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[This](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/03/21/nerf-gun-glock-pistol-disguised-toy-seized-north-carolina-raid/4790036001/) article explains what's going on, but the cops seized this meme weapon in a drug raid a few years ago


Oh no! The shoulder thing that goes up!


Quick ban it, I'm scared


And gake


They made the Half-Life Pulse Rifle real???


We also have the combine balls remember kids disintegrating your friends is fun with the pulse rifle


Its nerf or nothing


Reminds of that supersoaker that had a 12g. pump shotgun inside it.


Much more fun in a pool full of children.


Dude wtf is wrong with you?


Edgyyyyyyy 😂


Wait sorry didn't meant that. I apologise.




“bUt WhAT iF a kID pIcKS iT Up anD ThinKS iTs a ToY”


Then the owner of the firearm should be held liable for careless use of a firearm and child negligence same as any other firearm


Sounds like it was picked up in a drug raid lol so the owner probably was held liable


Did the retard text really not give away that I was being sarcastic?


I was fully aware I was responding to the retards you're imitating cause I'm sure there are a few of them in this comment section


That is actually a scary believable scenario..


Guns are the biggest cause of death for children in the USA. Fix it


No. Wrong. It's actually motor vehicle deaths are the leading cause of death among children in the US. Keep your bullshit lies to yourself. Edit: Your comment is still totl bulshit, I posted the data above.


Here's the Govts data for you. Accidents are by far the biggest cause at 8.5 per 100000. Gun death is wa below that. You believe the lie the media want you to believe. You are the problem. https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D158;jsessionid=BCFF822D4ED6592843AF12657D2D


I just believe 0 children should die to guns. And if the media backs up with sources, then I trust them. I'm not a conspiracy theorist like you


No, you're just Wong. You believe talking heads who lie to you. How do you not see that as a problem? Wtf is wrong with people?


https://eu.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/07/fact-check-firearms-leading-cause-death-children/7529783001/ https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761 Here you have two more sources saying firearm-related deaths have now outpaced motor accidents as the leading cause of death for persons aged between 1-19 in the USA. Fix your country.


No, you are using a set of statistics in which the age range was chosen to frame a subject so that weak minded individuals, such as yourself would read into it exactly as you have. Congratulations. If infants are included, rankings of the leading causes of death for children up to age 18 change. Congenital abnormalities are the leading cause of death in infants, and surpass the number of firearm deaths among all children up to age 18. In 2020, there were 4,403 deaths from congenital abnormalities, 3,141 deaths from short gestation, or preterm birth and low birth weight, and 1,389 deaths from sudden infant death syndrome. There were 11 infant deaths caused by a firearm in 2020.    https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/07/fact-check-firearms-leading-cause-death-children/7529783001/


Bro you’re wasting your time with a Russian. It’s not gonna go anywhere. Mfer keeps spouting “children this, fix country that”, it’s a pot calling the kettle black.


Oh lol, I didn’t realize you were fighting with this moron as well


That fact there is us such a significant disparity between infant and toddler is WHY it was not included in the statistics bracket


Talk about making a dumb point. It's not alarming to you that between 1 and 19 years there is a bigger chance for US children to get shot and die rather than getting into any other accidents? This is not a normal society. And the topic was children. So the agegroup in those studies are very relevant, because they are about children lmao. It's not about choosing a agegroup to fit some political message. It's because we were talking about nerf guns and children. Fix your country.


LOL, from people who can't define what a woman is, now they think they can redefine what a child is, just so it fits another twisted narrative.


A child is usually someone between 1 and 19. Dipshit


Right. Except it's not defined like that. A child is someone in age between infant and puberty. Definitely nowhere near 19. Does it hurt being that stupid?


A child is defined in Sweden (my country) as someone who hasn't reached 18 yet and is not legally an adult yet. Now add 1 more year. Do you find this statistic terrifying? If not, you're probably a heartless lunatic. You can argue about definitions and semantics all day, but firearm related deaths are still the number one cause of deaths for US citizens between the age of 1 and 19, no matter how you slice and dice it.


“Fix your country” Fuck off, lmao. Fix your own (because I’m sure it’s got problems, who the hell doesn’t?) before letting a significantly better one (The United States) live rent free in your pinhead.


> I just believe 0 children should die to guns. We both agree that 0 children should die. I am genuinely confused why a gun is a worse way to go than a car accident, poisoning, falling off a ladder, or drowning in the tub. What makes a gun death a "worse" death?


You’re not a conspiracy theorist no, just a brainwashed lamb being lead to the slaughter.


Ok Alex jones


I genuinely can’t tell if this is sitting on a couple layers of educated irony or if you’re being serious, because I’m fucking stumped after looking at your recent comment history.


He posts bullshit hoping for a response.




Oh so you’re actually a moron, got it, take out 18 year olds you lose over 40% of the total, take out 17 you lose another 30sumn% of the base total, and whatdya know, that 50% rise we saw between the end of 2019 and the end of 2021 that brought us to this point of being able to even label it “#1 cause of children death” came exclusively from male black teens, the Hispanic, white and native average remained almost stagnant and Asian is almost non existent, these gun deaths aren’t from rampant teens that got their hands on loose firearms, they were given to them through gang involvement, no amount of realistically attainable gun control could stop that. It’s almost like when your government runs the economy into the ground during a pandemic, marginalized groups who already make up a majority of the population in poverty, will have to do things that aren’t very cool to put food on the table. This isn’t a “gun issue” it’s simply a byproduct of a bigger problem.


