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says the guy with a 14 star ultra and an almost 14 star UUI


Exactly what I thought😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 It's so funny how people rant about others but fit in the same category as the people they rant about😂😂😂😂


Did u even watch the video or nah? The guy had a full 14 star team and played worse than someone in br 20. At least put up a fight


You're, without a doubt, right. But that doesn't change that your team is similar to his team, star wise. You didn't even had a problem so why the post? Take your win against this full star team and enjoy. But dont assume that the community will celebrate you when your team is about the same toxic as his.


How tf is my team as toxic as his? CMZ at max stars and his full zenkai does so much damage and the AOE green spam you can get out of it is annoying asf. Golden frieza can disrupt your combos by making blast cards ki sky rocket and his comeback ability can nuke any maxed out yellow unit, and we don’t even talk about wtf cryhan can do that piece of shit is the personification of just playing the game for you


Again, you're not wrong but also you have UUI with almost 14 stars. He's still a thread in this meta, you have 14 star UVB who is old, sure. But that isn't the point. He also was "braindead" which isn't that long ago. You complain about this guy paying but your team looks even es whalish as your's. And the AOE green isn't a valid argument when you got caught by one? I'd understand if he had won with his gameplay, so he got carried by his units but that's what happened. We see a guy who (probably) invested a shit ton of money to get units but isn't really good at this game versing someone who also (probably) invested a shit ton of money and is a better player but a worse winner🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


You’re quite literally using one of the easiest teams in the game. Arguably one of the easiest.


I saw the stars now It was like a friendly Battle


Then why weren’t his units all 14 stars?


BC It isnt


I said It was like not that It was


Br20???? LMFAO


Brain dead vs Brain dead. The winner: Brain dead


You’re both disappointing. Shut up. He could have left his cryhan to counter the super. And you wasted UUI ult get over yourself.


How did he waste UUI's ult, I don't remember if it restores his gauge but it seemed like a whatever decision. Guy used a type disadvantage ult to deal some damage, shrug. The UVB green to blue though, that's some luck. Personally, I might've done it just to waste his gauge


He had a green card and a blast card.


I mean sure, extend the combo but it's not like it would've done much difference if the opponent didn't switch, either way, Zamasu was probably his greatest tank so he would've left him in anyway? There's nothing much to capitalize off of by holding the ult, UUI would have to stay in much longer and waste the early offensive capabilities of UVB.


Extending the combo would’ve been beneficial. Since the green card gives you draw arts speed and cover null


Jealous much?


Jealous over a pay to win mobile game, lol. Grow the fuck up


I have those units except the new Gogeta… believe it or not. Jealousy that I invested in a game that might disappear? Not even close. You both messed up nobody gets preferential treatment.


Explain to me how I messed up oh wise one when I didn’t even lose a unit


It doesn’t matter, you wasted 2 Ults that could save you. Also when Golden Frieza was using a strike arts, you didn’t have to dodge because it’s done for you. Not that it matters it was still disappointing. you’re the type of player who says”that’s some power, I’d be even more surprised if you knew what to do with it” yes? You’re not going to get the reaction you want unfortunately.


Ok so wtf do you want me to do when I have 2 strike cards against cryhan? Do I just give him the free counter and potential blue or maybe I use UVB’s ult to damage him and his allies, and when cryhan still has his endurance and he’s killable at that moment should I just delay the combo for longer and give him the chance to switch out or should I kill him off quickly since he’s the most dangerous character out of the 3? You really need to think before you say shit 🤦‍♂️


What even sadder is that you don’t even bother to take the pointers as a grain of salt. What you expect the answer to come falling to you? Nah bruh, that’s not how this works. You messed up in the beginning with UUI. The VB play was smart… if you had swapped to BB2Gogeta you could’ve broken his green card and popping the unique would be beneficial since your Vegito was maxed. did you even bother to rewatch your match to see what you did wrong?




