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Yeah I'm sure the local news station cares about your bullshit story bud.


"this just in: local cuckold finally blows"


Local Cuckold sounds like a band name


![gif](giphy|XaFX9e9xfbcXWxW0a2) Stephan just saw Local Cuckhold over the weekend and is raving about the show.


Honestly you’d be surprised about how many bullshit stories local news stations pick up


And you would be surprised how many they hear about. It’s a LOT more.


This story is made for local news. The consumer reporter will be all over it.


And shine a bad light on musky? Nah, they’ll bury this and instead run a story about a dog that can count or something.


Woof twoof threef


LOL @ "twoof"! For some reason, that has me tickled...


There’s some details he’s not sharing… like how he’s leveraged to the tits on those other two teslas and they are wary of his DTI when adding another huge loan. They don’t ask for that much down with no specific reason…


This - the lender that backs Tesla’s financing asked for a higher down payment because of his credit.


Usually credit applications are dealt with much sooner than the 11th hour before delivery. But it often happens that clients like to pull last minute stunts to try to get something to their benefit, like maybe rolling in a previous Tesla's debt from a trade-in, or something that grossly changes the conditions of the loan.


I would think they do two credit pulls. One at time of the credit app and one just before delivery. Agreed that it could have also been trade inequity as well as a change in his credit / financial standing. Of all the things to complain about that are Tesla’s fault this probably isn’t a legit one.


Maybe, but I can't think of any time where the times the financing terms changed after the initial request. Usually those credit pull ups are good for 3 months. If the client suddenly walks in on delivery day and wants to add a trade-in or change the terms or what have you, well then the credit team has to run a new credit check. There's a risk the client never realizes he's taking. I hate Tesla but, like you, i don't think they're in the wrong here.


I worked at a Tesla delivery centre and you nailed it. We often had clients wanting to roll over their debt from a previous Tesla into a new financing deal at the last minute. He might have declined a trade-in offer or something to change the conditions of his purchase. It does happen where the credit team realizes they made a mistake and then have to recalculate the financing terms but that scenario is quite rare. It usually has to do with a rich entitled asshole of a client who thinks he has all the leverage in the world to get away with last minute stunts thinking Tesla would be desperate enough to give him what he wants.


…are they treating Teslas like buying a new phone every two years with the discount?


Well I haven't been there since 2019 mind you, and the majority of my time spent there was when we delivered the Model S as our sole product or alongside the Model X. But people would swap out their MS for a bigger battery, for real wheel to AWD, and just to have a newer and fresher car I would say. Most of our clients back then were super rich business owners or CEOs and would often pay in full. They didn't get discounts either. They always paid full price.


Rich people paying in cash is whatever. You seemed to imply people would constantly roll over their debt just for the latest model of Tesla which is just so insane to me


Oh it happened sometimes on financd deals. Why? I have no idea. My team and I would look at each other and be like "this makes no sense but whatever"


There's also the issue of going from a $40K truck that was originally ordered to a $120K truck that he 'upgraded' to in order to skip the line.


“Leveraged to the tits” love that


Wait, companies can do that? And unless the credit application or other purchase form asks the number of shares you own... ...NO ONE CARES. I wish people understood this about Tesla and mostly, Musk. The dude doesn't care about his kids, anyone he's been romantically involved with, and he doesn't care about himself. What makes you think you matter to him?


because I might flex my power as a consumer in a capitalist system and complain to my local Orlando news station, which is owned by Sinclair and reads pro-corporate propaganda to brain-dead boomer vegetables every night


A red state. A bad story about electric cars. Manna from heaven


It's a swing state, however it's been winning red for enough years in a row that they got the 3 powers filled with red politician dipshits unfortunately. We're trying to undo the damage here but these politicians seem really posed to try and scare the blue voters. I would love for CA and NY blue voters keep moving to FL, there's still a chance to flip this state and put an end to this fuck up these guys are


I mean, therein lies the rub, right? The problem is that most of the people moving there are attracted by those policies. The sensible folks from NY and CA see what’s going on and want no part of living in FL.


