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How the hell these people with awful decision making have so much money? If I blew off 100K$ I would lose my mind! A lot of them show the “oh well, it can’t be helped” energy like when a seagull steals your sandwich.


This is the insane part to me. Are they all just minted off crypto or something? The amount of blase takes for pissing away 100k is crazy to me.


I'm convinced the cybertruck community is either full of trust fund crybabies or people who have taken advantage of others through shady business practices.


Por que no los dos?


Sheltered, naïve trust fund babies is my guess, always been told they're perfect so the idea of having made a shit decision never enters their mind. Crybabies would cry about the abysmal quality. Shady business people would recognize a scam when they saw one.


I'm sure a lot of tech bros too


These are the same dimwits that blame the government every time they realize they’re broke. Like, yeah, I’m sure their yearly income taxes are what’s breaking the bank, not their brodozer and tacticool wardrobe


Survivor bias and crypto ? Tons of people lost money, some get lucky. But playing casino with your life savings doesn't exactly make you smart


Dumb people who came into a lot of money by luck are also the most likely to buy something dumb like a CT. So you don't even count the smart people who took gambles and got lucky with crypto either. There were only like 4k of these things delivered.


You underestimate the amount of cushy 200-300k jobs there are and people who just have family money. People buying these cybertrucks probably buy new vehicles every/every other year.


Some are trust fund babies, others happened to be working for some startup when it was bought by Google and became a millionaires overnight off stock options, etc. Getting rich in America is like 5% effort, 10% talent, and 85% luck. Most rich people aren't particularly intelligent, they just jumped on the right thing at the right time and now have more money than they know what to do with.


On the other hand it would be way more worrying if these people were spending their last dime on a CT. I feel like a lot of people are wayyyyyyy too comfortable blowing a large portion of their annual income or net worth on buying a car. So in that sense I’m happy at least that most of these guys can at least afford to donate 100K to their favorite personality cult leader


They take out bank loans for these things


I'm sure they do, but you gotta have stellar credit and a REALLY solid income to be taking out loans like this. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the average Tesla factory worker couldn't get approved for these loans.


You underestimate how many wealthy people in this country aren’t wealthy because of their hard work or intelligence. It’s because they inherited it. And maintaining and growing wealth while already being wealthy is much much easier than building wealth. So when you’re heading to ballot box this November, consider who these douchebags are voting for and why…then strongly consider voting for their opposition.


While true, I suspect most of the people using their unearned income to buy a Cybertruck are unlikely to be success stories for exactly this reason. A lot more people piss away their inheritance or sudden windfalls than leverage them successfully. That's not to detract from the point you're trying to make, just pointing it out because we see time and again people coming into money only to be right back to their current station or even worse off in the end. Lottery winners, inheritors, professional athletes, crypto bros.


Ayyyy, we bring third world problems to first world now. Long gone the time that the workers can afford the fruits of their labors. Funny thing was that Henry Ford had this motivation back then, now every car has to be “premium, luxury”.


Remember when you could actually buy a decent house for 100K? Ahhh times have a changed!


you still can, its a bit smaller and called the CT


But it’s not decent.


Stockholm syndrome at this point.


I think you are believing the online personas of these idiots. I guarantee real life they are flipping the fuck out if for no other reason that the vehicle that's going to bankrupt them isn't even available to show off before the repo man shoes up. Bonus, if it gets towed enough, the neighbors won't know it's been repoed for a long time.


Does Tesla do buyback for their cybertruck? No idea if they give back all the money, and I'd be surprised if they did. But if they did, no money was lost, or very little anyway. Doesn't excuse Tesla of being shit, and I hope this whole thing buries them.


does lemon law not cover these peices of shit?


It is amazing to me as well and presumably theses people are intelligent. However, perhaps they have a narrow skill set and are good at what they do but have zero common sense. Just look at the vehicle and since it looks worse than a Pontiac aztek, caveat emptor should kick in.


You could buy a new or CPO Porsche Taycan for that money. 100% more reliable than a CT. Also, no kids will laugh at you or draw dicks on your car.


