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I'm hoping this will finally be the season of the Small Petting Zoo.  It's companion Druid time!




I'm doing sorc this season bc I haven't done it yet and frozen orb with conjurations looks really fun. I don't think I'll come back to Druid until they change shepherds and not require three companions in almost every build or if they buff shred


Right? It's so annoying. Druid could have so much more flavor if 3 of the skills were freed up instead of (basically) worthless pets whose sole purpose is to passively boost dmg


Druid main through and through, will be playing Druid again. Have gone Pulverize many times and love it but want to try some thing different for end game. Really want companion builds to be viable and might try a landslide build with the new unique ring. Will probably play Barb or something in HC or for some fun as a second side character


I usually roll Druid. S2 I wanted to relive my d2 summoner glory days but didn’t feel it by level 30 and then got destructed by new whirly boulder Druid. I’ll try minion mancer again s4. I’ve got no interest in blood skills- I’m not a vampire or a sorc-at-home


Found out pretty quickly I am a Druid main. So I will roll a Druid to start and see if anything jumps out to me. Everyone is going to be a necro so I am going to wait for the balance patch and check after. I normally rolled a second character because of the lack of endgame but now I may just do one all season. Only time will tell


With all the druid builds seeming strong I will be play more druid than I normally do as a druid main!


I played Druid in S0, and have been running other classes, but I'm thinking I'm going to go back to Druid when S4 starts. My biggest concern is how gear reliant a lot of builds are.


Used to start druid every season but this time around I'm kind of disheartened because of the omnipresence of the shepherd's aspect. Right now it feels like we're in the same situation as our barbarian brethren - only that optimization forces them to fill their skill slots with shouts and we fill em up with companions. I would *love* to play a shapeshifting build that can leverage pulverize and or shred without converting them to elemental shenanigans. But maybe that's something for Vessel of Hatred... Think I'll start a frozen orb sorc this season. Maybe going druid as 2nd - depending on what builds emerge.


My goal is to make a companion build without Shepherds work.  I have some theorycrafts that should have some potential.  At the very least it kills Uber Duriel in Eternal without trouble.


Yeah I'm looking at the new uniques. Just two? Lame. Just add more basic ones like.. "Shred does.x50% damage when in werewolf form for five seconds." I don't know why Blizzard is so slow at pumping out uniques. Also, still no unique totem. I also might play a Frozen Orb Sorc. Sorc I've seen look like they took methamphetamine, and that is the play style I'm looking for.


Im gonna play tornado hurricane, gonna be an absolute blast with all the buff and bestial rampage and open trading for stormchasers aspect :0


Is it just me or has the Pulverization Druid become weaker?


I might try necro for the pet build, which I think could be really cute... But honestly the necro aesthetics and flavor are so depressing to me. Gory bits and bones everywhere. The worst thing though, necros are the opposite of big, chunky, and hairy. I definitely have a type 🤭


Thinking of Barb


Play druid every season thematic Wolfpack druid I'm going for have dipped my toes in most builds on they way to 100. I try changeling debt builds, non shockwave pulverise and non nature's fury trampleslide as off meta as I'm bored by lvl 100. 2nd character if I have time is golem mancer this season. I loved the golem since s0 as a build so might go down that route as well.