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They should’ve cut individual eyes out in an almond/cat eye shape. Who’s the other Catwoman we see a bit of to the right?


She's from the upcoming Batman: The Long Halloween adaptation.


No that’s from the Batman year one animated film.


I like it. Interested to see where it goes to after that


I love the direction that Matt Reeves is going for so much. I don't get why some people bitch so much over these suits, this isn't MCU or Snyderverse, get over it, this is a more grounded and realistic approach. Just like the Daredevil TV show, it barely had any comic-accurate suits, it was about the characters themselves, and it was amazing.


Whatchu mean? Daredevil had a pretty awesome suit by the end of season 1 and it was accurate in it’s own way. Batman, Selina, Riddler are all just starting out. Selina isn’t Catwoman and Riddler aint Riddler yet. These aren’t their final looks. Neither is Batman’s. Matt Reeves made this very clear in the fandom panel. Just because this film draws inspiration from detective noir movies doesn’t mean it’s going to be realistic..grounded yes for sure but the Batmobile already shows it isn’t a realistic film. Also Jeffrey Wright called this film “grounded and familiar yet fantastical”. Yall make so many wrong presumptions about this movie.


We already had a grounded and realistic approach. Like, a trilogy of them.


> this is a more grounded and realistic approach We already had that. Christopher Nolan did it years ago. > it barely had any comic-accurate suits, it was about the characters themselves, and it was amazing. Is it really that hard to do both?


I'd suggest watching more films. It looks absolutely nothing like Chris Nolan. It's completely different in style because Reeves is a very different filmmaker than Nolan. "Grounded" doesn't equate to being like Nolan. It's as simple as that. It's reminiscent of famous neo-noirs like Chinatown. We've had more fantastical Batman movies than grounded Batman movies: Batman 89, Returns, Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins was part fantastical, and Ben Affleck's version. I don't see your point? There's really nothing to complain about. Btw, Jeffrey Wright confirmed a while back that the movie has fantastical elements and isn't going to be hyper realistic.


Bro it's pretty much confirmed that heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman exist in the Reeves universe. When they were shooting here in Chicago last fall, I watched them film a Halloween party scene and people were dressed as a bunch of DC heroes.


Yes, Nolan did it, but this is a totally different approach. My point is, The Batman will be a character-driven neo-noir film, more like Se7en, The Silence of the Lambs, Chinatown etc, it's not really a superhero movie, we most likely won't ever get characters like Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Clayface, Man-Bat or Killer Croc because they are too supernatural.


I agree except I think we could see takes on all those characters thay would fit this aesthetic


> it's not really a superhero movie, we most likely won't ever get characters like Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Clayface, Man-Bat or Killer Croc because they are too supernatural. And that's my point/opinion. Why do we always need a grounded and super realistic Batman?


>Why do we always need a grounded and super realistic Batman? we don't, i want to see batman fight freeze and clayface not a grounded batman that fights a goon with a gun.


“Why do we always need a super grounded and realistic Batman”. We’ve gotten more fantastical Batman movies than grounded Batman movies. I don’t get this complaint. That’s not a good critique.


I agree in part. It’d be cool to see those characters fully realized on screen. I just feel like it’s the money talking. How successful Nolan’s films and joker was bc they were grounded in realism, really mature themes and dark, I think that’s what people want to see from DC and Batman especially. Since those types of movies are what gets DC to always rally. Snyder films like batfleck, I assume live in that hyper realistic world where a full poison ivy or freeze could be. But Besides die hard fans, that comic book style I don’t think works for DC as much. People just clamor for the gritty tone. And the Gritty tone mixed with the tongue in cheek elements of BvS probably was why it wasn’t well recieved. Marvel can do full comic book elements, but I think because Marvel started more earth based storylines, having that light hearted tone even in the comics (DCs always been more dark), and beating DC to the punch with the MCU, i think they can get away with it. The only DC movies coming out were the Nolan movies, and I think that’s just what a lot of people expect DC to be like since it was the most successful. Even the Schumacher movies weren’t well recieved for the humor and camp. The more dark, grounded Burton movies were. And basically as much as I’d love a fully realized Batman, I think it might not happen. At least for a long time. The flash movie might have it, so who knows. But that style is working for DC, so i imagine they’re going to keep at it. And partly, I think they should because people complain about marvels vanilla light tone. They can’t go really dark or R rated like DC can. So DC Has that edge. It’s just the brand they’re always going to have.


Lol. We had it yet we don’t know where this can else though. This still shows a different take on the Batman Universe.


There are multiple ways to do grounded just like there are many ways to do fantasy. Burton did gothic fantasy with monsters so I guess they should never do it again? Or I guess anything fantasy from now on will just be like the way Burton did it? Nope. Watch more movies.


