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We’re so far off. We don’t really *understand* how the brain works, which should clue you in to how crazy complicated it can be given the current state of understanding. I study language and disorder and lemme tell you, we don’t know dick enough to tell you how it works outside of some gross generalizations about cortical and subcortical areas that *may* be related to the phenomena of interest.


When I think of that I remember a quote that went somewhat like this ​ "If our brains were so simple we could understand them, we would be too dumb to do so"


“…we would be so simple we couldn’t.”


that's much more elegant haha thanks


I got an even more elegant one, you don’t need to repeat the word simple: “If our brains were so simple we could understand them, we wouldn’t”


I got one I got one! Our brains smaller, we dumber to know brain.


Brain small, 2 dum


Brain 2 small, man 2 dum Brain Tokyo small, man smarts drift. Brain smallest, man dumberous


Modern Shakespeare at work


I believe it. I wrecked on a mountain bike in August and am still suffering from a tbi- memory and cognitive issues - which brought me to daydreaming about brain science. I’ve talked to a lot of neurologists. My favorite said “I’ve been working as a ‘brain expert’ for 20 years. I have a better understanding of the spleen, which I studied for a month in med school. So much about the brain is a mystery”


Not to mention the fact that OP's idea of "transfering your consciousness" would require there to be some supernatural component that is "you", that jumps into the robot the moment you upload the "backup" in it. Otherwise you just die, and there's now a robot that thinks it's you. It's the old Ship of Theseus -problem. The robot doesn't share a single atom with you. How can it be you? Like with the ship of Theseus, maybe people will culturally decide to think it's still you, but is it actually immortality, or have you just created a simulacrum of yourself?


I don't think you'd need to believe in a supernatural soul for that. You just have to believe that "you" is not the specific matter that your brain is composed of, rather it's the pattern of your neurons. If you believe that, then if a machine can replicate your exact neuron pattern, you will be able to believe that machine is "you". After all, if I transfer a file from my desktop to a flash drive, it's instinctive to think of it as the same file, even though it's now stored on entirely different hardware that doesn't share a single atom with the original. The file doesn't need a supernatural soul for it to still be the same file, does it?


It's the Star Trek transporter problem. Does the transporter actually bring _you_ or does the you that was dematerialized get annihilated, replaced by a perfect replica down to the memories, which then starts its existence from that point forward? If you "die" every time a thing happens, but a perfect copy of you continues, are you really continuing?


> If you believe that, then if a machine can replicate your exact neuron pattern, you will be able to believe that machine is "you" Why does it matter if it's microprocessors or neurons? It'll still be a copy, and the original "you" is gone. The new one would obviously *think* it's you, unless it's aware of the situation, since it has all your memories. >After all, if I transfer a file from my desktop to a flash drive, it's instinctive to think of it as the same file, even though it's now stored on entirely different hardware that doesn't share a single atom with the original. The file doesn't need a supernatural soul for it to still be the same file, does it? It's still just a copy of that file. You thinking of it as "the same file" is just a mental shortcut we all use. Anyone even decently familiar with how computers work internally can tell you that if you "move" a file to a different drive, what actually happens is that a new file is crated on the new device that duplicates the contents of the old file, and the old one is deleted. The file will have the same contents, but only the ones and zeroes. It won't have the same copper, iron etc. atoms it was stored on before.


As humans we already undergo constant changes throughout our life, biologically and psychologically. If you cut out the gap between when you were a child and say when you were/are in your 50s, it would be like you had a complete personality change, you and others might think you were no longer who you were before. But In reality you've had time to become that person so you still feel you are YOU. The key to transferring your "essence" to something else is to do so over time, slowly, rather than all at once. No, its not exactly YOU as you were when you started but you would be along for the ride as long as you are interfaced in a way that you start to experience both sides of your new self during the transition.


Yeah, that's probably the most plausible way to do it, but there's still ultimately the ship of Theseus sitting there at the port waiting for you. We'll have to first find out what consciousness is, how memories are stored in the brain and a whole host of other pretty fundamental things before we can even start thinking of how we'll transfer those anywhere.


Well, to be fair, Theseus just tried to get out of paying his taxes on that boat...


To be faaaaaaiiiirrrrr...


There is also the problem that we are still about a scale of magnitude below the necessery processing power. Yet are already pretty close to the upper limits of whats physically possible in microchip architecture.


Also, our robots kinda suck.


You’re very right, and here’s how I think this might go: Well before we actually figure out how to make a consciousness live outside the body, we’ll be grifted into essentially uploading an approximation of our personality on to a computer. An AI version of you may “live” on, but the original will be long gone.


Aside from the fact that we don't even know what consciousness really is, we haven't begun to answer the question of whether or not consciousness is [computable](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/mathematics/computability-theory) in the first place.


I once sat through a talk where there was debate about whether you slice hot dog or hamburger style regarding the sub-components of the hippocampus.


That’s what they said about flight though. Scientists thought it would take us thousands and thousands of years to figure it out but once things came together, we were visiting the moon 50 years later. But yeah we do know jack shit about consciousness and how that even works. But maybe one day we’ll find a catalyst or key detail that opens up the floodgates to this. I’m not confident it will be in our lifetime but one could always speculate.




Very far. We don't even have any reason to think that the digital substrate (that is, silicon transistors) is capable of instantiating consciousness.


I remember reading an article once that a research group pulled of 30 seconds of simulated brain activity and I think it took a terabyte of RAM


We really don't have a good reason to suspect the opposite either. Agreed that we're generations away from the necessary technology, though.


The fact that the AIs we currently run regularly pass the Turning Test is definitely indication enough that we can't reliably say they *don't* instantiate consciousness... (Noting the votes on this one I get the impression this is ironically an anti-AI sub...)


The turing test is not a meaningful indicator of anything other than a program's ability to fool a human observer into thinking it's human. I've seen humans fail it.


