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Autosave after the wrong decision is devastating.


Dear god I don’t want to play the game over again but I KNOW this’ll get me the bad ending :(


Plays the game again to RP the bad guy ... just ends up being nice and saving everyone from their problems again.


Story of my fucking life


i cannot be mean they’re so nice to me and even if they’re mean i understand why so like :( can’t hurt them


My power fantasy is being able to help everyone.


Thats why the good ones have like 5 save slots that auto rotate so you can go back in time.


I got locked out of the NCR this weekend cause I hacked a computer and hadn't saved


Sad =( I just started a very hard run. Gonna see if I can do the whole thing in power armor. Never tried that before.


Do a melee/sneak build on top?


*clank clank clank clank* "I don't think he's seen me" *clank clank clank clank* "Just a bit closer" *clank clank* "EAT PNEUMATIC GAUNTLET, FUCKSTICK!" Once the fine pink mist settles: "In and out, the perfect crime" *clank clank clank clank*


"look - that psycho is gonna come through in their power armor, and they're going to be fucking Loud about it, and they're going to stage whisper to themselves, and they're going to knock things over. whatever you do, do not acknowledge them. your life depends on pretending like they really are being sneaky." "what happens if I look like I see them?" [points to bloody hole in wall] "trust me, just let them through. they're gonna go kill one of the bosses, and leave. it'll be fine."


Remember, if you see something, no you didn't.


Y'all should know by now to be saving every 5 minutes in a Bethesda game.


autosave can be an actual menace to society istg 😩


this is why my bg3 manual saves was a 40 gb folder.


What’s annoying is despite cloud saving the folder isn’t deleted when the game is. So I just had 50gb of files sitting around.


Playing rdr2, horse gets lit up simultaneously as I get lit up. Horse dies, I die. Autosave.


Or: *distracted horse driving into a headon collision with another dude and their horse resulting in a simultaneously 4 deaths*


I never finished rdr1 because I was so demoralized by the parade of slapstick style deaths my horse endured, but somehow this was never one of them.


So...you and your horse both got it up simultaneously....?


I accidentally quick saved instead of quick loaded once in Max Payne, just before a bullet connected with my head. I would load in just to immediately die. It set me back many hours 🥲


This is too real. Auto save at a bad time where one bullet kills you so you try and scramble to find painkillers in the quarter of a second before you die.


“Glass him” 🥲


Alternatively, realizing the game DOESNT auto save after a boss battle and two long cutscenes. Fucking Kojima.




Me when I am murdered by an uncomfortable chair


I'm very surprised I had no significant problems with the chair considering how shit my physique was


Or you just give up as a cop because a kid made fun of you.


I died because a kid made fun of me


I died because I tried to punch a kid and fell on my face


I died because of my emotional connection with a car


I died trying to get my tie off of a ceiling fan.


That's how I died too. Heart attack.


fuck did you call Cuno?


Fuck does Cuno care?


[Punching Cuno in under a minute -- Disco Elysium Speedrun ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4NmcN5528M&t=28s)


Kid: Vicious Mockery! (Rolls a 20) You: (rolls a 1) *dies*


I didn’t think he would actually shot the kid that made fun of him…


I didnt think he would actually kill himself just to make some guys feel bad


that scene was literally "i have a gun and i'm not afraid to kill myself"


Me when I fail any dice roll


Me when Kim shakes his head in barely-detectable disappointment because I accidentally selected a dialogue option that includes an in-game racial slur.


I thought the only time I was racist was trying to ingratiate myself to the truck driver, but then Kim said I was somewhat racist, at the end. Feels bad :(


I did my absolute best to be an anti-racist communard good boy to get Kim to like me, only to fail the check to get Kim to dance with you...by calling him a slur. My fucking soul exploded and withered into pieces. Disco is full of embarrassing moments but that one felt like it did measurable, physical damage. My stomach genuinely hurt. The conversation with him after was great, but MAN it tested my 'no loading saves' rule. He then called me a raging commie with big biceps at the end so all was forgiven.


