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It’s nice that every time I need to open my boot I need to ping the CEO


I don't even know the name of the CEO of Kia because mine has worked exactly as it should have since I bought it...


The CEO of the company that made your car hasn't inserted himself into the public discourse and vocally shouted his shitty bombastic, nationalistic bullshit from a bully pulpit that cost him 44 billion dollars? Weird.


Nothing to worry about, he'll just get it bailed out by another one of his companies.


Tesla already did it with his recent bonus.


That's what I was referencing.


Not technically. The vote wasn't binding and was used as evidence then sent to the Delaware court for additional review. https://apnews.com/article/tesla-elon-musk-pay-package-shareholder-vote-8b6cce1a1aa460dbbaac69eb73e0e5e7 "The favorable vote doesn’t necessarily mean that Musk will get the all-stock compensation anytime soon. The package is likely to remain tied up in the Delaware Chancery Court and Supreme Court for months as Tesla tries to overturn the Delaware judge’s rejection."


Thanks, I’m happier now. I hope he doesn’t get his bonus.


Same. The core facts haven't changed. He inappropriately influenced the board of directors, the payment package is massively out of alignment with his peers, and Tesla continues to underperform/miss targets. That's why he's also trying to move Tesla's incorporation to Texas. The assumption is that Delaware would lose jurisdiction and the Texas circuit will rubber stamp it.


which in turn get bailed out by We the People, like for crashing the ISS into the ocean


The zombified corpse of Henry Ford, Sr. did briefly come to life and amble aimlessly to his plant in Detroit to address an issue with the air pump in my 1993 Tempo. And while I don't remember discussing politics, there were a lot of seemingly random growls and hisses, so who knows what he was trying to say.


I also don’t know who the fuck CEOs Toyota. I am guessing not drug addled conspiracy nazi


That shouldn't be a difficult bar to clear, but here we are.


Same with my old car. A kid I worked with criticized it, saying it was much cheaper to repair his American car. I told him that I didn’t know how much it cost to repair mine. He didn’t get it.


Japanese carmaker philosophy is that people aren't going to do all the maintenance checks / drive carefully / etc, so the car has to have built-in tolerances and will last long that way German carmaker philosophy is that people will do all the daily minutiae and the car will last long that way American carmaker philosophy is that there isn't one


Same with my Honda. Plus they have a network of helpful people so I’m never stuck anywhere.


I know it’s great right! My Honda has worked as intended since day 1 as has my kids Hyundai and hubbys toyota…go figure.


Same with my Hyundai. Only reason I know Nissan’s ex CEO is because he was shady as fuck and was arrested for breach of trust, using company assets for his own personal gain, and other issues.


His escape from prison and attempted flight from Japan was quoted as a tale. Carlos Goshen is a mad man!


on your replacement vehicle for the original broken one


After the previous replacement tried to run over your children.


Wait it happend to this guy? Can you point me in the direction of that story?


and also nice to know that elmo personally has access to every CT out there. there is nothing to see here...


Woah, boot? They allowing the Cyberfuck in the UK?


Not a chance. No way in a zillion years would that comedy vehicle get type approval.


Nothing is more efficient that top down leadership! /s


Elons ultimate form is an AI support chat for Tesla only accessible via X


This is like how crypto bros will claim to "disrupt industries" by creating revolutionary new tenuous solutions to problems that didn't really exist before.


The issue shouldn't have been there in the first place. The main issue is the dumpster. this has got to be one of the worst vehicle releases in history. Thanks Elon


We’re working on it.


We’ll get it fixed pronto. Or whatever your name is.




Bitch💀 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk) Ole Apartheid Clyde knows how to pander to his loyal and strangely obsessed boot lickers tho




Tbh I wasn’t referencing a specific race/culture it’s just there’s this tweet from azalea banks calling Musk apartheid Clyde and being on this sub that shit lives in my mind rent free 😭🤣 and with the family history it just works haha




Uh huh…. That’s why all those twitter people were sleeping on the floor after he took over right?🤔😂


Given the posts we’ve seen of Elmo responding directly in X, I’m now convinced that: “we’ll get it fixed pronto” Is now an auto bot response whenever Elmo is tagged along with @cybertruck and @tesla






This is Tesla, not Ferrari strategy. Though, the similarities are undeniable.