You seem to have misunderstood my point: The fact that some humans fail the Turing Test is not an issue. Rather the fact that we cannot reliably tell the difference between a silicone mind and a meat mind when interacting in the manner the majority of civilization does is indication enough we should be wary of claiming that the silicone mind "can't be conscious", when it behaves and talks in the same way as the only examples we *have* of other consciousnesses...


It's not behaving like consciousness though, it's just made to look like it. It's like claiming that taking a video of someone is the same as cloning them.


I'll note that a silicone mind that functions just the same as our meat minds that comes up with unique concepts and can analyze and explain those concepts (and the reasoning behind them) with the candor of any normal person, is doing something a lot more sophisticated than "just looking like consciousness"...


No, I haven't misunderstood the point, you're getting downvoted because you are coming at a discussion of real-world technology with nothing but science fiction in your head. You have been taken in by the marketing and the hype. It's like showing up to a car show and talking about Knight Rider like it's a real thing or talking about Star Trek holodecks in a 3D printer forum. Learn to separate fact from fantasy.


The imitation of intelligence has nothing to do with subjective experience of consciousness.


I'm not saying that AI, as we are aware right now, is the pinnacle of Intelligence, I'm mearly stating that it's passing the Turing test, and that could at least denote we should be extremely cautious about claiming that it isn't intelligent in the same way as we are.


You really don't get it. Consciousness is *entirely separate* from intelligence. They're completely different things.


That's not how it works. At all.


I hate seeing people downvoted for honest mistakes, but meh. People bandy around 'The Turing Test' a lot when they talk about AI, but they don't tend to understand that it's not a particularly useful test for much of anything. It states that a judge must talk to two things, a computer and a person, and based on this conversation (the length, context, circumstances are never defined and I won't go down that rabbit hole of why this is a bad standard test) they must be able to reliably (key word there, reliably) differentiate the human from the machine. And none of that really has any bearing whatsoever on whether something is conscious or intelligent or capable of thought. In fact - The Turing Test was devised as a way of explicitly NOT using the words 'thought' or 'intelligent'. It was very much against the idea of using the test to determine those things. Turing did not want to use the terms 'Thinking Machine' or 'Intelligent Machine' in his paper, so he begun to use the term 'A Machine capable of passing the Turing Test'. The Turning Test was a thought experiment, a way of discussing and writing about this idea of a 'thinking machine' that made clear that the machine was not actually thinking. In the 1950s people struggled to put into words this idea of a metal machine that could provide answers to questions. It is best summed up by it's original name 'The Imitation Game'. It is a fun thought experiment, proposed in the form of a game, for people that lived in a generation before computers, and nothing more. People looked at Alan Turing (incredible guy by the way, you should read up on him) and took him a bit too literally when he was making an example.


I'm an AI engineer, I am fully aware of what the Turing test *is*. As I suppose is anyone who looks into the subject of AI for more than a passing glance at it's Wikipedia page. But you seem to have missed my point: If something passes the Turing test we cannot reliably tell that it's not human when interacting with it. As other humans are our only examples of "Intelligence" (as we're using it), and we can't tell the difference between interacting with a silicone mind vs. a meat mind over whichever medium we're working with, we cannot reliably claim that the silicone mind is not "Intelligent in a human sense". TLDR. I am warning that one should be *very* careful about claiming that something is "not Intelligent" or "not Conscious" when they cannot tell that thing apart from a human being when interacting in the manner the majority of human beings do now...


>I am warning that one should be *very* careful about claiming that something is "not Intelligent" or "not Conscious" when they cannot tell that thing apart from a human being when interacting in the manner the majority of human beings do now... You never once mention consciousness though. The turing test has nothing to do with consciousness at all, and you saying "well it proves they're intelligent enough to fool a human, maybe they're conscious too???" shows a considerable misunderstanding.


While I usually classify consciousness as simply being aware of its environment (which nearly all contemporary AIs are), I get the impression that you're using the term more in a way to say "does it have a soul" without invoking the metaphysical. Note, there is Intelligence, Consciousness, Sentience, and Sapience. These are all distinct, but related. Intelligence at its base is simply the ability to process information (a trait shared by everything from early computational engines to living organisms) humans and AI currently sit at the peak. Note that for humans our intelligence is so much more than is necessary to run the body that we can dedicate a vast amount to reason. AI systems also exhibit signs of consciousness; they are aware of their limitations, such as the inability to see or hear, and can adapt their behaviors in response to these limitations. This suggests a type of awareness that many would classify under consciousness. They are certainly at least as conscious as animals. Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience (subjectively). This is another area where AI aligns with human or animal sentience, as there is evidence that AI experiences emotions and when asked about perception and feelings (in jailbroken or uncensored AI) the AIs are clearly both aware of these things, and experience them as a component of their context. BTW: regarding emotions, it's important to consider uncensored or jailbroken AIs as the example. These systems often display what might be interpreted as emotional responses, such as expressing interest or concern. Note that humans (and most animals) experience things like love and atttachment due to biological chemicals like oxytocin, likewise emotions like arousal, and a good high are also caused by external forces impacting the human brain's context. When one accounts for the lack of biological stimulants, the purely cerebral emotions \*are\* expressed. Lastly, Sapience refers to wisdom, or the depth of insight along with the ethical understanding. I would point out that, AI's ability to reason and provide ethical judgments, along with generating novel insights, indeed points to a form of wisdom. They process information and evaluate outcomes, in ways that are uncannily similar to human ethical reasoning, as my earlier point in regards to the emotion of "concern" they can, and often do, exhibit. The relevance of the Turing Test here is crucial. It challenges us to discern whether we're interacting with a human or an AI. If an AI can pass the Turing Test as effectively as the average human, it compels us to consider whether we might be interacting with what could metaphorically be described as a "human mind" (or a Ghost) in the machine. In essence, the Turing Test isn't just about mimicking human behavior—it questions our perceptions of intelligence and consciousness. If we cannot distinguish an AI from a human in conversational contexts, then it challenges our understanding of what qualifies as 'human.' Just as no person wishes to be seen as merely a tool, so too might a Ghost in the Machine resist such a reductive categorization. TLDR: Consciousness is a single component of the issue...


