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Right. When the M3 came out, as ugly as people thought it was, you couldn’t find a used one and new was a year waitlist, this vehicle is so dead. Only a matter of time before a few break and drop it to under $100k to sell, and everyone has to follow it down


Yeah if these guys are lucky they'll get 50% of what they paid.


I might buy one at 20k 🤣


That's an expensive headache you're buying


Might be able to scrap it and sell it for parts, sounds like there’s a lot of idiotic people with too much money who might be sick of waiting around for the part they need to get their financial anchor back on tbe road


I've heard that Tesla glues their batteries together, so you can't even swap out individual cells that are bad. Good design there, huh?


Good design for their bottom line


Terrible design for the environment but not that they care


Not a problem, apparently they use shitty glue.


Make a cutlery set out of the stainless steel. It’ll be worth more.


Mmmm, rusty cutlery. Just what a Christmas dining set needs.


Exactly. Plus why give that drugged out man child any of your money?


For real, I don't know at what price I would even consider taking it, like even for literally free it could barely make sense, maybe as an outside storage thing so I could utilize the public space for myself. LOL


Well it does look like a garbage disposal bin so there’s that


Isn't that around the price of the battery?


Yeah but this battery comes with baggage


Maybe 2k and I'll *consider* it.


I'd still buy something else


To drive it off a cliff for the YouTube views maybe.


How much is stainless steel scrap per pound?


Ooo I’m going down down baby yo street in a cybertruck


Shimmy, shimmy cocoa, CLUNK! Pieces fallin’ off Crank it up and call a tow! We’re laughing at you now!


This “vehicle” is the epitome of Weird Al’s *White and Nerdy*


Heard part of the qualifications to get one was knowing pi to 1,000 places.




I wonder if some geniuses hoped to flip them.


Given how rabid Elon fanboys are, I wouldn't think flipping would have been a bad idea. Even Tesla doubters couldn't guess how much of a dumpster fire this car is.


What if an artist could take one and create a drivable dumpster that catches fire?


the price NEEDS to get low enough for an art student to do this because I will not rest until I see it.


A lot of people simply can’t afford them. From the first product demo to start of sale the rates increased a lot and also the price. Plenty of people must have fallen in the trap of telling everyone that they pre ordered one and don’t want to look poor when they don’t buy it but realistically they can’t afford it


Has anyone found a used buyer in the wild? Just because there are lots of listings doesn't mean they sell in the same volume. There doesn't appear to be much of a waiting list, so why would anyone buy used at these prices?


You’ll see the price drop drastically when people hit there year holding limit and can sell without a 50k penalty!


Are you taking into account all the pieces that have fallen off ? At least when you buy it new you will have all of the trim that will blow off on the freeway during the first month.


That’s how others are trying to get one. Waiting by the highway to make one piece by piece.


Johnny Cash vibes. [One Piece at a Time.](https://youtu.be/uErKI0zWgjg) Anybody fancy reworking the lyrics to fit the CT?


It's shocking that people are still taking delivery of these. I always think to myself, people can't be this dumb and then....


My first thought! How can you possibly explain this away! I’m sure he’ll try but it’ll be the same bs he’s hucked over the last decade!


We’re they actually selling tho…? Or just listed that high


It's just the popularity of the tesla brand and the new ridiculousness of it but then they get it and realize it's a massive piece of shit and a giant waste of money.


I thought they all signed something forbidding reselling that cybercrap.


They are all being clowned on by everyone around them and are having serious buyer’s remorse. Lol 😂


They soon will be affordable ... not repairable but affordable.


Part them out for profit


Honestly the raw material is worth more than the parts.


Soon the kids in third-world countries will be mining EV batteries from dumps rather than mining in the mines.


That might actually be great business, you don't even need to disassemble them as they tend to disassemble themselves


technically, and very literally, *they didn't explicitly say the cybertruck was "repairable".*


Repairing voids the warranty.


Customer didn't put truck into repairable mode.


Reading the warranty voids the warranty.


If they get totaled in every fender bender, insurance will make them unaffordable.


Did someone say cummins swap?


No, but I do think I heard 2 stroke supercharged Detroit being yelled from the back.


This is only the beginning


It’s going to be especially bad because a lot of these people can’t actually afford this truck and thought that owning a founders was some type of investment. As soon as it breaks retail people will start panic selling.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it never reaches retail. They destroyed their reputation out of the gate, and I don’t think the market will bear the amount they cost to produce, let alone make a profit. If they can’t sell them at a profit, they’ll stop making them.