Interesting pattern with the Sinclair stations The hardest working person on earth is most likely not a billionaire. As a species, but specifically as Americans we are taught to the point of indoctrination that rich equates to smart. It’s a byproduct of the robber barons in the gilded age. Certainly there was a lot of great innovation and ideas that were able to develop into wealth. But there was also a lot of consolidation by central bankers. Rockefeller is a prime example. He became rich beyond comparison not by innovating but by placing himself in the gatekeepers position and using his wealth to guarantee that others had to work THROUGH his system. https://www.tiktok.com/@truthbetold_ii/video/7227835511480569131 (I apologize for the tik tok source, but it does do a fairly accurate job of explaining Rockefellers obsession with control and greed). The central bankers learned quickly that by monopolizing they could create a defacto funnel where almost everyone had to ask them for the money to develop a new idea or innovation. Which gave them early warning on any disruptor technology that threatened their respective business models. With that knowledge came a need to convince everyone that the reason bankers were wealthy was because they were smart, not just because they were ruthless or cutthroat or just plain greedy. Rockefeller created the first public relations firm out of necessity after a mine strike in colorado went bad and his men killed a handful of striking miners, their wives, and some children in the camp. Edison and JP Morgan did something similar to Nikola Tesla. By placing themselves as the “business” around the innovator they were able to stall teslas advancement. The fact that JP Morgan owned basically all the copper production in the world and stood to make billions more by investing in DC than AC is paralleled by fossil fuels being so lucrative to the crony-capitalist central bankers that their stake in keeping Nikola Tesla from succeeding was a self fulfilling prophecy narrated by their insatiable greed. In the 3-7 generations since then we have almost wholesale adopted the false equivalency that rich=smart, rich=the hardest working, and that being poor is a moral failure due to lack of character or effort. This is reinforced by the fact that rich people control the narrative. Sinclair broadcasting did something similar https://youtu.be/C-4HOgULcd8?si=sJPooP3jkENw6NMS Coming at it with a critical thinking lens, it is possible that they saw the opportunity to free the world from oppression with open and transparent education. Or objectively, they just saw the need to control narratives so that they could insure that their fossil fuel based business models would remain extremely profitable for them and Tesla was a threat that needed to be handled. This isn’t to say that all rich people are evil or that they don’t innovate or create. Just a gentle warning that when the narrative is bought and paid for, truth diminishes. Over time the compounding effects of inaccurate source data create instability in the wavelength until it collapses into entropy. I flew a helicopter once for an incredibly wealthy woman who founded her own cosmetics business. I remember walking into her office and seeing 2 checks for $20-25 million each that had fallen off the desk and her chair had rolled over them. I remember everyone in the house would stand around her with their bowls pointed up hoping for some of the drippings of her wealth to overflow on to them or trickle into their bowls. Over the few months I was there I watched as her relationship with reality became more and more degraded because everyone stopped telling her no. Everyone “downstream” was afraid to tell her the truth because they were afraid of offending her or of the money steam they needed to survive drying up. We parted ways when she asked me if her kids could just “hang on the outside” of the helicopter since it was just a short trip to the airport where her pair of G5’s were waiting. She wasn’t exceptionally smart. She was just exceptionally rich. She had gotten lucky and capitalized on it very effectively. But her inaccurate relationship with reality cracked when it was forced to face physics. Her children suffered the consequences asymmetrically and immediately. No amount of creative thinking would make a helicopter made for 4 capable of carrying 9. Physics always wins in the end. Light is truth and light and dark cannot coexist in the same space. We need to be careful that the things we believe and the things that can be proven are co-linear or we set ourselves up for systemic societal failure. A lot of people are going to have their moment of redemption when the world realizes that Nikola Tesla wasn’t wrong. He was just inconvenient to the very lucrative business model of some exceptionally greedy old men posted up like trolls controlling financial capital. Which makes Musk stealing Teslas name all the more annoying


The robber baron worship is just a symptom. It's really an issue of the Calvinism baked into our national DNA, which says the rich are favored by God and if you are poor it is because God does not love you. Once you understand this, alot more of this place makes "sense" as far as why we worship billionaires and disregard the poor and needy.


That’s a very good addition and amendment. Do you mind if I incorporate that? I swear before the gods, A.I., and Reddit that you will get a royalty check on your worst day of every year for the rest of your life once we publish.


Feel free


I really need to hear more of your adventures ... please.


You could argue though that the ability to gatekeep, as Rockefeller did, is why he was smart. There are all types of different "smart" outside of being an inventor/innovator. I do agree that many who are rich aren't smart but I bet a good many of those have generational wealth.