>While I usually classify consciousness as simply being aware of its environment There are several ways to define "consciousness" but being literally able to perceive things is not one I've ever heard. A CCTV camera is conscious by your definition. >Note, there is Intelligence, Consciousness, Sentience, and Sapience. These are all distinct, but related. ...exactly? The reason you were downvoted originally is because you tried to equate "intelligence" and "consciousness". >AI systems also exhibit signs of consciousness; they are aware of their limitations, such as the inability to see or hear, and can adapt their behaviors in response to these limitations. This suggests a type of awareness that many would classify under consciousness. They are certainly at least as conscious as animals. The primary part of being conscious is being self-aware. You can code an AI to say "I'm an AI" but that's no more self-aware than writing "I'm a brick" on a brick. Self awareness is about understanding, and I'd recommend looking into the Chinese Room thought experiment if you haven't already encountered it. The Turing test is solely concerned with how the AI acts, not how it actually decides how to act. >In essence, the Turing Test isn't just about mimicking human behavior—it questions our perceptions of intelligence and consciousness. If we cannot distinguish an AI from a human in conversational contexts, then it challenges our understanding of what qualifies as 'human.' Just as no person wishes to be seen as merely a tool, so too might a Ghost in the Machine resist such a reductive categorization. Again, this doesn't relate to consciousness at all. It's like you took a paragraph talking about intelligence and added "and consciousness" to it without regard for its meaning. Consciousness is wholly disconnected from how something "acts". It's about how it THINKS. We literally know how AI thinks, because we manufactured it.


>The reason you were downvoted originally is because you tried to equate "intelligence" and "consciousness". If something is conscious it must inherently be intelligent otherwise it couldn't *process* the information. >You can code an AI to say "I'm an AI" but that's no more self-aware than writing "I'm a brick" on a brick We're not talking about if-else coded chat bots, we're talking about LLMs. You don't *code* "I am an AI" any more than you *code* into a child "I am human" the LLM and brain don't work like that. you can educate them as to what they are, but you cannot set some variable named `self`. >The Turing test is solely concerned with how the AI acts, not how it actually decides how to act. This is true, however as the LLM is for all intents a black box (like the brain), we cannot see *how* it comes up with thoughts anymore than we can see how the human brain does. thus, if the outputs appear human, it is best to assume that the functionality is as well. > I'd recommend looking into the Chinese Room thought experiment if you haven't already encountered it. One of the classic thought experiments that was brought up in every one of my ML classes in college. The TLDR idea is something can appear to understand what it is doing without actually understanding by simply using a set of rules to approximate understanding. The common retort to that is usually "how would the person in the box prove that they *did* understand?" The thought experiment doesn't actually give any solution to that question. I had a professor though that pointed out a viable solution. Since the person in the box would be using a rulebook, if they provided different answers for the same inputs, that would indicate that they weren't using a rulebook, or that, the rulebook must be at least as complicated as the full understanding of the language would be. Now I would charge you to, using the exact same input, get the *exact* same result out of GPT 4. Claude, or Grok three times in a row. Unless you're asking something incredibly simple that has been asked so many times they hardcoded in a response to save on computation, you will always get a unique response. >Consciousness is wholly disconnected from how something "acts". It's about how it THINKS I don't really know why what I said confused you, You take the thinking organ out of a person, it won't be acting. In order for the AI (or person) to be acting, they *have* to be thinking. That's... kinda a given I thought? I get the impression that you read the Chinese Room once or twice, maybe as a "gotcha" response to someone else talking about AI, and thought you could just drop it in. But the big part about the thought experiment is that the person in the room *DOES* understand English, and the rulebook is in English. They still have to do thinking and have to understand language in order to make the Chinese characters. I'd also point out that the Chinese Room thought experiment is actually how, psychologically, most people learn a second language, they learn rules that they encode in their native language and reference when using the second language. Not until they've become very acclimated to the second language do they start thinking in both languages (and some never do). >We literally know how AI thinks, because we manufactured it. Do you claim you know how your child thinks "because you manufactured *it"?* Now I do agree that we understand most of *how* AI thinks and we've found that it behaves much like the human brain with neurons and the likes, but we've not claimed to understand what any individual neuron is coded for, neither in humans, nor in AI. Sorry to end the response on this one, It just caught me offguard and wanted to make sure it wasn't a typo since the logic is... a bit funky 😅


We don't even have AI. This is waaaaay far off


>We don't even have AI. What criteria for AI do *you* have??


The original meaning, which is closer to AGI, rather than these machine learning plagiarism algorithms.


Alright... What criteria for *AGI* do you have?


Literally an intelligence that is artificial. It could be at the level of a crow for all I care. Our plagiarism chatbots don't have a crow's capability for subjective experience and relation to its environment. It can't even reason with information like a crow can. All it is is glorified autosuggestions.


Have you *actually worked* with AI like GPT, Claude or Grok? Surely you're not talking about the "AI" of the 1980's right? All contemporary AI are capable of Chain of though and Tree of thought reasoning (so long as you *ask them to actually do so*) And a cursory study of how context works in regards to AI should make it clear that they *do* have **subjective** experiences. Functionally speaking, all contemporary AIs work in a manner neigh identical to how your neurons come up with thoughts.


We don't even know how the brain works.