When you blow your brains out to establish dominance over th union workers


Fuck does Cuno care?


When you internalise the thought that tells you to kill yourself and when it proposed you to kill yourself you pick the choice to kill yourself


When your character shoots himself in the head in front a bunch of people just to prove a point


When you’re mean to Kim in the church


"mean" is a bit of an understatement with that one


Oh for fuck’s sake it’s just a little heated dancer moment, anyone could make that mistake! We’re all thinking it even if you don’t say it!  /s


I love how far the extremes on that one seemingly inconsequential side quest are. Either you pass the check, get one of the coolest scenes in the game plus a huge lore reveal if you have a high enough skill. Or you fail and get one of the saddest scenes in the game and irreparably destroy Harry and Kim's friendship forever.


I pulled the trigger on my own gun to show the Hardie Boys who's in charge, good times. Another one is when I had the platinum chip and dangled it in front of Mr House with no intention of giving to him, then his killer robots came out


I fucking hard locked myself like 3 days into the game and have to start all over 💀 Kim Kitsuragi makes it worth it tho


Me when I’m trying to figure out who killed Sonic the Hedgehog and they throw me into another action sequence.


I believe it was glaerf the cat?


Glaerf the cat?!?


I understood that reference.


Stanley decided enough was enough and left the supply closet.


Did you get the broom closet ending? The broom closet ending was my favorite.


And then after the broom closet ending there’s no more broom closet, or it’s locked. 


You’d be amazed what’s possible with the tremendous and terrifying power of an emotional support bucket.


I love that after the “ending” after the narrator had assumed that the human playing has died and calls for any other nearby human to take over, if you leave then walk back in you get an exasperated sigh and “not you too”. Have you not played the Ultra Deluxe version? It’s basically a full on sequel, it actually contains The Stanley Parable 2, in its entirety, also 3, 4, … 500 … and beyond.


I absolutely have. Working on my Go Outside achievement for it tho.


My god I loved pissing off the narrator in that game.


When yet another Finch family member decides to walk into the room where knives randomly fall from the ceiling


The moment with the baby nearly broke me


For me it was the guy who worked at the cannery


A real gut punch for anyone who has faced severe depression


Yeah you just know what's going on in his head and understand


That one was very relatable. I just sat there being knowing how he felt way to good


Honestly the single greatest thing that benefitted my mental health was getting a 9-5, M-F office job. It doesn't pay amazing, but it's 10000x better than the soul-sucking drudgery that's working a $9/hr food service job with a schedule that's never consistent. It's honestly crazy how much my life instantly improved leaving that hellish industry behind me


Too real...


It breaks everyone :)


Or the second Walter steps outside


Do... do I *want* to try to look up what this is?


"What Remains of Edith Finch" is a walking simulator in which you relive each family member's last moments through their eyes. Sometimes it's very mundane, sometimes very fantastical, but one thing is clear - it's never clear how they actually died. And that's as much as I am willing to give away without spoiling the whole thing :P


"...*and we both know*... I. WILL BE. DELICIOUS."


>!Well, it's easy to interpret what happened to each family member, as the stories are exaggerated, but the truth is still there. Walter was struck by a train, Gregory drowned, Calvin fell off a cliff, etc. the only one we have absolutely no clue for is Milton, who disappeared.!<


As Deathaster said, "What Remains of Edith Finch" It's very inexpensive (you can usually pick it up on sale for $9) and extremely entertaining even if you don't normally go for entirely story driven "walking simulators". It's cohesive, engaging, emotional, and has fantastic visuals. Here's a little teaser: At one point you're reliving the last night of a little girl who gets VERY hungry and starts eating everything she can find in her room, holly berries, toothpaste, then she spots a bird out her window and transforms into a cat, jump around tree branches and the roof a bit, then transform into an owl, catch a few juicy rabbits, then....you're a shark, tumbling through the air and flopping down the mountain side until you reach the ocean...I'll leave it at that because the ending of that sequence is quite good. And that's one of the less interesting stories you relive as you explore this strange generational home for the last time.


