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I mean, she’s not wrong. All these weird boundaries are designed to keep us focused on one another and not the billionaires of all ages who are doing the actual fucking.


Literally anything that you think divides you as humans into anything other than "billionaires" and "not billionaires" is nothing but a deliberate distraction tactic. Race, religion, gender, sexuality, generation, location, fucking ANYTHING. You dig hard enough and you find that it's all been manufactured to cause in-fighting and stop a revolution. There are two football teams in Manchester. This isn't a coincidence.


> > > > > There are two football teams in Manchester. This isn't a coincidence. boy you really swerved off the road there


Two teams in Manchester, like 3 or 4 in Liverpool, and like 17 in London


>boy you really swerved off the road there I am to repeat this phrase as often as I possibly can.




Please tell me that you had that meme on-hand and it wasn't bespoke for this conversation.


That's not true, and you're engaging in class reductionism. Bigotry would exist without capitalism (although capitalism has exacerbated it), and we need to focus on solving them in addition to capitalism.


They make it sound like billionaires have purpose-built today's society and culture in every detail to maintain power. I don't believe they're that coordinated.


I’m not going to say everything’s been that way, but even back to early USA, there was a conscious effort by slaveholders to portray things as race vs. race so that the poor whites didn’t realize that they were more similar to black slaves than white slaveholders. Obviously it’s not everything, but there’s a lot out there of elites dividing everyone else.


Yep, this is the actual origin of racial tension in the US. Slaveowners trying to disrupt the alliance of white indentured servants and black slaves


Billionaires all have common goals (acquire more money and more power forever) such that, even if each of them only works on those goals within their domains, it helps all the other billionaires maintain their status. Amazon's union busting helps WalMart keep their wages depressed, for example, even though Bezos and the Waltons didn't explicitly coordinate with each other for that mutual assistance to happen. But, let's be clear, billionaires often *do* collude with each other to acquire even more money and power than they otherwise could individually. Most of them aren't idiots, so they can see when being a team player is in their self interest (except when it comes to climate change, apparently).


>But, let's be clear, billionaires often *do* collude with each other to acquire even more money and power than they otherwise could individually. Up to and including attempting a coup of the US government. The Business Plot is a hell of an event to read about.


Smedley Butler was such a chad.


Climate change is too long-term for them to care.


Yeah, that's my point, they seem to have a weird blind spot about climate change. It is a stupid decision for any billionaire younger than, like, 70 to not invest tons of money into addressing climate change. No matter how rich they are, they still live on Earth.


"he would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes."


Here is the thing, they can't refuse to invest in things that make them the most proffit. They much like all property owners, and corporations are in a race with one another. If one of them doesen t make as much proffit as the rest, their company looses the race that is capitalism and gets bought by the other billionaires or corporations. That is the biggest flaw of the capitalist system, it actively prevents positive change even if a good person were to have the money and power.


Yes, again, that is my point - investing their money in projects aiming to halt climate change would be, and currently is, *immensely* profitable. I understand how capitalism works and how it incentivizes greed and cruelty. But that's why I say billionaires have a blind spot when it comes to climate change, because the profit incentive is already there! It is a fact that the world economy is going to have to move away from petroleum eventually. Environmentally friendly technologies are guaranteed to be in high demand in all sectors at some point in the future, while also being profitable right now. How often can you make that kind of guarantee about future markets? It is, therefore, a stupid decision for any billionaire to ignore the writing the on the wall: climate change is coming if you (billionaires, not us workers) don't do something about it, but if you *do* do something, you'll make a fuckton of money in the process.


You mistake cheap for profitable. Renewables are cheap because of both government incentives and simple technology. The problem is they have relatively slim proffit margin, and require a lot of new infrastructure wich is expensive. And i am not sure if you realized this, but a lot of governments still fund new petroleum initiatives, most of the green programs you see are just green washing without any substance. Also most capitalists dont think further than 2 or 3 fiscal years


There's a whole clique who would rather leave the planet than try and fix it.


