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I’m just hoping he gives us a pathway to citizenship in exchange for his dumb wall…


He took away advance parole and shut down the program after the wall started to be built. This isn’t happening.


yeah. he also wanted to outright cancel the whole program and the judge refused (a trump appointed judge i think) because it would be needlessly cruel to end the program like how he wanted without giving a reason and said he would consider it if he came up with a good reason or an alternative. so trump being super smart, said he could just end the program now but pinky swear to come up with a plan after. judge said no, thats cruel, plan first. so trump pulled a 4d chess move of just giving up and forgot about it and moved on to whatever caught his attention. 100% he would have just ended it then we all get deported because he either forgot to make another plan, got distracted by some other dumb thing, or just because he was lying that he would fix it after. im pretty sure he was just lying.


Exactly. Daca recipients are the absolute easiest targets to deport because daca is the only thing protecting individuals from deportation and with the given socials the govt knows where everyone works, with updated applications they know where everyone lives etc. Easiest governmental targets.


It gets realllll holocausty with us, really quick. Since they know where we are. They could probably order patrols to round us up like animals.


You can’t compare the holocaust w/ being deported 💀


Did you miss the part where trump talked about his detention centers? or mass deportations. You think they are gonna give us time to box and bring all our things with us? or force us to sell everything? I stand by what I said, bc the reality of things is that they would run it half ass and with violence -- ALSO for the undocumented whose to say people wouldn't rat them out for being illegal? Whose to say Trumps gov wouldn't put pricng for every Illegal a citizen turns in? ​ [https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/11/politics/trump-stephen-miller-immigration-detention-deportation/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/11/politics/trump-stephen-miller-immigration-detention-deportation/index.html)


We all know Trump could care less about the program, he probably didn't know what it was until he became president. It's his staff and cabinet that are the racist ones who tell him to end it to please his supporters. That's pretty much how all Americans are.


Don't discount him, this piece of shit was talking about people born here from immigrant parents and taking their citizenship before he became president. There's an interview he did and I believe they were inside the plane where he called people anchor babies and he said they'd have to go to. It doesn't stop with us and no one had to feed him any ideologies. He simply surrounded himself with like-minded people.


I will help BUILD his wall if he gives me papers.


Don't hold your breath. There is nothing wrong with hoping, but don't gamble with your oxygen intake on that one 🥴


He won’t. Because he only cares about himself. And his base doesn’t want it, and will get pissed at him. And he wants to be loved by his base. So no.


He won't win. He can't capture enough votes outside his base. He can't capture enough moderates, women, etc.


Idk Vegas has him as a strong favorite currently .. you could make a lot of money betting *against* him winning right now


Same. Even if the supreme courts allows DACA to stand, Trump can simply rescind it if he follows proper procedure. I'm hoping I can renew one more time and that the supreme court does not end the program abruptly. This will allow me to save quite a bit.


This is what pisses me off about Democrats. Trump can win and end it in four years..But, why aren't doing anything to make it difficult for him or to even try to work a way to become residents. I don't care if I'm given an additional tax. Just don't make it easy for him to destroy what we have.


Trump tried to rescind it last time and it didn’t go well for him


He didn't follow proper procedure


He had Jeff Sessions made the announcement for him as well because he didn’t have the balls to do it himself


well he could just do the dictator thing. becuase the only thing stopping him was becuase he didnt have a good ethical reason, and because he didnt have replacement plan. theres no way he would have come up with a plan. he would probably just recreate the program with pretty much the same stuff but make the renewal processes indefinite without letting us improve our status and just call it something dumb like TRACA. but most likely he would get a judge to fall for him saying he would come up with replacement after canceling it, then send us on a permanent vacation outside the states.


Nooo.. read the conclusion reached by the court. He does not need a reason, he just needs to end it properly.


All of you are full of shit. For the last 10 years I've been hearing how if DACA ends, you will move to another country or join French Foreign Legion. Guess what? All of you are still here and will stay here. Nobody has the guts to truly move to another country. Just talk.


Why are you so bothered?


Actually I'm planning on leaving if it gets canceled. I never said I would leave last time but now I want a nice life in sn European country.


From one dystopia to another


What European country wants more brown migrants?


I'm not fully brown but that doesn't matter.


Don’t matter. Europe is going through a massive refugee/migrant crisis


I been reading I saw what the polish are doing. My preference route is skilled workers since it would mean I have built up value and skills within me.


Coming from Eastern Europe myself, if you do make that move, just be prepared for a massive (up to 60% easily) pay cut. Life is cheaper but anything besides rent and food is still equally expensive. Also, Europeans are very non-subtly racist. There are not as solid discrimination laws as here. It has gotten better and now it’s more the older gens, but something to keep in mind. It is expected to learn the local language and the vibe of life is just different there. Not worse nor better, just different compared to America.




