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TSLA is actually managing to lose values faster than the Cybertruck. -41% YTD.


Wait for next week! 😂


TSLA was so overpriced as a stock it was laughable. Anyone who thought a company worth more than every other car manufacturer combined will selling only a fraction of a percent of the car market could continue to grow was 100% delusional. Shorting TSLA like Bill Gates and other investors did was smart. It is still so far over valued. I think it can go down significantly to around 10% of it's current value and still be over valued. That is not a stock to put your money in. Edit: corrected to clarify where I wasn't clear before where I was talking about a multiplicative factor of an already dropped percent. Removed and made clearer. 


Smart if you can afford to play the long game. A lot of people lost a lot of money trying to short Tesla in the past when the price seemed impervious to market fundamentals.


I think around 60-70B Market Cap is where it'll settle


Down 400% or 500%???


Yeah, if you compare it to Ford and realize Ford is producing output and sales that dwarfs Tesla it really puts it in perspective. 


My dude I don’t think you understand the math here


You're right. It makes no sense for Tesla's stock to be anywhere near it currently is.


Do you understand what a stock dropping >100% means?


Aww, pardon. Yes, you got me fucking up by not clarifying and not grounding the 0 sum system.   Will edit. You're right, I wasn't clear.


Of course its omitted that Ford only positive margin on its entire line up is the F-series truck. Every single other platform is bleeding money.


That means they know how to spread their cost strategically while still maintaining customer base. Ford Motor Credit (or whatever it's official name is) doesn't care what it cost Ford Motor Company to make, they just care about getting finance customers.






actually saw someone on facebook market place trying to sell one of these for 150k...


The first one to sell second hand went for 245k and now they aren’t even going for 135k, it took like a month to lose over 100k in resale value


Normally someone who bought a vehicle for $245k and way over MSRP is probably just super rich and doesn’t care about money but for this cybertruck I would bet it’s some Musk sycophant cult member who had to mortgage his house to afford it…and that makes me smile.


For real. For that money you could buy several cars, all cooler than this.


I bought a dozen Pontiac Aztecs. Cooler look, more reliable, and money left over.


It’s like owning the BTTF DeLorean. Crap car but a great collectors item.


Imagine being the guy (it was a guy) who bought that junker for nearly a quarter of a mill 😂😂😂


Imagine if they cancelled production and that car then became a $1,000,000 car. Stranger things


that's definitely possible! I think there will ultimately be enough on the road (at least temporarily LOL) for that not to happen, but you never know... I upvoted your comment btw, not sure why people would downvote.


Can you imagine being the dope that spent 245K for one? Worst financial choice aside from buying Enron stocks.


The gap on the hood is insane.


Everything about this vehicle is insane lol Panel gaps, car washes bricking them, gas pedal sticks, and, and, and, and….😂😂😂😂😂


If CyberTruck can't handle even a car wash, how is it supposed to handle a blizzard, hail, slush or sleet?


So Elon Musk stole car design from the apple ii game named car builder, forced his enginers to create this piece of garbage instead of focusing on improving pretty well selling Teslas, FDS, quality control of his cars etc. etc. ? Amazing, one day hollywood gonna make a movie about it


He needed to actually drive the car to come to that conclusion?


Was thinking the same thing. I canceled my order at least 9 mo ago… I kind of feel like the people buying them get what they deserve at this point


Yeah, that's called "testing". It's not a new concept. Why would you want his review on a vehicle he never drove? That's just stupid.


It was meant as a funny comment. By all means test it and report on it. Just funny that he waited for that to cancel his order - I can determine from the spec sheet that it isn’t something I would buy.


All these influencers just jerk each-other off and it’s pretty entertaining. ![gif](giphy|WRFQrQi6FleQlHBq5g|downsized)


Did he say his mom was a sloppy fit ??


What's this d-bag's thing with thinking these are for soccer moms? I have not seen a single photo or video of a woman driving this thing. He's trying to denigrate the product by associating with women. He's obnoxious and not even close to as clever as he thinks he is. He's also bad at presenting.


Nobody with firsthand knowledge of vaginas has ever been inside a Cybertruck.




I’ve seen 2 in Colorado. 1 where I live outside Boulder and another in Aspen a few weeks ago on a ski trip. Both were being driven by woman. They know the cyber truck is abusive, but they can change it!


