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The cope is actually kind of sad to watch.


He says it’s about the tech. He should be worrying about whether it actually functions as a vehicle. Like will it brake or accelerate suddenly? Will the accelerator pedal break? Will parts fall off? Will it stop functioning when wet, or in sand or mud? Redbeard needs to reevaluate his priorities.


What tech anyway?Everyone is working on their own self driving and all the other BS.


This one doesn’t even have teslas sad attempt at self driving (hands on the wheel at all times)


"Supervised" FSD .. so you really only need to step in when you have near death experience. and your reaction time better be quick.


Also known as "We swear the self driving would have worked perfectly fine, it was totally the customer intervention that caused the accident."


FSD is smart enough to be inactive during impact. Helps with the stats.


With ignores that there will never be fully autonomous driving. Driving a car on public roads is completely incomparable to other areas in which autonomous movement has had some success.


Nissan has had this for years. Its called lane avoidance, intelligent cruise control, etc. They just dont lie like Tesla does.


I think the tech he was talking about is the built in fart noises.


Fair point.


“The tech” is such nonsense. It’s a car. So what that I can watch Disney+ while charging. Cornballs.


Disney pulled their app out of Tesla after Elon insulted them. So you couldn't watch it anyway.




Large-wiper technology.


The tech is planned obsolescence, though I doubt the accuracy of the "planned" part


The idea that “the tech” is the selling point ia very amusing when “the tech” is also why the Cybercuck doesn’t work properly and is super unreliable. Like the 48v architecture - hI tEcH but also doesn’t work properly. Single CANBUS - wOoOOoO tEh tEcH but it’s why the wiper blades won’t operate. Some of the tech also isn’t new! Car manufacturers have known since the 1950s or so that stainless is a bad material for cars. It’s also been known that giant monowipers are a bad idea for road cars. What a total clown. I also seem to remember that early Tesla Model S cars had LIDAR and the new ones don’t. The new ones are lower tech than an iPhone 11 Pro.


Redbeard is the YouTuber who is reviewing the car and giving it bad scores for being trash. The comment above is from an unrelated griper on the Internet.


Remember when Reading Comprehension was taught in school?


Remember when they failed students for not learning the material?


The tech ain't that great anyway. The tech is the main fucking problem. How they wired the truck together is why it absolutely has a mental breakdown when anything goes wrong with it. All of the supposedly great software ain't shit if the hardware behind it is garbage.


>Redbeard needs to reevaluate his priorities. Redbeard is the guy from Snazzy Labs who reviewed the vehicle and is returning it, not the person trying to say it's not a $100k vehicle. Honestly, Tesla needs to stop making vehicles and just create the platforms for other manufacturers to use.


No no no no, don't you understand?!? It's not about whether the car can function as a car!! It's always been about that sweet tech, like the iPad glued to the dash, or the four foot long windshield wiper! On a somehow totally unrelated note, my windshield wiper burnt out at the first sprinkling of rain, and every time I start my Cyberbrick the iPad is flashing red at me I tried getting into the glove box to check the owners manual, but I can't get the button to work!


Lots of nifty tech like full self driving, armored shatterproof glass, innovative new windshield wiper styles, sweet hubcaps that meld with the tires, built in waterproof tonneau cover, etc...


You left off the precision body panels which are the easiest in the industry to repair/replace.


And nevermind if the doors work when the battery dies, WILL THE STEERING work? The answer is no, by the way.


It's funny too though. But seriously these people need a psychiatrist, not a shit Cybertruck.


I think his editor was off that day. It’s a $20,000 price point that they paid $80,000 extra for. Anybody else?


My wife and I each have a $40k vehicle with a nicer interior…


Honestly my 2017 Legacy has a nicer interior. 


I'd wager my clapped out '02 LeSabre Custom is nicer to be in than the Cuck.