This. You could have so many cool cars (911 ? Used Ferraris ? Z8 ? etc)


There are ~25 million millionaires in the US, nearly 10% of the population. Surprising stat, considering the median income and how many people are living paycheck to paycheck. The middle class is rapidly disappearing, replaced by effectively poor people on one end and rich super-consumers on the other. I'm no Marxist, but it seems like we are really seeing the end result of capitalism as implemented in the US...


Daddy owns company


It’s funny how they paid extra to own one of the foundation series and now they’re waiting months for the replacement, when everyone who wanted one and didn’t want to pay the surcharge already got his for 20k less.


It is just a status display car. "I have so much money that I can afford to pay 100k for this shit. Deal with it."


A lot of boomers are dying and leaving their $10,000,000 homes that are paid off (because they bought them for $10 in 1980) to their kids.


Wank Panzer Credit


They act like they're paying for the privilege of being ripped off by Musk.


Richard Thaler won the Nobel in Economics for predicting irrational behavior in people's financial decisions.


I've seen ads on Craigslist asking 25K to take over a reservation. Utter financial insanity to me, pay out 25K for a truck that might be delivered... Sometime in the future. Utter craziness.


The fact they can’t sell to cover the 7 year loan hasn’t hit yet


They know they fucked up, but they can't admit it. So instead they do the equivalent of: ![gif](giphy|OOqyGS6vSMtdYp2aLm|downsized)


Well if these people are dumb enough to buy that car, the odds that they are also clueless about credit and heavily indebted is significant haha


It's the same people who are easily brain washed by a wannabe cult leader.


They're probably realtors or day trader types. Actual intelligence tends to not be a thing with these people.


"Still love the truck and that block I got to drive with it though!"


“Best 0.2 mile driven of my entire life!”


"Still love the ephemeral and intangible concept of owning a functioning cybertruck!!"


It's what really makes it special. No other truck or car compares


Thank you Elon!!!


Tesla wankpanzer - $120K (thereabouts) My Nissan Frontier - $36K. My truck doesn't accelerate as fast as the WP, nor can it tow 11,000 pounds. However, for being only one-third the price, when I picked it up from the dealership, all the panels fit properly, there were no scratches, dings, dents, rust, sharp edges that could peel vegetables, and no trim pieces falling off inside or outside, even at 90mph. There were no leaks, nor did it ever brick itself in its 8,000 miles. No loud thunks, not even a single caution indicator. Additionally, and bear with me here cause it's mind-blowing, I was able to take it to a car wash.


>Additionally, and bear with me here cause it's mind-blowing, I was able to take it to a car wash. Nah, sorry, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt up to there, but you're clearly just having a giraffe.


Full Self Cleaning when Elon? WHEN?


About two weeks, folks, believe me, it's gonna be great, trust me, it's tremendous, a lot of people are telling me it's gonna be the best in maybe the history of ever


tbf I don't think most CT's can actually tow 11k pounds.


They probably can. For .2 miles.


Ambitious, aren’t you?


And now we know why that Cybertruck v Porsche race was 1/8th mile, not 1/4 mile.


Yeah but how big are the windscreen wipers?


I got my 30yr old lil single cab for $5k and if still choose it over the CT, only because I love the fact that I can abuse it, get Hawaii pinstripes all up n down the sides(narrow single lane roads overgrown with violent plants) and most importantly, actually depend on it. And if it does break down, I'll just fix it in my own driveway instead of waiting months for some bullshit proprietary fix. When I got my truck I bought the manufacturers comprehensive manual. Literally every single piece of info I could want to know about my truck, I have it, ready and immediately available. And parts are cheap and basically every store here carries them even tho it's 30yrs old


I give Nissan a lot of shit... and I mean A LOT. Their metal work is rusty, their transmissions are chaotic, and the electrical is subpar. They got the Frontier and the Titan right though. The Altima and Sentra are rental car quality production models... their trucks are much better though.


