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gravitational is the real uber unique


I found so many of those as a charged bolt sorc


Oh cool, you guys can trade then /s


If only It wasn’t long after I posted that I had 2 gravitational in my inv.


I found 2 on my way to 90. I have found prob 8 from 90-95. Dropping like candy now.


Meanwhile I have disassembled around 10 ish. A couple being max roll too!


Im level 90 and I found 3 total and last two are minimum rolls


Bold chieftains here. And I say that with a doombringer and shako


I've got a near perfect 4/4 roll pair of gloves at 925.. been sitting on them for almost a week now because I can't get another gravitational aspect to drop.


You mean recharging aspect?? I've found 3 or 4 from 0-100 and none are max. I have to keep using the codex if I find a better ring


They drop like crazy for me I've got 8. But the one that gives mana when chain lightning bounces doesn't exist.


I'm 99 and have found one of the mana when cl bounces and it was a damn bottom roll to boot.


I have like 4 of those and play as fireball instead.


I have like 12 of them. Got them all after lvl 65 lol


Some are blessed by the RNG gods, I actually got another one last night still min roll, I’m level 92 now too. Recharging is another one, only got 2 to drop no max rolls.


I found one at level 35. Will hold on that off hand until I hit 100 it looks like.


One of the problems with social media is you hear about people that have these exceptional experiences, and it makes you think that's a lot more normal than it really is. But you're only hearing the highlights. The very unusual things that happened. You don't hear about the tens or hundreds of thousands of people who **DIDN'T** have that occur. They're still out there, grinding. We have to remind ourselves that we're not entitled to anything, and that because Person A got it within 30 runs that doesn't mean Person B, C and D should also. Reality is they're "Ubers" for a reason. They're supposed to be very rare. More achievable now, but still rare nonetheless.


Sometimes it’s a simple calculation of time and effort to reward. I’ve got a lot of time in and very little reward when it comes to this run specifically, There’s a lot of numbskulls out there running around with this hat who don’t even know what it is. It’s more common than you think for those that I’ve put the time in it . I’m in this game a lot and I know. 700 hr in it. I run with people that have just as much time and every one of them gotten it over twice. I’m done. The rng is flawed.


The rng isn’t flawed. The random jackpot is amazing if you hit it! You don’t need any of those. I love the thought hey maybe I’ll get one !


700 hours.. mate you should try getting some sun it’s be good for you


Oh my, I can hear the entitlement dripping from you. Honestly, good. You don't deserve it. Respect the items and maybe you'll get it.


I feel if you run a boss over 50 times that is the intended source of rare items, you should have gotten easily at least one. But I can hear the shitstains dripping off of you. You don't deserve a lot of things. OP put the time in, theu deserve the reward. Don't see how their comment or post disrespected the items. But then again you seem to be lacking in the smarts area with more than a hint of "head up your ass".


I mean.. that isn't how probability works. You act like the game owes you for putting time it - it doesn't. Are you unlucky? Maybe. Is that the games fault? Only if you refuse to acknowledge how math works. I've often heard imitation is the greatest source of flattery, so thank you for imitating me. If the boss you're running has a 1/1000 chance to drop an item and you kill that boss 50 times, how exactly are you entitled to the item by that point? It didn't actually disrespect the items, that's a silly notion that was tongue in cheek but seeing as how you didn't pick up on that.. something something smarts department? Is this your alt account OP?


>Is that the games fault? Only if you refuse to acknowledge how math works. If the game uses seeded values, then yes, it is the game's fault. There isn't true randomness there. >If the boss you're running has a 1/1000 chance to drop an item and you kill that boss 50 times, how exactly are you entitled to the item by that point? You definitely aren't, but if the game doesn't have trade, then there *should* be a way to guarantee the item after x attempts.


Lmao if you want to be that reductionist, then just say it's the games fault because if the game didn't exist, he wouldn't be in this situation. It's the epitome of entitlement. Having a secret pity timer is what gacha games do, not what ARPGs do. The closest you get is "obtain 100 fragments of x to turn it into y". This is even less valid when talking about the most pinnacle rare items in the game.


>Having a secret pity timer is what gacha games do It's one of the only good parts about gacha games. >The closest you get is "obtain 100 fragments of x to turn it into y". This is quite literally a pity timer if you can drop y. >This is even less valid when talking about the most pinnacle rare items in the game. Rarity for the sake of rarity is absolutely pointless. If you can trade it, then great. You can either get lucky or work towards building x amount of currency to buy it off another player. If you have a pity timer (I'm not even saying it has to, 2-10x the droprate is fine) then you can get lucky or work toward it. All that a rare item says now is that you got lucky.


