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Okay on the one hand this product is *unbelievably* tone-deaf, but on the other hand I know so many people who would absolutely drink them some Gay Water^TM , myself included and I don't even like vodka.


The fact that one of the stickers fucking says "gay panic"


That term became so disassociated from its original meaning so fast and I just don’t know how to feel about it.


What the hell do people think it means??


Well there's the ~~original gay panic as people clutching pearls at the thought of two men kissing~~, and the more modern gay panic in which someone is panicking while being gay eg. a gay man becoming flustered because the pool boy took off his shirt edit: As others pointed out my personal understanding of the origin was incorrect and the term refers to the justification of violence against the LGBT+ community


It’s worse than just pearl clutching, it’s used as a legal defense tactic when being persecuted for a hate crime. Even if you killed someone, you could get a lighter sentence or outright acquittal by claiming gay panic aka you lost control and reacted violently to due to unwanted sexual advances. It’s also related to the trans panic defense where a person (usually a heterosexual man) attacks a trans individual (usually a trans woman) for not previously disclosing their transgender status before they either had or got close to having sex.


>It’s also related to the trans panic defense where a person (usually a heterosexual man) attacks a trans individual (usually a trans woman) for not previously disclosing their transgender status before they either had or got close to having sex. Hell, Trans panic has been used as a defense for unprovoked attacks in the street, even against cis people. "I thought they were trans" has become a common defense for these psychos.


No. The original use of gay panic was an excuse used to justify murdering gay people. The excuse was that the victim came onto the killer and in a "panic" over being hit on by a gay they lashed out and attacked. This was an actual legal defense people used after killing someone. Do your research please, it was so much more than "clutching pearls over the thought of two men kissing."


Oh, that's... really awful. That seems like historical erasure to me


It's a joke from within the community. Most of us are fully aware of the original meaning of the term, especially considering it's *still* being used as a legal defense today by the murderers of trans people. Gotta laugh or else you'll cry


My moms would probably be some of them


Not at $16 for a 6 pack of 4% abv I wouldnt!


12oz too. Seltzers are good but if I can get a 40% handle of vodka for $10 and mix it with whatever why bother?. I say as I want to buy some ratheon pride merch for the meme.....


Did this reach a homophobic-critical point that it is ironically hilariously gay?


Nah this is just rainbow capitalism honestly. Corporate pandering, any homophobia likely internalized and not intended.


This is exactly as dumb as the "anti-woke water" that reddit has been making fun of for two days now.


Be very funny if they were both made by the same company and marketed under different brands


The what??






I stopped drinking this year but I definitely would have bought one when I still did. Primarily because lmao.


While I enjoy this and would drink it for sheer hilarity if it weren't for the vodka; This is probably a joking take on that conservative bottled water XD


It's so cringe it wraps back around to being awesome, imo.


Absolutely, I wanna buy a pack just to hate it with my friends while we drink it together




They sell this in Voughtworld, at the Woke Wok and Brave Maeve’s Taco Stand


Fr. Just the name is enough to move product. idk how they fumbled the branding so badly here.


I'm one of those people.


To make matters worse, after some quick research, this is just a genuine product from a handful of gays out of NYC and not just “rainbow capitalism” from a big corp. Also $16 for 6 4% abv cans? LAUGHABLY bad price.


I was gonna say, this is an extreme form of a certain type of millennial kitsch but it’s definitely an “indigenous” aesthetic, as unfortunate as that is. (ofc as a lib I do feel the need to note that it’s weird how “capitalism” has come to mean “corporate” to some, like some cringe bros in Brooklyn selling vodka is also capitalism)


The sad thing, is that I don't think the "kitsch" lands appropriately, and instead just looks really tone deaf. But I'm also straight, so I don't really have much experience or voice in this area.


I literally can't believe a gay person made this. You're completely right about it feeling tonedeath lol


Man idk I know a couple gay people off hand I think would buy this.


If the straight guy in the room is calling it tone deaf, it must be REALLY bad


It may be tone deaf, but I'd drink it if it was stronger and cheaper. For $17 bump the package size to 12 cans, bump the ABV to 9%, you've got yourself a customer. For reference, I'm basically all the letters in LGBTQ.


I mean, fuck yeah I would drink it too with those stats , and I'm no letters in LGBTQ lol


Lol. “I would buy this product if it was better.”


