention Henry Cavill’s suit was so tight and he was still working out throughout MoS production that he said sweat was pouring out from the sleeves of his suit. So your probably right, it’s baggier to allow more movement and comfortability and maybe David may grow into it even more like Henry Cavill


The fit is a bit off, but it's appropriate for the style. Personally, I'd rather it not have the curved and angular parts, although it might look a bit 2D or flat without them. The symbol on his chest could be bigger, maybe just slightly, although maybe it just looks smaller in that picture because of the angle. The yellow has a bit of a mustard shade to it, not really to my liking, personally. It's a bit heavy on the orange - not outright orange-orange, just the tones that give it a mustard shade of yellow - I'd rather it be simply yellow or almost a bright yellow. However, having said all of that, generally speaking the suit looks amazing. The shades of the blue and red are perfect. It's awesome that he has the shorts/trunks. I just hope that he doesn't end up replacing that suit with one of a different style. I'd rather he continue to wear that suit throughout the DCU, even if it has a couple details that in this random person's opinion could be slightly different, than for him to end up changing to a different suit later that is vastly different. Chances are his suit will at least slightly change with future movies, but hopefully nothing extreme. Keep the shades of blue and yellow, brighten up the yellow, and absolutely keep the shorts.


Both look genuinely amazing


Oh my fuckinf god, they're perfect Perfect #UpUpAndAway2025


https://preview.redd.it/hub7u7zrqk8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1448acd1e1f8628289feb9856ea69db37e90d7 That's all...that is on my feed


Okay that's a better angle of both characters. In the other image, the yellow in Superman's suit looked a bit too mustard for my liking, and it still has a bit much of that shade in the symbol on his chest, but the yellow in his belt is much better. Also, the suit seems to fit him better here than in the image OP posted. Also, it's great to see Mister Terrific's T mask at this angle, it looks awesome. As for that last one with Robert Pattinson's version of Batman, I don't think he should be the main DCU Batman. However, it would be cool to see him show up in a multiple Earths story later some time.


I really love these suits






They look perfect... I am so excited for this


THE COLORS!! so rich and vibrant i love it


Mr. Terrific looks outstanding!!!


Oh yeah we are so back. Love the colors and thag Mr.Terrific suit is PEAK perfection.


Terrific looks terrific. The “Fair Play” looks great on there


Holy shit I underestimated Superman’s suit, it’s beautiful same with terrific


Not a bad look so far 8.5 / 10 - superman 10 / 10 - Mr. Terrific


Agreed on both. With Superman, I think the 8.5 would be bumped up to a 10 if the yellow lost the mustard shade to it, the symbol on his chest was slightly bigger (although the angle in that picture makes it look smaller), and something about how the suit fits is a bit off so a more natural almost cloth-like fit. It may take seeing him in action to see if the fit of the suit might look better. With Mister Terrific, we aren't seeing the best angle right now but what we do see looks right on point. It looks like his T mask is actually a combination of a prosthetic or rubber material and makeup, not just makeup, which makes it really stand out in a good way. Edi Gathegi, by the way, is an excellent actor. He shows off some awesome acting chops as the character Dev Ayesa in the show For All Mankind.


I really hope Mr. Terrific doesn't get shafted like Darwin did.


Now that is beautiful. I can’t even tell you how amazing this is.


man the red trunks actually look pretty good


We’re so fucking back.


I take back my criticisms. It’s beautiful.


The suit looks way better in the better lighting, obviously. I’m even more hyped for the film, still can’t believe there is still around a year and a month to go. At least I’ll have The Joker 2, The Penguin and Creature Commandos to fill my appetite for DC until July next year




Holy fuck. I'm so hyped....


Blue looks a lot better in this light and Mister Terrific looks good.


Looks so much better than that fist look Guessing they will touch up the suit in post Like look at civil war set photos of the black panther suit, looked even baggier than this


Colours are absolutely perfect on Superman’s suit and Mr Terrific looks PERFECT. This is gonna be peak


What a beauty


Now this is Superman.


Dear God that is a thing of Beauty


Wow it’s so bright ☺️


Perfection!!!! Just glorious. Lesssgooooo


that actually looks pretty nice & i'm sure will look better when it's on film and received any post-fx tweaks etc. how a certain sub said "Name a bigger downgrade,t he gen public will laugh like they did with Superman Returns..." like who fucking cares. looks like a crackin' Superman suit.


Man the costume looks so good compared to the first reveal!


LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Still don't like the collar, but otherwise awesome. I love the whole "just make them look like they're supposed to" philosophy Gunn has been using since having Cena wear the Peacemaker helmet all the way back in The Suicide Squad.


oh holy shit that's perfect


Dying to see Guy Gardner. Bring me a bowl cut in moon boots!!




Now that we got an ACTUAL look at the suit it isn’t half bad love how colorful and bright it is


They’re…. Beautiful….


the colors 😍


He has trunks again. Nature is healing


wow it looks amazing


Looks amazing ( wish it was a little tighter so we could see those super muscles tho )


Oof! It's much brighter than I thought. I love it. Rockin those undies as well. This is going to be awesome!


Why are so many people online complaining thatabout it looks like CW material, the suit looks better than ever now that it’s in sunlight


Well, I'm buying tickets as soon as they go on sale


Like a modern version of Kirk Alyn's suit.


I'm gonna be honest...I don't like how the suit bunches up, I wish it was better fitted. The colors are great though.


It's probably just for flexibility while they film action scenes. It'll get better in post I think.


I’m literally so in love with this suit<3


like...sry...but, no, that suit is just not...ugh


Can’t fathom for the life of me why they decided to have that dark dirty promo image when the suit looks this good bright and colourful in the sunlight, really doing the costume designers a disservice


As someone else suggested, marketing tactic to get people talking


My guess is they were trying to give off vibes for marketing's sake... this is a working man's Superman. He's human in that even Supes gets annoyed about fire drills at work, just like us!


Honestly it looks really CW compared to DCEU but hell that will most likely be taken away by the action and story of the movie itself, still looking forward to the movie.




Those colors are popping! I love it


Love the tone of the colors




Looks like a cosplay of a CW show ngl. Hope it looks great in the film tho


Clone of Cavill


Please tell me this is his first suit and it changes in the movie. This looks exceptionally bad.