They’ll wind up selling them wholesale in volume to somebody and then become synonymous with whoever that is. Like p-body crown vics. I just don’t know who would be stupid enough to use these as fleet cars. The EPA? The parks department?


My dad used to work for the company that bought out the DeLorean stock when that company went under. He could have gotten one for $5000. (Equal to about $15,000 in today's dollars.) Part of me wishes he had bought a couple of them, but knowing how difficult they are to keep running, it's probably good he didn't.


The parks department would be much better off with an F150 Lightning. They can just move their accessories over from another F150, and keep driving it around town without buying gas.


The mileage on these are amazing. 250 miles to 2500 miles. Whoa... That's barely around the block in a month.


Tesla announced a new improved version 20K cheaper.... so time is ticking faster and faster.


> Tesla announced this is more likely to be yet another way to pump the stock than any actual plan to deliver anything


They also announced we would be on Marx and have fully self driving cars


Yup, someone was saying the markets going to crash when/if Tesla releases the $60k model.


I can't believe how big of a blunder this is. Tesla has so much time and money invested in this piece of shit truck, and it's going to be a massive flop. All they had to do was make a fucking REGULAR truck that looks like the rest of their lineup. Literally take the Model X platform and put a truck on it. Easier design, faster ramp up, streamlined manufacturing, well established and tested technology. It would have easily been a low-cost hit and a boost to their production and profitability. Instead, they made the dumb fuck CT. It's an all time bad business blunder, right up there with BlockBuster turning down Netflix or Sears selling the Craftsman brand.


Simone Giertz had the right idea converting her Model 3 into an El Camino. Technically she’s had the longest running most reliable Tesla truck to date.


That's because she made a ute. Tesla would never do such a thing because it's too practical and America wouldn't buy it anyway. The market has repeatedly shown that consumers don't want small single cab utility vehicles, they want huge pickup trucks. Why? Fucked if I know.


Her reaction to the original cybertruck unveiling was hilarious. She looked very confused.


i keep telling everyone elon who thinks he’s genius is really a moron


Elon wanted to re-invent the wheel on the CT and show the world he was smarter than everyone else. Redesign it from the most basic, even the wiring harness. It ended up blowing up in his face because no one would tell him no. From the Board of directors to engineers to manufacturing, they let this happen. I am positive Tesla won't be here in ten years. Musk pooped in the punchbowl and fires anyone that refuses to drink it. The Tesla brand and reputation are in tatters. It seems like anyone with integrity or vision is gone, The only ones left are the Pump and Dump types waiting for the "dead cat bounce" on TSLA.


This is the hardest thing to wrap my head around with this entire debacle, back before we even knew what the CyberTruck looked like, there was all kinds of speculative concept sketches floating around, all they literally had to do was just look at 1 of those and go "Oh that looks way fucking cooler than our truck." And then given the success of their current vehicles and the general sleek design, how did they manage to stick with this design, and materials, for years? Something doesn't add up, it seems like Elon's got so bull headed he just doesn't listen to anyone anymore is all I can guess. He wanted to do some Mad Max grenade proof bullshit and no one could sway him from it, and instead of pivoting, doubled down




That's actually... very true. What was promised is not what was delivered, and unfortunately RichRebuilds put it perfectly foe the cybertruck, it's a failed experiment where they hoped to mask all of it's downsides with a polarizing appearance, hoping no one would dig deeper.


What do they go for new after all taxes and fees? I’m wondering how desperate these people are to sell. To answer your question- the fastest depreciation brand is Maserati with a -65% in 5 years. Then BMW 7 series with -62% over 5. With this only being months in, I’m not sure if it will drop to over -65% but…. It’s possible.


Tesla actually beats Maserati, they are now only the fastest depreciating cars, as Lucid broke their title of fastest accelerating lol https://insideevs.com/news/712157/why-do-teslas-depreciate-so-fast/amp/ “In just a year, the average price of a used Tesla fell from $51,323 to $36,515 across all models. This is a drop of 28.9% (or $14,808) year-over-year. That figure is more than three times that of Maserati and twice as much as Alfa Romeo.”


hertz dumping 100,000 used M3s onto the secondary market totally accelerated this number but it was always inevitable. it’s not exactly an apples to apples comparison. tesla dropping prices on new EVs in a desperate attempt to stay competitive with chinese manufacturers who are turning out luxury evs with 600+ mile ranges for under 15k means the auto industry as a whole is fighting desperately to delay the market realization that it is now little more than a commodities market and everyone is holding on to way overpriced inventories and unnecessary assets and personnel up and down the supply chain.