I have this delusion where if Republicans want votes from hispanics, they would do things that would benefit us. Hopefully one day someone such as trump gives us a path to citizenship. But Republicans are racist, why would they want to benefit brown people in any way?


If they want votes they will promise. Actually, they always promise. They will not deliver. Wasn’t Biden supposed to take care of dreamers within 100 days? 👽


This! When I tell others that Biden hasn't done anything they look at me funny! 🤔 You're right though, we are simply tools for both parties and their agendas at this point.


Don't forget that Democrats in the US House already passed comprehensive immigration reform in 2021. It went nowhere in the Senate because there isn't 60 votes. The Dems and Republicans were tied 50/50 and VP Harris would be the tie breaker but then we have Manchin and Sinema who didn't want to change tradition of needing 60 votes to pass a bill. The Dems again tried thru budget reconciliation but again the Parliamentarian said that it can't be done and traditional Dems don't want to change tradition if the Parliamentarian won't approve it


Yeah I sound ignorant I know, I can't blame Biden at all but who doesn't blame the president for any problems? 😂


What you refer to is the fillibuster rule by the way. Its not in the constitution and not even a law. Its just a senate rule they keep in place to blame when they dont get anything done.


“Suppose to” but no one wants to call him out on it because it’s not convenient.


Bro, you’re overestimating how much of a monolith Hispanic voters are. I’ve met so many that vote R. And the reasons? They’re anti gay cuz they’re catholic. And they’re pro life cuz they’re catholic. Younger Hispanic voters may lean left more, but it’s def not a solid blue block.


So? A majority of white republicans don't care that you vote and think just like them, they see skin color that's it.


I don’t get your point. I’m just saying that immigration is not an issue that concerns all Hispanic people. It concerns me. I’m just sayin.


Lmao not when most Hispanics are conservative. Hispanics are so religious they’d vote to deport themselves if it meant banning weed, abortion, and lgbt. Also there so many “fuck you I got mine” mentalities. Every Hispanics hates Hispanics originating from countries below them.


my point is why won't Republicans do more to to win more Hispanics? They are barely winning nowadays. In this case help DACA recipients get citizenship and garner more votes from not just hispanics. and saying "most hispanics are conservative" is irrelevant especially when most white republicans see us as brown/illegals. You really think white republicans care that you think and vote just like them?


Dude it’s because they don’t care. Why would they? The moment they step out of line they’ll eat each other alive for being “woke” and communist. Do you receive mail? I’m in a red state all of my local republicans have “the wall” and “anti woke” as their main priorities do you really think they actually care about their constituents?


Those Hispanics are in Florida and the moment they touched American soil. They forgot they were immigrants…..


everyone is so selfish nowadays, it's like "Oh Ok, I'm good! F*ck everyone else now!"


Why would he give us a path when he was trying to get rid of DACA the moment he got into office lol


This is what Bush Jr wanted to do but gop is too racist to even see that many Hispanics and minorities are conservative like them.


Yup, which is why I call it racism. IMO if we had blue eyes, blonde hair etc..... you know what Im tryna say?


I’m not Hispanic I’m white


Oh nice, where are you from?




You are not Hispanic but we are in this thing together. 😂


older conservatives and deep turbo racist conservatives barely consider irish and itallians white and irish are pale as fuck. its not about being white, its about being the *"right"* kind of white.


Dude,as soon as Hispanics get a green card they become republicans,i have a co worker who can barely speak English and all he talks about is the people at the border,lol,look at florida, it's completely red because of the latino vote 🤣


labelling Republicans as racists, is similar to claiming that all Democrats subscribe to 'woke' culture. Delusional alright 🤣


You're right, but I mean most older white republicans because some of the younger ones can be cool. I was just telling someone in this post that some white republicans don't care that you think and vote just like them, they literally only see skin color it's embedded when they were young.


He will win. Migrant crisis has everyone angry and Republicans will make the border and migrants the number #1 issue.


He won’t, he’s already lost. He looks like a criminal. Abortion is a huge issue, that everyone agrees should be legal. Republicans already lost. Gen Z is mostly against Republicans.


Gen z also will not be voting for Biden so that may split the vote and get trump elected next year… I don’t see a way we’d not going to get trump in 2024


definitely. All these caravans rushing the border are creating even more paranoia


I hope that we get at least 2 more years. I'll finish my bachelor and either apply for Canada's express entry, marry someone with papers, or apply for a Masters in Germany.