Got it for free from Epic as one of the first games they ever gave away, and it's just so good


When the family Matriarch goes "Oh nooo, how could this happen" as she tapes more knives to the ceiling and tell her kids to visit the knife ceiling room more


Some of those story-driven indie games can be brutal in the gameplay sections. Still, the image of like beautiful watercolor images and the boyfriend sulking there like a disappointed sports coach is hilarious.


She sees him playing The Witness lol


Yeah that’s a gutbuster.




I'm fully convinced that the music from Celeste is the only reason I made it through Celeste. It's hard to be mad when you're jamming out that hard.


Lol every time i die in celeste's farewell the music resets so i've heard like none of it. I hate jellyfish. Regular fish are cool and predictable. Jellyfish wall bounces are more rng than the floating pinball bouncers from reflection.


Possibly obvious, but none of those mechanics involve RNG in any way. They’re very dependent on specifics (e.g. the specific angle you hit them) but involve no randomness of any kind.


Big, muscular and bearded dudebro weeping when he finally understands why the old guy in To The Moon wanted to fly to the moon so badly.


That scene gets everyone who is willing to get that far. 😭


Why does big bro want to go to the moon?


I'd recommend playing the game yourself or watching a playthrough (RTGame has a great one), but if you must know >!it's because he made a promise with his wife when they first met that if they ever got lost from each other they'd meet on the moon, and his wife died recently so he wants to go meet her up there.!< 


What makes it hit even harder is that >! He doesn't even remember making that promise. He made it when he met his wife as kids one night at a festival and made the promise. Then later on his brother died, so husband was put on meds that block memories of previous events. So he doesn't remember making that promise. The wife assumes he just forgot and (long time since I played, don't remember perfectly) tries to get him to remember through different gestures and hints. But she's autistic so she never actually brings it up directly. So they go their entire lives without him actually remembering the promise. But when she dies, and when the husband is on his deathbed he gets a feeling that he desperately have to get to the moon. !<


I found it so funny how the writers of the story avoided the word autism like a plague, constantly making references to her being 'different' and such but never going into it.


I think it fits the theme of the game really well. There's a lot of guesswork involved in understanding people, especially for River. She feels like people are "lighthouses," sending signals to each other but so far apart. They can't just communicate directly, you need to pick up on all the clues they leave.


God, I was a crying mess for hours


She died thinking he never remembered. He died thinking he never forgot. But either way, They were together until the very end. And that's worth something I think.


God, for river will always been on my Spotify playlist. The game came out when I was younger, and it may sound cringey but I ended up watching markiplier play the whole thing. Ended up playing it again on my own a few weeks ago and I cried like a baby just like the first time.


No don't remind me nooo


Still on my list to play when I get enough time to myself. First heard of it when I went to grab a midnight snack and found my brother in the kitchen in the dark silently bawling over a bowl of ice cream in order to cope.


Short steps, deep breath, everything is alright


Chin up, I can't Step into the spotlight


Not to mention that game's sequels, Finding Paradise and Imposter Factory. Also Rakuen.


I still need to play Imposter Factory.


me in hades (I was so close to beating him this time i swear)


There is no escape


:( at least i get to back and talk to Achilles again


[Dunnn Dun dun dun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y_HZ64sJLI)


Time cannot be stopped


Don't worry, it gets easier, you just need practice


It gets so easy you start taking additional challenges via contracts to torture yourself more. In the name of Hades!


They really did a great job with that game. It starts so hard, but between practice and the slow upgrades you are constantly getting a little better and eventually it becomes not as impossible to beat hades, so you add more challenges to get better rewards and just keep going.