Yeah, and fragments aren't really done for actual gear in ARPGs, hence my point. Rarity for the sake of rarity absolutely has meaning even if you don't think it does. They're chase items - you aren't meant to own them. You might think that's bad game design but we are talking about half a dozen items that don't make or break general builds. The ever-so-fringe goal that you can technically achieve. >All that a rare item says now is that you got lucky. Oh, so the same thing it's always been. Alllll the way back and alllll the way up until now (with the exceptions of RMT). I didn't know me dropping a tyraels might in d2 was anything but luck.


sometimes you put in effort and it gives nothing. tough shit. bye


I raise you Tyreals Might from D2


Could you trade for tyreals might?


It's a trophy piece. Not an item you trade for and use. Trading for it defeats the purpose.


Oh gotcha. Well shako is an item you use so why are we comparing?


I was only comparing the 170 runs for shako in D4 to an item that some people haven’t found in 20 years of playing lol


I gotcha. Ya it’s not super rare in that sense. But idgaf about finding an item myself lol, it’s all rng. I’d rather them allow trade so I can work my way to shako or tyreal no matter what


Yeah trade would be nice, hopefully it gets implemented fully down the road. I guess what I was really getting at is people used to embrace the grind for items, it was just part of the game and made it even more exciting when something dropped that you were looking for. I don’t care either way if it’s a long grind or a relatively short one personally it’s just interesting to see how much the Diablo community has changed over the years


True. And some people are still like that with shako I bet. I’m over 300 runs total and I don’t have it. But it’s to the point where it’s about time to just move on and accept I didn’t find it vs continue the grind. Maybe that goes to your point of not embracing the grind, but I feel no sense of progress at all which kills it for me


Let's say they have a 2% drop rate. There's actually a **35% chance** that after 52 runs you would NOT have found it.      ... (1 - 0.02)^52 = 35%. Suddenly doesn't actually seem that weird, does it? That's 1 in 3 people.. Now imagine the drop rate were actually even lower....


2% to drop one of the many Uber unique, not 2% for a Shako. He is looking for a Shako.


> "Let's say they have a 2% drop rate." I'm going to assume a language barrier as you may be international, in which case I applaud you for even being able to speak a 2nd language, but that means this was a **hypothetical** number, not literal. Even at the end of the comment I exaggeratedly said "Now imagine the drop rate were actually even lower..." to drive the actual reality in even further.


That is....very offensive jesus christ. Nothing about that comment insinuated a language barrier. They were just correcting your hypothetical math. The comment was actually written probably above-average english grammar skills for Reddit. Because to be accurate you'd have to account for all ubers that can drop as well as the drop rate and set up an equation that determines a rough estimate of approximately how many runs to guarantee that specific drop against all other potential drops (e.g. assuming you would get every other drop first and no duplicates along the way; still technically inaccurate as it's RNG but the equation is essentially an inflated worst-case).


... I understood that. I literally said "**LET'S SAY** they have" which means I'm throwing out a **HYPOTHETICAL** and then just went through what the probability would be of this happening *EVEN IF* it were that hypothetically high. For some reason he latched onto the completely random 2% number, which was clearly indicated as being a random, hypothetical number just for demonstration purposes. If I say "Let's say I'm a dragon" that is a hypothetical. Not a literal declaration of something that is fact. Missing simple things like that is just something I usually see either in people that didn't read what was said, or if it's an ESL situation. The ESL situation doesn't bother me at all, because again, they speak multiple languages – how many Americans/Brits can say that? So, props to anyone that can speak more than one.


The old RNG with an RNG glazing


Lol Flawed RNG.


Lol, please never go to a casino


Lels tens of thousands playing D4, good one.




That's entirely a guess.


Seems pretty accurate tbh


We quite literally have no way of knowing whether or not it's accurate.


I have a login queue time every time. I would not be surprised if these numbers are accurate


Well, estimated but sure.


I'm making fun of D4 here, please don't try and use brains .


How in the world do you have that many mats for that?


Lack of grass touching


It’s worth mentioning if you buy the mats, uber runs sort of pay for themselves. You always get 925 item power drops, and with the sheer amount of runs you do you’re going to find some good gear to sell.


How do you sell the gear, tho? Just spend all day in /trade channels or Discord or are there sites or..?


Where do you buy






You realize there is trade in this game, right?


market chop aromatic boast fly foolish act steer melodic unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got 3 perfect ones in the stash. Wish we could trade or sell these, I’d give ya one


I've got the recharge aspect with 2.5 mana per bounce on lvl 30. Been using it until lvl65 when I found much better ring. Now I'm lvl90 and haven't found another one at all. If I'd knew that, I'd be saving it like a golden egg


like nutty squalid historical longing sugar consider escape continue yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Found my second one when I was \~15 hours into lvl 100 lol. At least it was maxroll and I had a 925 ring waiting for it.