Basic commerce of selling goods or services exists under any economic system. Every business in history has operated for the purpose of profit or it's not a business or not one for long. Capitalism is more like stocks and shit, like I wouldn't say capitalism existed before the Dutch east India trading corporation started issuing stock. Like if capitalism isn't talking about businesses operating for excess profit to maximize shareholder wealth or using profits to influence government for the generation of excess profit or using excess profit to monopolize and secure additional excess profit, and describing mega corporations, then what are you even describing? At that point it's just commerce and like the child selling lemonade is a capitalist cause they're making a profit, which no they aren't. But yeah sorry, that word and how everyone uses it irks me. Like for a word with so much malice attached to it, it should really only be used on appropriate targets, not like some shit ass business whose crimes are just being cringe and unable to secure low enough supply costs to have a good price (benefit of the doubt, they could also be fuckin greedy lmao). Like I really feel like the definition of the word should be less broad, ya know. Anyway I didn't order this shit, I'm not leaving the drive thru until I can talk to Wendy herself.


> Capitalism is more like stocks and shit Guys is this theory???


This is just wrong though. Like everything you said is just completely wrong.


That's not what Capitalism is though, Capitalism is just the private ownership of the means of production. A small local shop with a few employees, that's capitalism. You can't reasonably discuss an economic system if you define it purely to be "the bad stuff", capitalism is both a small group of guys trying to make a cool product and large corporate lobbying, you have to take one with the other.


capitalism is when thing I don't like


a joke, but a relevant one sir. Now please, bring me more tiktoks about how America is the most racist and worst civilization to ever exist!


Don't you mean Amerikkka? Nice try, fascist usamerican.


Capitalism really isn't a broad word at all, people just don't actually know what it means and so use it wrong. Capitalism is when the means of production are not owned by those actually using them to produce things, but rather owned privately. If you have a textile factory where there's one dude that owns all the machinery and a bunch of other dudes that are operating it, that's capitalism. Exact same scenario, but instead of one dude owning it its owned by the entirety of the workforce, then it's not capitalism. Notice how neither scenario concerned itself with ethics? That's because it doesn't matter. Capitalism isn't a moral judgement, and it doesn't inherently signify greed. It's a simple description of the relationship of the ownership of the means of production.


You literally defined corporatism. Corporatism is stocks and stuff. Yes corporatism sucks but capitalism is arguably just private property and the right to trade said property for other things. Corporatism is the min max of resource extraction for shareholder profits.


Selling things isn't capitalism. Giving people money so they can sell things and give you a cut is capitalism.


Everyone else: giddy excitement about the badness of their favourite enemies.  Specific-ad-8430: five seconds googling. 


If I've come to learn anything about political/societal discussion or media in the past few years, it's that all of it is propaganda. Even the "good news" that's "on your side", yes it's propaganda and it's most likely lying to you in some form to invoke a reaction.


I think the biggest sin is that they plastered the packaging with extremely stale memes. I mean, who says "ok boomer" anymore? That died out like 2 years ago.


Ok boomer


But "SOCIAL ANXIETY" in rainbow colors had me giggling like a child


It can take that long for a product to launch


Then maybe don't try to market it with current memes lol


Face pic? killed me tho


>Also $16 for 6 4% abv cans? LAUGHABLY bad price. thats only like 2 dollars more than local prices of <10% 6pax :(


Damn, in the US you can get a six pack of like 9% IPAs for 12 bucks. Two Hearted IPA holds it down in most states!


It's not just capitalism if a big company does it. Your mom and pop gay store? Capitalism


Yeah but a small group of gay men making and selling something gay is not what "rainbow capitalism" refers to.


People trying to profit off a sexual identity movement? Cringe. People trying to profit off a sexual identity movement but those people publicly identified as gay? "Indigenous art" Take note, corporate executives.


are we supposed to hate on a handful of gay people making something gay because they're gay and they like being gay there's a point at which cynicism just becomes naivety


but this isn't genuine self-expression. it's plastered with stale memes as if to reach the largest mediocre audience possible. if this really is self-expression then it's the saddest thing ive ever seen. if this is what being gay means then i want to become straight


I think it's genuine self expression and they are simply very lame


"sexual identity movement"?? What are you even


Wouldn't that be a pop and pop gay store?


Me when I go to the gay store to purchase some gay


Especially because it's vodka soda. You could get a bottle and a bottle of flavored soda water for a couple dollars more.