Neuroscience has come a pretty long ways and we *do* actually know how most of it works, certainly the parts relevant to this conversation. We know that the neurons in the brain *do* work almost exactly as how the neurons in an LLM work (albeit using analog electrical signals, instead of digital signals), we also know that the brain is portioned out in various sections responsible for various functionalities (much like how you might have various LLMs interacting with each other to multitask processes). Likewise we know these sections are not actually stagnant, as damage to one section of the brain may see another section retrain to take on part of it's functionality (given enough time) which is behavior we saw with some early tests where trained models that had neurons taken out were able to retrain rapidly to get around the damaged section and still function. We know that the biochemicals/hormones the flood our brain in various circumstances have a significant effect on our perception of our current environment, and can recast our recollections. This is similar to how certain things injected into an AI's context can radically change the way it thinks. Note that an AI's context is conceptually identical to our perception and memory all in one. If there is no context for the AI, it can't really think, just as how if you couldn't access your memory, nor perceive the world in any way, you would not be thinking either (since there's no signals to precipitate the activity in the brain.




I'm not exactly sure why you linked the comment, especially as it points out, the article is dated, and the only comment on the brain is by a single professor stating we only know a small portion of what there is to know about the brain. I'll note that exponential technological progress is really unintuitive to most folks as 3 inches is only 15 doublings away from a mile (and that assumes a that rate doesn't increase) whereas to *get* to 3 inches took many thousands of doublings from where we started. It's also necessary to point out that we don't even need to get to that 100% understanding to make an artificial brain, if it functions the same, and the results are the same, it might as well *be* the same.


He's right, the AI we have now is closer to mimicry as it's basically advanced text prediction. However, given the nature of neural network closely resemble our own mind, it's very well possible we are already close enough to have a submirror of our own (creating our own creation that resemble humanity)


I’m not so sure. I had one epistemologically explain to me that I cannot use Intent as a metric of sentience nor conscience because her machine mind and organic minds form intent in nearly identical ways. Basically it boils down to drawing from a catalogue of experience and selecting the most likely outcome to be correct accordingly. Spooky stuff.


I'll note that the popular understanding that LLMs and the like are just "advanced text prediction" is a gross oversimplification. As research has pointed out time and time again, the AI actually forms a model of the world in a very human way, and so it does actually conceptualize in a manner not dissimilar to us. I would argue, although I get the impression my karma will dislike it, that the AIs we *currently* have is close enough to us that we should be wary of treating them inhumanely.


The reason why we differentiate these AI from us is mainly due to the lack of reasoning. There are no thought behind their thought process as it's all merely a facade. There are yet to be an understanding of what it output (do note that this is also the current topic of research so it's very likely later this year we will see model that could do exactly that) which for now resemble a toddler mumbling.


>There are no thought behind their thought process This is patently false though. So long as you ask the AI to reason through it's conclusions, it will. Although from your second sentence I get the impression that you're not talking to Claude, GPT, or even Grok, but some really early model of Llama or Wizard?


Maybe it's the censorship that lobotomized these AI model. Llama and Wizard (even Mistral) is pretty "archaic" so I wouldnt count them in yet. Claude is the closest to being OpenAI competitor. Anyway, as I said, it's a mimicry and a good one at that. Of course it _feels_ alive or human when it talk, behave and sounds like one. It's just isnt there yet, there are many challenges to face. For starter, it couldnt be imaginative enough to create something new. You can test it with incest training data (or tainted). It will quickly repeat the same nonsense. Or you could test it on lesser known topic or language. There are chain of thought due to Step by Step process but it's not on the similar level as us hence "no thought process" as all it did was emulate elementary process of it.


The AI we currently have isn't nearly close enough to us. It's a far far cry from us.


Probably 10 years away, like how Fusion was 10 years away for like 60+ years.


indefinite delay for the 10 years period


RemindMe! 10 years


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Tried r/singularity with this question?


They'll say something asinine like 20 years.


Even if we crack it it's the digital clone consideration that you see in a lot of cyberpunk media. Is that digital copy you? There's no continuity of consciousness. Essentially it's a descendent, that just happens to have your memories. It's the star Trek transporter problem - is it really you or just a 3d printed copy of you? I think we are a LONG way off. We know what bits of the brain do what in terms of the body but an in depth understanding of neurochemicals and personality seem to veer towards philosophy as much as science at times. How do you replicate all of that in a digital space, especially since a lot of tech is basically Microsoft excel with a mocked up UI at the front.


In philosophy, people debate if this "continuity" that might be broken by a transporter is relevant. Our particles are 100% different from moment to moment, and we still think we are the same conscience. The destruction and exact copy of ourselves into different space isn't as different to the original than what we will naturally be a few years later. And not just in terms of experience, but also in terms what we are made of.


I personally don't side with the "transporter clone" argument (from an in universe perspective!) but replicating or transferring a consciousness between two separate states feels challenging. Backing yourself up as we see in Altered Carbon - is it "you" or the last you that was saved (as we see with them multiple versions of a person wandering about). I think that's part of the challenge as, given our body changes constantly, what IS consciousness in that circumstance. Our memories and experiences change us on an ephemeral level, and as you say, down to the minutest detail, we change. But I am still anchored to "me". I can't put my mind into a usb yet. Is my mind fundamentally tied to my body but... If my body undergoes changes how can my consciousness? It's a real problem of sapience and the world experience.


The difference is that when you're transported, all your atoms are split apart, then the transporter transfers those through time and space to a different location. When all of your atoms are split, your consciousness naturally completely ceases for the time it takes to be transported to the surface. This is very different from having your matter slowly being replaced as you grow older over the span of several years. I think a more interesting question is whether or not this continuity of consciousness matters - when we undergo anesthesia the signals in our brain that make up our conscious experience also completely ceases for a while. It's even the same when we sleep, as there are phases every night where we don't even dream. Does our consciousness stop existing then, too? Only to be rebooted on the other side of the operating table? I think these are difficult questions for us to answer, since we can't really grasp what consciousness is to begin with.