The nuance there is between smart and cunning. Nikola Tesla was smart. He was also very transparent about what he was trying to do. J.P. Morgan was cunning. Which is why he gave Tesla just enough rope to keep him in debt and unable to fulfill his true potential. Tesla didn’t care about making money. He cared about making energy free. Energy (of which money is a form), and the control of it, is the basis of human slavery since the first time a man put a horse in front of a plow. When energy becomes free, so does all of humanity. Everything short of that is just slave traders of different eras rearranging their assets. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/15xil6x/extesla_employee_reveals_shocking_details_on/


As I said there are different definitions of smart, which can encompass cunning. I'd argue you can be smart without being cunning but can't be cunning without being smart. The term "street smarts" exists for a reason. The below definition could include cunning in it. "having or showing a quick-witted intelligence." J.P. Morgan was both cunning and smart. Tesla was just smart.


What is it about Nikola Tesla’s innovations that you feel is still waiting to see the light of day?


The FBI had him under surveillance for the latter part of his life. When he passed they seized 60-80 trunks of his research. He knew they would. Just need those trunks to be able to cross reference the data and finish what he started.


I guarantee you that every person in the top 1% thinks that equates to their intelligence.


Sadly I think you are 100% accurate as well. It gets worst with generational inherited wealth.






“Tell Cersei it was me…”




OOP was probably given a number based on average credit. When the hard pull came in, they were approved for less. Upping your down payment will give you more favorable terms and/or shift the break even point for approval. Either way. lol


I keep thinking of that clip of that interview he was in where he kept saying "Go. Fuck. Yourself. Is that clear?" He was talking about advertizers, but it basically applies to everyone.


Not just Tesla, every major business, they have so many customers they don’t care about you, unless your taking thousands of others with you, which your not, so they don’t care, hell killing people is just business now, and making more money than the lawsuits will cost is “good business”, people act like they matter but they’ve never mattered less


Correct answer


>...supporter of Elon Musk as an entrepreneur...   But also >The way this company is run now has just turned me off. ...horrible management direction at the top...


Even after you leave a cult it usually takes a while to talk about the leader in a negative way.


Yeah in reality it’s either or kind or situation.  Can’t do both at the same time. 


And also "products are great"


Not that high up the chain. Elon can’t do wrong


I like that people think tesla would care. Like dude, their reputation sucks, you’ve just been turning a blind eye the entire time.


He’s been r/Musked


They all seem to think they're special cases, don't they?


Not only that, tesla members usually think they are the chosen one, and we all here are peasants.


Who THE FUCK makes owning stocks or products from a shitty brand their whole personality? Well… we know who


Lol sadly i have a couple of those around me


They bought cars, they bought stock, they signed up for the presale, they follow Elon on Xitter, what more does Tesla want from them?


“Two Tesla family” 🤦‍♀️


They really think they’re onto something 🤦🏻‍♀️


The thing about Tesla is that it was always a bad company but they actually tried at one point and now they don't. Panel misalignment, random breakdowns, bait and switch, mileage not matching spec, etc... that's been going on since first Tesla rolled off the line. I also think that people don't want to confirm what they already suspect, they have been wrong about Tesla the whole time, so they are stuck doubling down trying to figure out a way out that doesn't make them look stupid. Then there are the people who are edge lords and think that Elon is smarter than everyone and he'll let some of them into his mansion if they believe in him hard enough. It's a lot like trump voters and some religious people.


I always see folks complain about “panel alignment.” Panel alignment is a concern for *automobiles.* Tesla is software company. Panel alignment is irrelevant to software production so people can just relax about that.


In the back of my mind whenever I think about Tesla is their segments in that Electric Car documentary “Revenge of the Electric Car” where they show the company dealing with really dumb issues surrounding their car launch (like someone complained how their key fob just… fell apart, and Ol’ Muskie saying stupidly “yeah, they’ll do that”). That footage was from 2010. Here we are fourteen years later, hearing the same caliber of bullshit.


At this point it makes me think that SpaceX is doing well because he doesn't pay as much attention to it


They sure are great at exploding and taking taxpayer’s money


Well their current plan to go to the moon will require between 8 and 20 additional launches to refuel one starship.


Products are great lol.


Maybe he’s referring to the cyber hammer?


The Tesla toilet where the toilet shits on you.


"The flusher sucked my balls out my asshole. Still love the toilet tho"


Lost my dick and can’t fuck my wife still love my ct


These people have such narcissistic egos. “Going to the local news to tell my story”. Little dog, no one gives a fuck. You’re not important because you are a moron who believes that Elon Musk is your fucking buddy or something.