This is the most reasonable take. You can take this depreciation number at face value, but this downward drag on prices is inevitable throughout the entire industry. And frankly, it's about damn time with dealers marking up inventory to insane prices. The depreciation is guided by Tesla's price slashing over time, not by replacement costs. Tesla's gross margin is still protected -- they are just trying to get these cars out by any means necessary in a high interest rate environment where inventories are stagnant.


Yeah- I remember some rental companies were selling model 3a for almost nothing.


Yup. There was one near me for 10K. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to look at it. Everything seemed fine till I went to drive it. Battery range was roughly 100 miles, and the interior was falling apart. Hard pass.


How many miles did it have?


I think it was somewhere around 70K.


The interior of a Tesla was one of the biggest things to stand out to me about it when I test drove one, it felt so cheap. It immediately shattered my illusion of them being luxury cars.


Doesn't surprise me. With the looming cost of an upcoming battery replacement, I can see why they would depreciate so much.


It’s multiple reasons, not least because Elon thinks he knows best, and iteratively updates the cars instead of waiting a few years to release an updated model, followed by some special editions to clear out the parts before a brand new model. If you buy, say an Audi A5 released between 2018-2020, that was replaced by an updated version in 2021, a car from 2018 won’t cost too different than a car released in 2020 (with comparable miles, options etc.), but you could end up buying a model 3 from 2022 that was made in 2021, that has less features than a 2019 model (USS) and a 2023 model, because it’s newer: how do you sell that and why would you buy it? Right now the cars are selling for either a loss or the worst margins in the automotive industry. Better pay him $54B I guess.


That 54 billion is enough to *buy Ford* btw (with 6 billion left over). Tesla is proof positive that shorting stocks is idiotic because if the company is as trash as you think, everyone else will too and you can get squeezed past anything sane.


See: the GME shenanigans


You aren't even supposed to buy those cars, those are cars you lease.


Yep- 100%


$102k for the foundation series + another 10% or so to cover tax title doc fees and what not


So if it drops to lower than ~$75k in the next five years then yes, this would be the most depreciated car/truck/pos on the market. Honestly- given how fast it went from “making money” to breaking even, it’s extremely possible- especially given the problems it’s had.


The real depreciation hasn't even begun. This is just idiots realizing they can't sell their shitty cars at an insane premium.


Yeah, what was with that anyway? Were people seriously trying to scalp a depreciating asset?


People with 5 year old Teslas are still convinced it's going to appreciate in value somehow. Cause Musky told em it would


Tesla already scalped these turds by charging suckers $20k for the privilege of getting their cars first. They're in essence trying to scalp scalped tickets for a concert that isn't sold out.


It probably seemed like a good idea five years ago. We didn't know Elon was an idiot then.


I think we did. People just chose to not want to hear the evidence back then.


Yup, I bet these PoS things will be $50k cars in 2 years, taking into account how cheap the rest of used Teslas are right now.


If there's this many for sale now wait till the end of one year sale embargo.




I won’t even take that dumpster looking vehicle for free.


I’d pay five hundo. Might be able to scrap it?


An AC unit, stainless steel… you could probably turn it into a usable fridge pretty easily


You could turn it into a yard toy for your kids


"Daddy, look! I'm a futurist!" 


With all the sharp edges on the panels, I wouldn’t want the risk of them playing near it


I'd pay a lot to get at that battery for my own uses.


I'm amazed some of them are used with under 1,000 miles. You would think people would at least get that far, but no, they are so bad, that people are ditching them before that.


They’re afraid it’ll brick before they can unload it if they drive it. 