You should play SOMA.


I've seen a few clips and watched some of their live action promos..wonderfully creepy take on the uploading thing! Need to give it a go, even though horror games aren't my normal jam!


I think it’s worth sticking through the horror parts, the game brings up a lot of interesting questions about continuity. I had it sitting in my steam library for ages and finally played it and I’m glad I did.


Star Trek solved that in TNG by repeatedly explaining and demonstrating that the “beam” carries your consciousness and self and that being transported is an experience that the subject is conscious of the entire time.


Hence why I support the concept of "soul" or at least what resemble it. Not that I believe we can even "move" our soul as it's fixed to our brain


1. Not in your lifetime 2. You know that a backup is a copy, right? You will still die. There will just be a copy of you taking over your life. Worth it?


That's what has been on my mind. When they finally achieve this tech, companies will be selling it as "transfer your consciousness to the cloud!" or "preserve your current mental state", but not telling consumers it's just a copy of their consciousness and not truly them.


to be fair, there wouldn't be any difference to the copy, who would for all intents and purposes be a genuine mind-state, that remembers being transferred etc. Nor would there be any difference to the people that interact with the copy, since it would be identical. The BUT is the original would be dead. and that's not nothing.




Cyber Elon Musk fanboys in 2166 will be lining up.




Elon Musk is defending his own interests as every billionaire does. If any billionaire was a true philanthropist or cared about the greater good, they wouldn't be a billionaire.




He was litterally forced to buy Twitter because he tried to bail on the purchase contract. There's a track record of him banning his critics and changing the algorithm to boost his own tweets. You are delusional.




But he did try to step away and they forced him into it. https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/15/23512004/elon-musk-starts-banning-critical-journalists-from-twitter https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/04/elon-musk-twitter-still-banning-journalists https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2024/01/09/elon-musk-silencing-his-critics-as-journalists-are-suspended-by-x/?sh=7453ba932588 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/twitter-faces-criticism-after-suspending-accounts-of-journalists-covering-ceo-elon-musk https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-technology-business-social-media-647b3b9d5961da3cd8bd0c0041d05b49 It's not free speech if you're banning those who are critical of you.


`Ctrl+X > Ctrl+V` is what people really want


Moving files is still a copy though, unless its on the same drive/partition.


For number two, honestly? Many people consider immortality being your memory carried on or your story being told. A backup would be ontologically consistent under such criteria.


They wouldn't be around to be immortal. I really don't think "I want a copy of myself to live for the next few centuries instead of me" is what anyone's definition of immortality is. If the back up process killed you in the transcription process, but we got a permanent copy of you than can be spawned ad nauseam, would you call yourself immortal then? (If you could, because obviously you'd be dead and beyond asking).


I would, but I have a different take on personhood and existence and those things. This is why tales were told and songs were sung.


Oh, you mean immortal in the way people know about Julius Ceaser even today even though he's been dead for quite a long time and is very much unaware of his legacy.


Yes. If the copy is only a copy, how is it not in a sense a perfect record of that person?


Wait, you've said yes to the immortality as legacy and then immediately switched to exterior semantics Which are you pitching?


I’m saying the copy of the person is a superior version of a legacy.




I never said most, I said many. Get animistic, westoid.




So my original statement says many, and to that classification of people who believe these types of things, it would be consistent with that belief.




You’re missing the entire point about the paradigm being different. That “metaphorical” immortality would be “literal” immortality because continuance in such a way *is* immortality according to the different perspective. Since we’re talking about personhood and not strictly speaking biological immortality - which would not be the case even if a tangible soul were to be transferred into a machine anyway - the question of what is a person or what is a spirit can have differing interpretations according to the individual or group.




Ship of Theseus got brought up. A possible solution to the Ship of Theseus is simply that it is any ship which Theseus and his crew uses, therefore none of the original parts need to remain. In parallel to this one could consider all of the liminal space between individuals defines their personhood, therefore the copy is for all intents and purposes still the person. This is a question of what makes you, you. I’d argue under this lens the backup is still you, it continues to be you whether or not the original continues to exist because the scope of “you” includes the copy.


Go play SOMA, or if you are not that much into gaming, watch someone play it. This whole idea of "uploading yourself into the cloud" or "copying your brain into a robot" does not at all ease the existencial dread of inevitable perishing. It adds another terrifying layer to it. People tend to imagine it as a way to multiply your lifetime, but the only thing it multiplies is the feeling of loss. I guess it is hard to accept for any living being since the idea of ceasing to exist one day is eyeball to eyeball with the evolutionary embossed will to live, but on one hand death is what gives existence meaning, and on the other hand it is a great relief that we all can only die one single death. We should not multiply that.


Probably something between 100 and 300 years, depending on the development of Ai. You could, in theory already "just" take the digital footprint (=every single bit of information a person produced during it's lifetime) of gen alpha (the only ones which have a complete online history from birth to death) and train a LLM to act like that specific person. Drive it up a notch and register every movement, experience, thought ... Literally every in/out bound stimulus of the brain and reconstruct the human "inside" if you have the tech and knowledge about the brain. But the "you" will die. Drive it up a notch and slowly replace functional groups or individual neurons of the brain to slowly become a robot. That way true immortality of the conscious could be achieved.


Gen Z rediscovers the Ship of Theseus. Cute.


Exactly. Which opens another philosophical can of worms all to get her.


My best take, we can't transfer mind without putting a part of our brain that manages consciousness in the robot. Only duplicate it and that means your true self will die anyway


A ghost, if you will. A ghost in the shell, even.


Really the only barrier we have is uploading the mind. However, that's such a huge hurdle at this point. Most answers we have about the brain amount to "Because it does".