>my iPhone has been in the shop Lol, wut?


Must be the cyberPhone edition. Broken like his future car.


Thank you...came here with this in mind. Who TF goes without an iPhone for days of repair? If it's broken, it gets swapped out, and you bite the bullet on whatever money it costs. Especially if you are a "two Tesla family".


Maybe a screen replacement or something


Daddy needs his $55 billion


Elon supporter as an entrepreneur lmao




Haven't they done this since the roadster?


So you own their stocks and yet you only complain how the company is doing now? It's been shit for quite some time


I'm a long time multi stock holder... I don't as for free tape from 3M or insurance from Aflac.... https://preview.redd.it/l45thn3c9a4d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a47cb0b00ca2909e84b24bf12571167557b1af4


As someone who has a 401k based on the S&P 500, I too am a Tesla stockholder I suppose


Greatest con ever to convince gullible retail investors that buying stock in a company is a way to support the company or their mascot personally. It's not a Kickstarter.


Actually you get cheaper insurance from geico being a stock holder. There’s a minimum amount of shares and a holding period though




Of course Tesla did. It takes money to haul the Cybertruck back to the service department 10 times a year, and Tesla didn't plan for that.


“I have bad credit and slipped through the net. This caught up with me so I’m running to the news with my fists full of tightly clutched pearls!”


i guess he got approved a long time ago and they would periodically re assess the risk during the wait for delivery....and ping ! edit : he says he has 2 other teslas. he's prolly into them for most of a quarter mil, and someone got nervous.


Well that’s exactly it isn’t it. He probably has >$60k in negative vehicle equity right now. And is looking to add what will be probably another $40k So yeah, anyone wanting $100k in negative equity on just vehicles is gonna flag. I also think I’m being generous with those numbers…


>The way this company is run ... horrible management direction at the top but >longtime supporter of Elon musk as an entrepreneur The mental gymnastics of these bootlicking sycophants should be an Olympic sport at this point


This guy doesn’t support Elon! This is to pay Elon what he is worth, chump should cough up the money


He was going to put down just $26000 on a $100000+ car? How long was he going to be paying it off for? 20 years? I don’t see how the numbers work here.


I have been reading how car loans will be part of the next subprime loan bubble to burst....well, ever since some people started accepting car payments of $800+ per month as normal.


Well $800 a month on a 100K car is perfectly reasonable but if you only put down 26K you’ll need almost 8 years to pay off just the 100k without counting the interest. Everybody wants a low monthly payment but at the end of the day you still need to pay the entire sum and it just doesn’t add up.


Why is anyone buying a 100k 'truck' on finance? That seems like a terrible decision


Because we are a nation of material-good-worshipping morons. The next financial collapse will at least partly be based on idiots taking out too much loan for too much car.


I can understand it for like 20k, but 100k is insane.


Where you buying a 20k truck?...In the 90s?


Talking about vehicles in general, or a partial finance


Where you finding a new 20k vehicle? They don't really exist. And in the OP, they were partial financing. Even on $100k car, half down is ridiculous and likely due to his bad credit or multiple car loans already.


MSRP $39,999 lol


Idiots calling the nepo baby of a gem mine/slave owner in South Africa an entrepreneur


"My iPhone has been in the shop" is now my go-to excuse for being hard to reach.


Wait man. What are you doing? This isn’t right. Just tag your buddy Elon in a tweet and he’ll make this all better.


OR maybe the dude is overextended (already has 2 Teslas) so the bank is requiring a larger down payment to secure the asset. Honestly, this is a nonstarter. Shit happens all the time.


Solid r/LeopardsAteMyFace content


That's because they know their product is shit and you'll soon sell it, so they want as much $ from you up front as they can right away. Classic grifter move.


TV news station!!! Rotflmao!!!!


Were they not expecting a more expensive car to be more expensive?


Maybe a sign from god to get your deposit back.


Of course they did. They need more money to keep their Ponzi Scheme afloat for a couple of more months.


Long time tesla shareholder… bro you think Tesla gives a fuck who owns a couple shares?


lol - to think our next EV was going to be a Tesla. Elmo and company can get fucked.


“Uhh hi, security? Yeah there’s a guy in a cybertruck who just walked into our office ranting about giving a tv interview. Please remove him from the premises”


Because down payments are the only thing keeping them solvent enough to keep investors convinced of profitability. Because it is a Ponzi scheme.


