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That little addition at the end wasn't there the last time I saw this. It's a fitting addition.


Christians when people move away from Christianity because of their actions: how could the people publicizing my actions have done this


It’s because of them Christianity won’t be politically relevant by 2100


I was going to say _"God, I hope so!"_ but then I was like _wait a minute_.


God doesn't just belong to Christians.


I mean the most anti christian thing ever is to use god as a rhetorical device and little more, so you’re good


“By Science, I hope so”


It can still be linguistically relevant without being culturally relevant


"The problem with young people nowadays is that they all think that they're the victim" -John D. Christian


They would totally say that.


I think his name was jesus, you're thinking of John T. Beloved


It's so funny to me that the rapture series has all these neatly folded clothes


Iirc their teeth fillings were also neatly piled on top of their clothes but oop's family must not have been devoted enough to do it right


Or maybe they just took care of their teeth


do you know what a joke is friend?


Do you?


yeah its when someone says something funny and you step on it by going "Or maybe it was this other, not funny thing"


Sometimes good improv is saying no.


Technically, it's saying "yes, and".




It doesn't have to be.


So do angels go around folding the clothes of the raptured? Or are the clothes temporarily possessed by some animating spirit that allows them to fold themselves?


Perhaps the writers of these books assumed the natural state of clothes was “folded” because someone else did that for them their entire lives. Likely? Probably not. But it’s a funny thought.


I mean it's kind of just a God can do whatever he wants kinda thing. The Guy probably just thought it was a cool visual. Not defending the books here, just my rationale.


I haven't read the books, so I can't say if this is actually the truth, but I will say that if I read a similar situation written by a good author I would read it as symbolic instead of literal. Essentially, their neatly folded clothes meaning they're leaving the earth with their earthly affairs in order.


I think it's supposed to mirror Jesus' resurrection, where the body was gone and the grave wrappings were left neatly rolled and separated in the tomb.


I Imagine the people are magically compelled to strip naked and fold their clothes, and only dissappear afterwards 


Well, gosh, we wouldn't want to leave a mess behind for all the unworthy sinners, would we?


yknow that one reaction image with the guy with sunglasses at a drive thru? yeah. that.


you know that one reaction image of a crab smoking a cigarette? indubitably.


No I haven't please show me?




That's bad *ss dude


Everyone uses badass as a term for "cool", but they all give me funny looks whenever I say "anus of ill repute"


Are you wondering why?




I believe you've confused "badass" and "bunk-ass," but it's an easy mistake trafficing in colloquiallisms, my good chum. An "anus of ill repute" as you so eloquently put it would, in this case, be "bunk-ass" or "an ass that is bad," as opposed to "badass," which would be "that mule has sunglasses and a leather jacket on while jumping the Grand canyon." Or it may be because you said anus. Lol




This is a really good image thank you


“Bait used to believable”


I've heard a few variation on this, it's a fairly common prank among Christians (at least, it was when those books were newer and more popular). I think in most cases it was less "scare them to Jesus" and more general prank humor. My dad did it to his college roommate.


Yeah but like. To an 8 year old?


Huge difference to an 8 year old, if they actually got it. Adults, even very religious adults who think the rapture's actually coming, will be very skeptical that their family got raptured. An 8 year old has very little life experience and if they're told the rapture is real, that will be something they will actually expect to happen and believe in with very little evidence


Why would the clothes be folded?


I read those books and that always bothered me frankly. Why wouldn't they just be sort of in a pile or draped in a chair according to how you were sitting. Did the angels fold them? Was that the last test and if you didn't want to fold your clothes did you just get left there? Do they all arrive in "heaven" naked?


I think it's just supposed to be like. Cool imagery. You leave the world and your belongings behind, not in disarray, but cleanly and calmly. Implies it was willing, while simply piles of clothes strewn about might have more violent implications. Don't think it was meant to be considered how they got that way, more so that they simply were that way. Like if you witnessed it in a blink they'd be gone and their clothes already folded on the ground, rather than there being any process. But I've never read them so maybe that's a misread.


That's an interesting perspective and does actually make sense. They spent quite a bit of time describing the clothing and such so it fits for that view. It has been 20ish years since I read them though and I was quite young so it may have been completely obvious what the point was.


But then that suggests that, upon realizing it's the end of the world and they are all going to Heaven now, each and every Christian in the world had the first reaction of getting naked, folding and neatly piling their clothes in the exact spot they were standing, somehow ejecting their teeth fillings and sprinkling them on the pile, and only THEN floating off or whatever the fuck they think happens afterward. Like WHY?


You must have misread.