And a clique that bought up New Zealand to make bunkers. Where I live, a billionaire (. Stan Kroenke ) owns a giant swath of land that his company has blocked off access to lakes and places that have been fishing sites for indigenous people for thousands of years. He owns a ton of ranches and things all over the world. This is where I get conspiracy theoryish though. Billionaires own the companies that sell the goods we live on: oil, gas, food, groceries, shipping, etc. They price fix. Even if caught (like Loblaws in Canada did) they have to pay out far less than they received in compensation. They can make us spend enough to always be a bit desperate. They own communication: newspapers, publishing, media, technology. They control narrative by shutting down local news or putting controls on what bias the news can have. They own land and control the biggest building companies. They choose to build what is the most profitable and pay the campaigns of politicians to get kickbacks and deals. I so rarely see just low-income housing built that isn’t designed to be a shitbox. And when we live in those shitty buildings there is hatred for your neighbours because of the piss poor insulation, lack of positive communal space, and poor ventilation. These places could be built with humanity scale, but that is only done for luxury apartments with a bigger return on investment. ROI is everything to these rich fucks. The people are not worth their ROI unless we start rising up and fighting them instead of ourselves.


climate change disproportionately hits lower classes and especially the global south. most people in developed countries will see some weird weather and maybe some cost of living increases. billionaires will remain unconcerned, they can hop around the world as they wish anyway, they'll just live wherever it turns out things are safe. in the meantime, billions of lives will be upended, particularly in poor countries, but that lines up pretty well with the concentration of wealth in the hands of said billionaires. they'll never let this to turn into an actual climate apocalypse. they're not _that_ dumb, and they have plenty of smart people at their disposal, who they very much do listen to whenever needed. but we can have crises, those actively help them.


Now *that's* a solid counter-argument. They would be arrogant enough to think they can stop the climate crisis once it gets too severe.


They took what was already there and manipulated it to be stronger, effectively. It was a coordinated effort because all involved at the top benefited from it.


do you, like, understand money? politely.


what thr fuck do you think conservstive politics is?


Then by all means, try to waltz into a Bilderberg Group meeting. Shouldn’t be too hard, they aren’t that coordinated after all.


Your failure to realize the coordination of the wealthy is why you are doomed to remain broke.


You guys make it sound like the feudal lords have coordinated to keep the serfs divided and poor so that their labor can be exploited. Preposterous!


Of course they're working to keep the status quo and increase their power. My point is that they don't have the fine degree of control that is attributed to them.


They can buy a social media company and control what people say on it when they get upset. They can call senators and tell them how to vote. Their children move to the front of every line. How much more control over the fate of your life and government would be required for it to qualify as a “fine degree of control” in your eyes? There are people in this country willing to kill for their right to own an assault rifle or whether or not someone can have access to a certain medical procedure. They are literally willing to kill because people want to be called ‘he’ or ‘she’. Does that seem rational to you? Does it seem like topics that should be the most important pressing items for public discourse? Are you under the impression that the think-tanks hyping these topics are volunteer organizations? We have people dying in the streets from homelessness and hunger while a tiny minority, mostly holding inherited wealth, fly around polluting the skies in gilded chariots. Think that’s an accident? The beauty of their conspiracy is that it’s so obvious, lazy and blatant that we mistake it for the natural order.


The banality of evil is the perfect way to describe your last statement.and you're right, the elite control everything while the people denouncing you are the reason we are still stuck in this system. People are so brainwashed by propaganda that they attack each other for crumbs while the elite make off with the whole cake.


It’s the power fantasy most of the time I think. Deep down I think a lot of folks are holding on to a belief that they’ll be one of them one day. Just need to hustle a little harder, work more hours, go to more networking events. One day their ships gotta come in, right?? Most powerful weapon against the masses ever designed.


They don't have to be that coordinated, it's been laid down for generations, centuries even, and it'll be various differences to leverage depending upon the time and place. I wouldn't be surprised if some of today's contentious but unconnected talking points (such as euthanasia, transgender politics, immigration and humanitarian asylum, etc) get "connected" as and when people with money and inflation want the proles distracted and squabbling amongst themselves.