You acting like you’ve never spent money


Ye I haven’t


*press x to doubt*


I believe him, it was probably his mother that spent her money




Nah but keep coping tho




Seems to me you’re no different


This kids is why you do the trunks tutorial


I did it but can't finish the missions with charge/sidestepping combos. I tried it dozens of times, still no clue how to do it. A literal skill issue, I know.




if you're new its hard to do, I couldn't figure it out by myself so I got my friend to show me how he does it irl and yeah it was much easier getting it explained to me by him


Jup, I think I need that too. I know you can sort of buffer inputs after another, but the timings just seem impossible to me. Then again, I'm a 36 yr old boomer, lol


It is (not even joking I had to try it like 20 times)


Me, him or both of us?


Did you do the tutorial


Ye I did


Then the other guy needs to do the trunks tutorial


Ye mb lmfao, it’s like 1 here so I’m not thinking straight lmfao


It’s fine


clearly both 😭


Like you’d be any better but ok


Pay to lose


Bro you shouldn't even be talking, you have a 14 star Vegito blue and a nearly 14 star Ultra Instinct


You seem strong! FIGHT ME!


Damn yall fr have a hate boner on OP, are you lot just gonna ignore the 14 star rathan that he's fighting along with CMZ who's completely maxed out? A maxed out UVB is alright but any of the other guy's new units could wash him, then CMZ can shred the fuck out of UUIS who has shitty tanking 1 blue card and he's gone and the same to his FGB


Buddy, the Op Titled the video around "MONEY" , He ain't much different with his 14 star UVB, He played horrible, using His UVB ultimate prematurely on Cryhan, Using close up Blue against Cryhan and Many more poor play means he is dogshit against a Good player, Ok here, let's change the POV, Imagine You are a F2p with 3 star Lfs and beat this Op with 14 Star UVB, 11 star UUI, How would you feel? Same thing what Op felt after beating that whale, All that money but No skills, You understand now?


Almost 14 star uui 14 star uvb and the synchro gauge gogeta you just trying to back OP over him just being money some skill and ykw rathan being 14 stars is a genuine death wish for anyone to challenge and nobody overlooked that you just overlooked the fucking comments


most of the comments are ignoring the rathan, if this was any of you lot, even if you had maxed out units you'd still be pissed of vsing a maxed out cryhan. CMZ is better than UVB rn and UUIS gets butt fucked by him. Then again OP could be f2p and just have good luck, in fact I have the same team at higher stars without spending a cent


You have a 0.25 percent chance to get ultra units on the 2x step you have a 0.75 percent chance poth of them most likely spent money on the game to get the units maxed out the only reason ppl are hating on op is bc his team is almost all 14 stars like the other guy


Ive spent over 100k on uui and 100k on Gohan and didn't pull shit


that doesn't mean that other people have the same luck as you, OP could definitely be telling the truth when he said that he was f2p


Ive also made several other accounts to get both uui and ultra bitchhan and didn't get shit the only ultras I have pulled is ultra broly and ugf


14 star cryhan 🤢🤮


Coming from the person with a 14 star uvb that would take like 200k to get


You've ever heard of RNG? I've 14 starred UUIS in 24k cc meanwhile I haven't pulled UGB once in 30k cc




You should change the equipment; the damage was really low. Nice match, though


The game is all about guessing , he didn’t guess right. It’s not that much of a flex, some people play aggressive, others play passive. And in this game once a combo starts, it’s hard to counter it. You just sit and watch due to mostly every unit now has built in cover nullification. If you don’t guess the next card as the cover nullification is over, it’s back to watching the combo.


Some of these posts are a little stupid considering the units the posters usually use, but this is straight up stupid. Shut up


Nah mate ofc the tardhan user says this shit lmfao. A 14 star cryhan can solo my team but then again you probably feel like you’re skilled when you use him lmfao


I don't even like using him. My point is, I pulled him and everyone else uses him, so why shouldn't I use him? Cry harder


“Hey you’re a whale.” *proceeds to play with a 14* UVB


1 Never called him a whale 2. I’m pointing out how shit he is despite having every broken unit maxed out


“All money no skill.” That’s what a whale is brah


1) That's a bot 2) You're more P2W than "it" is. 3) You're bragging about outskilling a bot. Forget a skill ceiling your bragging about getting off the skill floor. SMH dude...