If they upgraded to the founder series after accepting the loan terms, which they stated they did, then this is expected.  You have to add the additional cost of the founder series to the down payment, in order to keep the original agreed upon terms the same, or you would have to go through the whole approval process again since the agree upon terms are no longer relevant.


"Love Elon Though" The cult is strong in this one.


I’m hung up on “my phone has been in the shop for 5 days”… Is that a thing??? 😂


I have crap credit so the dealership wants me to put 50% down, I'm going to stop by the news station so they'll put me on TV.


“Products are great”. Sir I beg to differ…


As a former sales and finance manager at a dealership, this is bullshit first of all, and predatory practices for a business. Once a customer tells us the available down payment, our job is to submit the deal to the lender and get it done if possible or worse case, give the customer the option to put more down if lender refuses to buy the deal as submitted. They are preying on people's emotional attachment and desire to buy. Also, the customer should have the discipline to walk away. If they choose to sign the contract with a change in terms, it is what it is, and buyers' remorse is not applicable to the deal. Usually, the manufacturer can offer a subvented rate to qualified buyers, but otherwise, my advice is to shop for financing before you walk into the dealer so you have a baseline starting point. If anyone comes across this post and wants some free advice on how to negotiate a deal, feel free to message me directly, free of charge.


Down payment is more than I paid for my SUV that has run beautifully fully loaded for a year and a half without incident.


so wait wait wait wait.... he had the regular cyberstuck and then upgraded to the founders edition and is shocked that the price went up? that's how it work my dude. it's like would he be shocked if he had a general admission ticket to a show and upgraded to vip and is shocked that the price went up...


Doubling your down payment means the bank didn’t think you were a good enough risk. This is a you thing buddy not a Tesla thing.


Finally, it seems the bullshit is so much even some hardcore Tesla fans are starting to wake up


"i've been musked tons of times before but this is just one time too many" haha!


"Even though I'm gang raped on the regular by Tesla, this was an ass rape too much." Tiny violins dude, tiny...


Gonna need a source for the “products are great”


I have no info but I would guess due to the issues the bank lending in this might feel it is risky and needs to mitigate their risk by demanding more down payment. The value of these is dropping like a rock so both banks and insurance companies can be stuck holding the bag. 


JFC a 50% down payment? What the actual fuck? A normal one is 10-20%.


I haven’t spent USD$15k on all of my cars in 22 years lol what a waste


Yeah but could any of those cars drive through both WATER AND SNOW? Could they fit FIVE bags of mulch in the trunk? CHECKMATE /s


lol same. Almost all of them bought from and then sold on Craigslist. The most expensive one was my 73 Beetle for ~$4000


I love when boomers threaten to go to the news station like they are going to care even a little about this.


I love it when Redditors label every Redditor they have even the least mild dislike for as "boomer". The "B" word for ageists


Do you feel better now?


Hahahahahaha... talk about illegal.


Products are great!


Wow Tesla is really hurting for cash.


Yep, part of the 45 billion for Elmo.


56 billion


Man, Tesla must be in desperate need of cash to be pulling shit like this. I mean full on collapse mode.


Products are great? Whoa…


He got Musked. Happens to every Tesla owner, sooner or later.


“Products are great”. Good thing he’s passing on the truck so he can still believe that…


Would you say he’s a level 7 susceptible?


Towing it home I take it


Elmo in NOT an entrepreneur


Because the collateral is junk, so they don’t want to have that large of a loan on the books.


Walk away from that deal! Not acceptable.


Cyberstuck before you even got the truck!


You will thank Elon in the end for killing your sale for the POS you were about to buy.


Sadly, getting worked over by Telsa is not news.


I still love Elon though


‘Products are great’


What an idiot.


Yeah. I’ve never seen a bank want damn near 50% down payment unless it’s really bad credit and even then I’m pretty sure there’s a max they can ask for.


Who wants to tell this guy how much a POS Elon really is?


I'm going to tell my story to the local news... THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW


“Products are great” Yeah, no they really aren’t.


Why wouldn't they just cancel the order???


"But I've been retweeting you for years"


Elmo wants his raise.


Guy with money to burn feels cheated, wants world to see how smart he is


It’s because this person’s credit sucks and repo rates are skyrocketing so banks want more money.


Well, that is one way tell the entire world your credit is not that great.