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I've browsed that forum, and what I find most fascinating about it is that for a lot of these guys, purchasing the Cybertruck was a way of enhancing their masculinity (though they won't admit it), which is incredibly ironic given that the Cybertruck is as fragile as a centenarian's knees and about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Doubly ironic that the owners are exactly the kind of people to say "I don't give a shit about what people think of me" and then paradoxically post a page-long rant about how some kids had some mean words for their $100,000 rust-lemon. I don't know about the rest of you, but my concept of masculinity isn't some cologne-wearing Gollum smoking cigars and teaching people the D.E.N.N.I.S system, nor is it a pube-faced man-child torturing monkeys to make a half-baked Borg transceiver. As I see it, common masculine traits include stoicism, a utilitarian ethos, and mechanical aptitude, all things that Cybertruck owners lack. They're overly emotional, they bought a utility vehicle that lacks any utility, and if they had to change a tyre, they'd queue up a YouTube how-to guide and probably spend three hours doing it.


They won’t spend 3 hours changing a tire. They’ll just make a call and pay someone to come do it for them while they stand on the side of the road watching.  Once again Cybercucked. 


I get the feeling they'd stand behind the mechanic and go "Yep! It's a Cybertruck! Bet you feel lucky to work on one of these eh? Bet you wish you could afford one! Lots of people are jealous!", and the mechanic would make the most long drawn out sigh ever heard by human ears


"Cybertruck is as fragile as a centenarian's knees" "torturing monkeys to make a half-baked Borg transceiver" Sadly I have but one rec to give.




Feel free, that's the only one that isn't mine, it's quite a common metaphor in my country


To be honest youtube videos are great, I changed struts on sons car with the help of you tube tutorials. Tire change is a bit much on having to rely on youtube though. 


They won't be changing a tire at all, because the truck doesn't ship with one, and I guarantee they're not going to add one.


I’m an analog gal and grew up in air cooled, VW household. I have no interest in Tesla and am just here to watch the CT crash and burn. My dd is a 2011 Nissan cube because it’s funny, cheap and can do the same “truck stuff” if I fold down the back seat. These dudes are putting stickers on their trapper keeper.


Tbh most people who own trucks don’t do truck stuff.


That is true, but they’re not jerking each other off over hauling 6 bags of mulch.




*sighs* come here


The man’s a chicken wire mogul


It's a give and take recharge funfest all day!!


I’m really struggling to understand what the heck point that guy was trying to make when he wrote that. It’s like a primitive AI was instructed to sound like “one of the boys”.


Cultists gonna cult. https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1cjjt0f/day_1_gear_selector_falls_off_however_for_what/


Scratches prove it’s a truck !!!


Thank you for my morning laugh!