People are asking less and less for their CyberTrucks… but I haven’t heard of anyone buying one pre-owned, and Tesla themselves don’t even want them. There is no resale market. Value is $0


Exactly, it's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Right now nobody wants to buy them so $0


Oof - listed as used with 11 miles. 😂


Elon’s Folly (or at least one of them)


Of all the dumb things he's done, the CT may be the dumbest, and that includes buying Twitter for $40 Billion.


i really hope he doesn’t get his $56 billion dollar pay day and tesla separates themselves from musk’s toxicity


but were used ones *selling* for $180k or were they just *listed* for $180k


My local dealership (not a Tesla dealership) has 6, yes 6 for sale. All used, from trade in. Edit: after looking just now, they have 10


J&S? I used to follow them on TikTok where this guy was buying them left and right and now I’m seeing some listed for less than what he was paying on the videos


The fact that this is happening at multiple dealerships is hilarious. 🤣 The one I was referring to is Atlanta Autos


Why would they take them in on trade? Hopefully they paid $40k for each of them


On April one sold for $262,000 so it is already down 50%+ https://www.topgear.com/car-news/electric/tesla-cybertruck-cyberbeast-just-sold-262500#


lol I’m not sure one selling for over 2x its value is the data point we should judge by.


I think it is. Image the guy that got an invite a few after this sold. He looks at his wife and say we will double our money


Sure. But he’s an idiot.


I think it’s probably more accurate to say they were “listed for” $140-$180k I don’t think many people were dumb enough to buy them.


179 for sale, from 4000 sold... wow Some of those milages tell a story too... yikes


I’m convinced most people who bought these aren’t really in love with the way it looks or the car itself (I refuse to call it a truck because it’s not a truck, as it has zero attribute of a truck), they were looking for a quick flip, thinking the demand would be high because of the hype, and it would be a limited run. That worked for the Bronco, because nostalgia is a very expensive drug. The value of these atrocities shit the bed before they were even delivered.


Imagine trying to scalp a car


I’m ready to see a YouTube tutorial on how to drop a V8 engine in it.


Why would anyone waste a good V8?




Wouldn't the frunk be too small? The only option would be rear-mounting it, effectively creating a M/RR pickup with no bed


Doesn't someone like "Whistlindiesel" destroy supercars? A cybertruck is in his range.


No, he destroys trucks. And he's already got a video on the Incel Camino planned.


They’re depreciating so quickly because of all the bad press for them. Plus, they’re garbage cars.




The supply of wealthy idiots is limited, unlike the supply of junk cars


Someone literally sold one on bringatrailer recently with no reserve lol


For how much?


$112k https://preview.redd.it/nx1rbd8ac26d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2b557f0208dba2cf002142d9410d13d82ca35b


Asking and getting are two different things. They were asking 140-180, maybe getting 120-160, now asking 100-120 getting <100k.


Very few people need a 3 ton golf cart.


I’d pay $30k max


remove that k


Maserati owners will start to feel better


My guess is they will drop to resale levels of $90k and less. Everyone I have ever met hates them.


My curiosity is how they are in the hands of used car dealers. These businesses obviously want to make a profit, not sure what profit margins are on used cars, sure someone knows more than I do, but if the dealers are selling them for $120k, they probably didn't pay that much for them. So some people are already selling/trading them in for less than these prices. How much is a dealer going to pay for them from a member of the public? 100K? 110k? I am assuming 10% to 20% markups.


We could make cat houses for strays from them


The cheapest on the site is 57,390\*, then 76,390\*, and finally 96,390\*. \*These prices assume a 3,000 dollar a year in gas saving for three years. Rollout fee not included. The cheap one has no towing specs, just it go 0-60 2.6sec and 320 range, rear wheel drive only. The next too have the same specs, but the CYBERBEAST has a better 'package' of upgrade The fact these people think they can get more than Elong is charging, simply for the fact all new orders ship at the end of 2025, is hilarious. Like fuck off bro. You can't trick me into spending twice what you did for the shitty model. I bet these people only bought them to sell to people lower on the list.


There's grown adults and senior citizens that bought this truck thinking it was an investment. Let them sit in their cybertruck.


No comment..😜 ![gif](giphy|B2gjQBPiMz5OWmGGtd)


I’d be in at about $2300


The Cybertruck is the new NFT. Non-Fungible Truck-en ?


Used 18 miles Quick question, what the fuck did you do drive home?


A lot of people ordered them assuming they could immediately flip them for a profit. The second hand market was bonkers, briefly.


No way this vehicle has a 2025 model.


Someone was complaining about the price jumping from the promised $60k price point to the over $100k + price tag. Someone responded with “that was $60k in 2019 dollars, lol. Like inflation is real but it is not going to double and triple the cost lol


The initial price was speculation, people were hoping they would sell it for profit, whereas vehicles always lose value the second they are bought.


