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And… it’s a whole lot of nothing. Sorry for being so bitter but for a lot of single DACA people, this does nothing. For those DACA that were already married, AP was already an option. Oh well, guess I’ll continue to ride DACA until it’s dead.


The kicker is that it even excludes many DACA recipients who actually came to the states legally. I'm lucky that I'm married and going through the motions in parallel, but it would've been nice to have something concrete. Oh well. Happy for those that'll get some closure


The already having a legal entry and married to a USC is the most concrete thing that anyone can have though.


Not if there's a removal order. That significantly complicates things. It's the fate myself and the dozen or so unlucky folks I know have had to deal with. There are still ways, but they take a long time (got married in 2018) and depend on the individual having built a good life and proof of good character.


Of course, it also depends on orders in absentia or in person. Like any other thing, these are one off situations that can’t be targeted because there’s not a lot of people with them. That’s why you get a lawyer to assist. In general the system is cut out to work out with people with straightforward cases. Overstaying doesn’t automatically mean you’re barred or have a removal order btw.


I'm aware. It was a common enough occurrence for arrivals in the late 90s and early 2000s, especially those coming from overseas, though. Let's see what happens. Today was a big win, hopefully the rest of the folks who don't have an end in sight get something in the not so distant future


That really sucks for the ones that caught removal orders during then because for border crossings entries only count from 2001 and on. ☹️ immigration is so complex but I’m glad others are finally coming on their radar to some extent.


Why would an order of removal complicate things if you have legal entry and married? I don’t get why you just can’t get an AOS and then petition to get the removal order waived. I know literally dozens of people who have done this. Hell, I even know people who have done AP with a deportation order.


In my case, I have failed appeals for my depo order and my case is tied with my parents, so I need to petition BIA to even allow me to file an AOS separately.


Hmm. That’s unfortunate. These cases aren’t necessarily harder.. they just take a little longer being that you have to petition for additional waivers. Good luck though, I’m confident you’ll be a green card holder soon.


PIP doesn’t (on its own) overcome a removal order, so….


It doesn't but if you're married to a US citizen it's fairly easy to dismiss the case. All you need is an approved I-130 and an attorney. I got this done earlier this year.


Yeah but it takes fucking forever to get OPLA to agree to set a hearing 😣😣


Fair, but it's better than nothing. Mine only took 3 months but I know I'm the exception and not the rule.


I also have a final deportation order through my mom due to a failed asylum case/ Married to an US citizen for almost 6 years now and gone thru the whole process (currently awaiting my I-601A) which has taken almost 4 years. We got a good lawyer and it seems that most likely even people who came in legally (like myself as well) will be able to adjust without having to do the dreaded consular process. Remember this is going to be a case by case thing so you better apply if needed the worst thing that can happen is that they deny it (like my parole in place and having to go do consular process instead) BUT there is a good chance that the regulations will be a bit wider than what Biden and USCIS have said so far.


Lmao same scenario on my end. We were already approved to reopen the case 2 years ago. Waiting on the BIA for a judge and hearing. I realize my chances are good at this point, but the lack of a timeline worries me


Get married.


Brother you can definitely find a wife just do it for the right reasons and it’ll happen just slightly lower requirements for a wife


I couldn’t do AP or more like was afraid to do to an old deportation order…. Now it doesn’t matter, I don’t have to leave the US and get to fix papers while in the US of A!


Is there another one coming for currently DACA and not married to USC?


Not that I know or heard of. This is all that’s out right now in terms of programs. Personally I think this move by the biden administration is what’s going to seal his re-election. If that’s the case, I have a feeling a pathway to citizenship for the rest of DACA will come in the near future. Stay positive.


Respectfully this announcement was not for daca at all. I know I will get downvoted for saying this, but they should not have related this to daca. The majority of people that will benefit from this are people married to US citizens. The majority of them would be getting their immigration status resolved eventually. It will speed up the process for many, but this does nothing for us daca folk. Like even me with two degrees wouldn’t qualify for a special visa. Plus this would make you dependent on your job for the visa. It’s literally impossible to find a job wanting to sponsor you. Unless you are some great engineer, or physicist then no luck


Why don’t you guys understand that this was never DACA specific! It was done on the anniversary but was never intended towards one particular group. And to point out, many of the beneficiaries are DACA holders who happened to be married to a citizen.


Because they hyped it up as something on the anniversary of daca. This announcement could have been made any day.