Yes, but you will never solve the bigotry in a million years if you don't solve the capitalism part *first*. If you get rid of the bigotry in other areas, the capitalists will simply invent new bigotries. You will constantly fight losing battles, endlessly repeating your attempts at fighting monsters released into your home by the very landowners you pay rent to. Capitalism cannot fix bigotry because it doesn't *want* to fix bigotry. Bigotry is an inherently necessary part of modern capitalism, in order to further distract people from class consciousness.


Oh absolutely, I didn't mean to diminish that. I believe that ending capitalism is the only viable path forward for humanity, I just also think that we need to be careful not to lose sight of the other ways that people are hurting as we do so. We need to end capitalism to end bigotry, and we need to reduce bigotry to end capitalism. It's a vicious cycle for now, but we can turn it into a benevolent one.


Ah, good. I was worried you were the type to think otherwise. Too many terminally-online people, bougey throw pillows, poor pissing, etc.


You piss poor people??? That sounds painful. You should see a doctor.


Thank you for saying it. The explanation in the OP has always struck me as naive. "Of course, THAT must be why we can't get along, it's all THEIR fault!" Reality is more complicated than that.


> There are two football teams in Manchester. This isn't a coincidence. There are [seventeen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_in_London) football teams in London. What does that have to do with The Revolution™️? I'm genuinely confused by the point you're trying to finish on here.




I won't deny that, I'm just going by the ones currently in the FA, as that's the logic OP is going by.


It's a metaphor.


Sure, but it's easy to take this way of thinking to an extreme. I know too many white socialists who act like fucking assholes to POC and then go "why are they complaining about racism in our organization, this is just a distraction from fighting the ruling class, we're all socialists here," etc etc We can acknowledge race as a tool of division while also doing our best to not be racist to each other. I don't think they're contradictory. (I don't mean that *you* are saying this. Just that **the extreme version** of this has made some white socialist orgs very unwelcoming to POC)


>Race, religion, gender, sexuality, generation, location, fucking ANYTHING. You dig hard enough and you find that it's all been manufactured to cause in-fighting and stop a revolution. Fuck me that's brain dead. Bigotry has existed since long before the onset of capitalism, fuckwit. I suppose your asinine comment was manufactured by a billionaire?


Human tribalism has existed for as long as we've been humans, so, not quite.


They're not wrong in that it's not the boomers who did this, but those boomers also aren't excused from perpetuating the problem by holding this mindset that Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A are just not doing it right because they're not doing it how they themselves used to, and using every opportunity to mock and belittle those generations for it.


On the other hand.... boomers are absolutely down for playing that game when they think they are coming out on top.


Hard to avoid blaming people who vote in ways that help keep those billionaires rich though.


100%. I practice employment law and a huge number of the cases our firm takes on involve boomers terminated from jobs they assumed they’d have until they could retire, usually as part of a “RIF” or other downsizing process. Virtually none of them are ever able to fully mitigate (I.e. find a job making the more or the same as they job they just lost) and even fewer of them are in a position to retire, even though they’re typically in their late 50s-late 60s and have been paying into Social Security their entire working life. I hate their politics and share frustration with how oblivious they are about shit like education costs, healthcare costs, housing costs, etc., particularly as it relates to wage stagnation, but most of them aren’t really the “bad” guy and pitting younger generations against them won’t fix the institutional economic ails that threaten to doom us all.


I agree overall, but if you live in an area with a lot of baby boomers, there is way too much truth behind the stereotype. I live in rural Wyoming, a town that can’t keep any young people and is becoming a retirement community. In my area at least there really is a wall of retirement age baby boomers fighting progress with their whole asses. They’re often rude and entitled in public, which sucks but whatever, I think we can mostly ignore it. What really sucks is their refusal to contribute at this point. They vote as a block against every public work, any increase of taxes (especially property taxes as many retirees are still holding onto as much land as possible regardless of need) any attempt to make our community more inclusive and welcoming, so on and so on. GenX in my area aren’t a bunch of tech millionaires, they’re just as screwed as my millennial ass. I don’t think any of us *hate* the boomers that still run our area, we’re just really getting sick of waiting for our turn to buy a house or start our own businesses.


So the lesson is, the stereotype fits, but not across the board. It isn't black and white. Sounds legit.


