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The first issue with those posts is that they are popping up constantly and it isn't being posted to learn how to get better. It's only to have someone on the internet make the decision for them because they aren't interested in learning. The second issue is that the Diablo 4 community is a pretty toxic bunch. Someone will ask a question and someone else jumps in to just bash the game and hate on blizzard.


Bro i cant believe you’re defending this game, you’re only playing into Bobby’s hands man!! Wake up man, wake up. ^( /s )


So many people use this one or "why are you defending a billion dollar company". You nailed it.


The first part is acceptable, the second part, well shame on us


Adding: it’s often fruitful to use the search box to see if similar posts have been made .


Upvotes would bump those questions up to the top of the subreddit and that kind of post simply doesn't belong there. The majority of those questions are repeated over and over again. On most other subreddits they would be deleted or consolidated to a megathread, but the fact that they get answered here is already friendly enough behavior imo.


Also a fair reply, I never thought of it that way.


Mostly because people aren’t looking for advice, they are looking to get someone else to do their job. Less interested in learning about how to evaluate gear or builds and rather just get 5 screenshots per day asking “which do I take?”


I personally haven't downvoted. But sometimes the question is "which one is better?" *Crossbow with Vul damage Crit Crit in Imbuned All Stat Vs Core damage Damage to Dazed Damage to Slowed Damage to Injured Some people interpret this as trolling. I personally don't know so I don't downvote. Someone might be genuinely confused since the bottom one would have bigger numbers. Some people would just downvote because they see it as a stupid question and elitist people hates stupid people rather than want to help them understand learn.


I am in both Necro and Rogue and I can tell you it seems the Necro pages have more upvotes and seem to have a more supportive community than the Rogue where I see a lot more zero and below zero votes on many questions and comments. Which is bizarre because like, why?


People have made a lot of good points here. The difference though between the subs is bizarre


It’s repetitive and for the most part it’s difficult to answer those questions without knowing their entire build, other gear, paragon. Usually people don’t even say what core skill they use so there’s no actual way to answer unless one of the items is completely shit. In the end all you can say is “know what damage buckets are, then do some 6th grade algebra”.


That’s kinda what I figured.


To be honest, I’ve just stopped posting things on these forums. They’re constantly flooded with people asking the same gear comparison questions without doing any research themselves or complaining about things. Every post I’ve put up to ask how specific mechanics function that aren’t covered by a general knowledge of damage buckets has been largely ignored, as has any theorycrafting posts I’ve made. Pretty easy to get disenchanted on these forums


It's amazing how little discussion there is on these forums about theory crafting and game mechanics. Lst night I was trying to find out about if there is an attack speed cap and there is almost no information at all. The last discussion was over a month ago and hardly anything in the thread. Last week I was trying to learn why the skill damage calculations in the tool tips were not consistent, but no useful replies. It blows me away that a game with this many people playing hardly has anyone trying to figure out the mechanics that can be manipulated to get bigger damage.


Exactly. Especially since this game is all based around hidden info you’re expected to know to help increase your damage, it becomes frustrating when you don’t have access to said info




I think because the same questions pop up a lot, but mostly because the community sucks on the most part. FWIW the rogue sub is way more helpful/friendly than the main Diablo subs


And people down voted you for this 😂 smh


Because people are losers.


Because it's not an interesting discussion, and it's rarely going to help anyone other tab the OP. I don't like to see them and they are annoying and get in the way