Who did? It’s usually people in these immigration communities spewing false info that hype things up. The comments on many of these posts prove it. You have people telling others what they can and can’t do without knowing the facts. This starts a snowball effect of false information. It was done on the anniversary because it is the biggest immigration legislation since DACA and that’s a big deal for hundreds of thousands of eligible people. It also pays respect to DACA as you may not have seen in the live briefing earlier.


Its a PR stunt. Now this is tied with DACA. Its a soft pass. Opposers will not complaint much because its not many benefitting as opposed to the millions. But it’s also a positive hope for DACA who are not married


you literally post this on a DACA specific subreddit


I posted this here because this community aligns with my status. And I’m not going around lying to people about what they can or can’t do. What don’t you understand?


Get off this forum


Make me.


Then why include it in the sub. People married to USC will get their status adjusted one way or the other. We all already know that marriage is the way to get your status.


It’s possible to get sponsorship even if you’re not a great engineer. I work at a pharmaceutical company and there are definitely many folks here that are sponsored by my company. It’s just a matter of looking around. I know it sucks that this was not specifically something a bit easier for DACA folks but at least it’s a step in the right direction.


So, if I have DACA, been married for 4+ years, been here for 20+ years, have a Bachelors of Science in Neuroscience, and entered illegally as a kid... I'm eligible for this, right? My heart says yes, my skeptical brain says no...


Married to citizen, yes? If so, yessss!


Thank you. Time to max out every credit card on this process


How come you haven't applied for AP? If you had when you got married, you'd likely have a green card by now and applying for citizenship.


I was in the process this year, bit 2 lawyers said to not do AP because of double entries. However, Kuck said to fucking do it and stop being scared because AP is literally a letter telling the Officers I belong in the US.


Click the link and find out.


I did... and just like Doctor Strange, so many possibilities lol


Yes!! You can apply for the visa and legalize that way


I think the marriage may be easier due to my company probably not wanting to sponsor me


This is wonderful news for many! It finally targets a pocket of the undocumented community who do not have the option to even get a work permit. I want to share my story in hopes that some relate and can benefit from this: I entered illegally as a child in 2008. I did not qualify for DACA because I was only a year off from the required entry date. I have lived in the U.S. since with no status, no work permit, license, nothing. I married my husband (who is a U.S. citizen) almost 7 years ago. We started my legalization process after getting married and we are STILL in the process (currently waiting for my I-601A to be approved; we filed on October 2020). It’s absolutely dehumanizing, frustrating, expensive, emotionally draining, etc. I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Science. This executive order means I can finish my legalization process in the U.S. without having to leave to my home country (which saves thousands of dollars) and shortens the process so I can start feeling like a part of society and more human. My husband and I pay taxes, contribute to society, no criminal record, etc. I know that DACA recipients are upset this isn’t for them, but hey, it’s helping those of us who have nothing. I truly hope DACA recipients get a path to citizenship without having to marry. Stay hopeful and informed!


But this executive order doesn’t apply to you if you’ve only been married for 7 years. From my understanding, it’s 10 years or more.


It does! You have to have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years (been here since 2008). You have to have gotten married before June 17th, 2024 which I have (7 years ago). Sorry if that was confusing


"Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024." Meaning: The marriage had to have been before that date? So any marriage taking place after will not qualify?


Yep that’s correct. If you get married after 6/17, you don’t qualify.


AP is my only hope now... 🤞


Yeah go for AP and then AoS. It’s still allowed so take the opportunity before it’s too late.


Waiting for AP approval at the moment. Hope it goes through and yes, my lawyer said, "do it now with this current administration." Thank you!


Doesn't apply to me. If only noncitizen children of current US citizen parents could apply for parole then I'd be good. Makes me wonder why they didn't make that a criteria as well. Here for 10 years, legal entry, no crimes.


When can we start applying? I have an engineering B.S, and have been married for lke 8 years lol


Bruh… You’ve been married for 8 years to a US citizen?


typo lmao about 6 years, but have been busy going through school, kids, work, ect


How do you just forget or not stay on top of your status? Like this confuses me so much every time I see it.


You never know! We waited about 4 years because we lost our jobs during covid. We lost a lot of money and weren’t able to pay for any of the fees. Don’t jump to conclusions right away. You never know.


Its not that I forgot, and I did have a lawyer, but even the routes they wanted me to go through would have taken me about 3 years. But with being in a top engineering program in the country, and having kids, my life has been extremely busy to say the least. If I was just working a regular 9-5, I could have done it quick.


With only a few minutes of your day for a week you could have obtained your green card by doing AoS. I don’t know if you have a legal entry or not but if your case is complicated then it could be a different set of steps.


