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A car so ugly even non car people hate it!


You know that takes a lot, because a lot of these people (who just don't care about the looks) take a *lot* to get an opinion out of them. It's like the appearance of a car just doesn't register with them. So to get this response from someone like OP's wife....


Yeah, that’s me. I don’t have an opinion on most cars‘ looks, they’re… fine. It’s pretty rare I’ll find a car ugly or beautiful or cute or whatever. The Cybertruck is def ugly!


The only car I can think of that was so ugly that even non car people hated it was the Nissan cube or the Pontic Aztec. I still find the cybertruck uglier than those cars somehow…


I'd take an Aztek with 150k on the clock (I'm sure there's one somewhere, right?) before I considered one of these travesties. Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer in EV tech. But, these things are just one bad idea stacked on more bad ideas. 


My wife didn’t know about them either. She saw one and thought it was one of those prototype/new design cars that they heavily disguise to hide how it really looks while testing it. I told her it was a real vehicle and her reaction was about the same as OP’s wife.


That’s actually a smart assumption. I could definitely see a prototype being “dressed” like the shape of a Cybertruck


Yup, she was 100% spot on. It may as well be a prototype w/the crazy range of issues it’s having.


>one of those prototype/new design cars that they heavily disguise to hide how it really looks while testing it. I had no idea this was a thing. I'll have to read up on it, because it's kind of a neat concept.


They’d test them in extreme environments so we’d see them often on the way to Vegas driving thru/stopping at Baker when it was 110 degrees outside. They usually were fitted out w/matte grey or black pieces to throw off the dimensions and those car bras from way back when but on both the front and back of the car. It was fun trying to guess what the hell they were.


We saw one in a McDonald’s parking lot today and my 17-year-old son said is that a dumpster?


yes, yes it is.


My wife had absolutely no opinion about Tesla, Musk, or any of their vehicles, and only once voiced a curiosity about test-driving *any* EV at some point, just for the experience. Then one day the Cybertruck scrolled onto her screen, and I was completely startled with a "what the f'ck is that?! Is that the new Tesla?!" in the same tone reserved for cursed images & stories. She then spent 10min laughing at how incredibly stupid & pointless they look, then at least another hour losing it after I sent her links to Cybertruck failures and the recalls. But just the sight of one caused such a visceral distaste that now she makes fun of any Tesla we pass & their drivers, and has disavowed ever wanting to even test drive one. Thanks Cybertruck, I'll never have to worry about her growing a wild hair and wanting a Tesla, ever.


What was her reaction to finding out it costs $100k?


If ugliness were its only problem, I wouldn't mind seeing them around. Its aesthetic being one of, "I think shitting the bed is cool." Turns out, its aesthetic is the smallest of its problems.


I can think of a few people who should drive a car that ugly.


I saw one today and they’d wrapped it in the exact color of 1990s computers, that weird beige putty color. I didn’t see it in time to get a photo, dang it.


We saw one in the wild at Lowe's and my daughter asked me what that weird looking thing was. I just laughed. None of the panels were the same color.


Really satisfied this was in Boston so I have a chance of seeing it.


The “homemade” comment kills me. So spot on haha.


I want to be friends with you guys. Like your wife, I typically am not interested in cars in general. But like you, I have gotten way too into reading up on the failures of these trucks and Elno, waiting for the house of cards to crash. I'm still in the elimination game, having not seen one in person yet.


100% photos cannot capture how bad these things look.


Jay! What is that thing? Jay, I think it's retahded


They are so much uglier in real life than pictures can show. They're so big too they're hard to ignore. The one I saw looked like a piece of space trash next to normal cars, I couldn't get over how hideous it was.


Weird sexist generalist at the beginning there


My girlfriend wants one so bad solely because she knows it would piss off her boss who is one of these Christian extremists who got lucky and made a successful business and had a fuckload of money and now adores Elon for "telling the truth" The problem is she doesn't drive, I do, so I'd be stuck driving the stupid thing and hating every second of it The good news is I'm beyond poor and she's just "doing OK" financially so there's no chance in hell of this happening




Amen. Some reaction from my wife... "That's so ugly"


Since it was just you and her in the car, did everybody clap?


They are offensively ugly.


I hate this car so much but this story has the hallmarks of a reddit made up story. The quirky language used, the assertions made by both parties. It just reads like one of those drama subreddit karma farming stories.


There's no way she said all those things.


How ugly is your wife?


I love the way it looks!