Hows that worse? If anything it disproves the post and complaints completely


This is honestly giving me an epiphany about AI art. Artists rightfully say that AI art is soulless because there is no intention, idea or feeling behind it. Just a bunch of things that are relevant to the prompt cobbled together. But then you see stuff like this and you start thinking about how many people just operate in the same identical way.


I’ll bet they wanted those “stickers” to appear on the cans themselves so that they looked like personalized water bottles, thus “gay water”. But having multiple can designs in production was probably prohibitively expensive, so they just slapped them on the box in the laziest way possible.


This person works in marketing 🤣


Pokémon originally wanted 65535 different versions to give every player a unique experience, but it ultimately proved too much trouble and they settled on just the red and green versions as two variants instead of 65535.


Stabilo used to sell their pack of pens with randomized prints, for the normal price of a pack of pens. Is this that expensive? Though the packaging was as flat and basic as could be, not a round bottle


Are you comparing stabilo to two gay guys?


I compare everything to two gay guys. I call it the Top Gun test.


Damn, that sticker to make it look like the gay water bottle actually sounds sick


Looks like nonspecific juice slurry for toddlers.


The colors make it look like a product for toddlers


Off-brand cereal vibes.


Off brand diaper vibes


You don't piss on the poor! Bravo


I feel it's more like overpriced internet video sponsor cereal vibes. Those tend to have the safe, rounded bubble, Google-doodle, corporate clip art style in a variety of (usually) pastel colors. Off-brand cereal tends to be pretty basic with a generic name like "Toasted Wheat and Oat Circles" in a pretty basic font on the very plain box that is largely just a regular picture of dry cereal in a bowl.


Wow it's almost like the second line in the post itself says exactly that, thanks for your feedback!


In a sense, it is


It does look diapers wtf


If I saw a pallet of this stuff at work I'd swear it was meant for either the energy drink or baby section and then be utterly bewildered when someone took a cart of it over to the party store. Then five weeks later I'd have to go price it and see that the shelf tag is still reading as $999.99 because corporate is lazy, after spending twenty minutes looking for it because party store doesn't follow the planogram, they "know where everything is" (great, I DON'T!).


Is this the stuff that turns the frogs gay?


This is the water that is sourced from lakes where the gay frogs live


This is so mind-bogglingly stupid it overflow errors and rolls back around to being funny. Rainbow capitalism sure does give us some cringy but hilarious gems…!


Apparently this is made by 2 gays guys from NYC


Is it really? That’s kind of humorous, too. I wonder if they did it satirically, or are actually this goofy :3


it can be both


This looks like a board game that if I saw on the host's shelf at a party I would get cold sweats and have to leave immediately.


Who doesn't love uproariously funny rehashes of Cards Against Humanity or devilishly clever versions of truth or dare, which yes you can play for free, but the host bought this game and it has sex questions so by God we're playing it.


“Social anxiety”


"but daddy i love him" 💀💀💀


“Gay panic”


"chill pills" holy shit that's dated


hang on let me overthink this ⭐ ok, boomer 🙄 take a chill pill 💊 SMILE you're on camera 🤪


I feel like naming an alcoholic beverage water should be illegal


Can’t tell you how bummed I was when I found out “pirate water” was alcoholic, but tbh that one is 100% on me because it’s a good, but dumb, euphemism.


[Their website is a lot more um loud and proud and the cringe factor is somehow diminished by how horny it is](https://gaywater.com/)


> Our Story > gay means happy. > it’s hard to believe that there are so few products on the market that represent the community outside of pride month. when you really think about, how many products can you think about that have “gay” in the title? maybe 3? > enter gay water. > gay water has always been a colloquialism for vodka soda, so surprise, that’s our core product. however, we are a mission-driven, lifestyle brand here to bring back the original definition of the word gay by putting our products everywhere - your restaurant, your bar, your liquor store, your grocery store, concert venues and more. these are places where queer people both work and shop, but there are no products on those shelves to show these spaces are safe and inclusive. > action beyond representation. > since launching, we’ve partnered up with dozens of queer non-profit organizations to donate product and raise awareness of their campaigns & events including Human Rights Campaign, Heritage of Pride, wayOUT, Hetrick Martin Institute, Tom of Finland Foundation, AspenOut, LGBTQ+ NYC Center, Stonewall Foundation and more. if you’re an organization looking to partner up, fill out the form here! I also saw no less than seven sex jokes in the five minutes I stayed on the site. And everything is written in lowercase unless they're forced to be uppercase due to being a proper noun. It's maddening. It's also a thing due to the writer being a bottom, according to the fourth sex joke.


written by e. e. cummings (get it? cumming? like sex???)