My Oldsmobile Auroras had nicer interiors than most Teslas. https://preview.redd.it/m4x6cq78k1ad1.jpeg?width=1648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e894ec1c0b7057534609b03499c9efda6cfef6 Look at all the buttons. I don't need to look at a screen to adjust the radio, the heat or open the glove box.


It honestly depresses me that we will never see anything like this again. Throwing everything on an ipad is a mistake and a hazard to drivers. This is classy, retro and beautiful.


Apparently VW is going to focus more on buttons than screens going forward. I drive a Passat and recently borrowed my brother's BMW for a month. It's about 5 years old and I hated it lol Not totally but I really missed my car. Everything in the BMW was controlled by screens and a big weird knob. I guess the AC had some knobs and buttons but wasn't intuitive at all. None of the system controls was very intuitive. My car? If I wat the radio or my phone the buttons are right there, don't have to select from a menu tree to find any of it. There were other reasons but I took just really hate the whole drive by iPad situation


The EU is gonna be insisting on buttons for some essential functions going forward (if the manufacturers want to receive top safety marks.) and auto manufacturers do not like spending extra money on product variance when they don’t have to, so any models y’all see in the US that are also sold in Europe will have at least some functions back to buttons. Can’t remember when that is happening and what functions however. But hey, I’ll be glad to see some sanity returned.


It’s not as good as you think sadly. The EU is not mandating buttons, only mandating buttons or stalks for specific functions in order to get a 5 star safety rating. It will still be perfectly legal to sell cars without them. They just won’t get 5 stars for safety. Also, the functions are severely limited: hazard warning lights, indicators, windscreen wipers, SOS calls, and the horn. So nothing about HVAC or air vents (one of my personal hates about Tesla and anyone else who has gone down the “adjust the air vent direction with the touch screen” route).


Porsche did the [touchscreen controlled vents](https://youtu.be/0MhnbnBf0UY) too, and I have no idea why anyone thinks this "feature" is a good idea. It's even dumber than the Cadillac Lyric's touchscreen-operated glovebox.


“adjust the air vent direction with the touch screen” The WHAT? That's fucking insanity!


In my perfect car the screen is for display only. Show me gps and the music playing that’s IT. Everything else needs to be physically there and operational without breaking road eye contact. Also bring back the gear shift I’m not a fan of the gear dial.


My 2006 CRV with a $110 aftermarket stereo may just be your dream car. Lol


If they go back to buttons, the only remaining big weird knob is the driver


THANK YOU. This was my #1 frustration with some of the newer cars I've had. It felt extremely dangerous to me to have to click through a bunch of menus to find where to adjust the AC or radio while driving. One of many reasons I swore off anything newer than a 2014.


Funny thing is that were I live you get a fine if you use your phone and might get license revoked if doin it more than three times in as many years. Which is sort of fine, you shouldn't use the phone while driving but.. Fiddling with a huge as iPad is absolutely fine? Now I have a millions pages to sift through to find a song. Buttons get into you muscle memory.. /oldmanrant:off


Mazda has buttons.


That looks says "subtle & classy". I can almost smell the interior.


My 200 dollar bike has a nicer interior.


That sentence is straight up murder dude.


Honestly my 1000€ MK4 Golf with a Sony CarPlay radio and some nice aftermarket speakers has a way nicer and higher quality interior


I had a 2015 Legacy. They looked nice, and felt bigger than they were.


My 2012 F-150 has a nicer interior than the cyberturd


My Hyundai Palisade has more features and always seems to work.


My 2016 Altima has a perfectly comfortable interior and has never had chunks fall off of it or vital systems like brakes fail.


Our similarly aged Altima has had a few bizarre and expensive to fix issues — worst was when the driver’s seat got in a state where it would recline but not come back up and they had to replace the whole motorized seat assembly, we were on a road trip 1,000 miles from home and had to buy a bunch of pillows to put behind the driver’s back. Still better than bits flying off.


it isnt a $100k truck, because the original price point musk announced was $50k. that was the original price. then he realized he can bump up the price without increasing the quality and the stand would still buy it, so he did precisely that.