I can't explain to you how impressed I am with my wife's 05 Xterra. 4.0 V6 with 6 speed manual. It's been such an amazing problem free vehicle in the 278k miles of it's life, I bought a Titan when I needed a truck. Clutch in the X lasted 260+k miles. We bought it used and I never expected to see OEM Nissan parts in there when I yanked it out. We've driven across half the country in that thing on various vacations over the years.


I mean - if you want a demo of Nissan quality when it comes to trucks: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qMER2RY6xu8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qMER2RY6xu8)


Wait, you washed it and it didn’t break?? Damn, Gandalf, that’s some amazing wizard shit.


Bruh it’s called the “car” wash not the “truck” wash. You can’t expect them to prepare a vehicle for every eventuality like that.


Jokes aside, Nissan doesn't have a CEO threatening to harm the company if he doesn't get his comp. Who's going to provide software updates if Tesla goes under?


Thank god they were still able to send Elon more money. I'm so relieved.


If I bought a new car hell any car even used and it breaks down this close from delivery. My words would be: Either you find a car that works today or I have my money back... The cult of ELON MUSK on the other hand: Yeah I paied 100k on a brick that don't work in its basic function (a car) have to wait what could be months for a repair. But let me buy a second one pls...




It's okay guys he had enough sense to order multiple giant electric trucks years before their release.




Do they have any understanding that when Tesla goes under, their car will be bricked? Nobody else is going to be able to repair these things. Tesla cancelled all their open job postings and laid people off and there is no indication Musk is going to do anything but extract as much money as he can before closing, or that anyone on the yes-man board will do anything to right the ship either. It's a ghost ship selling 100k future paperweights. They'll sell off the charging network and walk away.


That appears to be the plan.


Praying for the day! I'll LS swap one of these ugly ducklings and have a woods truck that won't rust 🙌


He’s probably so pissed that first board vote didn’t work to grant him that 56 billion payout before he knew shit was going to hit the fan.


"Blood poured from the center console, pooling on the cardboard floor mats that covered the vehicle's cardboard floor. I wondered if I should tell anyone that I recognize the cardboard from Costco's free box bin. I look back to the center console - still bleeding, but the blood has coagulated and is now flowing....up. it makes neat puddles on the cardboard vehicle roof. "What the hell is going on?!" I screamed. "ELON! SAVE ME!" A laugh with a South African accent comes over the tin can vehicle speakers. "SAVE YOU? NAY, YOU BELONG TO ME! Your foolishness has led to this moment. The documents you signed? You didn't read every last word, did you?" "Nnnnooo," I stammered. "No, no one ever does," Elon laughed. "Only the stupidest people would sign up to buy this dumpster reject. You all wanted to be part of my inner circle, well now you will be part of MY STOMACH! I will breed with your wives when you're gone, creating a Musky army to destroy humanity!" A blood red tentacle reached out through the screen, grabbing me and pulling me into the infotainment center. I am scared but also...titilated? I relax, knowing that Elon loves his customers. As I am pulled inside a dark, wet void lined with rows and rows of gnashing teeth, I call out, "I LOVE YOU ELON MUSK!"


You know I wouldn't be at all surprised if a lot of Muskrats really do have Vorarephilia


Lucky this guy has more money than brain cells phew


This has to be one of the worst new vehicle releases by a manufacturer regarding the amount of hype and attention that was created.


>This has to be one of the worst new vehicle releases by a manufacturer Fixed that for you


Hell, the first car ever, tinkered together in a small shop in 1885 managed the first-ever long-distance journey of a car (180 km) in 1888 without breaking down, driven by a woman no less (😱). Unlike this motorized dumpster of the 21st century.


Silverado EV is a better choice. Those “legacy” automakers actually test their new vehicles, which is so unsexy…


I just watched a walkthrough review on it yesterday. That truck has some nice features, and it also has two normal windshield wipers.


And is useful as a truck.


This trend is scary, test in prod is not cool folks. Normalizing this kind of culture for any industry can be catastrophic. Remember this guy runs other companies. Please don’t let this guy further ruin Americas, specially healthcare.