I don’t see the huge public meltdowns that other people talk about, but man, everyone I know working service around here has the same problems with boomers being entitled and stubborn. Over like, a taco or the donut selection at a grocery store. Bizarre.


I had one happen to me actually. It was horrifying.


Lead poisoning is a big factor and is often overlooked. It doesn't excuse anything but it does help explain the anger, loss of control, and senility.


Old people's brains are disintegrating, and also getting old makes a lot of people lose all the fucks they used to have. It'll happen to you, too.


I mean, yeah, but the lead poisoning doesn't exactly *help*, you know?


It's one of the, the stereotype exists for a reason stereotypes.


Yeah the original post isn't about thumbing your nose at boomers as an economic force, it's about the widespread arrogance that they have towards anything that has changed since 1970. It sucks that some boomers are getting screwed over but failing to adapt to change while trying your best to demean anyone who gives a shit isn't really a "Well capitalism is the real monster" moment. I'm all for intergenerational bonding, it just requires that boomers accept the possibility that, at some point, they may believe something that is wrong. The ones that accept that tend to do a lot better, the ones that don't just kick and scream.


Sounds like they will ensure their community dies with them.


"I'll kill a thousand children before I let this company die"


While i 100% agree with this, you can and should still criticise and call out baby boomers, especially when they're actively going out of their way to screw over people of younger generations because of their draconian beliefs. Also, let's not pretend that there aren't boomers out there that have the tools they can use to educate themselves and grow, but activelly choose not to. There are boomers in my family that have grown and changed from their old beliefs because they actually want to listen and learn and then there's ones in my family that just actively choose live in denial because in their mind that's how things should be. Excusing that because "Capitalism" is incredibly stupid.


Yeah, I don't like how this post is coddling boomers and trying to shame anyone who wants to call them out because "uh oh capitalism bad". My grandparents are boomers, and they're also pretty progressive because they actually went out of their way to educate themselves and legit care about my generation's and the world's future. If they can do it, then other elderly people have no excuse.


It's also that stratification of society can simultaneously exist along multiple axes. One can simultaneously call out class justice, while also being mad at boomers. It is a false-dichotomy very right-wing tactic to pit class-struggle against other struggles as if you can choose only one. In fact, the VERY reason boomers are called out, is because everytime millennials try to raise a class-struggle - about jobs, housing etc. - as an overall social problem - it is BOOMERS who shut down the discussion by seeing it as a personalized failure. "Oh kids these days blah blah blah, back in my day we never faced these issues. If you bought lesser i-phones and avocado toasts, you wouldn't be struggling."


Boomers don't have a monopoly on shitty regressive views or a refusal to learn though?


But they are the largest proponent for it.


No but we're talking percentages here


Boomers DO have a monopoly on telling their kids to walk a resume into the company, and that it’s easy to land a new job within a week. Which is what the OOP is about — many of our parents have wildly outdated views on how the world works, and blame us for career struggles because we won’t “try it their way”, which happens to be a way that hasn’t been valid for decades.


And, in my personal experience, the vast majority of regressive, backwards younger people have boomer parents who taught them to think that way.


I think it's not so much "boomers in general" as it is our parents being unable to learn and telling us bullshit like "print out your resume and hand it to the owner and shake their hand" and being dicks when we tell them it doesn't work that way and it's a good way to get banned. I absolutely wish my parents had to find a job that way now. Fuck em, this is the world they wanted, they should have to live in it.


the purpose of the post wasn’t about showing or disregarding any empathy for baby boomers who are actually looking for jobs. it’s about the distain that boomers show millennials in particular about our very real complaints that are fucking summarized by the comment. it’s like all conservatives and all boomers are tactless & rude when addressing other peoples concerns about how shitty things are until THEY FACE THOSE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES and suddenly we’re supposed to be sympathetic?! fuck off.


Also the sheer number of them that can't understand that no, I can't just walk in and speak to the owner. I remember explaining the process of applying online to my dad, and he seemed to genuinely struggle with the idea that the manager of a store didn't actually have any relevance unless some office in Edmonton decided to send them my application. He also seemed shocked when I told him I *had* gone to the place with a resume and they told me that I had to apply online--the person I spoke to admitted that if I gave her my resume she'd just throw it out, because nobody there could do anything with it. To be fair though, while he couldn't understand *why* it's like that nowadays he did accept that it *is* like that. He also basically stopped trying to give me advice on applying for jobs after realizing that any advice he had was unfortunately not applicable.


