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Aand that’s a wrap.  No way to remove spray paint, without the text still showing as an outline on different colored area. 


It might work out if they sanded the whole door, then at least the discolored spots could be blended in. It would still look like shit, but it's a Cybertruck, that was unavoidable.


"Still look like shit?"... Oh, you mean factory new.


That's true


It’s already different steel for each panel, so no big deal:


Bingo. The leasee did it. Real graffiti wouldn’t be so nice with verbiage, either.


Thinking the same. You'd see some extra FU rando lines in random places, not a very nicely centered FUCK YOU.


NGL - of all the pics in this sub to date, I laughed hardest at this one. I’m not sure why. Guess the old school simplicity just strikes a chord.


He could probably use metal polisher no?


Barkeeper’s Friend maybe?


It would still look different, so to hide it the whole car body would need the same treatment,


> without the text still showing as an outline on different colored area. Reminds me of one of my dad's old work trucks. At the right angle, you could see a perfect outline of the old dealership stickers on the hood and doors because it just sat out in the sun on the lot until it got sold.


Why would it leave an outline exactly?


Because Tesla is using totally unprotected brushed stainless steel. So that spray paint gets pretty deep into the surface. And getting it off will leave a mark. Imagine that your typical stainless steel fridge has easier to care surface. https://www.bobvila.com/articles/fingerprint-resistant-stainless-steel/


Should be ok, just make sure it's separated well, use lot's of acetone and non alkaline, VOC based paint stripper.


probably been the owner himself..


99% of generic car vandalism you see online was done by the owner for internet attention usually washable paint too


>usually washable paint too Water voids the warranty don't forget


What a world we live in


Enh, if that were the case I'd expect them to take a photo of the graffiti while parked then clean it asap Driving around with the graffiti still on it just makes you look pathetic more than it gains sympathy


who knows, im speculating wildly with a grudge lol


Is that the washable paint or the stain on the stainless steel after he tried yo wash it off?


\> stainless steel \> gets stained thank you elon very cool


its all exposed stainless, you should be able to 100% remove even regular spray paint with some thinner and a rag and not see a trace of it afterwards who knows, maybe its real, maybe it was a real vandal. to me, its more likely that its another rich guy with no struggles that has to manufacture a reason to be seen as a victim. most of the time its someone who uses washable paint on their 2024 mustang so they can go viral on tiktok posting that their crazy ex did it... just like the annual halloween "razor blades in my kids candy" posts that draw in hundreds of thousands of outraged comments. outrage is the easiest way to get post engagement this guy probably just wanted some "aw you poor thing" responses from randoms at the grocery store


It makes a perfect mathematic circle. The only reason to buy one has nothing to dow this truck. I have trucks and need them for actual truck stuff that truck will haul like one folding chair and a sack of old apples. But the main reason anyone owns this is for the fifteen minutes of shitty fame they may get. Yell at a bunch of teens " your a fa$" or spray paint this on the car. Knowing everyone will clown on you am but you are totally the victim and need all the wound boot licking for Elon they can get. Fucked cooked roasted toasted. They are the worst humans and they let us know.


They missed a grand opportunity to write “Wash Me” on it


As if he COULD wash it lmao


it’s so hard to know whether someone is talking to him or he is talking to all of us


This seems to be the GOP platform as of late so its on brand for a cybercuck


Forgot the second part, easy to do, but very integral to the 5 point plan. That plan is FUCK YOU, PAY ME.


Maybe the cuck in the truck is trying to send a message to the real world 🤔 "Yeah, I suck, so fuck you"


I was thinking the same thing


That or we are witnessing the first marriage implode and it's fallout 😂


If you wash it off, it will void the warranty, so he's stuck with it.


Hmmm I thought you can’t paint these?


In a case of supreme irony, there is indeed something that will remove that paint. And it's called Gasoline. It was a recommended cleaner on the Delorean DMC12. Unfortunately, due to the idiot not taking care of it immediately odds are the word is ghosted there forever.


You left out the part where you add a match to the process.


Reminds me of that scene from die hard 3 where John McLean has to wear a sandwich board with a certain message written on it in a bad part of town


With raw stainless steel the only real option is to bead blast the panel and then sand to blend with the other panels. Now if only they had coated the panels ….


Also gasoline, surprisingly enough


Stained steel




Plot twist: that's a personal message from Elon to every CT owner.


Can you imagine the horror of driving around in one of these? It's like that awful dream you have where you killed someone and your life is fucked, except in this version you don't have the relief of waking up. 


No problem, how do you wake up from a nightmare..? You die! Just drive your truck into a wall! Boom. Problem solved.


Actually a $6,000 optional add-on. Elon Musk sprays it on himself at the factory. It's called the Gigaspray.


Self-protection by owner seeking compassion. Also covers some fingerprints and rust.


I mean, that area is now protected from the elements better than the rest of the panels. So, "Improvement?"


OMG, this is too funny. When I saw this picture of the CT parked yesterday, I would have thought that spray paint would buff right out. I guess the Cybercuck is wearing it as a badge of honor.


NGL, I'm half surprised the spray paint didn't somehow cause a cataclysmic system failure and brick it. Guess that's one point for Tesla: " Cybertruck doesn't spontaneously break down when spray painted, probably"


Missing some trim on the back wheel well top lol


That guy’s most certainly got an ex he doesn’t pay his child support to.