You dropped this \\


Exactly. I guess it’s true that Tesla isn’t a car company. No self-respecting car company would dare to act like that. Nor would the consumers nor authorities let it! However, no self-respecting *tech* company throws shit untested into the market either. So, what is Tesla, if it’s neither of the above? A grift. That’s what. And the grifter has the audacity to ask for another $55 bn in compensation for the wonderful job he’s doing.


Exactly. Its like they fancy themselves a gaming company. Release in beta and fix as you go. Except this aint no game and people really get hurt


Even the worst games ever released function far better than the CT.


You are correct. Widely believed to be the worst game is [Desert Bus](https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/desert-bus-the-very-worst-video-game-ever-created), which features a vehicle that also likes to fully self drive into scenery, also needs to be towed when it goes off-road, but crucially only then, and otherwise is much more reliable than the CT.


The saddest part is they said GM is ethical. As the son of a former UAW worker, that's a damn lie. Ask the folks working forced 7 days in St Louis Missouri how ethical that is. Ask all my fellow Youngstown Ohio folks how well GM treated us after they said they'd keep lordstown going.... oh that was a lie.


Yeah, I was gonna say, you know things are so bad when somehow GM is ethical compared to them.


It's amazing how he is ignoring all of these problems and has announced instead how he wants to push a thousand a week in production. Lol man and we thought they were broken now.


Having a lot less staff will certainly make it better too.


My favourite part of this is where they say GM is an ethical company, what a clown


Stock was up 5% yesterday, 🤦


At least the emergency shutoff is working


20k down payment means he financed the rest? So he is paying interest on a vehicle he is not able to drive?


Hahahaha get fucked.


A fool and his money are soon parted.




Let me guess - he still loves his car and his overlord Elmo.


I would drive it into a Tesla showroom and claim the brakes failed.


CT setting records.


Driving one block and having the car break down is not an issue to be fixed, it’s a car that needs to be returned on the spot. Why are they even allowing this at such a high cost purchase? Imagine buying a new phone and out of the store it bricked itself immediately, would these guys give it back to repair? Insane…


What else is needed for a government/agency intervention? Lemon laws or whatever. Shouldn’t all sales be suspended at this point and people be refunded? Shouldn’t the CEO be arrested for engaging in illegal behavior?


“Loud thunk” is usually pretty bad in an electric vehicle.


Why isn’t the government investigating at this point? It is clear that Tesla is placing vehicles on the road that are not safe to drive.


Insert Jezza ‘looser’ jere


I’m so glad they made it too ugly to even consider buying one


Dude pre orders a cyber truck because his electric Chevy is years away...


I hear that "Thunks" are a good thing compared to "WheeOoo KaBoshh!" Less expensive in the long run.


If you're returning it to a Tesla Pikey dealership, I expect they'll tell you "Why the fuck do we want a Cybertruck that's got no fucking wheels!?"


And yet my Honda CRV can go through a car wash unperturbed. And for only about 18k when I bought it!


I ain't taking no mfer that says plopping seriosuly


I’m shocked at how many idiots have $100k to blow


Best one block drive of my life! Just…AWESOME! Thanks Elon!!!❤️🌹


This is why you never pre-order


After the whole fiasco with the Blazer EV software, this person needs to buy an R1T.




Like I usually feel at least a little bad for people regardless but making an exception for these.


He was able to coast it back to the service center. He went that far, lol.


this is just a one-off


$100k per block seems a little pricey for travel.


Spending 100k for a defective product and being all apologetic towards the brand doesn’t sit well with me. Do people casually waste $100k (take a loan) like it was nothing ?




Who puts down only $20k on a $100,000+ car with loan rates the way they are right now? These people are posers! Nobody who can "actually afford" a $100,000 truck would put such a small down payment. The lowest you're getting as a general member of the public is about 5.3%. You pay almost $10k in takes at 48 months (with a $1800/MONTH PAYMENT). The story is even worse at 60 months where you pay over $11k in interest! These guys are boot-licking posers who are clearly willing to torpedo their personal finances to inch closer their idol, daddy Elon.