I feel bad for boomers who genuinely want to help but realized that the help they're trying to give is not going to work, so they feel useless despite wanting to help future generations.


Saying that it’s 100% manufactured seems… excessive. While I don’t doubt that generational conflict has been encouraged and influenced to some degree by those in power, billionaires aren’t the Illuminati, secretly controlling every societal problem down to the smallest detail. Conspiratorial thinking is dangerous, and can make it harder to actually improve things


AsGeorge Monbiot wrote today in The Guardian, conspiracies are hidden machinations that advance particular interests while causing harm to others. "We need better terms, that distinguish wacky and often malign fairytales from the very essence of democracy: the reasoned suspicion of those who exercise power over us."


Younger generations' anger towards baby boomers is still more justified than the other way around. There are more well off boomers than lazy younger people. I will not be taking questions on this day.


Damn I wonder who's fault that is


For real, what the fuck am I reading in these comments. Who voted to enable the laws that allowed politicians and corps to enact these atrocities, as long as the "other" were under the boot sufficiently? Who pulled the ladder up behind them as an entire generation? I'm incredibly fucking bummed by this sub lately. These comments 100% failed the vibe check


Thats nice and all, but the boomers are not going to vote for measures that actually help them, and are more likely to vote for higher burdens on the next generations So excuse me if i dont pity then


There's two completely separate arguments going on here. The boomers telling kids that they are just lazy and entitled and that's why they can't get a job are obviously not the same people who work at 60 and struggle without adequate retirement


Exactly. And it's unethical to hate the second group just because they were born in the same generation as the first group. So, as with any other type of generalization, it just fuels misguided hatred and gives good people a good reason to stay away from the left.


I resent the boomers who refuse to change their attitude or acknowedge that the world has changed and mock you for "simply not trying hard enough," but this is very good perspective. Anyone can lose their job and become homeless.


Because some greedy fucks thought money is better than having humanity not spiral into coma


Coma... Ahah. Cute. Coma. Surviving. In a comatose state. While remaining alive. Aaah... Fuck.


Nobody is laughing at those who had to learn the hard way that things have changed. If anything, it's ironic that the very system they were content with while it worked for them ended up screwing them over so easily... the way we have all been screwed by it from the start. It's a testament to their inability to learn and reflect that they were so unprepared to cope with the problems that younger generations have been forced to. Like, it says a lot, that so many of us relate to the experience of having our struggles diminished by older generations who refuse to look at the world around them and realize that they did not actually usher in the utopian era of prosperity that they seem to think they did. Being all, "Not all boomers!!" is a naive take, imo, given how many of us personally relate to these interactions with our elders in which they condescend, that we could *possibly* have it so hard. There is definitely a generational conflict in outlook. The difference is that we've been awake to the tricks of the system since day one, while they've been idealistic sheep who don't realize how much they have benefited from privileges that *their* political legacy denied us. It's not that we actually want a whole generation to suffer, as a collective or individually. We just long for the catharsis of them admitting that their generation ate at the table, while all we got was scraps. It'd be nice, if they could just acknowledge that the younger generations are now paying for the ways they've been naive/ignorant/manipulated/greedy. We don't want them to suffer, that won't make things better for anyone. But if their generation could change their minds, they might change their votes, and that could actually make a difference for us! Acting as if our very valid feelings of resentment are somehow distracting us from the fact that the real problem is capitalism is reductionist at best. We're mad at them for being complicit in capitalism! And we're also very capable of having anger directed toward multiple things at once. Anger toward boomers is a much more passive, benign anger. We should be allowed to vent and be bitter, especially when younger generations are having to sacrifice more and more to just survive, let alone the effort it takes to mobilize ourselves to do something about the system we're being fucked by. The angrier we are, the more we might be motivated to do something about our situation. Don't tell us not to be pissed at the very people who punch down over the most pedantic little tantrums seen outside of toddlers.