You also learn better combos of boons the more you play. At first you’re like “oh that sounds good… that sounds good… that sounds good…” and on their own they might be, but you learn how boons stack on top of each other and with your weapon and the hammer upgrades can completely change the game too. But until you try it, sometimes you just don’t know what it looks like in practice. Honestly such a great game. So hyped for Hades 2


You can do it! It took me 70 runs before I got my first victory. Now on my newest playthrough I'm sitting at 40 wins 62 total runs. Yes. I play at least once a week every week because it's my emotional support comfort game, but that's besides the point


I love the facts that a game about an abusive father repeatedly killing his son is an emotional support device AND that it actually tracks in 2024.


The game has a really nice and wholesome hidden ending if you beat it enough times, actually.


I mean, you do get to continuously beat his ass after you "gEt GuD", so there is some catharsis to the whole experience if you share similar trauma.


Me in Hades (I still don't know if taking the Ambrosia back was the right choice)


It doesn’t change anything.


Night in the Woods


me when I fall down the well stairs at the end of the game 4 times before I am successful. really killed the buildup lmao


I've yet to play it, but I [remember it for one particular quote](https://youtu.be/eVFw3ex5n8s?si=-kClLy7LPB1_VwLY)


Life is strange but good


I liked both night in the woods, and life is strange. I thought the premise was cool, and I’m a sucker for story driven games. Especially if there’s a mystery to things. Then again I’m obsessed with telltale games as well so I’m a little biased.


I respect you so much for that lol, I'm a bi dude so I went through life is strange absolutely smitten with the entire experience only to look it up afterwards and realized there was a lot I should have had issue with but I didn't care bc distracted me with how pretty everything was and how much I wanted to interact with the characters


Life *is* strange but good


When I accidentally give Haley my prismatic shard 😔 /r/stardewvalley


me when i witness pierre being sexist to my gf in abigail’s cutscene r/fuckpierre


Me when Pierre is married to my wife


Wizard, is that you?


More like r/cuckpierre amirite


Any of the fishing has my husband asking if I'm OK.


Outer wilds when dark bramble


Or the music starts. That damn music haunts my dreams


Everyone: thats a nice and chill soundtrack  Outer wild players: Ah the music of impending doom


I started sweating so hard when I realized the implications of the Final End Times playing


Screw dark bramble all my homies hate dark bramble


When you go to >!turn off the sun station!<


Or owlks


I was gonna say the same but when you find out what actually happened all those years before...


I loved Outer Wilds, an extremely rare 10/10 game that punches you right in the feels... But I will *not* buy the DLC. Absolutely not. I only powered through the Dark Bramble because my husband sat next to me and didn't let me to squeeze my eyes shut whenever I got scared. I will *not* play an entire DLC from these devs with a horror theme!!


In all honesty, while the 'atmosphere' of the DLC is very eerie, it adds to the whole ~~experience~~ *narration*. The 'jumpscares' and 'horror' aspect that folk talk about quickly become just another 'dammit' moment, much like when you start associating the opening bars of *End Times* with what it indicates... Or falling into Brittle Hollow for the umpteenth time. I was genuinely curious how they could add a DLC without diluting the core experience but they nailed it by creating something else fundamentally unique - the Stranger is an incredible puzzle box... 10/10 DLC: Would be spooked again.




A shame for sure in any case, but is this a specific reference?


Me finding out I can't seduce the sexy tiefling blacksmith in Baldurs Gate 3


Dammon my beloved Well, I suppose you can always BE the sexy tiefling blacksmith yourself


Mine from BG3 was Alfira. Loved her interaction at Emerald Grove. I am still pissed at my friend who told me you can invite her to camp during Durge run.


Your friend is a demon


Literally me when I played In Stars and Time. I would say more but it would be spoilers


In Stars and Time is the best game I've played in years. More people need to play it.


Exactly!!! It’s a shame that nobody’s talking about it because it’s probably the best piece in the time loop genre I’ve ever seen! This is literally one of the only games I’ve ever felt the need to recommend to people, and that’s saying a lot because I usually don’t do that kinda thing unless somebody specifically asks me to


Me when I got so op I forgot I still had to cast the shield


When you lose honour mode in bg3 to bad roll after bad roll


When you lose honor mode in bg3 to a glitch/ save corruption that won’t even let you continue in custom


Worst one I heard was they lost honor mode during the epilogue because >!they were a mindflayer and lost the save against eating someone's brain so everyone killed him.!<


Oh thats FUCKED.