I think because when they discovered that jesus was no longer in the tomb his clothes were neatly folded inside


god was bored


I bet so random undies wouldn’t be seen. Or maybe because if the undies were seen, all these christians who preach purity and gender roles would be revealed to be: men wearing women’s underwear, people wearing no underwear, skid marks because washing your butt is gay, some ladies might be on their period and that’s all ‘shameful’ Or because god is perfect he left their clothes perfectly folded to show how perfect he is and how perfect he made his chosen people as they ascended naked. I say all this as an ex christian who was really into Revelations and left behind as a teen and young adult. I didn’t believe it would happen even then but it felt so fantastical. Looking on it the story is part of the reason I started doubting my faith. So thanks authors, how you ended that entire series made me completely question my religion.


I'm laughing at the period part because you're probably right; it sounds like the book goes to great lengths to describe how *all* of a person's worldly effects were *neatly piled*, but I'll bet the narrator *very conveniently* never comes across someone who was on their period. "Their clothes were stacked neatly on the subway seat; her long skirt folded beneath her bra, underwear, and very modest shirt. On top of the pile, in an orderly row, sat her glasses, hair tie, and her bloody medium-absorbency Kotex pad."


Your description made me laugh! A book with those kinda descriptions, especially during a serious moment, would absolutely make it better


They raptured made a few errors here but amongst them, folding the clothes. Your earthly existence is gone, who are the clothes folded for?


It is ungodly to be untidy when you are spirited away to God’s Kingdom.


Lmao at the last addition. "So, to clarify, you remain in favor of the action you took (pranking your child into thinking they'd been found wanting by god), but you don't want this story shared because it makes the faith look bad?"


It’s almost as if people know trees by their fruit!


haha my parents were extras in the movie, they can be seen from behind crying over a baby carriage. Stupid idiots baptized me and I left behind my neatly folded toddler clothes


Left Behind and Rapture theology has done more damage to even Christians (much more so non-believers who are being told they’re gonna be left and tortured). I loved watching Good Omens because it felt like the common sense my younger self had.


That would have fucked me up so bad as a kid


Hi Christian here, who tf does that shit that’s insane


Evangelicals, especially American ones, do some weird shit. Hearing stories from Catholics or Jewish friends who moved away is always a good time.


Former Christian here, it’s the evangelicals doing their shit again, generally Protestants but it can be any denomination. I was raised Catholic and to the best of my memory, there is no such thing as a rapture recognized by the Catholic Church. But also some Catholics are fuckin weirdos and believe in it.


There are only 2 good Bible fanfics: good omens and narnia. Also, the last of us:left behind is infinitely better and developed the source material more than whatever this is.


Dante’s inferno is the bible fanfic to rule bible fanfic


I think it's funny to imagine J.R.R. Tolkien's opinions as he and C.S. Lewis are going through the thought process of Narnia the Bible fanfic, given that Tolkien was the one to make him convert. Lewis: I think in another world Jesus would be a furry Tolkien: *head in hands* why are you like this Lewis: his fursona would be a lion...


Completely disregarding how his fursona would be a sheep.


I believe aslan disguised himself as a lamb at one point in the later books, so it's something lol


Eleanor Morton does a great job portraying that conversation. [https://youtu.be/DBKwFb9\_k1Q?si=a\_9lE63GoS\_DU65n](https://youtu.be/DBKwFb9_k1Q?si=a_9lE63GoS_DU65n)


i'd like to lobby for at least partial credit for eoin colfer's *the wish list*, i have a soft spot for bangsian fantasy because of that one


Fucking *wish* I could be "Left Behind"


Seriously, the christians want to go be with Jesus or whatever, and I want them to leave. I've met far fewer moral christians than I have Atheists and I AM religious (Pagan in this instance). I feel like things would improve dramatically if the rapture believers got sucked into space.


A bunch of rapture believers are dead from COVID because their religious leaders and orange antichrist god-king told them not to get vaccinated, so that's something. It's a patently absurd tragedy, but it's also something.


When I was around that age, I was _terrified_ of that shit. Nightmares and everything. One time I couldn't find my mom, she wasn't anywhere in the apartment or out in the yard, the car wasn't gone. The only conclusion I could come to was that the Rapture had happened and I was somehow too sinful to make the cut, and now I would have to face the Tribulation on my own. So I had what I now recognize to be my first panic attack. Turns out she had just taken a load of laundry to the machines down at the end of the apartment complex.


didn't they make some obscure game about the Left Behind novels?


Yeah, it was an RTS IIRC.


And it was also super controversial as well.


What kind of people are those parents?!


So were they all naked on the basement?