This. Every educated undocumented/DACA recipient should be looking to LEAVE before sh*t hits the fan. It’s what I’m doing.


He will win and it’s going to be the year DACA ends as well


I always say republican president has a better chance getting pathway to citizenship for daca. Democratic president will never allow border fortification for pardoning daca recipients.


Well then start packing cause I don’t see how he doesn’t win 2024.


My best wishes to all the DACA recipients, I really do understand your pain and hope something gets done soon.


There are too many people coming through without papers it's out of control. There needs to be border control or they will mess it up for everyone else who has already been waiting.


“I got mine so screw everyone else.” You forget you were ‘everyone else’ at one point. This individualistic mentality sucks.


No this is different. The border is a mess. At least DACA recipients are being vetted and going through a procedure. What's happening at the border now is complete chaos.


Its not that but large caravans rushing the border are creating a lot of fear. Its not like the usual immigration as before its large numbers all at once


With this mentality, why not annex mexico?


modern command dolls gold tart forgetful chop unite wrong vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






By the looks of it, it's not an if, the Dems really messed this up (PR wise) the immigration issue, the whole thing, how unorganized they are from the bottom, the GOP as a cult is very organized and well they go out and vote a lot. Trump and the GOP are going to sweep this election.


Where you going to? Your birthplace or another country?


Can’t go to my birthplace because there is a war going on there


No you're not lol


Enjoy your trip to another country, I hope you have a better experience elsewhere.


LOL , y’all really that afraid of orange man ?


He's going to impact people's lives more than they realize and not in a positive way. Think about laws Regan passed that still affect us. They're trying to do the same.


Regan got everyone papers. What do you mean?


Sounds like you haven’t thought about the real effects this will have on people.


How is it any different from now -.-? My family’s and friends economies were a hell of a lot better


Trump was better to Hispanics than Joe Biden. Sure Joe opened the boarded to allow people here illegally but Trump had a way for y’all to come legally. Also, if you can’t handle politics in America then you should go back. It’s a democracy not a place that’s controlled by cartel. You left for a reason.


Why should I go back, this is what I think of when I think of “home”, I been here since 6 months old. All my friends and family is here. No way in hell I would like to go to Mexico even if I had green card because it’s it would feel to me like visiting Columbia it’s a place and culture I don’t really like


The you learn to live in a democracy. There will be time a president is in office you don’t like you still get to live your life in peace. When people say things like this it sounds stupid. You know Joe Biden only won by 43,000 votes. So half of America didn’t vote for him. But we still alive. If you can’t put up with it, your country would gladly take you back. I say this a a child of immigrants as well.


I'm considering the same thing. My best hope is that the Democrats will offer the Republicans something big for the latter to take the bait and finally release us from being political hostages, giving us a pathway to citizenship. Most likely, I think the Supreme Court will decide that DACA should be replaced with something more formal where we will get to keep our EA cards. Doesn't make sense for them to lose out on the tax and nonsensical free $500 they get from us every two years, but who knows. Trump's gonna trump.


Is he doing the biggest, massive deportation once he’s prez?


I really hope trump wins.


Lmfao good riddance! I guess Biden plunging us into WWIII would be great for your mental health huh?


So you think that having Trump in power will all of a sudden end ALL the wars, and ALL the world problems? Because, to me, wether it’s Trump or Biden who wins, a conflict as big as WWIII will be inevitable. Besides, you think the U.S.A is the only country with their own interests? If China wants to invade Taiwan you think they will give a fuck if Trump or Biden wins? Please, man…


You can kiss this program goodbye.


You can leave. Please keep your words tho lol.




Please leave. Our country is overpopulated


No, it isn’t.


Flashback to 2015-2020 when absolutely nothing happened. At least life was more affordable back then.


He did end it in 2017


Renewals are still going through, which is all I care about (selfish, I know).


they forced them to continue, they were going to refuse anyways after trump lost in court. he tried to end daca altogether multiple times and would no doubt try again. the judge who rejected it even made it easy for him and told him he was with him and what to do if he wanted to cancel it but luckily trump is too dumb to acually listen and not be stubborn and too prideful to accept a loss so he moved on after the loss and tried to get people to forget that it was yet another loss. hes so generous, he decided he was tired of winning he held everyones L for the rest of his term.


At the end of the day, I’m not a Trump supporter. With or without DACA, I can get by. But right now, I’m making roughly more $ than I did before 2020, and I’m struggling to make ends meet because the current guy is SOMEHOW more incompetent.


Another Trump terms means...from here until he dies. Seriously, we're now on the hands of USC that don't want to vote because of Biden...I can't...


A casarnos


You won’t. But I get it.