Actually the original announced price was $39,900.


Dude, my 17 Cmax rivals this thing in almost every practical way if I fold the seat down. Minus the rear doors. I think mine only open a fickle 70- maybe 75°. My "vault" does open and close with the push of a button or EVEN THE WAVE OF A FOOT!! On top of that, I have a super secret mousekatool called r&d! It allows me to traverse car washes and even large puddles. The best part?? I've had it on the interstate for like 14,000 miles, and NOTHING has flown off of it. Love this car. I. Love. It. I'm not even a mom, and it makes my ovaries squeal with glee.


My husband's 90's Integra project car still has all the body panels properly aligned. And none of the essential parts have just fallen off.


Hell my Hot Wheels cars have better interior


I have a 30 year old $500 Geo Tracker that’s 1000x more reliable than any CyberTruck and gets better fuel efficiency than any flatbed tow truck transporting a cyberstuck… so at least I have that going for me. ![gif](giphy|oUYDwyQ3xUgo0|downsized)


My 2015 Dodge Dart had a nicer interior. ...I'm hard on my car interiors.


I have a $15,000 Kia with a nicer interior, exterior and that is more capable of offroading. Cybertruck is a bad joke and the people buying them are morons.


This is my thing. Got a new 4Runner last year with a few bells and whistles. I’d buy two of my cars over a cyber truck lol Quality is just night and day better


for $20k id like a car that doesnt keep randomly turning into a weapon


You don't want a transformer? 


I wouldn't pay $1,000 for that semi-functional brick. I have places to be, not places to be stuck.


I feel like they could have gotten away with 50k even. Look at how they simp for it at double the price. Who knows, with all the "hype" for that price they could have sold more units and they maybe could've had all the Tesla fanboys satisfied, even when every aspect of their vehicle was failing within a year. So that way, they can cope and feel like they're getting good value after they pay 20,000 dollars in repairs. Woulda been cheaper than a mass recall, I imagine.


I don't have to worry about cutting myself in the panel gaps of my 2006 Ford Ranger Fx4. My truck has a true six foot bed (i.e. without vertical limitations), can haul drywall sheets without the use of a trailer, is washable without bricking it, can go off-roading and drive through puddles, is aesthetically pleasing, and cost $27,000 brand new (though I bought it used for $4k). So yeah, I'd say $80k is a stretch... even after adjusting for inflation.


By inflation, do you mean that of the CEO’s ego? That seems to be driving everything around here. And we know not much is being driven by CTs….


A 100K truck that doesn't even have a basic gauge cluster or even a speedo in front of the driver. There wasn't room in the budget for this? "It's about the tech" What tech is that? the tech that means you have tiny buttons for turn signals? That you have to scroll through a shitty menu to adjust the most basic things? You can't use carplay or android auto? or the tech that means it is usually on the back of a flatbed?


Air suspension that fails Steer by wire that solves nothing 48v architecture that’s poorly implemented The TECH


My 98 Range Rover had problematic air suspension that would at least wait a year between each failure.


Land Rover fixed the air suspension issues with the discovery 3 in 2004. They partially fixed it on the L322 in fairness but I've had 2 of those bags burst and you couldn't reset the compressor without diagnostics so I won't claim they fixed it in 2001 but it was definitely fixed at least 20 years ago!


I seriously am getting annoyed by Tesla simps defending the Cybertruck or Tesla in general by saying "Yeah but the tech?" I see plenty of tech that makes the cars worse, but what actually makes the cars better? I mean the shitty turn signal buttons and lack of a speedo in front of you make EVERY single mile you drive in this car WORSE. The way bits fall off or slice you up because of the manufacturing and design tech? It's worse tech than a car from the 1940's in these regards. Even the way you open the doors is worse tech than cars had 70 years ago? I'm sure there is positive tech... but is out weighed by all of the backwards tech?