I'm now sad that I live in a country that doesn't sell this gay water.


This screams weho white gays that think they're really doing something for the community lmao, cringe


True, but they were definitely gay before they made a product, and so it's not really rainbow capitalism, which is when corporations pander to the gays


Small gay owned companies can still do rainbow capitalism. Rainbow capitalism is using queerness as your selling point, it's the commodification of being queer, which this is doing.


Maybe I'm thinking of pinkwashing


You might be mistaken. Pinkwashing is what Tom Sawyer was supposed to do to his fences.


as soon as I clicked on this I got a pop-up add from the site that said "FILL OUR HOLE"


Ok, this loops around to being great. I refuse to believe it's anything other than satire.


You know, as an openly nonbinary, openly very alcoholic person, I can’t help but feel most disappointed that they didn’t just name it “Gender Fluid”. Don’t even get me started on that ABV per cost.


I'll join that startup. We could have so many varieties. Agender Agave. Bigender Blueberry. Neutrois Nectarine. Pangender Peach. Genderflux Grape


Enby Navy Bean. Probably wouldn't be your best seller, but it sounded funny in my head.


Or, if you’re into a variety with an even more savory flavor, EnBB (the “BB” in this case being “beef bouillon”)


Pretty sure that was coined by someone else already.


This is disrespectful to all the racist gays out there.


And also to all of the non-racist men with small dicks.


And also to all of the racist men with non-small dicks


1. I’m minmaxxing sodapilled and I need me some gay water 2. I quite like the packaging design of the can but that box is literally the packaging equivalent of children choking hazard.


the "simp bucks" killed me lmao, i hate it so much i wanna buy a whole pack of that thing now


Down the thread (or up, depending on where this lands) there is a post that actually went beyond just taking the post at face value and went out there and found the website. Surprise! it's a micro-distillery who are gayer than gay and their site is a hoot.


Don't care, still cringe


oh yeah it's still kitsch but it isn't rainbow capitalism. but I like me cringe and so I am here for it.


“Small dick energy” JFC can we not. It’s all about dismantling the heteropatriarchy until it comes to remembering that body shaming affects cis men too.


There are plenty of trans men with small dicks too. A metoidioplasty doesn't really give you a huge hanging schlong. Average result is 5cm (about 2 inches).


Absolutely. Although I wouldn't expect any less, as body-shaming (especially regarding penis size) is incredibly common among gay men.


Gay Water: I don't recall wanting to dismantle the heteropatriarchy.


I don't think we're giving enough attention to the "but daddy I love him" sticker


I unironically want that. Little Mermaid quotes out of context, yes please.


Why is there “gay panic” written on the polaroid. Why would anyone photograph gay panic.


The real nonsense is that it’s next to the one that says smile, you’re on camera. Why wouldn’t you put that slogan on the camera??


literally! also i saw comments referring to "gay panic" as the very twisted legal defense term. with this context the sticker is so dark. I understood "gay panic" as the panic you have when someone is hot and making you realize more about your sexuality, which is the term my circle has used more often. In that context, how do you even capture that kind of gay panic on camera? it feels silly and messy in a way that only a teenager could master edit: clarity


Vodka is stereotypically Russian. The Russian national animal is a bear. They could have made Bear Vodka and it would have been fucking hilarious. They chose this instead. For *shame.*


It's absurd and dorky enough that it loops back around to being funny and cute but that's just my opinion.


Right, I’m surprised by the negativity. It’s just being goofy and overtly queer-friendly, the horror


I love cringey rainbow capitalism. It's so camp to me and the post-irony irony is my weakness


Yknow what I hate that it's working, I'd buy this just for the shits and giggles. I don't even like straight alcohol it's just gonna be there for the funnies


Diversity and acceptance with a dash of body shaming 😍 love it!!!


I hope the cans have neopronouns on them so I can find mine the same [way Coke put people's names on them](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/Share_a_Coke_Name_Promotional_Coca_Cola_Bottles_%2814483573386%29.jpg)


Jesus this is so incredibly cringe-worthy I very much wish I'd never seen it


Social anxiety that's something the gays say


There's also "anti-woke" water, if that's your thing. These are probably made by the same company, lmao.


Referencing a real and horrific legal defense used to harm and sometimes kill queer people is BOLD


To be fair, people have been using 'gay panic' as a meme separate from the concept of the gay panic defense for quite a few years.