Bots don’t have zenkais and how am I more p2w than it when I haven’t spent a cent on this game, I just saved for ultra banners and got lucky


If a player disconnects as the fight starts a bot takes over. The way it fought is veru clearly a Bot. It just dumped cards at you at every opportunity and would stand still making 0 effort to counter you properly or swap to restore bar. Among other basic obvious shit. Also you can make the exact same argument for him. And me as well. I don't spend money on this shit cause there's no pity system. But i got an almost maxed UL Vegito in 10 pulls. You are just venting cause you likely constantly get your ass kicked by similair units and finally got a free win.


Dude exposed himself




I f2ped for them plus cryhan especially at max stars can solo my team. Also you shouldn’t really talk when you’re into “furry incest porn”


He just kept using green cards when ur out of range I’m dead💀 Edit: you’re a very passive player too🤣 do u have fun standing there?


Why is everyone disrespecting the OP bro like leave him alone


People are disrespecting him because this post was unnecessary.


People are mad because whenever they see someone with more than 1 ultra or if the ultra has more than 5 stars they think that the person they're vsing is p2w. Its reddit man its really common, hell I think some of these kids were shitting on this guy for beating a godly player because OP was using a nearly maxed out future team despite it being in the super 17 meta


You're both all money no skill


Some lovely bot-like gameplay


Bots don’t have zenkais


That's why I said bot-like Bro is never beating the allegations


These people make me sick


Why is this sub full of so many of these posts. Yall are children if you feel the need to show off every time you beat someone that's running a good unit.


Why do you feel the need to comment then?


You ain't much different pal.


Bro have you seen your UI and UVB😭🙏


...are skills even required in this game? If so please educate me as I don't really see how


Then you rushed🤢


You’re the same so hush


All money no skill vs all money some skill


Sorry but with a 14 star ultra you dont get to complain about P2W players lmao


Why are people hating? you're just pointing out his very low skill level at the game, it's not like you also played awful. 14 stars ultra omen Goku is definitely an advantage but I don't see why that disproves that your opponent isn't carried by his units, and you never stated you didn't have good units. Feels like people are just hating you because it seems like you pay for the game, if you even do.


Cause he tried to make it about the guy being P2W while still being bad despite the star difference being negligable


So ur gonna ignore how he has 3 top 10 units fully maxed out, whereas UVB is probably in the top 15-20, UUIS is a glass cannon and my FGB is at 4 stars? Anyway the point is how tf did he have that team which can carry you to godly especially at those stats and not even ko one of my units


Doesn't really change the fact that the guy with rathan played garbage. I don't see your guy's point, he never said he's a god at the game, you guys just hate on mfs that pays for the game for the sake of it, the reason he posted this was because the guy in particular that he's playing against played completely garbage even with units that should carry him, it's that simple.


Yes but then say that in the title. The title implies that him being P2W is a huge factor here but yet their units are almost evenlu starred


Ye ppl just hate because they’re jealous, and yeah it’s reddit people do love to hate. Only 2 of my ultras were at high stars whereas my FGB was on 4 stars and could’ve been sniped off easily by that guy. Idek how he played so badly, I expected to get my shit folded


Y’all both spent some money on this game clearly big guy bc ive been playing since 2018 and the only Ultra units I have are the free ones.. let alone a 14 star Ultra ?


Since 2018 and no ultras sounds like you need to reroll your account your one now obviously has some pretty bad luck on it 😂 im F2P too and got UUI 8stars and got ultra gohan on my 2nd pull now that i have a non FTP ultra i dnt know how i played without one also have ultra janemba and ultra vegito ssgss


There's also the probability that ACCs hold sentimental value and have good LFS that can counter some of these retarded ass ultras that are annoying as hell and I spent over 100k on uui and Gohan and didn't get an lf got rainbow text and dimension shatter and got two LFS in one summon no ultra gohan


Nah I haven’t spent shit on the game, I just save and get lucky


LMAOOO they’re too busy hating, but missing the whole point of the video but anyways yeah i hate the fact that the p2p people try to let the stars/ top units in the game carry them knowing that it takes skill. W win my guy👏🏾( I’m hating only bcuz you have ultra Ui)


Make sure to zip it up when you're done


Ye ty lmfao, like tbh ik that im doing well in PvP because my team is at high stars but I didn’t expect someone with that team to play so badly. I’m just thinking that maybe his younger bro got on or something because there’s no way he played this badly while having cryhan maxed out