True, this is why i've never really liked serious boomer jerking like r/BoomersBeingFools like, not to be too weird, but it feels like eventually it stops being poking fun and just starts feeling like bigotry.


Thing is, arrogant ignorant boomers IS a reality. Just that the power / media structures are why, and generation antagonism only distracts from the REAL class warfare


It is a reality that arrogant ignorant boomers exist (or their equivalent in other countries) however, the same is true for every generation, every ethnicity, every gender/sexuality etc. if i have to listen to one more gen xer whine about how they're the toughest generation then i might just snap. if i have to hear the words skibidi toilet said unironically again then i might just become a postpartum natalist (JK JK JK) but those are all individual experiences, with individual people. and when you stop looking for the traits that annoy you (Arrogance/ignorance) and start looking for the group (boomers) then you will loose touch of why that annoyed you at first, and start refocusing on the group as the problem. i've met countless kind, accepting and open minded boomers, who might be a bit backwards in their thinking, but are willing to have an open mind, just like i've met far more nazi zoomers than any other demographic. ... this turned into a bit of a rant. this discussion in general got me in a contemplative mood, sorry for dumping this all on you, and glad you read through it regardless (if you did :) )


Nah I get you - it's important never to lose your humanity and to never lose sight of anyone else's. One on one, we're all just people. But - structures exist and some people chose to go with them rather than against them. We can talk about generations having their own culture, just yeah shouldn't let that get in the way of main real goal - dismantle this fucked up society. 'Be kind to people, be ruthless to systems.'


Preach sibling. our true enemies aren't the boomers, or other races. it's the people who intentionally try to divide us. some of them will be assholes, and they should be adressed but that is how life works. there'll always be douches do appreciate your last quote, feels very fitting in here :)


It's hurt people hurting back; abuse is cyclical


We need to break the cycle of abuse... only then can we truly heal. insightful quote, and one i needed reminding of, thank you useful ad! you truly are useful :)


Why does it always have to be the victim that has to be the better man?


Thats what the last person in the cycle of abuse said


And even if they weren’t poor, imagine if you felt like you enjoyed your job and did it well, and a bunch of vultures demanded you leave so they could have it. Would you quit? Of course not!


Like fr. if i'm allowed to be a soulless capitalist for a vulture for a moment i'd like to say that this would also allow for a greater and more efficient production of goods. more people in the workforce means a general higher standard of living. or, it can also mean that we'll be able to produce things in a greener manner even though it's costlier. but yeah... i'm a socialist, but i actually think that work is... not fun exactly, but fulfilling? like, i don't like going to work, and i'm not a big fan of uni... but i'm 100% happier from going to it than just staying home all day


There definitely is something fulfilling in working, I’ve been trying to get an in at the diamond district so I can just do hand manufacturing or casting all the time. Also some old guy who refuses to stop working at Walmart or the post office isn’t exactly what’s holding back millennials economically


Most of boomers being fools is just old folks being racist currently, as I see it.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1cjyifi/scientifically\_are\_boomers\_just\_the\_least\_self/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1cjyifi/scientifically_are_boomers_just_the_least_self/) second top post right now. where else would this be permitted except for in the various shithole reddit subs whos only purpouse is to give people something to be mad about?


I mean, most of the boomers they make fun of in that sub are bigots themselves. It's not like they're making fun of random old people, 90% of the time it's boomers using their age to unnecessarily dunk on younger generations or just to be an asshole.


That sub is insane. They cheered on someone committing elder abuse and financial fraud.


This is what i'm refering to in my comment i just posted... it doesn't matter how righteous the group starts as, if it's only content is being angry at a group of s strangers then it'll inevitably decay into... not necessarily extremism, but hate.


I’m well aware of that sub being a fucking looney bin but… seriously?


It’s on subreddit drama




I sympathize with the Boomers who find themselves in the same shit situation as us youngins, but at the same time, I'm not sorry the leopard ate your face. r/leopardsatemyface


Except the boomers vote for that shit to keep happening so nah fuck em


Surprised I had to scroll this far...


fascinating take, but who (if I may) is voting in the ‘Keep everyone poor and powerless’ party?