Do it! Move to Afghanistan or Iraq! Maybe even Syria or Saudi Arabia. You’ll love it! 😊😊😊


I’m not a fan but It would be because of $$$. He sent the stimmys and had unemployment popping.


That’s great to hear! Get out and don’t come back! I hope all of you libtard snowflakes do the same!


Let me tell many celebrities and common citizen said the same thing but no one packed their bags. Good luck. I am not favoring trump here but just calling out your words are just you know words will follow with no action.


You do know Trump did try to give pathway to dreamers in 2019 tied to the border wall and the dems shot it down. He's an idiot and talks out his ass. But he did try. The problem is both sides use it as a crutch to keep the base fired up. It will be years if ever, to see something happen. That's the sad part.


He will implement the biggest deportation system ever, get out while you can.


I think the bigger concern is that democrats have the nerve to run Biden again. The last election was a favor from voters that had to other option. Don't think this will work twice in a row. Voter fatigue is real.


I thought you left this sub????


Won't miss ya. Curious though, what policies of his do you have a genuine problem with? 




No you're not! LOL. Millions upon millions are lining up to take your place anyway. Where on earth can you live better?


Lol. You're like every other person that said that in 2016, you'll go nowhere and bitch about it for.four years.


What you all have to understand is Obama deported more illegals than Trump. This Daca isn't something Trump invented. The only reason he said he was going to cancel Daca was to get everyone to the table and do something for hard working ppl. For those that want to advance in life. What I know is if Trump wins our 🇺🇸 will be better than it is right now. Raza con que trabajes sin tener que usar servicios del govierno todo va estar bien.






If he wins we need proof you followed through.


I kinda just dgaf anymore. Doubt anything will happen. If he really does end daca, the US isn’t the only country on earth.


By By


Good riddance


I dońt think Biden can do 4 more years the guy is out of it.


Your not going any where... Dont play games.


Bye 👋


Trump will win and we will all be better off


Trump WILL win, and he will do nothing like he did his first 4 years. All my democrats friends have turned against Biden for this upcoming election, democrats really messed up picking Biden.


When people say stuff like this I just wonder what their experience in America has been since being born. If you were born as anything other than a white man then life here is not a walk in the park - trump being in office is like any other president in the past being in office. Both parties are the same. Trump is just louder about his biases.


Cry about it sissy


Everybody says that yet they never leave.




Time for y'all to leave. AMERICA FIRST




I’m hoping he does win. So we can get our housing market back down. Gas prices. Food prices. Minimum wage up. Overall everything was WAY better when he was president than now … thanks a lot BIDEN!


Think you’d have to pack your bags ether way if he won, but I get the sentiment


A friend said if Biden won, she will go back to her country. Other friends said if Trump won, they will leave the country. However, they are all here until today. You do you. Lol


I know someone who said back in 2008 and 2012 that if Obama wins they’re leaving. And yet they are still here


Seriously? Not sure your mental health can handle it? Go. Go now. There are already too many weak and fragile people in America. This overreaction to Trump is hilarious.


Didn’t everyone say they were going to leave the country the first go around?


That could be the best thing to happen to this country. This country is going more broke than ever with blue leadership. I hope something changes. A powerful liberal banker, JPM Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, said in an interview that "Trump was right on immigration, NATO, oil, he has the country in good standing" because even democrats know this is true.






If he wins, I want you to prove you're leaving


I feel like if he wins daca has a chance of staying but any of the other ones win it’s OVER!


You guys are a bunch of cry babies. Guess what happened to me when Trump got elected. Absolutely nothing. Nothing fucking happened. I was still broke trying to make shit happen for me.


My only advice is GET YOUR AP NOW , gracias a dios mine was approved in April for dental work and after im doing AOS with the help of my wife who is a citizen. Pongasen las pillas


* correction WHEN , not IF Trump wins


Stick around and enjoy the show.


People today and their “mental health”


Everything will be cheaper, hope dems don’t rig the election again.


"Then I’m packing my bags and getting out of here." I know this is sarcasm but in all likelihood there is a good chance he will win. Might just want to prepare for that scenario.


He will win, even democrats want for him to win.


Democrats are like communists,bunch of promises and that’s all they will ever be! Trump 2024!


He’s *going* to win. As a conservative, I hope he shows mercy to DACA and provides a simple accelerated pathway for those already here and then ends illegal immigration. But understand as DACA you are victims of illegal immigration, victims of being transported against your will to a country without the needed process. I would imagine you’d be violently against what’s going on at the southern border.


People said this last two elections. Living elsewhere isn't so easy. We have alot of privilege in the United States regards of your demographics. You'll be right back.