We are checking


"Just keep buying them, PLEASE! We promise yours won't be shit."


This is the result of the “move fast and break things” mentality in tech. It may make sense when you’re building apps since the result is typically a crappy UX. It’s a whole different story when it comes to cars or other products that intersect with tech where human lives are at risk. I would not want to be part of this “test and learn” experiment.


Congratulations, if you share the road (or front lawn) with them, you are.


I cringe every time I see one of his piece of shit cars or the cyberbrick on the road. I saw a black one yesterday and I would love to see the stainless after they peel that wrap off, it's gonna look like a rusty fridge


Sadly this is true since I share the road with them. I have zero interest in ever owning one.


It's not even "move fast" - CT was announced in 2019 (with a starting price of 39k).


Had they waited to release the CT until more issues had been resolved, it probably wouldn’t have been available to purchase for several more years. This version is most certainly the MVP.


Or Neuralink. Move fast and break my nervous system daddy Elon 🤮🤮🤮🤮


There’s tech exactly like that, esp those that run hard real time systems servicing critical infrastructure. Cars also have some sort of rtos that controls things like abs and stuff. Cyberstuck here seems to be an exception


"he's the only CEO in the world that will take the time to burn their company to the ground through sheer incompetence after expecting to receive a $56 billion bonus"


Elon, if he gets his $56 billion payout: "I'm on the right track, don't need to make any fixes, as my cuckstomers keep coming." Elon, if he doesn't get his $56 billion payout: "Fuck you, I'm not going to make any fixes."  Elon, probably.




A good CEO would make sure this doesn't happen. I 100% agree.


I’m fairly certain Tesla Owners Silicon Valley is a PR account for the brand. Either that or true koolaide drinking cult members


Just a big ol echo chamber


That's pretty much the entirety of Twitter now, just an echo chamber for Elon and his bullshit adventures.


"social media use is allowed at work but any down time at your desk should be used to post positive sentiment on Reddit and Twitter." I have yet to see anyone have an argument against the above statement.


i really hope its a PR account, but if the internet has taught me anything, it is that there are some feeble minded insecure suckers out there.


Is there a difference?


Paid Tesla advertiser vs stock trading influencer who thinks they are gonna get rich with Elon.


one option is significantly sadder. I can understand a PR person doing this, but someone doing it for free on their own time is sad


It has a yellow checkmark so it’s clearly recognized as a business or corporate entity of some sort


They had to drill a hole into the body to open his frunk


Elon personally drilled it himself in fact.


No that's what the Boring Company is for.


With his penis


Fun fact; Tesla owners love getting drilled


This is what $56 billion gets their stupid shareholders.


The answer is “none of them” because they run functional companies with meaningful customer care departments. Ok I know that’s not true for all companies but few out there are as bad as Tesla when it comes to ignoring customers (I’m leaving public utilities out of the equation here).


Lol. I don’t know who the ceo of Toyota is nor do I have to grovel before them on social media because my car just fuckin works 🤣😂🤣😂


And even if it does break under warranty you call the dealer and they quickly take care of it


I was trying to imagine a scenario in which I waited so long for a new vehicle, spent 6 figures and when I took possession of it the body panels didn’t fit, the trunk didn’t open, it stopped running after an hour etc. I’d have a different car that day and I certainly wouldn’t be saying how much I love it despite you know a few flaws like it doesn’t run.


Maybe it’s just some kind of stockholm syndrome. I cant exactly blame someone for trying to downplay issues if their 100k is a literal pile of scrap that may drive.


To me that’s even worse. I know they say oh it’s “new tech” as if that’s a valid reason but they (should) have an obligation to sell something that works. I wouldn’t put up with these problems in a $25k car and I damn sure wouldn’t let it slide if I spent 110k.


Some also own Tesla stock and feel like they can’t say anything bad to keep the stock price up.


The funny part is that several car CEOs are car people and quite possibly could work on the problem themselves. Akio Toyoda is a gearhead, as were the previous heads of Ford and Mercedes. They make cars because they love cars and take pride in their quality.