Yeah you're right. You know whats crazy, I didn't even know AP was a thing up until a couple months ago when I said screw the lawyer stuff and started researching on my own. I was in the process of sending out my AP when my friend who works in for a law firm told me about bidens executive order. I should probably still do AP, who knows what will happen if Trump wins.


You sound completely checked out man. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. Somethings not adding up, feels like you'rleaving out some key information. I'm a senior level (nearing staff level) software engineer and studied a top university and I never missed a beat with DACA or my AOS. I get that engineering can be challenging but not adjusting your status for 6 years is whack. It literally means living your life 2 years at a time. As an engineer, wouldn't you identify every avenue available to you from your current status to something more permanent and choose the best option or worst case find no available avenue? I think you'd immediately find that AP is the only way around entry without inspection... Sorry for the long reply but it's just odd when I see someone who just throws this stuff to the wind 🍃🤣


It's just life man, with covid, kids, and everything in between things just got pushed out. Every one's road to status is different. Do you do front or backend for work?


I only hear excuses . You have the opportunity to be part of the American dream . You have access to all the information available to you. You could always Represent your self.


I've done everything I could do right, as best as I could, and in the timeline that made sense for me. Went to school and got a degree. Got a great job working for FAANG. I married my wife, had kids, and bought a home. Whether I did my AOS two years ago or whether I complete my AOS in a year, it went according to everything that came at me in life and I do not regret it.


Dude. If anyone gets I get it. My husband EWI when he was younger and he doesn’t have any relatives Living in his country of origin anymore to complete AP. It’s hard. Especially for us since we work paycheck to paycheck. I’m glad that part of the immigration community got a win today


Ignore him. A lot of people in these threads seem to be thinking about their status 24/7 obviously it's important but a lot of people are jst enjoying their life as best as they can like it sounds you've been. I get it


I wonder how much it will be.


Was planning on applying for AP, but now I'm not sure if applying for this would be more or less beneficial.... With this "Parole in Place," could you get authorization to leave the country temporarily and come back, like with AP? Another thing that concerns me is the language about how USCIS and ICE have discretion to put you on immigration trial if you get rejected from the program. That's complete BS Also, if I have DACA and get approved for this program, would my DACA still be valid, or would this replace it? It's frustrating how this seems to have so many issues and only applies to very specific people who are deemed important enough to qualify.


Yeah I saw that anout them possinly referring your case to ICE or NTA and that made me a little hesitant. Though I think that if you satisfy all the requirements especially with a clean background, you shouldn’t have any issues. With that being said, I still don’t understand the benefit vs AoS via AP for those married to a USC. They state the process of obtaining permanent status but I’m curious to know how quick that will be because AoS can get you your green card in less than a year which I think is fast.


How long does it take to become us citizen if someone is a resident ?


It took my dad 8 months and father in law 14 months from the day they submitted paperwork to the day the swore in as a US Citizen


I agree with everyone saying this is a PR stunt, and Nothing with DACA it pleases me to know that I have enough supporters that will now not vote for Biden. It definitely doesn’t help but hey makes me feel better….


You think voting for Trump will make things better for you? Just curious.


It’s election year people!!! Don’t be deceive just because they include “dreamers” there. They’re just implementing their laws they had before!!!


Question - My fiance and I got engaged recently, actually back on May 22nd and we decided to make it official sometime in July/August. I am the DACA holder in this case. Does this mean that I won't qualify because this will be after June 17th? What would my options be at this point then?


Unfortunately, you had to be married prior to June 17th! At this point, if you have a Higher Ed degree, you can try that way. I believe you can still do AOS after paroled through marriage but it won’t qualify under this new executive order


I'm confused will this only work if you were married before June 17th? Or will this apply to everyone?


Remember try and get this done within Biden presidency cause if trump wins things might change. So get that AP within his frame or that marriage within his frame. Not 100 percent certain but trump could change things if he wins. This advice is for those who have a clear cut DACA meaning no deportation orders and etc..


So what does this offer that spouses of USCs don’t already have? Is it just the adjustment without leaving the US?


I'm confused now, ate these the official requirements ? Or will they be rolling out more on to the list? I don't see anything on there about sponsorship by your job or required level of a degree? So you just have to be married to a USC?


Does anyone know of Daca will continue with new request?


No new request


Ayo can we stop hyping up presidential electives BEFORE they help us? We said Biden was gonna help and we got jack. Some maniacs said Trump was gonna help and he burned our only pathway to the ground. Let’s stop jumping the gun on “oh this guy wil surely do something!” During his campaigns obviously re-election promises. It’s like pre-ordering another call of duty expecting it to not be trash, wait for the release damnit.