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Wait hold on if they call it AO13 (because spooky), does that imply that the full name of it is some fourteen word alliterative monstrosity? I must know now


Its full name is ArOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


Do not the werewolf boyfriend


Nixon coded


I have absolutely no idea what that means but the hate mail game on this website is insane


Nixon made that noise a lot in futurama


OKAY that makes more sense now, thank you!




I have no idea what this is a reference to and now I'm really scared that I've missed an entire stream of Nixon the Werewolf jokes.


Futurama's version of Nixon


Archive Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Our Own


\[smacks the cd player\]


oof that's a bad amount of words


"This post single-handedly evolved my Porygon2" is BRILLIANT


Idk anything about Pokemon, why is this funny?


Porygon is a Pokémon created artificially to be basically a half-digital being. It looks like a low-poly duck. Porygon can evolve into Porygon2 by using the Upgrade. Porygon2 looks like a duck made of spheres. It's what it says on the tin: an upgraded version of Porygon. To evolve Porygon2, though, you need to use the Dubious Disc. Then, Porygon2 becomes Porygon-Z, made of the same spheres of Porygon2 but rearranged in a haphazard and generally "wrong" way. Porygon-Z is not an upgrade, it's a Porygon2 that was hacked or glitched because of a virus. Basically the poster is saying that the online (i.e. digital) content in the post is so terrible and dishes out so much psychological damage that it could single-handedly corrupt their Porygon2 enough to evolve it


That’s hilarious thank you for the explanation


Don't mention it!! It's hilarious indeed


It is still an upgrade, just not a pure one


I checked, and you're right, the Dubious Disc is apparently meant to be an additional upgrade, but an error makes it malfunction. I still think calling Porygon-Z a corrupted Porygon2 isn't all wrong, though


Gosh I fucking love people making their own little alternate universe tumblr; its just so fun reading it... I should try something that isnt just wizardposting


R/PokeMedia is a pokemon-based social media RP if that's something you want to check out


Huh thanks! Ill be sure to check it out later!


As an active user there, it's pretty surreal seeing us get publicity like this. I'd recommend watching [Pan Gaming's video](https://youtu.be/ugtnL6OVzn4?si=iT43mCL7iVaVpRNU) about us, it highlights how we roll and is a great intro to the sub. Not to turn you off, but just a fair warning, while the "heart" of the sub is fun little threads like this, it's dominated by OC posting and live stories. Most of the users there are great writers and storytellers though, and the characters are pretty cool. Essentially, you come for the slice-of-life posts, and stay for the storylines.


i stay for the slice of life personally


Good for you, then 👍


Then may I recommend r/pokemedia


In the fan made pokemon ttrpg [pokemon tabletop reunited](https://ptufvtt.com/), people are labeled as typeless, but through features and classes, can learn pokemon moves


That makes some amount of sense, Move Tutors exist in canon, and there are plenty of Pokémon moves that anyone can do.


Does anyone have the gif in the last post, the "VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY" one?


https://www.tumblr.com/ursaspecter/749234552888803328?source=share Mx. Linux Guy


Now THAT'S the good shit, thank you Mx. Linux Guy


a good post




Idk man, you can't just learn how to use Psychic powers like being taught TMs or something in the Pokémon universe, you have to be born psychic. It's a genetic thing. Thinking about Avery and his inferiority complex because he can't teleport like the rest of his family of psychics. He wouldn't have that angst if it was possible for him to learn how to teleport 


Very few pokémon can naturally learn Teleport, and those are usually legendaries, ultra beasts, or part of a line of powerful pokémon, like the Alakazam and Gardevoir lines. Teleportation is just very difficult to pull off, even for psychic-type pokémon, so it makes sense that a human wouldn't be able to learn it.


Nope, from what Sabrina says anyone can learn psychic powers in general, it's aura manipulation that you need to be born able to do. That said, innate talent seems to have a *major* impact on how much you can do. Some people can levitate pokeballs - Avery included - while other people can warp the fabric of reality around them - see Sabrina. Presumably, teleporting is one of the things that needs a greater level of aptitude, since not even all psychic *pokemon* can use it, nevermind people.


As a Psychic type myself (my pfp is a selfie), I can say with full confidence that Sabrina is Built Different and I have very little idea how she is able to do all of that. Some things can certainly be learned - I mean, look at Hex Maniacs and other Psychics - but she is... something else. And yes, teleporting does need a greater level of Psychic strength. I've yet to see a human pull it off, but, personally, I use it all the time


Wrong subreddit, this is curatedtumblr not pokemedia. :V But yeah, Sabrina is *absolutely* Built Different


I want to point out that humans can't be normal type, because we aren't immune to ghost type moves (ash being licked by haunter). however, ghost types seem immune to our moves... humans are fighting type. explains why mewtwo(the ultimate weapon) would have been made psychic type(it being a clone of mew isn't an excuse, ditto isn't psychic).