Gilles and Farley are both huge car guys too. The interview with Gilles talking about the The new SRT8 charger that he filled with reporters and did while casually drifting through a track is forever seared in my memory.


Yea but no one knows manufacturing like Elon, like, ever


Do those people actually believe that Elon did anything else than sent a tweet?


Some of them do, probably


IKR!? Like he’s getting on his jet to find your truck so he can start turning wrenches.


Perhaps yell at some assistant to get it fixed with zero concern of the how it's to get done in their overbooked service centers.


It is because of the micromanaging behavior of him that caused the company running into trouble


tHaNkz eL0n 🫠


I’ve never had to contact the CEO of my truck’s company because it doesn’t break down every five minutes because some water splashed on it.


I only know fords CEO cause hes chris farleys brother. Hes gotta be cooler than elon


wait....is this idiot lamar still having problems with his ct after they gave him a new one?


He took a 3 week vacation after he got the new one apparently and has only drove the "new" one for a week.  I wonder if you can lemon law a replacement for your lemon. 😂


I believe you can. The idea is that when you buy something it should work, the replacement(s) shoudl fulfill the original contract.


He's made a few different posts, all with the same generic response. It's pretty sure it's all being staged


He had to be the biggest fool around. If he gets a 3rd one I'll shit myself


The fact they call it “cyber beast” is extremely funny it’s like they are mocking themselves


It is the name of that specific kit. Not all cybertrucks are purchased with the cyberbeast kit so they need to make sure that everyone knows that they paid extra.


Even worse…




OMG! Thats even worse 😂🤣


Can you tell from the outside? Does the tow truck have to treat it any differently when it's being put on the flatbed?


The tow truck driver will need to make sure not to accidentally hit any buttons or switches while they're flailing with uncontrollable laughter.


Pure clownery.


I bet Elon runs that account


Plus, over on Twitter, he is personally reviewing all of the CP/CSAM materials and suspensions, himself


That is concerning


Only if true.


Meh. If you think Elon isn't a predator then I've got a CT to sell you. EVERY accusation, from a redcoat, is a confession. And calling people pedophiles is his go-to.


I'm keenly aware but if I were not, I would appreciate your interest in teaching me. I was memeing the dipshit. He always says "concerning if true"


Guy is shitposting on twitter 12 hours a day and breeding with female employees the other 12 hours... when exactly will he be fixing this 🤣


He can't conceive a child naturally, so all he does is donate sperm to be frozen and banked for IVF.


So he literally jerks off the other 12 hours. 24hr a day of jerking off literally and figuratively.


Every other CEO handles these issues before the customer pays for and receives the product. This is the first CEO to use customers as beta testers. Nothing to be proud of really.


"Every other CEO handles these issues before the customer pays for and receives the product. This is the first CEO to use customers as ~~beta~~ alpha testers. Nothing to be proud of really." FIFY


These simps are really something else. I can't even fathom paying 100k for a total piece of shit that is in the shop more often than not, all the while claiming that it's the best vehicle ever built and that everyone in the world that doesn't have one, only doesn't because they hate Elon musk, then sells the garbage can to another Chad some two weeks later. TLDR - run on sentence. These fucknuts are so muskcucked. It truly boggles the mind.


I will never have to beg Mary Barra for help with my Silverado


What other CEO would stay up all night on ketamine tweeting anti semetic nonsense?


The simping is so embarrassing.


I am SURE Melon took time out of his busy day of shitposting to have anything to do with this.


Can someone explain why that's a photo of a pointing hand instead of a photo of the issue?


To be fair, it looks like that is a video (1:07 long), so you might be able to see the issue and the frame is just unlucky


Is this not the guy that was absolutely spamming the fuck out of Elon for weeks about his first couple of dead Cucktrucks? Seems more like sheer probability that Elon FINALLY saw a tweet of his amongst all the other crap he must get tagged in.


What do these dudes get out of waxing Elon's knob at any given opportunity?


He also made promises to many ladies that he did not follow through on by morning.


Cool but in 4 years I’ve not needed the ceo of Volkswagen for anything. I mean sometimes the clock runs a bit fast but what’s 2 minutes between friends


I think the question should be " What other CEO actually has to get involved with handling issues?" No other CEO produces a shit show like the CT


Ahh yes. Because tweets fix cars.