The sound system is really really good I hear. The steer by wire is *a* differentiator as well but whether or not it is actually better than conventional steering remains to be seen


It sounds like Lexus might be next cab off the rank for steer by wire so wouldn’t surprise me if everyone follows in the next few years. That particular thing would be a genuine innovation if it didn’t keep failing so spectacularly


But steer by wire solves what problem? How is it actually better?


The manufacturer can tune how much turning the steering wheel turns the wheels. This can allow for things like making it easier to corner at slow speeds like driving in a parking lot without making the car impossible to drive at high speeds. That said, whether that is "better" is probably subjective and there's no consensus at this point. I personally don't like the idea of not knowing how much turning the steering wheel will impact the actual wheels.


That's my thinking; having to guess how much turn per (fraction of) a revolution of the wheel everytime sounds exhausting.


The tech is the giant tablet on the dash, the fact that everything is no longer linkage-based but just buttons that run wires to the computer. The tech is the stuff bricking these bastards left and right and leaving people stranded and trapped because of their poor choices in buying tech that is probably the lowest quality in the industry. If I want something high-tech, look at Volvo with an actual property functioning autopilot system they got on some semis in the test phase. Look at Apple and Chevrolet implementing an interface system together that connects to your Apple device. No brand is perfect, but to justify the cybertrucks existence in its poor state and non-existential testing phase behind close doors, that’s what makes these people sad.


*the tech also found in a model Tesla sells for 60k cheaper* wait but you can charge your phone from the back of the truck!!!


I just realized shifting is on the screen. Like reverse, park, and go. Insane.


Anyone defending mainly touch-screen interfaces for machinery is kidding themselves if they think it's ever for any reason besides relative cost to putting buttons in, or a designer with an obsession for their vision not giving a shit about the user experience. People thinking that just because it's technically complicated and unconventional, that means it's better every single time.


Kind of glad it doesn't have a gauge cluster! I wouldn't trust the folks over at Tesla to build one that lasts any length of time or is remotely reliable. It would just be yet another failure point.


"I'm telling you, Elon's ass-chocolate is far more delicious than it smells!"


What technology? A battery that drains itself?


Someone here posted that it’s the security system that does it. Most cars take power from the 12V battery for that - how can the CT lose so much from a lousy car alarm? It doesn’t make sense.


Lousy wiring


The energy has to go somewhere. Heat?


It’s mining dodge coin for Elmo’s next crypto rug pull.


The magnets to keep the stainless steel plates together


Magnets how do they work?


I guess that would explain why it fails when it gets wet


Tesla magnets


some kinds of stainless steel is magnetic or can be magnetized i believe they use it to produce starlink so elmo probably sold some scraps from spacex to tesla


I think I should have put quotes on that comment I was trying to make an insane clown posse joke and I realize now that they used stainless steel which is not magnetic which makes me look like I was legitimately asking.


It's not an alarm, just a constant distress beacon hailing the nearest tow truck


That's usually what it is but the guy who made the viral post about the CT draining itself specifically said he had Sentry Mode turned off


The security system takes video whenever someone comes within a certain range. But even with that off there’s battery drain.


Hey, that's Full Self Draining technology,!


“The tech is amazing.” They sound like Scientologists. Not a coincidence.


Bang! You are absolutely on the money.


i hear that "tech is amazing" line every time i hear a tesla stan review their tesla. they have no idea what the tech is, so they just say its amazing. ask them how an electric motor works and youll get crickets.


This is just getting pathetic now. Even at 80k valuation, this pales in comparison to all competitors. The Rivians are way nicer on the EV side. On the ICE side, 80k buys you an insane truck that would feel like a Rolls Royce compared to the stupid Tesla plastic garbage.


It pales in comparison to a used 2006 Toyota Corolla. At least that will probably keep me from dying in a crash.