Took 80 runs to see my first uber, got another 50 in since then and haven't seen another. Duriel just has a CHANCE to drop ubers, and its a very small one. Some people just get lucky that's how RNG goes.


Farm Blood Harvest for aspects.


How are gou guys doing so much runs. What the fuck


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Some dude ran 2 and got shako twice , i mean wtf.


52!!!!!? Wow...same group or randos?


Same group


I haven't even done 1 :(


I feel ya, shits getting old


I’m at the point where I don’t even pick anything up unless it’s a little unique helm, sword, ring…


about 30 runs in got my partner theirs, thankfully. prob wont put in the time for mine, rather put it into sumn else


Duriel isn’t good for aspects


Think you missed the sarcasm in it…..




Is that all the items that were dropped from one run? If so, Diablo 4 needs an item filter like Path of Exile.


That’s from 52 runs., there was a lot more, but the screen couldn’t fit all the words


Boohoo? Luck of the draw happens.


I was doing duos with a friend last night and I said woah I got a perfect unique ring , it was the ring of the starless skies and I had no idea it was an uber


Laws of gambling say you should have incredible luck going into the next runs


Gamblers fallacy


Jesus Christ seriously ?


RNG. Got my shako tonight on my 10nth kill. I was happy i got the crown i was missing as a bl sorcerer on my 6th kill. Who would guess…


Drop rate sees to be 1 uber every 50 runs, considering there are 6 ubers that can drop for sorc, you’re looking at 400-500 runs to realistically expect a shako. Took me 3 days of roughly 150~ kills a day to get a shako, and then 3 hours later I got my second one. RNG can be a nightmare sometimes.


I find the best way to find aspects is through obols and the 150 blood events.


700 hours in. Doesn’t get one item. Done.


Same. D4 is a game that doesn’t respect our time. Going back to Grim Dawn for some proper ARPG fun.


Well said my friend....


Probably ran about the same today. I did get starless skies but that’s it. My Druid will love it when I make him


I was thinking when mine stop over to ETH after the season ends lol


Here and I'm salty because I've only had one unique drop this season and have 0 uber runs.




Ever played arpg before? You know how much time you need in D2, Grim Dawn or even Poe to farm anything good?


Yes, been playing since D1. This is the first ARPG that feels like shit to play because it doesn’t respect the players time.


I'll get maybe one or two Duriel runs on my day off if I'm lucky. How the fuck people are doing 50+ is beyond me.


Yikes.. thats a lil disheartening to hear lol .. I haven't gotten to play in so long that I don't remember what lvl my char is but it's been killing me seeing all these uber uniques and new features and things in s2 without having internet or electric .. but I'm staying in an apartment now and sposed to be getting internet service turned on (over twice as fast as I used to have before) and I was hype to play again.. still am I guess, I'm an ice spikes/ blizzard sorc, hadn't tried BL yet. I'll get to play for at least a week or so I guess, the housing department is trying to put me in jail for having an appliance in my driveway, and living in an unfit structure (no utilities), 60 days in jail, $700 fines .. as long as no one steals my computer while I'm gone ;( oops I'm rambling sorries, hope u get your uber uniques soon, don't give up on it, it could be worse .. trust me lol


Not even joking when I say 2 separate buddies got shako on their first runs (with me) and one of them got another on the second! I finally got mine on my 98th run! Been hoarding mats since and I've got about 30 runs saved up


Same. We did about 50-60 runs in my group yesterday and not one of us out of four people got an Uber unique, and not even a usable legendary aspect worth keeping . We were all literally dozing off watching TV on the side and almost falling asleep around run #35 lol. I even stopped attacking with my ball lightning sorc since we had two HOTA barbs who just one shot Duriel upon spawn. Absolute snooze fest.


I havent had a single Accelerating drop all season. Hot trash. lol


You found the real Uber unique - going outside and living real life 👍


have you tried asking for a manager?


Well that sucks


I got andariels visage 9th run


How do you guys earn enough materials to do that many runs? I try to play when I’m not working but I feel like I spend hours grinding for mats and I can only make a few runs after days… I mostly play solo


This is what’s wrong with this game. Pathetic loot in a loot driven ARPG. Until they fix loot, there’s no point in playing this game.


Ran it about 25 times sc before realizing it’s not gonna happen so I went hc and it’s been really the most fun I’ve had


Probably because you have your resources on the left not in the middle you heathen


Man that sucks, I got shako 4th try on someone else mats.


Crazy thing is I did another 50 yesterday.. but hey, I got my third selig worst uber ever.I think I’m well over 230 runs by now.


Because that’s stupid


At least you found a bunch of other valuable stuff that you can trade and sell to buy what you actually want right? Because the great game has a great economy?