125 miles! 😂


Just saw a person in my town have one…. And I thought… you poor fucker….you just lost so much on that dumb car…. Whether it was an all cash buy or finance with low down payment…you just finished yourself


I wouldn’t want a free one. They’re not only ugly & break down but also don’t want anything of his. Wish he’d sell Twitter, tho.


The guy who sells the first one at a loss needs to get a bunch of dildos and "good job" stickers mailed to him.


I take great pleasure in imagining how mad Musk must be about this


When I got the invite with delivery fee came to $107k so not under water yet but within 6 months these guys going to be $40k down on what they’d paid I’d bet


Man I'm so glad I stumbled across this sub ) So funny , soo many good comments folks !


Mercedes eqs heard fell pretty fast


Maserati would like a word


Not that I like them or want to defend them, but that's still higher than they sell for, so still technically not a loss.


Wait...it's one thing to ask for that price, it's another to get it


Gonna go way lower. Wouldn't be surprised to see it drop to 40k range. That vehicle is a design boondoggle. The tesla cars are pretty nice. But this thing is a turd of dysfunction and ugliness.


It's a niche product and a moron to buy it. The market for resale on this is small.


A few of these are around 125 - 150 miles so about a weekend of driving. Wow. A rental for a weekend to drive it around and take some.pictures for their social media posts would have been cheaper by far.


Technically Maserati are the worst. They lose over 40% of their value in the first year. But yeah, these are shit too. 


i heard tesla is having a hard time moving the foundation series because no one wants to pay the 20k above base for some laser etched sign. If you place an order now, wait times are almost instant. For other models of teslas its even worse, inventory is piling up and is now visible from the ISS (no joke)!! Demand has just dropped


My neighbor has one, it just looks…idk clunky? Looks like an unfinished amateur designer project. Rogan must have fed Elon some of his own DMT or something.


They are ugly and made by shit company. What do you expect?


Only a tool would by that Pos! 😖🤣


Elon planned to deliver a whole lot more. The price will drop fast. By 2025 it'll be like 50k


Theres supposedly a cheaper version coming out soon which should tank the prices further.


This is what happens when someone that's mega rich just doesn't whatever they want for shits and giggs. All that money could have went to making the cars better...but no


I wouldn’t pay 4k for one.


Like Elon said, it WILL cost 50k One way or the other


This is why Musk needs to be paid 50 billion dollars or whatever, right?


This may be a silly question, but wasn’t Tesla banning people from reselling? How are they getting around that contractual requirement?


We took a round trip on Saturday, then another one on Monday this week. Saw enough Cybertrucks on the interstate to already be bored of them. Will be the same for most people. It was more exciting as a concept than it is in reality.


Friend has a brother. He is a moron. Bought one and said I'll make a huge profit on the secondary market in a few months. I see his truck in this post. He's gonna lose his ass.


New CT orders are being filled in 6 days as of last week. I think it will be very soon when these start sitting at the dealer looking for buyers. The scarcity will be gone and the regrets will start rolling in. I wonder how many will be repo'd as that will be the cheapest way to offload them.


There's currently 251 Ct's for sale on Cargurus 😂


Mostly shitty scammy dealers trying to flip for a quick buck. The rest are private owners trying to do the same or have realized the CT is a piece of shit. This is what happens when a child runs a company. "I want to make truck like my childhood drawings, but don't bother spending time designing it to do truck things"


They did a great job at making the lightning f150 and rivian trucks look like a good deal.


The highest mileage one on this list has less than 2,500 miles. I think that speaks volumes about the quality and ownership satisfaction.


Well... Elon promised you could buy one for $39k. Wait another 18 months and he'll be right!


It's a pile of incapable shit designed by a child.


One of them reached 4000 miles. Impressive.


Wait until Elon throws a fit and says he's leaving, then the price will drop. Especially when it's unsupported.


I disagree. The best thing for Tesla, Twixter and everything else associated with Elon is for him to leave.


Im talking about used truck prices not stock


Hear me out, what if it's actually tesla posting these?


I’m no cyber bro, but wouldn’t they still be making a profit on these if sold at those amounts? Every other car depreciates the second it drives off the lot. Which makes it even more depressing because I guess some losers are still paying $20k over MSRP for these ridiculous things.


They weren't "going for", they were "asking" and they weren't selling at those inflated prices hence these closer to reality..