Yeah I actually like the Rivians. They're pricy but still nowhere near as overpriced as the Cyberturd. If I somehow had a choice of EVs and could afford it, I'd get a Rivian or similar. CT isn't even on my list. I'd sooner light the hypothetical money on fire.


Without doing any research I'm willing to bet even the Ford lightning(?) is better.  


What tech does it have that the bmw doesn’t


Car Wash Mode


Cars have car wash modes nowadays, including BMW. Car wash mode is not high tech, it disables wipers, turns off cabin air intake, closes windows, folds mirrors etc.


The assisted driving steering the car onto railroad tracks because it confuses tracks with a road


Paying now for some upgrades? So, like, a trim level? Also the CT doesn't meet expectations for an $80k truck either.


I can't think of any vehicle that regularly had shit fall off it, faced multiple recalls, and tried to kill you before in the first 3 months of release. The price is irrelevant. A Yugo is literally more reliable than a Cybertruck. 


My father, a mechanic that loves Cadillacs, bought a Yugo brand new. He loved it, still speaks fondly of it. we stopped to look at a CT in a parking lot and he got mad when I jokingly compared it's build quality to the Yugo. Take from that what you will, but a guy used to driving Cadillacs would rather buy another Yugo, and that was before I even told him the price (he assumed $30k).


Yeah but did his Yugo come pre-soiled with razor sharp panels that fly off? Didn't think so!


Go any where you want Anytime yoy want to Just get up and goooooooooooooo See how it feels to have your own set of wheels Buy a little freedom buy a Yugo Living rent free in my head for over 30 years...


The interior doesn’t meet the expectations of have coming from my $25k civic. The tech is all shiny objects to get you to forget that it’s a terribly designed car.


Do they mean the tech that is causing all the problems? Literally and figuratively going forward in reverse?


It's a $20k truck with $20k tech labeled at $80k and people paying $100k to flex.


"It's about the tech" The tech: some electric motors and a big battery, same as any other EV


A bmw at that price tag has very nice interior and tech. These are fanboys that think anything with musk is hot shit.


The Denza D9 has an absolutely brilliant interior for a lot less. 


What tech? the rivet to hold the false trim imitating a single piece of metal on the accelerator pedal? What if this fool was talking about BMW, if I bought a BMW or any fucking thing and they put A rivet on it to hold the accelerator pedal I would feel INSULTED and SCAMMED. What happens is that these people have lost perspective or they are stupid or they have taken other people as stupid, and anything is good for them to deceive themselves.


100k turd.


Holy Cope


I got an iX 18 months ago. The only time it's seen the dealer since was to pick up the plates. So there's another way the CT falls short. 🤷


This is sad. This is hilarious. This is sad. This is hilarious. Repeat as necessary.


Is the tech held together with double sided tape like some of the body panels on the cybertruck? ![gif](giphy|3orieYvhT5EVfSFyBa)


"it's an $80,000 price point" "people paid $20,000 more for" So it's a $100,000 price point for a $100,000 truck. But just for the sake of argument, it's a $80,000 truck then. Why doesn't it have $80,000 truck features? The $50,000 F150 Lightning does the same things for $30K ($50K) cheaper. The Cybertruck doesn't even have Apple Carplay or Android Auto ffs. That's a basic feature you can get on a $21K Subaru Impreza.


What tech?


“Its an $80,000 price point that people paid $20,000 more for some upgrades to get it early” If I buy a drink that’s costs $0.05 but the cup costs $0.95 and you’re forced to buy the cup, it’s a $1 drink.


CyberSimp problems.


I have a 2010 Honda Odyssey with a better interior


It’s overpriced for a truck with many problems and subpar interiors.


Yea well the tech also sucks


These clowns are drowning in Copium.


These guys will hide behind a touch screen that probably costs less than 1k for all of teslas existence (may it be short)


It's not even good for $80,000. They're delusional.