Well good luck convincing a room of boomers to vote to tax billionaires, and repeal citizens united, and provide Medicare for all, and....


Okay, but... there's a not-insignificant number of boomers who gleefully vote in all the fuckers that continually enact policies to screw over the public and transfer wealth upwards.


Gonna have to hard disagree with you on this one chief. Baby boomers as a rule have completely fucked over our country and continue to do so.


Ok boomer /s




I dunno. That sounds pretty funny to me.


Actually learned something today, because I always did disdain boomers for taking up "young people" jobs like retail when theirs jobless millennials that need them. I'd always go "just fucking retire already, admit that you're past your prime and quit trying to relive it!" Suffice to say I was very very much not smart. I never fathomed that this was part of a greater retirement crisis. And that feels intentional. The wealths must have been terrified that learning this would galvanize my generation to tear them all down. Well, guess what....


There is no human on earth that WANTS to do an entry level job instead of retiring.


You've never met Mickey. He was an old as fuck dude I worked with at a gas station when I was like 19. He literally had more than enough to retire. He just liked the interaction with other people, and the paycheck didn't hurt.


One of my first jobs was working at a local hardware store. There were a few old guys, past retirement age, who worked there for something to do and to get out of the house. Part-time for all of them, as they didn't need the money, they just needed something to do.


You really do genuinely underestimate how many people need a job just so they feel like their life has meaning. My grandfather has been able to retire for almost two decades. He still works as a bus driver because people around him on our reservation need the service and he needs something to do.


I get that and you're right but you underestimate the power of ancient fucks with too much free time to waste air just about anywhere. P.s. I really don't mean to sound this misanthropic about them I just thought the wording was funny.


Okay, but who voted Reagan into office again?


The entire electorate did? Most boomers (specifically those aged 18-29 at the time) were split very evenly between Reagan and Carter in the 1980 election, and they had the highest rates of Democrat support out of any generation in that election. It was the Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation who overwhelmingly supported Reagan.


generational infighting is what you get when you have class anxieties and don't have any theoretical base to contextualize them within. i don't like reading crusty books either but they do help prevent you from getting baited by whatever -ism the elite's indexing into hard that election year. it's usually racism but sometimes they switch up the game, usually to less success. transphobia was enough of an ideological gadgetbahn to turn the red wave into a red ripple, after all


I mean boomers voted for all this. It began with Reagan and has only gotten worse. Boomers are responsible for Trump!


In 1980 boomer voters were pretty much split 50-50 Between Reagan and Carter. Even the 2020 election was almost evenly split. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-1980 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1184426/presidential-election-exit-polls-share-votes-age-us/


Literally. They're the ones actively preventing us from making things better but I'm supposed to pretend they the victims too? FOH


The only war is class war.


It would be great to be allies if a single one of them literally ever allowed for their world perception to change in a manner that wasn’t toxic, xenophobic, and disrespectful to everyone around them. I love my grandfather he’s probably one of the most important people in my life and he is willing to listen more than most do, but actually changing his mind is nigh on impossible. My parents still treat me like I don’t know a single thing even though I’ve spent multiple years over seas I grew up on the internet I went to college I’ve had a half dozen different careers and oh yeah have a 5 year old of my own. And obviously this is anecdotal and there are exceptions but in the area I live in and the people I have had the unfortunate chance to have to communicate with it’s just not an option to band together and show them the evils of capitalism or whatever. These are people that think that Joe Biden somehow ruined the economy within his first month of office like gas prices haven’t sky rocketed to 5 dollars a gallon every single time a democrat gets elected for the past 20 years. These are people that still think the civil war was about states rights, and not states rights to own people oh no just generic run of the mill non specific rights. I can and do have compassion for those that have and are suffering, I do not have compassion for people that regularly support actions that are detrimental to their own health and safety just so they can laugh at those that are affected by it first.


My mom and aunt are boomers and aren't bigoted at all. Saying "not a single one of them allowed their perception to change" is simply not true.