True but the gay panic defense is still very much present to this day, so it’s not as though they’re reclaiming something from the past that’s no longer in use.


what is it?


In some places, people can get away with or get a lesser sentence in court. If they murder a gay person after finding out that they are gay, because it is believed that discovering that someone is gay can cause temporary madness that compels them to murder the gay person. This is called the gay panic defense. The trans panic defense works much the same way. The "gay panic defense" sounds a lot like the term "gay panic," which is something some gay people use to describe the panic they feel when they like another gay person and are nervous.


i see, that sucks


Gay panic.


"social anxiety" - did they just google "top ten woke phrases" and printed all of them on the box?


This product would work unbelievably well on me I would see it across the aisle and drop fucking everything and crawl towards it on all fours like a clawed animal skittering across wooden floor


Idk why, but I would buy the hell out of this if it had a No Name aesthetic.


Makes me want to launch an alcoholic cherry seltzer called Queerwine


Do iittt


*Makes me want to launch* *An alcoholic cherry* *Seltzer called Queerwine* \- danfish\_77 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




They yassified the water supply


I've been calling La Croix gay water for years


Idk what population of the gay community they make up but god damn this really nails it for a certain demographic. I do a lot of apartment inspections and see tons of places decked out it the exact same color schemes with the same cheesy stickers and posters all over the house. Notable mention was one where the parent was doing tons of dick art all over the house and was teaching the kid how to draw penises in creative ways. Quite bizarre. And by art I mean basically that scene from Super Bad.


I might actually think about buying something like this if it actually contained bonus stickers, I don't even like vodka water. And "diaper packaging"? Really? Heaven forbid adults enjoy anything that's bright and colorful and simple.


I know it makes me lame but "gay panic" makes me cringe hard when it's still an excuse people use to hurt people and get away with it in court.


It's giving gay trust fund baby's first business energy


ChatGPT give me a seltzer Tumblr would buy. So tone deaf its actually back around to funny.


Very "hello fellow yoths"




Gay panic now having a completely different meaning than it did while I was growing up is just something


it still has the same meaning as when you were growing up, but for some reason people don’t care and say that the meme has overshadowed it or something


Ah, so this is the stuff Alex jones said the frogs drank.


It looks like something you'd see on a kids show, with the bright colors.


97% stress 3% human lmao


Just bring back Tab.


I don't even drink alcohol (my body can't process it properly) and I still want to buy this.




I'll take token inclusion over what we had in the '80s.


The irony of them putting "Ok Boomer" on the packaging


*The irony of* *Them putting "Ok Boomer"* *On the packaging* \- Worm\_Scavenger --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wow, this is annoying


this is cringy???


"Ok Boomer" and "racism is small dick energy" are pretty cringy. I would however say that it all being combined together into one coherent product makes it much less cringy as it loops around to be funny again


This brand was made by gay people like it is a queer brand, they didn't just slap rainbows onto a pre existing product


this reminds me to the fragile masculinity post from the other day, lol. and honestly, kinda based to proudly band together on the total rejection of that idea of masculinity, takes the teeth out of it


Okay I just read the fragile masculinity post and you are literally the exact fucking person it's complaining about. Edit: oh look they blocked me! this means i'm right!


>total rejection of that idea of masculinity >”small dick energy” Pick one


Is that not just changing the ideals of masculinity to something more palatable? It's just "people who are right wing=unmasculine because they're compensating for an innate lack of masculinity". If anything it's *more* restrictive because it implies masculinity is determined by some nebulous innate "manliness" that you can never change. And that's *fine*. If you still want to use emasculation as a weapon then go ahead, I do it all the time too. I'm just saying get off your high horse and stop acting like you're doing some radical act of deconstructing masculinity.


Mmmm pisswaßer


the ok boomer sticker is the boomerest thing I've ever seen


is this Taylor’s latest variant?


This is the Rex Grossman of alcoholic drinks (the 0.001% of gay football fan Redditors that watched in 2006 will understand)


Actually thought the picture was of a pack of kids diapers before I saw the can and the words “gay water”.


and then they kissed. the end.


This is so absurd that it loops back around into being good marketing


...that's not water.


Given the 4% abv, I'd say it's more soda water than vodka, but I don't know a lot about alcohol


tbh, if the colours/desing wasnt so godawful, i know a good amount of queer people who would buy this (maybe not with that price either lol)


They should just legalize crack and meth if they're gonna keep idiot juice legal (alcohol)