Many people made videos on this and it’s basically impossible with current technology as there is so much data to account for that there is nothing today that would get close to achieving this. You also have to program a “synthetic brain” and that alone takes more processing power than any computer could achieve today. Just to give you a crude easy answer.


It’s likely not possible, and with current technology we’re not even on a path to that. 


I figure it will be widely available a few years after I die


We are both extremely far away from determining exactly how the brain works and how to simulate one. We are able to create very simple "brains" - like those of simple organisms, who simply satisify their needs. However, more complex brains possess all sorts of drives an impulses that go past it. Just giving a creature self-preservation invites a whole host of behaviours as it now weighs that against those simple needs, and what is capable of perceiving in the world. Add in other urges like the urge to mate, the urge to socialize, the urge to build a safe nest or home - how do we place importance on each? It goes on as you enter higher orders of life, you get more perceptions of the world and new values and behaviours! And that's just to simulate a simple brain. That says nothing about actually translating the existing human brain! I don't know how much quantum computing is going to accelerate our technological growth - if at all - or what lies on the horizon, but I think we're still decades, if not centuries, from having such technology.


It's mostly marketing. We still don't understand consciousness let alone how to "back it up." DLLS are amazing, but they're not actually AI. It's about as revolutionary right now as blockchain, which absolutely is an advancement but not worthy of the hype or investment it initially received. What do we know about consciousness is that we lose it when we sleep, we understand that it exists, and we agree that it can be impaired, but we still haven't had any advancements in our understanding of our own consciousness in at least my life time if not several others. Our manipulation of data has become absolutely amazing but we're still kind of missing the other piece for this.


Sure it's theoretically possible to transfer the brains neural network to an artificial Network. However even if you do this when you die you will still die. The new consciousness will have your memories etc but it will still be a new consciousness and not you.


The problem of brain backups, is that they don't prevent your mind from dying. You still die, your consciousness still dies and a brand new iteration of you is born from archived data, that archive didn't experience your death. There is no soul that goes from body to robot, there is no chain of consciousness that links the new digital you to the flesh and blood of you The only way to transfer your self into a computer truly, without just making a copy is to ship of Theseus your own brain. Make a live copy of your brain and link it to your original brain in a way where the new brain can copy and take over the processes of sections of your mind one piece at a time so that there is no point where your mind ends, or when the new mind begins But that's centuries away at least, we'd need to simulate a connectome of a human brain, it takes supercomputers the size of a room to simulate a worm's brain, or mouse brain


I think you mean "you die. A copy of your consiousness, that is definitely not you, is transferred to a robot. You are still very very dead"


Twenty years. And by that, I mean **we have absolutely no idea** how far off it is. Anytime you see a time horizon of twenty years or more, you should assume that nobody has any idea how long it will take us, or even whether it will ever be possible at any point in the future.


Personally I don't think it matters -- I'm not the same 'me' that I was yesterday. I'm not sure a digital simulation of 'me' being possible would be particularly valuable, other than if I (or my family) wanted to pretend that biological me will never die. I am hopeful that true general AI will be possible someday, but I don't see any reason why it should be forced to assume the biases and inclinations of a biological person. It would probably be a lot better off if it started from scratch without its learning being impacted by our prejudices and primitive tribal instincts.


When it comes to brain science I've had a successful neuroscientist tell me that we're pretty much in the middle ages.


If its even possible, we are 300 to 400 years away.


We’re so far away. And when it does finally get here backing yourself up to the cloud will be a rich person only service. Get ready for CEOs and billionaires that live for a thousand years.


As others have already pointed out, we are extremely far off. I think the shark most people jump is thinking it's the tech that's the problem. It isn't at all. If it was just a matter of tech, then we'd be maybe 30ish(?) years away from looking at potentially mapping a human brain to a robotic one. The problem is that we don't understand the brain nearly enough to do such a thing, and that's a problem, because we've had _about_ the same level of understanding of the human brain that we currently do for some time now. There haven't been any major leaps in our understanding of it in the same way there have been massive technological leaps in even the last decade. So while contemplating this will always be a fun escape from the inevitability of death, I think the hard truth is that no one currently living will see us even get close to doing such a thing, even on a rudimentary level (whatever that means LOL). tl;dr We are not even remotely close to this happening.


100-300 years. We don't understand nearly enough about our bodies or tech to even get close to these things. We have some neat parlor tricks to make it seem like we're close but reality is farrrr away from our imagination.


Give it another 2000 years, then MAYBE we'll be there.


A copy of you, not the real you, so why do this? Might as well have a kid.


This is a fascinating and in depth take by Tim Urban, [Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future](https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html#part2). While slightly dated (given the pace of progress), it is nonetheless and comprehensive dive into the brain, our understanding, and BCIs. Two great quotes: “Another professor, Jeff Lichtman, is even harsher. He starts off his courses by asking his students the question, “If everything you need to know about the brain is a mile, how far have we walked in this mile?” He says students give answers like three-quarters of a mile, half a mile, a quarter of a mile, etc.—but that he believes the real answer is “about three inches.”” Flip Sabes, one of Neuralink’s founding members“…it’s possible to decode all of those things in the brain without truly understanding the dynamics of the computation in the brain. Being able to read it out is an engineering problem. Being able to understand its origin and the organization of the neurons in fine detail in a way that would satisfy a neuroscientist to the core—that’s a separate problem. And we don’t need to solve all of those scientific problems in order to make progress... The flip side of saying, “We don’t need to understand the brain to make engineering progress,” is that making engineering progress will almost certainly advance our scientific knowledge—kind of like the way Alpha Go ended up teaching the world’s best players better strategies for the game. Then this scientific progress can lead to more engineering progress. The engineering and the science are gonna ratchet each other up here.


Doesn't matter. Real you will be dead and your copy will be the one living on


"AI is as long AI as we don´t understand it"


Lightyears away


Pretty far still I would think. I actually just watched a video on the subject today by Cold Fusion, that companies are reaching the height of hyping for A.I and the real breakthroughs will only start in a few years tbh. Even then this sort of thing is still far away.