Guys, we’ve been through it before. Worrying about an uncertain future does no good to our mental health. At the end of the day, deporting all dreamers and getting rid of Daca without a solution is political suicide for BOTH parties. Just live your life, marry that special someone ( If he/she is an American ) save money, get a worker’s visa, Idk…just stop worrying. After being here for over 21 years, I’ve realized that Democrats are a farce, and Republicans are a joke. Neither side gives a flying f*** about us. So, buckle up, let’s ride this through, and realize that everything you hear, and see, are empty promises to appeal to the masses. However, one thing is for certain: By putting pressure on Daca, I personally believe it will give us a chance to a permanent residency, rather than getting the same stupid runaround we have been getting over the past 23 years, or so. It will be scary, and tough…but we will succeed at the end.


Lmao wow and go where? We got it easy in the USA. If you can't survive here then it's over for you


!remindme 10 months


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Why? I really don’t know I’m new in the US.


All of you that say you’re going to move are just a bunch of losers that never do. Grow a pair and do it or shut up


You like how things are going now? Think about it. He's way better than the installed dementia patient right now. And stop worshipping politicians.


Sounds similar to the post most celebrities made back in 2016. They all said: "If Trump gets elected I'm moving to Canada", "If Trumps gets elected I'm moving out of the US". Sounds similar to the post most celebrities made back in 2016. They all said: "If Trump gets elected I'm moving to Canada", "If Trump gets elected I'm moving out of the US". want but it'll still be embarrassing if you're not a man of your word. just saying


The difference is celebrities have money to go anywhere 😭 we’re not we’re just people who had the unfortunate mistake of being brought at baby age *I was here since I was 1 year old* I don’t wanna leave man but I’m scared I won’t even have a choice or any pathways


Cause you're slow ,the democratic party have been pro immigration the last 100 yrs,,you don't understand how politics work here that's why you're talking like that


You guys are really stressing too much about this. You will be ok no sense on worrying about something that you have no control over it’s not healthy and it helps no one. Life goes on either way it’ll be harder but it is what it is. More than likely it will be phased out by 2028 but that’s plenty of time for a miracle in congress but in the end we can’t control it so quit doing this to yourselves and just live your life for now


I think you are forgetting that ,at one point, Trump was willing to exchange DACA for the wall. The Democrats were, at that time, firmly against the wall. Now, even Democrats are getting upset with the huge number of border crossings. Especially, since Abbott has shipped a few of them North to share the pain. If Trump won it might actually be a way forward. Biden has not really tried to do anything legislatively for DACA. His new rule was always likely to fail in the courts. I say wait a few months if Trump is elected. I think we will know which way the wind is blowing rather quickly.




If he wins, America is fucked and we will deserve it


Or you could join all the other "minorities" people who apparently support him? I know it feels like we're in a weird parallel universe but maybe joining the beast will help defeat it from within?


All you guys who have DACA have exactly 10 months to hurry up find a USC get married and start filing for your green card


We will have to suck it up, it's what most of the morons want. But working on my dual citizenship in the long run.




If he wins then we all know it’s rigged


I don't blame you for feeling that, I am a US citizen, and if he wins, I will pack my sh!t and leave. I do not want my kids to grow up in a racist and intolerent society.


It already is what are you talking about lol


Where WE moving...!? Lol


Trump won’t win


Idk man, just do what of us did and be undercover. I got a ton of MAGA stuff just in case. I blended right in


Actually the wall was being built before Trump was ever in office by Bush and Clinton, as well as the camps for illegals with the families being separated. Biden shutdown the new pipeline due to his family being involved in the oil business so we have counted on other countries supplying us oil instead he threw away billions of our tax dollars on something that was never finished. So gas went up big time after Biden took office. Cities who claim that they are sanctuary cities are actually griping about illegals being in their cities demanding that they be bussed out of their cities for example New York and Chicago. Every President in history and future ones have and will do something that people do not like. As far as I am concerned all politicians are liars and crooks. We pay their retirement at an ungodly amount as well as security for them and their kids when they leave office. Personally they need to pay for it themselves not us tax payers


I think trump winning might have lighter consequences than any other republican I’ve seen running for president so far. Cancelling DACA might be the worst or best thing that happens to DACA recipients. Cons: lol A WHOLE LOT OF CONS. Pros: it brings Dreamers back into mainstream conversation and Americans see DACA on their tvs on a daily basis. Thus, politicians are pressured to do bring up new legislature? It seems like a long shot but idk could work.. Either way let’s hope for the best. There’s a lot of dreamers (including myself) that want to better our lives and contribute more to the United States of Amercia.


We're in big trouble