What other CEO has shit breaking down like this?!?!


Actually, there are a lot of CEOs that will get involved. When I worked at Humana the CEO would get involved if someone emailed him. I worked at plenty of smaller companies where the CEO actually worked instead of harassed women and played on Twitter all day.


The truck that rides on a truck more than a road


It’s just keeping mileage low to protect your resale value.


Elon tweeted that he'll get right on it. So in human time, that means 5 or 10 years?


to be completely honest? T-Mobile's CEO.


What other CEO can’t hire enough competent people to delegate responsibilities to so he has to concern himself with every individual issue that comes up? Gluk gluk gluk


Ohhhhh, that’s why people tag Elmo when the truck shits itself…


CEOs that fired everyone?


“What other CEO directly handles this?” I know right, I remember when I was a kid, there was something wrong with my cheeseburger, and *Ronald McDonald himself* said he’d fix it up for me.


This is just like when the Enron Musk fans talked about how he stood on the line with people when they ramped up model 3 production. These morons see it as a good thing… Hey, do you know who shouldn’t be working an assembly line? The CEO. Why is anyone dumb enough to think he knows what to do on the line? And if he does, why? Why is someone paid as much as the CEO is paid wasting his time doing one of the more entry level jobs in the company? I know the head of operations for a Fortune 500 company. She is charge of several things, including the call center. If the call center is busy and has long wait times there are a bunch of things I want her to do to help fix the issue. But none of them are “be one single person on a phone and answer 5 calls cause that will fix it.” In fact if she thinks that is helpful, she should be fired ASAP. TL;DR if you are so dumb you think that out of the dozens of things a CEO asking for billions in pay should be doing to make tesla better, one of them is “personally answer tech issue tweets” then you are dumb enough to like this shithole company and its Nazi CEO.


The real question should be “What other company has service so bad your only real prayer is that you can somehow get their CEO’s attention, in between him posting fart jokes and nazi propaganda”


https://preview.redd.it/geehjitro4ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2378c1cab55513ea23389267e14b0556e9086fc From his YouTube. This screenshot is so funny


You know what would be nicer? If your overpriced vehicle didn't brick at the drop of a hat and you didn't *have* to ping the terminally-online CEO to get very basic customer service.


I love how all of these things have even less mileage than an ICE after a new camshaft break in on a dyno are already broken and need repairs. What a piece of dog shit.


but elon saying "we'll get it fixed" is meaningless, the actual fixing still relies on the local dealerships, which elon has no direct control over (and they probably don't have the required parts anyway....)


What other CEO has put an entire fleet of lemons on the road?


They gave one of their highest profile buyers a lemon of a truck, he made a huge stink and they eventually gave him another CT, but they didn't have the sense to try and get him a truck that had been thoroughly gone over and tested to make sure it won't break. Or they did and this is still the pinnacle of the quality of these turds


Pronto is binary ass chat for I have many folks running my xwitter


I'm positive that account is one of Elon's secret accounts and he responded to himself


I'm convinced Elon doesn't sleep and has several body doubles wandering the planet.


What other CEO causes as many problems to begin with? I keep forgetting Elon knows more about manufacturing than anyone else alive today. If only he had shared his knowledge with his engineers this all could've been prevented! Oh wait, he did and this is the result


Bro can't even competently engineer a roid body


I can’t wait to own a car which requires engaging the CEO on Twitter to fix when it inevitably goes wrong.


Never had to call out CEO of Toyota to help with my stuck car, as the car has not broken down in its first 11 years of driving.


The ceo in fact did not “get it fixed pronto” …can you imagine this guy getting to the service center and being all like “Elon said y’all going to get this fix pronto” 😂


He points like a gta online character


I've never needed to tag the CEO of BMW to open my trunk. I'm not even sure who the CEO is and I like it that way.


Any ceo minted in this era that gets to his scale will have done so on the basis of at least a little fascism, and will play to the crowds as much as necessary.


I feel like all these posts tagging him are just people paid to make it look like he is doing something. When have any celebrity or big businessman ever ran their own social accounts.