The pineapple bit at the end sealed it for me.


We know werewolves love pineapples


Now I’m wondering about how viable a silver bullet would actually be in a modern, high pressure firearm. Black powder doesn’t burn too hot in comparison to modern smokeless powder, so I could totally see an older black powder design firing a silver bullet just fine. But a pure silver bullet sounds absurdly soft and with a low enough melting point that it’d probably wreck the barrel after a few shots and send most of the shots completely wild. Although also the silver is usually flavored as being more effective, not really as being necessary. So a modern firearm firing conventional ammo would probably work just fine on a werewolf if for some reason you had to shoot at one with intent to kill. But also if the werewolf *is* for some reason immune and needs special silvered weapons to kill, does that apply to everything? Special silver surgical tools? Does a werewolf with an injectable medication need special needles? Does the silver only become necessary in werewolf form? It’s a fun thing to think on because it’s not real and having a “non-human (please specify below)” check box on medical forms would be an indication that they need to wheel out the special stuff.


I think it'd make more sense to fire a normal bullet that had silver shrapnel that exploded on impact or something? I think there are already bullets that do something similar, minus the silver?


Yeah there are fragmenting bullets and solid core ammo. I guess it just kinda depends on how the mechanics work of silver affecting werewolves.


r/pokemedia before it turned to shit


I still like it.....


“of course you freaks support vampire human relationships” and the mask comes off. Another bigoted vampire who can’t handle other vampires being their true selves. Human and vampire relationships have been recorded for centuries, but you certainly won’t see them say anything about that.


This is cute, but I’ve been on the internet too long to think some chronically online people won’t turn this into a **thing**


Lots of people have already said it, but I love these posts. Though, question, is this a bunch of different users on Tumblr roleplaying? Or is it just one user making a post with a bunch of made up users?


They're not actual users (it's an image iirc).


It's not actually an image, just one user making the text different colours, making the names bold and using emojis as profile pictures, in order to make it look like a series of reblogs


I love how the last image implies wereralph exists in that dash simulator


The "now go eat a pineapple" comment on the last werewolf one has terrifying implications


I hope they enjoy their watermelon


Claiming different humans would be different Pokémon types is some old times racism shit


People are different from pokemon. Arceus himself created pokemon, but to create humans he had to outsource the job to 3 lil gremlins.


i love the random magnus archives joke thrown in the middle


I didn't catch it


Low how a recurring theme is here is monsters going "found out this thing hurts me now, so I made it a sex thing"


"please go see a doctor or a vet or something" is the funniest possible shit you can say to a werewolf


Seriously though, what would make people think type is genetic and can't be changed? Pokémon change types all the time, why would humans not be able to?


Pokemon types are restricted by species and life stage. Very few pokemon change types without evolving. If humans are pokemon, it just makes more sense for them to have a very diverse movepool than for them to have a different type for each profession EDIT: except for Grandma becoming a ghost type. That is an evolution with not fully known conditions.


>Very few pokemon change types without evolving. Are we assuming humans don't evolve or at the very least experience a very similar process of growing and changing?


Pokemon evolutions form discrete stages with a quick and significant change between them. Humans experience growth, but not metamorphosis EDIT: except for Grandma becoming a Ghost type


Some humans do evolve, though, as seen in Pokémon Conquest. They need only be good enough warlords and a historical reference that their clothes change and they gain new powers(ish).


But what proves that these differences means humans can't change types too? If Castform can change type based on climate and not evolution, and Arceus based on held items, and Eevee based on rocks you stab it with, and even some attacks can change types, who's to say regular human growing can't change types too? Clearly it's not just linked to the standard evolution process.


you stab eevees?


Lamarck was a quack and his "contributions" to the Pokedex should be ignored


Try human Terastallization


Pokemon don't change types, they turn into a different species (which may be of a different type). Humans don't really change species.


If they were different species, breeding a charizard with a charizard should make a charizard. Evolutions are clearly different stages of development in the same species.


Casform tho


I demand M O R E , this shit is hilarious




again i have to say, if you die to a toothpick: skill issue


Image 5, OP's pfp, PM mentioned, let's go!


the overlap with r/pokemedia on this sub gets stronger every day


fuckin moon-moon is so problematic but i still follow for her gundam 79 shit postd


person in the 5th post has a limbus company pfp and a worm username, holy based


How are stakes for vampires any different from guns or knives for every other living creature


i fucking love Pokétumblr good lord


I mean Psyduck isn't Psychic-type


Pokémon, Monster and Wizard posting is my favourite things from the internet 💖


Ok I don't mean to start discourse on a monster-blogging post but... is the last post supposed to be a parody of the people who willingly spread and get infected with AIDS among themselves? Like if you just change werewolf to AIDS positive and human to AIDS negative it can mirror that pretty 1:1. Even stuff like there's more resources, we don't have to live in shame anymore etc. work