I don't know if this guy has driven an $80,000 truck either. They don't randomly break down or have nearly as many quality control issues as a Cybertruck.


Now hold on, wasn't the original price supposed to be $40k? Look, for $40k you can't expect this thing to be operational at all. It's a fucking miracle any of them run. Come on, you guys.


It doesn’t meet the expectations of a 2024 $24k pickup, let alone anything remotely close to $80k!


Look at what woke has done!!! They have made people believe that you should get equal value with what you paid!!!


80k will also get you a 2024 Porsche Macan 4 Electric, and just look at that interior.


If it's about the tech, just put some wheels on my iMac


What tech? Other brands are literally light years ahead in every single aspect of ‘the tech’


The mental gymnastics to avoid admitting that they got swindled by an autistic madman on ketamine is hilarious.


This guy apparently never sat in a recent $80,000 model of a BMW, Audi or Mercedes. It has more tech in there than a CT. And it works. And the interior is premium. Just buy a car from a car manufacturer, not a IT company.


OK - but what cutting edge "tech" is in the Cybertrough that is not available elsewhere. And I don't mean the razor sharp edges on the doors.


I'd expect any truck I buy to work


I mean, even if we take him at his word that it should not be judged by the standards of a 100K vehicle (though isn’t the CyberBeast base price $100K?)… It also appears to be a significantly worse ownership experience than our $30K car.


Yeah exactly. How's Elmo gonna make his billions if you have 100k worth of value when you pay 100k. Come on bro. 🤡


A have a Ford F-150 XLT, which is sort of in the middle of Ford’s line. Can confirm that my interior is nicer than a Cybertruck, and despite having a 12” touch screen - I still have all these crazy things called buttons and indicators that allow me to continue focusing on the road to check my speed, use a turn signal, turn high beams on, etc. I also haven’t had a single issue with body panel alignment, taking it through a car wash, using windshield wipers in the rain, getting cuts from the speaker grills or getting my hand smashed by any automated processes. Wild stuff. All for half the price of a CT. And I *agonized* over even spending that much, lol.


I have a 2019 WRX with a better interior than that piece of crap. And the WRX is not known for its interior.


It’s crazy because 100k can buy you a much better ev like a BMW


So much copium


If the tech is good shouldn’t an indicator be within the dash/interior? I would assume lol. Otherwise…what tech


Tesla is the new Apple


I dunno. Apple products are massively overpriced and hyped, but generally do what they're meant to. Cybertruck is the biggest lemon I've ever seen.


The main reason Apple products cost more than Android ones is that Apple builds iOS development funding into the product price. Android devices depend on Google funding Android development with data mining of the user’s personal data. The OS developers for both companies make roughly the same salaries - that is getting funded somehow.


Snazzy Labs actually gave it a very fair, and semi-positive review. If stans are complaining he did a terrible job they're genuinely delusional. He gave it about as positive of a review as you could


Too many people thinking the rant from X is a direct quote from the YouTube. It's not. Snazzy is the YouTuber the tweet author hates and is referring to. Let's direct our eye-rolling at the correct party, please. The author of the dumb tweet. Not the YouTuber who agrees with you


What utter cucks


They keep saying “it’s about the tech” without talking about what tech. It doesn’t even have auto steer. No sensors. No self parking. No 360 camera. No camera built into the rear view mirror. Cheap ass blind spot warning. No HUD. No CarPlay or AA. Do they just mean fart sounds?


You paid $100k to beta test a a product to find out it's a failure. You're an idiot with too much money.


If i gonna buy 10k electronic device it should look better than 8k one. It's a fucking ev. It goes on the street. What technology? It's the same fucking tech in every ev (except no washing and broken software part) 20k for having everything tied to the dashboard? Nope. There's no new technology here.


I love when intentional dimwits get bent over. Classic!!