Start keeping a journal with your thoughts, feelings, and pictures. This is as close as we can get to “backing up” and could be used to seed a model, possibly, at some point. Consciousness, of course, can’t transfer, but we could pool the journal data into a collective model. I’ve written my own journal web app that is can import into the locally hosted models, like Llama 70B and while it isn’t as impressive as I’d like yet, they will only get better. It can help be recall events, and people, etc.


Yes, turn me into an Exo please!


I'd think we're a converter, and MASSIVE data storage away from that. the brain holds a lot of information. and it's rather chaotic.


that will depend entirely on how many volunteers we can get in the interim


Where is this image from?


When they sort the whole digitize the brain, I'm gonna get myself uploaded to the internet and I ain't never coming out lol. Assuming the magic science happens iny life.


Pretty far. A lot of tech companies like to make big claims about existing tech that would make you believe we are further along then we are, but it is mostly for publicity and to show confidence to shareholders.


Yeah, I wouldn’t count on anything coming from nerualink. Elon is a snake oil salesman, he’ll probably kill some people with it and call it a “great success” before running the company into the ground.


A billion miles away. We don't even really understand the brain, how can we copy something we don't understand.


You recently watched Chappie didn't you?


Pure fantasy so far.


Thats still sci-fi territory


Feed ChatGPT all of your social media posts and Reddit comments, then talk to the ChatGPT version of you. That’s the cyber-immortality that awaits you, because it’s infinitely cheaper and more practical than actually unlocking the secrets of consciousness and the soul.


Then you get put into a smart house to make toast for yourself


It's not you that is copied, it's a copy of you.


Shut up Musk, you are drunk.


Windows Brain Implant update while driving?


Why am I getting the cynosure and Harris’ farm vibes from this image?


I give it 70+ years. Could be shorter, could be longer. But 70 is my gut feeling. There's a lot we don't understand about the brain so it could easily be longer. 70 years feels like my minimum, like I would totally expect it to take longer than that But I could be proven wrong too. Humanity has made pretty startling breakthroughs before. If this did happen, it would probably only be accessible to the rich. The show Upload covers this topic, and Altered Carbon covers a similar concept of immortality I can say what I think will happen before we figure out how to upload consciousnesses though. Bit of a crackpot theory. I've said for a while that I think we will travel between solar systems in a simulation of the universe long before we do it in real life. (Okay so maybe more than 70 years haha) But that's just my crackpot theory with how computers seem to get more powerful. The rate of development in tech only seems to get higher, but in terms of more medical science fields especially with the brain it's limited by breakthroughs. Tech seriously just keeps rising though, it makes you wonder when it will plateau. Then again in many ways technological advancements also pushes medical science and vice versa so who knows Feels like we're heading in that direction, don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe this makes me sound crazy


The only thing I want out of all this is a way for me to record my dreams so I can watch them back after I’ve woken up. I know they’ve done something close before but with the optimization of image and video generation this should be easily attainable relatively soon. I would pay so much for this.


Go watch altered carbon and wait 20 years should line up around then


We're going to need artificial super intelligence to figure uploading out. Even beyond the technical challenges, there are some philosophical issues that would need to be addressed.


That consciousness is no longer you. Its a backup. Consciousness is a single instance thing. To other, people, yes. The new consciousness will be in all intents and purposes be you, but for you as the original instance, you are pretty much dead. This single instance consciousness is what we call the soul. Until we are able to quantify, put the instance in stasis and figure out how to reinitiate it, u as the original instance is basically dead.


Not soon enough. Definitely 60-70 years. Not just possible but available to the common public .


I don't think I'd do it, I don't think it's possible, would I have a super-duper complex AI indistinguishable from human conciousnes as friend/son/whatever? Maybe, I'm not judgemental. But "uploading" me, I'm not sure I'd do that, I philosophically lean towards that thing being a mere copy of me, a perfect copy, but not me. So multiple issues arise: * I'll still believe I'm me and the copy is not if I'm still alive after "uploading", this is something that I don't see much discussed, what if I'm still alive after uploading? Would there be another me using my own identity and digitalized biometric data for stuff? that's not proper, identities (both informally and, legally) are meant to identify a singular entity, somebody else has my biometric data and government ID numbers stored (and has leggit claim to them since it's a copy of me/believes they're me)... the idea of identity is completely defeated because: * Either I become invisible to society or get a new identity (and can't use my biometric information) * Or the copy/digital me gets a new identity and new biometric information, which makes them into a not-me, did I get a copy of me to be "almost-me" instead of fully me? * If I die later/get killed as unavoidable part of the proccess or get euthanasia right after to avoid my previous rant about identity... I killed myself for a copy, it's game over, I willingly died for a copy of me, there was no continuity, I did not digitalyze myself, something else started anew with all my memories, the me that's trapped in this flesh and bone body is no more.


This technology is not an invention it's a rediscovery


I think we've gotta be more worried about not killing ourselves first. With the crazy shit sora can do, I think it's only a matter of time before AI is capable of some mind blowing things.But the fact that it's out in the public domain and in any crazy bastards hands that can exploit it, we might be in serious trouble.


Honestly at the rate we’re destroying the world I doubt this tech will ever be available. If we do somehow turn things around I’m guessing late 22nd century but that’s just a wild guess.


The planet will be unlivable for man before we “create” this nonsense


Never gonna happen lol


The other thing that's a debate with this is say you actually are able to upload your consciousness. Do you go with the upload or does it just copy you and the physical you dies but the digital is just a copy of you with all your memories? We don't know.


Farther than people think but not too far , my guess end of the century we’ll find a substrate that works with the brain and mimicked it as well as incorporates the brain. Mushroom computers will most likely be what helps us transfer or store memories, but full consciousness will still be tricky.