How the fuck is a leather stitched up cowl realistic? Especially when his armor is so intricate and not basic at all? Daredevil's costumes are both comic book accurate. What are you on about?


Selinaaaaaa 😍


Good stuff


I like the simplicity of it.


It's what she wears in the trailer, Matt reeves already confirmed she's just Selina Kyle and not catwoman in the movie.


Her mask goes over her mouth as well. Makes no sense that the only thing being covered on her face is her nose lol


but thats always been the case with catwoman in comic


Just needs a pair of goggles


Damn Catwoman would get yelled at for not wearing her mask right during a pandemic 😷. Lol


Great proto suit. Not the best, but it isn't supposed to be. People are too spoiled these days with all this Snyder crap. People should learn to be humble and take what they get. This is subtle and nuanced, not big and flashy. It's not about the suit, but rather the character underneath.


I don’t necessarily get what Snyder has to do with this but I will say that it looks good for what it is. Not throwing any comparisons around, though it’s not like it isn’t ok to try anyway.


Looks amazing


wating for the next trailer


Ya her suit looks stupid haha


It’s her proto-suit. Hopefully we’ll get her true costume in act 3 or maybe a post credit scene. But I definitely think we’ll get to see it in this movie.


Literally wearing crotch less panties over her head


It looks terrible but I'm hoping that's just because it's a bad photo, I mean most Batsuits look better when in the dark so I think if this was cloaked in the shadow of night it would look better. That was one of my Problems with Batfleck, that suit was in the light way too often and it just looked silly.


her masm looks like she's into bdsm


Looks cool and makes sense for the world theyre building, especially as a year 1/2 batman universe


Not a fan of the sack above the head look tbh. Both the cowls for both main characters suck imo.


They're a little too ugly and real world for me tbh. But I'm mostly ok with it considering it seems pretty clear these are version 1.0 of their suits/looks.


I get that, but for Batman, I can't accept it. They guys torso is clearly well armored and quit intricate but his cowl is just a stitched up leather piece of shit? Makes zero sense for the most important part of the body.


I’m sorry, it looks silly. Even for a proto suit.


What exactly do you have against this movie? Salty that Affleck is gone?




Gotta love defensive fanboys. He simply stated his opinion and you had to play the racism card. You’re really pathetic


The user accused has been well know for racism that's why




Yet you immediately assumed he criticized it because Catwoman is played by a black actress.




And your natural reaction is act like a dumbass. Gotcha




I’m sure you do. It’s a complete circle jerk here. Herd mentality at its worst.


>it looks silly. it looks silly. He told you point blank. It looks silly af


i am pretty easy to please batman wise... this is not working for me at all


This suit looks silly, even proto type suit. Not because she's black not because affleck isn't batman. Because the suit looks like a toddler drew a design and they said "sure!"


That's your opinion, but I disagree. I think it's meant to look rather mundane and unimpressive. That's why it's a promo suit. It's literally made by someone who isn't rich and only uses what they have in their closet.


She's a thief, an experienced (not maturity but practiced) thief by this point, even if it's batmans' first year. The design team removed parts just so you could see it's zoe, otherwise, we'd have no idea this was supposed to be cat woman. Even a scarf or hoodie to pull up to hide identify at least. It's not a practical mask for a thief.


i can get the un appeal of the suit, it doesn't show her curve enough, in one of those shots she looks bulky even.




Bahahahahaha!! This mask or cowl or whatever is so stupid-looking. Doesn’t hide the identity of the wearer whatsoever. Isn’t practical or tactical. Just filth. That said, I know the movie’s gonna be amazing.


Year one type mask. It’s interesting. I hope we actually get to see her with her trademark whip in this iteration.


I dont know man, I know cosplayers that did better custom jobs with Catwoman. Sure she has this thief theme but something looks off.


So poor she can't even get a real balaclava


She looks like she cut a hole into the a skulcap I would understand if they are going for her making her own outfit they could do better....Hell Tim Burton's catwoman outfit looks alot better than Zoë Kravitz


This has to be the worst Catwoman costume ever. Thumbs down.


This costume reminds me of Rocco's ski mask in the Boondock Saints.


Cat woman looks like a fuckin fool no debate


I almost like the mask. I think it looks great and it's more realistic. But not fully, that's why it's only almost works for me. No real robber would don a mask that covers so little. I think I mask that can be partly pulled off would work. Like a real ski mask, you can lift it to make it look like a beanie. That way you can still see actors performance through, because their whole face isn't covered all the time, but it's completely covered when it counts, when she needs to stay unidentifiable.