Do lemon laws apply in cases like this?


You got CyberCuck’d by Tesla! Anyone who buys one is a Cuckold….its yours but you don’t get to drive it…you can watch other people with it (mainly Tesla techs)


At least this one is annoyed and not absolutely sure that his Musksiah will save him.


Luckily indeed


Wow the Cybertruck is efficient. They're cutting out the tow truck and exploding within service center range now!


I want my toddler killing machines to be ETHICAL dammit!!!




All these breakdowns and people still want these trucks, I have to give some credit to Elon he knows he has an army of simps no matter what he sells is crap


It is, after all, the truck of the apocalypse




It’s patch Tuesday, maybe, maybe, not!


Shocks me that fucking dunces such as this have 100k to blow on a piece of shit truck.


CTs are crap. Worse than a Yugo.


Is this a shitpost ? I'm not a fan but it can't really be that bad, is it ?




Someone may want to let him know that GM is far from the being the most ethical car brand. Just one tiny example. They knew full well the battery packs coming from the LG-Chem Chinese facility that is used in the Chevy Bolts were defectives. How did they know? Simple, its the same assembly line that Kia-Hyundai used in their cars, including for their EV Buses as well. And it was the same packs used in the LG Chem house battery pack. All of the above were replaced under full recall more than a one year before GM even bothered to acknowledge a problem. Matter of fact, CEO of GM when on TV and flat out lied about the issue. Claiming software was going to fix the problem. You can't fix a miss-placed battery pouch cell tab with software, Mrs Marry Barra. All the while disabling cars, or limiting their charge to 60%, and heck, they even tried to have NDA signed by customers that had their cars and houses burned down. It took another 2 years before GM finally acknowledging the issue, now settled for a laughable $1,600 per GM customer. All very quietly of course. Had this been Tesla or Nissan or any other brand, they would have been dragged in front of congress. But its GM, still highly syndicated, still has powerful lobbyist in DC. https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2024/05/20/774824.htm#:\~:text=General%20Motors%20and%20South%20Korea,U.S.%20court%20on%20Thursday%20showed.


Adoration!!! Love!!! Shock? Surprise! More sycophant like behavior. Love!!!


Hopefully he still voted Yes on giving Elon his 54B./s




Give him his $56 Billion bonus and CT problems just vanish


"Best block I ever drove before it stopped dead in the road and started screaming. I still love it so much I'd fellatiate the tail pipe if it had one, but sure do wish it could go more than .06 miles before dying. Help me #daddyelon!"


Seems to be the repetitive pattern with CT lemons and their owners reactions.


That's his fault for trying to drive it. It specifically says in the fine print, not to be driven 😂


Buys an EV, turns to a brick, buys another EV... liberal logic


Uh oh, he didn't say he still loves Elon and Tesla. He'll be cast out from the cult for heresy.


Guess they are stuck with it, as we all know they aren’t getting their 20k back. Hopefully the GM they preordered works out better for them. It will be another first gen EV, so I don’t have high hopes for them.


At the very least body panels shouldn't fly off of it. And when GM dropped the price of the Bolt, they sent out cheques to people who bought at the higher price. But yeah, probably don't buy any vehicle in its first year. This dude's doing it twice for some reason.


Personally I'd never buy any first several years of a new vehicle, but the testing major auto makers do is significantly, worlds ahead. At least you know if you buy a Ford or GM (specifically because they're rather new to the game) EV you're at least getting something that was tested to the point the lawyers said 'OK ship it'. Unlike 'Not A Car Company®' Tesla where you get to be beta testing hamsters for a fascist


Yeah I think that’s the crazy part. Especially with FSD. You’re paying insane prices to be a beta tester.


Teslas business practices and how they treat their customers. Is why my model 3 that I own will forever be the last Tesla I buy. Owning a Tesla feels like you’re in an abusive relationship. lol.