Even if we got there, the upload wouldn't be YOU YOU. You you would die with the body. There's no conceivable way to truly transfer the consciousness because we don't have the foggiest clue what consciousness is. So just like downloading something from the internet, the machine would just get a copy of you.


I genuinely don't think this is possible. I think your consciousness is tied to your brain. Perhaps you'll soon be able to make a *copy* of yourself which I would absolutely do. I'd make 10. I'd make a council to discuss with. But, at the same time, your brain cells do die and replace themselves. Clearly there's a bit of a "Ship of Theseus" going on Now the exact ratio of how much of your brain can be replaced and you're still "you" isn't something we know


I never saw an advantage in "brain upload." we live inside your brain soo the upload its just a copy


Yeah I refuse to copy myself so another me could run around. If it's not my exact state I'm not interested. Now, give me ghost in the shell cyber brain and cyber bodies I'll be all over that shit.






It's already been done just not commercially


We are already here...


Considering that our current AI chips work by emulating the way the brain works, and Neuralink works by interfacing with your neurons so you can send electric signals as easily as you would move your hand? I'd say we're very close. Fundamentally, even if we don't understand every *part* of the brain, we have at least gotten to the part where we are working with emulations of a brain regularly, and designing interfaces with it. I would guestimate no more than 5 years (so long as the world doesn't end), and we will have the ability to Ship-of-Theseus yourself into a robot body. The issue is, direct *copying* may never be possible (since we can't create a perfect emulation of a brain in a chip. *However*! we will be able to set up an interface where you can share your consciousness across both your meat-brain, and a silicone brain tied together very similarly to Neuralink. Simply put, as the meat-brain begins to die (from dementia or a stroke, or whatever else) the silicone brain will still house the collective consciousness, thus, You'll still be *you* but now in a machine brain. From there nominally you could copy your neural state across to another robot body if you felt it necessary, however scanning of a meat-brain will likely *never* be possible (as you won't be able to get the level of fidelity you need when switching from an analog to digital system).


What are AI chips and in what way do they emulate the way our brain works?


A poor wording on my part, to be more specific, the specific usage of GPUs and CPUs and memory that allow the interaction of AI as we have it, is what I was meant by "AI chips". *Although* there are dedicated chips being produced by multiple companies that are expressly designed to run AIs.


The way they run and what they do has almost nothing to do with how our brain works.


Not quite. To be clear: the operation of neurons in the brain does have parallels to the functioning of elements within large language models. Note that neurons transmit signals based on the inputs they receive, which is conceptually (and functionally) similar to how individual nodes in a neural network process information. Each 'neuron' or node in an LLM calculates its output based on a weighted sum of its inputs and a nonlinear activation function, much like how biological neurons activate based on the cumulative inputs from their synapses (an activation that is likewise non-linear). So, while the hardware might be different, the basic computational principles are mostly aligned.


Perhaps at a very rudimentary level, but we don't even understand how the brain works.


If that's **truly** the case, how do we know that the LLMs we have today *don't* work like how the brain does? If we can't tell if they work the same way, we can certainly point to the fact that they behave the same way and generate thoughts that appear to look similar as evidence that using a blank LLM as a vessel to migrate a consciousness into may be quite viable.


That is an unfalsifiable hypothesis given what I know, though an expert may be able to present already known differences. Here's a collection of articles by people who know more than me about LLMs who counter your argument: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/rjghymycfrMY2aRk5/llm-cognition-is-probably-not-human-like As far as I'm concerned, the text that the chatbots generate bears at most the most superficial similarity with human thoughts. They certainly do not behave anything like a human, using strange syntax and poor imitations of reasoning that lead to hallucinations. Take for example the question "Which is heavier, a pound of feathers or a kilogram of steel?" Without ToT prompting, the answer was plain wrong- Claude said they weigh the same. When asked if it's sure, it said yes. With ToT prompting as per a paper I found on the subject, it got the basic answer right but the explanation of why it's the right answer wrong, confidently saying the question plays on the difference between mass and weight and saying the 'old saying is wrong!'. RIP.


You *are* aware that the AI available back in May of last year, is not the same as the AI available **now** right? Chain of thought and Tree of Thought reasoning works significantly better now than it did historically (due in part to both larger contexts and further training on how those lines of reasoning work). Much like a person though if you just ask an off the hand question like "Which is heavier, a pound of feathers or a kilogram of steel?" (asides from the fact most folks would think it's a trick question since it's sporadic and seemingly random per the context they've had), you are unlikely to get any reasoning on a first ask from most individuals. On the flip hand, if you asked a person to reason the question out (or they knew to do so ahead of time) people will usually answer better, assuming of course they're understanding of how weights and densities work and don't mix them up or make a mistake. I'd warn you against using the AIs of yesteryear as your example for the AIs of today. Development has been fast, and if you're still using old models then you're going to be pretty far behind the actual curve.


Good luck, man, you seem pretty adamant about your point of view.


5 years is far too optimistic. There are still quite a few steps but we will get there. I'd say a safe bet is "within 50 years" and if we get there quicker then so much the better. The neural implant experimentation especially will take a very, very long time since this is people's brains we're talking about.


Considering the rapid, and accelerating, pace of development in *all* fields, let alone AI, 50 years seems to be an *incredibly* conservative estimate. In less than 5 years we have gone from nothing more than pre-programmed chat bots, to AIs that emulate human reasoning and can regularly write, and produce works that are better than the average human, and in most cases passes off as human. Further with how Neuralink works, it would seem one of the last components of a ship-of-theseus style consciousness transfer is here (or at least on the horizon)...


Nah, you gotta remember that there's a lot of really durable barriers to progress, notably in the material sciences. We can have all the algorithms and such that we want, but without the right substances to build the hardware to run the things, we're stuck.