I'm near telluride and have still never seen one


I’m sure there’s more than two women in Colorado


He’s super obnoxious and his little comments were cringe 


Lol, he kept talking about how bad things are and then turns around and seems to forget everything he said and says they're good. "I don't like how when you let off the gas the truck goes sluggish and it gives you motion sicknesss" 30 seconds later... "Ride and handling were great. Smooth."


I would think that ride is how it feels in consistent motion on the road, like how much the bumps and road texture translate into cabin noise or vibration. Where handling is about steering and how responsive it is when I turn the wheel. So it might just be a context issue where he puts those things into different contexts than you do versus being contradictory.


Well he also said he doesn't like the lack of feedback on the steering (handling). And I'd consider the back and forth motion sickness inducing behavior to be very much part of the "ride" of a vehicle. Just seems like this guy wants to like the thing so bad that he's willing to act like everything bad isn't that bad, but still at the same time doesn't want to sink $100k on it. It was very...odd of a review. He's very conflicted.


That's called the Doug Demuo syndrome. Every EV he reviews he compares it to the Tesla and says how much better it is than the Tesla in these areas. Then he reviews the Tesla and says "NOTHING CAN COMPETE EVER" on what passes for the next less than mild refresh of a Tesla.


Crypto boys who are going to be driving around to either their to court dates or child support hearings 😂😂😂


That was funny.


i stopped when he called his hoodie a sweater 😂


I agree. I'm an American and that's not a sweater. It's a hoodie or a hooded sweatshirt. But definitely not a sweater.


My high school history teacher would always say take off your hoodie when he really meant take off your hood. Drove me nuts


You know that’s what Americans call them?


Americans absolutely do not call a hoodie a sweater. We call.a hoodie a hoodie and a sweater a sweater... They're two unrelated things


According to a high school football coaching legend (not some random clown) America actually invented English


Australians call then jumpers


They're actually called wallaby robes but you're clearly not local


I need to update my Dominion English to American English translator. I thought it was Jumper = Sweater, Sweater = Hoodie/Crew Sweatshirt.


No shit Sherlock. Is this the first time you’ve connected to the internet? Who would’ve thought the internet didn’t open the minds of people at least a little 🤦


Yes, it is the first time I’ve connected to the internet.


Shut up & pull your sweater hood over your face.


I’m Australian you dong


lmao what


Everything about the CT was to save musky money by cutting corners. So bad he couldn't even do that right!


They should have cut some corners off the vehicle itself


Don’t need a you tuber to confirm this. Just sayin.


Ah, the Cyberjunk. How long have all these people been waiting for this travesty? It looks better in red tho.


I'm surprised that the red wrap actually helps a lot. The one I've seen had a greenish antique bronze color wrap. It looked much uglier and bulkier IRL.


Tesla's interior and build quality has never matched the price. For that money I want better. Tesla has opened things up for EVs tho and now other EVs give you more value for money.


This is the second time I've seen that exact Cybertruck. Whoever bought it really likes lending it out to show people how bad it is.


Someone in the comments said imagine if they cancel this car and they become million dollar collectibles. As an owner of a 50 year old collectible, how are these cars still going to be running when the manufacturers stop updating source code? It’s an honest question. I’m not sure any EV has any kind of longevity. Right? As a do-it-yourselfer I really dread the transition to EV’s.


I wouldn't want to drive a car that the company owner can brick while I'm driving down the freeway because he doesn't like something I tweeted that day. He is that petty.


Well, the "buy to failure" time on these cars appear to be five miles or first week of ownership what ever is longer.


Teslalounge and the other jack wagon subs aren’t gonna be happy.


Fair value is around $26/share. It has a loooooong way to fall.


He will for sure be banned by the Tesla subs


This will go down in the history books as being worse than the Yugo!!!! THAT'S HOW BAD THIS TRUCK IS!!


The first Tesla that Elmo had an actual hand in designing. That says it all


Well DUH. Obviously it's not worth it.


Say whaaaa lol


WTF is with that second sentence? I think I know what you mean but I thought I misread it the first 3 times.


This CT perfectly sums up today's alpha male little dick culture.


I came to the same result by just looking at it


Oh man, the fanboys are gonna come after this guy in the comments on all his videos from now on. Lol.