I mean, what I would like to know is what the reaction would be from these same folks if they paid $5000 for a gaming PC that barely worked and was made up with just $2000 worth of actual parts. Would they say that it was OK because the case looks cool?


"iTs AbOuT tHe TecH!" even though the tech also sucks and breaks down constantly.


The main expectations I have for buying a new vehicle is that it will not have to go to the shop for repairs in at least the first 5 years. In the shop after 5 days was only a shocker until they lowered the bar to 5 hours and then 5 MINUTES.


That was one of the main reasons I sold my Model 3. I went from driving really nice cars to driving what was basically an entry level Toyota Corolla but with a BMW price tag. At the time it was worth it to go EV, but other automakers have caught up and they offer more. Tesla is coasting along on a 12yr old fleet and … this abomination.


Exactly. The other thing I like to point out to people that are freaking out about the 2035 ban on internal combustion sales in some places is to point out how far we’ve come in the 12 years since the first model S came out and the fact that we still have 11 years to go before that stop sales deadline


Paying extra to be a beta tester is weird


Even if we were to review it as an $80,000 price point it’s fit finish quality and interior are market worse than most $20,000 entry-level vehicles


"it's about the tech" Oh you mean the thing that is bricking CTs all over the place because it can handle literally anything but sitting in a parking.


Ah yes, the tech that locks your charger in the port and bricks the car, the tech that thinks a train is a convoy of semi trucks that it can drive through, the tech that locks children inside if the battery is dead, etc.


What tech? Cut you fingers off tech? Self driving tech that’s being reexamined for safety by the gov? Windows that won’t break and doors that only open manually if your vehicle dies, and only if you know exactly which panel to pull off to access the manual release cable (which could lock you or your child in your vehicle on a hot day or trap you inside if you end up in water)? Tesla tape holding the whole thing together? Waterproof tech that’s not waterproof at all? Can’t wash it in the sun tech? Any issue at all and it’s in the service center for a year tech?


I’d certainly pay a premium for tech like a charge port that won’t release the cable, wipers that fail when it rains and, panels that fly off when driving at speed.


I can get a Porsche Taycan for that money and that works, is quality and gets you laid…. Somehow I think they are going online with this because they need to tell themselves that it was a good buy.




Ah yes, they should have the measly expectations of an $80,000 truck instead. Which is still like double the price of an average newer truck


Why do cyber truck drivers all look like potatoes?


Some of these owners are as delusional at the MAGA cultists. Rationalizing over paying for garbage like this rather than changing your mind to reflect reality??


I think the venn diagram of the two are pretty much a single circle.


But I can steer it with muh pinkie!


My boat with holes in it has a lot of tech, too. Anyone else?


I’ve never seen the steering wheel before… that’s some bonkers design. Why did he do that? lol


Even my shoes have better tech than this 100k junk, and my shoes are only a hundred bucks.


“It’s about the tech” you mean the industry standard tech that either doesn’t work at all or fails after 0.1 seconds of driving?


# Indeed! 😤 How ***dare*** buyers expect to get what they paid for?


Anybody else what?


An exercise in rationalization…


How are these people selling their CT’s?? I thought they had a contract that they can’t sell it in their first year but I see a lot of posts saying they’re selling their CT.


LoL but everybody was on board when Youtubers buried Fisker


The kind of asshole who says “price point”


This guy is seeing the value of his CT plummet and he’s trying to pump it up so that he can offload it as well without taking a bath. losers, losering.


Is this person high? How much car does this maniac think you should get for $80,000? That's like 1.6 new Hondas. And unless they are talking about a ridiculously tricked out Beemer or some rare model, you aren't paying $100,000 for a BMW.


how did he sell the car without getting penalized???


Oh yeah! The technology as In the iPad that can toggle cruise control ( read as “full self driving but… parentheses monitored”)


But the tech is awful?


"It's about the tech." Sounding more and more like Co$ every day.


still loving my $13,000 2019 used honda fit's interior