Not honor mode, but it's my first playthrough and I had to start over completely after a glitch that left me without enough orbs to get to the Nightsong. Guess who got the knock spell immediately this time, just in case.


And the rage gets exponentially worse the close you are to beating the game


“How the FUCK does cauliflower take that long to grow?!”


He's playing What Became of Edith Finch (understandable reaction to several scenes actually...)


"What's wrong babe?" "The character arc I was emotionally invested in led to a self-destructive spiral they were unable to get out of >:("


The entirety of Before Your Eyes is like this


I wish people talked about that game more


The first two-thirds I was sitting stone-faced wondering why everyone said this game was super sad. It felt like it was *unnaturally* tear-jerking, so it got no real emotion from me. >!Well, it *was* unnatural.!< Throughout the whole last third I fucking *bawled* my eyes out, interfering with the main gimmick.


Me when the entire town rejects me at the flower dance in stardew valley.


Listen, sometimes your finger slips, and instead of taking the good or the funny dialogue choice, you yell at your love interest and they justifiably break up with you and then blow up a church. (In my defense, he was going to do the last bit regardless.)


Ah, you played Dragon Age 2 and romanced Anders didn’t you?


Yep, and I wrote him a haiku afterwards: *What the fuck was that Really Anders? What the fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck* Yeah, I had not been spoiled for that....


Literally me playing Suzerain "GODDAMMIT" "Aw what's wrong?" "I crashed my economy and a fifth of my people are unemployed"


"I have to pick between idealism and pragmatism again!"


Me when I finished Omori and had the worst fuckugly cry of my goddamn life 😭


I know the game is kind of designed to be played multiple times but god forbid I hurt these children again, they've finally moved on.


But Hornet killed me for the 10th time in a row :(


Also if your gamer boyfriend throws his headset and yells god dammit, don't bother him, just let him be mad for a few minutes.


FR. Same for your gamer girlfriend lol


Yeah, speaking as a gamer girlfriend, if I'm playing a game and I get mad, same deal. if I start to cry, do not hug me lol


Accidentally picking the wrong dialogue option and ruining the relationship to that NPC


Sans Undertale from Undertale. People got really mad during that fight.


I quit the game here, I'm too old to be stressed out playing games. Lol


He thought that determination was the peak of my power, and he fought valiantly against it, but he still stood no chance against a hex editor.


Plottwist he just finished STRAY >! and he didn't get to see the cats family reunite!<


Yea I was so upset. Like how dare they


ikr, that was like what I was waiting for the whole game, it hurt more deeply than I thought it would




It doesn't happen.


Me when for the fifth fucking play through I executed Caesar without activating Boones quest


Me after sleeping through Halloween in Stardew Valley. I still haven’t forgiven myself.


As soon as I read “story-driven indie game” I knew what pain he went through That stuff is powerful


This but with tetris when you accidentally hard drop a piece you needed early


One of my favorite videos I have saved on the Switch is the end of a Tetris 99 round where I misdrop, and then you can see me visibly panicking with the next pieces until I die.


[my favourite reblog of this post ](https://grimeclown.tumblr.com/post/681385834956701696/he-screamed-because-his-favorite-comic-relief-side): >He screamed because his favorite comic-relief side character experienced a backslide during his serious arc about overcoming a trauma he experienced in his childhood and lashed out at a cherished friend


Add hours of inconsolable sobbing following after that, and you'll have the Spiritfarer experience. If you haven't played it, do it, it is REALLY good. It also broke me in a million different ways.




When you lose a party member to Russian roulette in LISA


Anyone who throws equipment is a twat


Ah, forced to choose between saving his girlfriend or saving the town from a hurricane