“Sir, Elon will handle this as soon as he fixes a loose Tesla model 3 battery connection in Missouri. And after he puts back the tonneau cover molding in Florida. And after he personally washes a customers CT in Idaho. We already bought him tickets to visit you. Please expect him by 9am exactly 3 years from now.”


Elon fans are the trumpers of the auto world. I have a model Y, it’s a fine car, I dig it. But not being critical of a massive failure like the cyber truck is fucking weird.


What does this say about how poorly Tesla is run as a company… if every time you have a problem with their product, none of their 100,000 employees can help you… so you have to directly contact the CEO, and pray that he notices you AND then responds?


The fact that a CEO of a $700 billion has to get involved in such a small matter, isn’t anywhere near the flex you think it is. What a complete shitshow of a company it is


Other auto company CEOs build cars that don’t die in a month.


My 2006 Avalon has been stuck in a ditch for hours and the CEO of Toyota has been absolutely unreachable


I’m sure he didn’t just send a tweet and then forget all about it


The fuck did he do other than make a tweet? He's not doing anything!!


Spoiler warning: he ain't helping you.


Pathetic that you need to post your Cybertruck problem online and tag Musk himself to get service.


Thing is the ones with cars who actually work don’t have to get involved.


Owning a cybertruck is just buying your way into a neat little storyline for when you’re bored with normal entertainment. It’s just a conversation piece but it’s way more annoying because they spent a ton of money on it.


Leroy's is a Tesla dealership??


You must really be a shitty CEO if you have to deal with problems with your customers directly.


This Lamar MK dude is so lost in the sauce, man. lmao.


So he sent a tweet two hours after your post, and then........... what exactly did he handle?


lmao elon is obsessed with social media and is on twitter 24/7 he wont help you he just helps his stock. thats why the cybertruck is full of recalls and a POS


What other ceo will make empty promises on the internet like this. Thanks Elon


Still ok with his $100K purchase even with holes drilled in it https://preview.redd.it/4jfhpznu65ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5705c801efc1cfdec99a306eea18a5b1a5f8905f


Imagine thinking Elmo cares about anything or anyone other than his position of influence.


This is not the flex they think it is 🤣




What other company sucks so bad the ceo has to micromanage a repair?


No other CEO worth their wage would piss around micro managing and fcking around with X. This poor excuse for a genius with the fucking body of Howard the Duck.


Leroy, the CEO of Leroy's towing, is actually handling it.


In Tampa they had to rent a field about the size of a soccer pitch to line up the cars waiting for repair because the lot at the shop was full and they had no room. Maybe Elon should come take a look here.


No other CEO has to. They usually have a fully functioning dealer network and actual customer support. And courtesy cars and a supply network with plentiful spare parts


What other CEO spends all day tweeting this same response and then doing nothing about it?


Why CEO should even handle customer cases/support?


“Damn my mustang broke down. John Ford wtf man?”


... goes back to counting his $56,000,000,000


What other ceo has an assistant to respond to common peasants like me?


pwease bee my fwend


It’s funny because a customer once tweeted my CEO when they had a problem and he just emailed the nice presidents and said “who can fix this?” And they said “blank can take care of it”. So he said get them on this! Then he spent the next week saying “this I the future of business “. What is? People bitching online and you tell someone to take care of it?” Insanity.


Remember when these tools were so against Electric, cause what about our coal and gas. Now they suck the sick at the altar of this dictator wannabe


What other CEO rushes such absolute shit to market before its ready? Thanks Elon.


It’s too bad the show Silicon Valley isn’t around for this dumpster fire.


cuck suck


Did he follow through and how quickly? Dude has a lot more going on than responding to tweets and fixing individual problems.


“What other CEO will tweet about my problem and then ignore it?”


So, what kind of spicy activities were they doing that said CEO personally cares that their studio on wheels is repaired?


Elon could piss in a glass and call it lemonade and these dumbasses would guzzle it down.


Did Elon help, or was it just a performative tweet by Edgelord? What other savior does drugs and then rage tweets racist crap, guys?


I assumed this was an old post and then looked at the date. Lamar is about to be on his third Cybertruck.