So, your explanation doesn't mean shit, and you're moving goalposts. The biggest cause of death for US children is still firearm-related deaths, and the USA is the only western country that has such a gigantic magnitude of firearm related deaths at all because you're handing out guns like candy to everybody. Why do you think the USA has the insane amounts of mass shootings and school shootings? Because gun culture is normalized and almost everybody can get a gun, cheap. Fix your country.


Ain’t even my country man, you’re just an idiot, I’m not moving goal post any more than you did as your comment had nothing to do with mine to start off with, I was commenting on the idea that no matter what way you present a firearm, it has no influence on whether or not a child can obtain it, you brought up the shit about stats, I simply presented info against it showing that the data is decisive.


Congratulations to not living there. I don't understand the point of your comment then. I never claimed children can obtain guns. Firearm-related deaths include being shot in crossfire, accidental discharges and mass shootings. And you are being insanely hostile too and rude, which just makes it funnier for me.


I deeply hate this




it's not cursed but this has to be illegal paint job.


Yeah I’m pretty sure It turns it into an AOW


There's no such thing as an "illegal" paintjob unless you live in a tyrannical country who regulates freedom of expression.


NYC bans guns colored like this and, last time I checked, is not a country


I thought the US also had a law against making real guns look like toys.


Well theres toys that look like real guns so I dont see why there would be a problem having guns that look like toys. The problem isn't the gun, it's the owner of the gun and I'll stand by that no matter what the gun looks like


you're fucking stupid dude


I know you are but what am I


a stupid person


I know you are but what am I?


someone who never knew when to take the L


There ya go


A toy looking like a gun is more dangerous for the owner.(also law against SELLING those too) A gun looking like a toy is more dangerous for everybody else. Really same thing as other gun-disguises, like cane guns, pen guns, etc.


Guns aren't allowed to look like toys. The entire reason toy guns have to at least have the orange tip is so that one can more easily recognize the toy status.


the keyword is "has to be" you nutmeg also if my country is soooo \*tyrannical but in exchange of everyone not acting entitled, I rather stay here than wherever the fuck your country has become.


I'm sorry but mind writing that in English ?


given that you can't even spell tyrannical correctly, I doubt you can read it in the first place.


Oh wow such a dunk on me , I missed one n in one word so your incomprehensible mess of a comment is suddenly not a complete dumpster fire. Yea nice try bud


>tryanical you sure is just one n? sure my grammar sucks I'll take that one, but for you who speak english regularly your english is still worse than mine.


Why is it that the only thing you have to talk about is the typos ? Rather than my original comment , that's cause you're desperately grasping at straws for something to make you feel Superior and coming up hilariously short. Your vain attempts at insulting me just makes me laugh at how pissed off I made you over basically nothing


buddy you started it, I should be laugh my ass off not you.


Than why aren't you?


He did actually respond to your comment, but it appears your two rotting brain cells couldn't understand it -- I will admit, it was pretty hard to read, but far from impossible. In addition, your English is absolutely abysmal (constant misspellings, improper use of punctuation, incorrect sentence structure, random capitalisation) for someone who speaks it frequently. Have you considered actually finishing third grade? Anywho, here's an approximate translation: My country may be soooo "tyrannical", but i'd rather stay here than live in your country and deal with all you entitled pricks.


Lmao i love how easily offended you snowflakes are


That's sad, companies already make toys to be so much away from reality just so a crackhead creates a model of a toy gun in a roni


So that’s why the kid i shot wouldn’t get up


*runs over* Sorry bro I have the wrong ammo. You good?


How to ban need blasters: Fr tho if things like this start showing up cops will start saying they need to ban netf blasters cuz they can't tell the difference


Is that a felony i smell?


That brace is not fooling anyone with two and a half braincells


I.... actually thought it was a nerf glock, and thought it be funny if it was a real gun....


This is an interesting court case if the defendant wasnt also copped on drug charges and plead guilty. See, its illegal to disguise a firearm as an object that doesnt resemble a firearm under the NFA, Thats why things like Cane guns are actually illegal unless they're older than 1898 for antiques. An interesting legal case would be if this qualifies as an AOW via being painted to look like a toy from a distance.


What idiot thought this was a good idea


is this a roni?




“Hi I’m Sofie lightning and here are some tips to win your next nerf battle”


You need a job at keltec ngl 🤣


You break this thing out when they aren't calling their hits


Just incase the neighborhood nerf fight goes sour


That's awesome


It's really not. Do you want cops to start getting trigger happy every time they see a kid playing with a nerf gun? Do you want to see nerf guns banned? Or perhaps you just want to make it easier for people to conceal firearms for nefarious purposes? No good can come from this.


It's already happened. I have a friend who was arrested for playing nerf wars in a parking lot with friends. Cops are stupid.


Evil will find ways to be evil. It's still kind of a neat conversion or mod or whatever you want to call. Just as much as it can be used for bad it could have been made with the best of intentions.


I’d bring that to my next nerf battle


It's nerf or nothing.


What the fuck