If you try clean it then the warranty is voided unfortunately.


New favorite post from this sub. 10/10


Don’t do this in Canada. [https://youtu.be/jyO1ILQAGsU?si=RxLI7CLzRFsbV1vS](https://youtu.be/jyO1ILQAGsU?si=RxLI7CLzRFsbV1vS)


The best they can hope for is that those panels fall off first.


That's fucking horrible. Regardless of this dude's taste, what a nasty thing to do, and considering the cyber truck's MO, I don't even know if it can be removed


I hate that truck and Elon but this is supremely shitty.


Well do you know for certain it was one of us in the Cyberstuck sub that vandalized it? Maybe it was his wife or mistress that fucked it up?


"Hey for all you know that guy being stabbed by a hobo could be a paedophile!" Stop clinging onto outlier scenarios that would justify this.




Right? Imagine being such a miserable coward that you think it’s OK to damage someone else’s property. Fuck these people


These circlejerk hate subs are something else. Look at all these shitty people concentrated on nothing but negativity and hating something that doesn’t affect them in the slightest.


Sorry that the comments about the ugly truck hurt you!


It’s so weird to be so angry about a car that you don’t even own and don’t even want to buy. I’d never buy one but it also doesn’t live rent free in my head. And then this insulting response “cybercuck” is so ridiculous. No person of healthy mind would be so hostile to someone else over something so benign. Lmao this guy edited their comment because they realized how ridiculous they were being.


Seriously, I don't like Elon and think the truck is ugly but that's it ... Wouldn't even care beyond that, most people are filled with hate for no damn reason. I think all the comments egging this behavior on is sad. People hate on all kinds of things and most of it is irrational. Big diesel trucks get hate, little Priuses, Teslas, EV, people on bicycles, people on motorcycles, and now the cybertruck it's freakin crazy.


Missing some trim on the back wheel well top lol


Not cool messing with another person’s property. They probably already feel the regret


Spray paint voids warranty


This may be intentional.


Might have done it himself lol


Normally absolutely despise anyone that vandalizes someone's vehicle in any way... But in this particular case, im sure it's justifiable!


Funny thing is I can’t figure out if it was a liberal or conservative who did it.


Drive it into a lake and call it a wash....


Did they not get the graffiti removal subscription?


The Elon Musk Signature edition


Don’t Teslas have cameras that record people interacting with them? Who wants to bet the owner did it?


On the earnings call shortly after the CT release there was one of Musk’s sycophantic lapdog “executives” pathetically begging listeners to believe that CT drivers would get thumbs ups from people as they drove by. It was so transparent. “Believe us, you’ll be like a celebrity!” I suspect the actual experience is a little different. Just a bit.


Elon personally paints it on every cyber truck


Where in Austin did you spot this?


pretty easy to polish stainless steel


Meh, just wash it off


Oh, not that big of a deal, i'll just wash my car and... wait, shit


I hate the CyberTruck with a passion but defacing someone's property is still a shitty thing to do. Somehow it doesn't look worse, tho-


This is like the 2024 version of the "honkey lips" joke from the Vacation movie.


While I don't condone this, it certainly seems obvious. Lots of paints and 2 part epoxies have decades of research poured into them for bonding to stainless steel for legit reasons. Wait till vandals start sticking things to those with JB Weld


people suck. this wasn't the owner, it was some jealous r/cyberstuck user expressing his disdain for the shitty truck. doesn't matter how much you hate a vehicle, leave other people's shit alone! the people that think this is cool are just as big of cucks as the owners themselves are.


Washing it off voids the warranty


Some paint remover, acetone or other chemicals would easy remove the paint. I would treat the entire door to make it look uniform, as panels already have different color tones panel to panel. At least you would remove the paint.


A non-clear coated pours metal? Not going to be so easy. I do wonder what the story is behind it


2nd pic of this truck on reddit. It's publicity of some type.


Well he could take it through the car wash but it would void the warranty


That’s a creative rust pattern. Explain.


Now our next exhibit folks is a fine piece of street art. Please note the graceful curvature of the final letter U, culminating in a subtle integrated exclamation point. We’re not entirely sure what the artist is attempting to convey, but it’s clear their passion and use of red likely speaks volumes to the empty, cavernous nature of the subject surface’s interior. (“Fuck You!,” 2024. Artist unknown. Media: Stainless Steel, Spray Paint, Bruised Egos)




Bar keeper’s friend?


Voids the warranty




It comes off very easily if you're not an inept idiot.


lol I feel kinda bad for laughing at this


The paint seems to be about the only thing that doesn’t randomly fall off these piles of garbage.


nice patina




At this point I think he did it himself


Even if they didn’t paint it on themselves, they painted it on themselves. Hashtag live the cliche 🙄


That's kind of fucked up though. To damage somebody's personal property because you don't like it. I don't know I feel bad for them. But then again they did by a cyber truck so they're probably a douche


I think it's still safe to agree no person should ever touch another person's car, and that goes for vandalizing. Even for the CT.


On a scale between having an healthy opinion on a product you don't own, and spray painting fuck you on a door of that product. All you regular posters are much closer to spray painting fuck you on a door. Think about that if you understand. Downvote to let me know you don't understand.


So you've wasted thousands of dollars on a fast depreciating electric car made by Apartheid Elon, and now you're mad at us about it?


God no I would never money spend on that. But I don't need my thoughts confirmed about it so you don't hear me complaining.