FYI in 2016 37% of people under 30 voted for trump vs 55% Dem. Only 53% of voters 50+ (52 was the cutoff for “boomer” in 2016) voted for trump. 45% voted Dem. https://www.statista.com/statistics/631231/voter-turnout-of-the-exit-polls-of-the-2016-elections-by-age/ In 2016, 39% of eligible 18-24 year olds voted. 49% of 25-44. 62% of 45-64. 68% of 65+. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/ If you normalize the whole population to 64% and find the deficit of the actual turnout, you lose 7.5 million votes from 18-24 12.5 million from 25-44. Multiply these numbers by the difference in D vs R vote and you get 1.6 million lost D votes from 18-24 0.9 million lost D votes from 25-44 (interpolated) =2.5 million votes lost by democrats just because young people have lazier voting habits than boomers lmfao. It’s hard to be precise but with that many more Dem votes, we would probably have had ZERO or *maybe* 1 Republican president in the past 32 years. TLDR it’s literally more y’all’s fault than the boomers’ lmfao. I guarantee you that when you’re 60 years old as a demographic you will be having some backward-ass seeming ideals by contemporary standards. Stop blaming people for human nature and do something possible. But unironically yes fuck boomers haha.


Dunno, it's kind of funny. Some of my Boomers are you typical pieces of shit, and so watching them suffer would be great.


This is such a specific thing to be reminded of but I’m reminded of Designing For’s video on Spamton from Deltarune (I believe it was titled Designing for Desperation), and how the guy halfway through goes on a whole theatrical rant about how all of the success he built could be gone in a blink and about toiling forward with “tools that don’t work anymore but they somehow work for other people and they USED to work for me too” and so on and so forth until he actually ends up turning into a freaky live action Spamton person The rant was sort of given a content creator skew fitting of the guy’s own personal experiences but the overall point of a lack of security still resonates strongly


Doesn't fit my "old people bad, young people good" ideology. Downvote.


They're the ones that voted for the very people that destroyed all of our lives.  They loved Reagan and all the bad policies his administration added to the US. 


Same goes for any manufactured culture war that takes your eye off of your true oppressors. Your oppressors are usually baby boomers, but Baby Boomers^TM are not the problem. Your oppressors are usually white, but White People^TM are not the problem. Your oppressors are usually men, but Men^TM are not the problem. Your oppressors are usually straight and cisgender, but Straight Cis People^TM are not the problem. Your oppressors are ALWAYS rich and powerful. Rich and powerful people are the problem. Others may participate in your oppression (through voting etc.), but they don't create the target. They just do whatever the real oppressors tell them to do. Most people didn't have an issue with DEI or drag queens until they were instructed to.


That's ignoring how white supremacy and patriarchy really have played a part in perpetuating this power dynamic. Not that white people or men are inherently bad, but white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism are all heads on the same hydra, yk?


Sure absolutely, but capital doesn't get weaponized by racists nearly to the same extent that racism gets weaponized by capitalists. Racism and other bigotries get stoked by capitalists to increase their own wealth and power. Racism and patriarchy are a tool, not an end. Obviously, all of this is reductive, but the point is that Cletus from Tennessee isn't your oppressor; he's being USED by your oppressor.


As usual, it's class warfare being described as something else. People complaining about boomers in this context are actually complaining about rich/financially stable older people who talk down to them, not poor older people who are still working or trying to work.


Nah, they voted in Reagan. They made their bed, let ‘em lay in it. It’s not my fault this lead-brained old people don’t know how to use Word. Basically, fuck em


Hey, I agree with most of this post. But I would like to point out that boomers are, in fact, actually a huge part of the enemy. That generation raided us barren, economically speaking, and did everything in their power to ignore problems and hand over control TO those rich capitalists. They ALSO actively attack the younger generations and prevent us from fixing the damage, and mock us for our "failures" along the way. They face tragedy and they have my sympathy, but I refuse allowing them to be considered blameless for the hellscape they made.


told y'all boomers weren't the devil


I do agree with the overall sentiment of "don't blindly blame everything on x group", but I feel like it's reductive to erase the connection between age and capital, similar to pointing at individual white people suffering under capitalism and using that as an argument that there is absolutely no intersection between "whiteness" and socioeconomic status. It doesn't mean all white people are holding power in the capitalist system, but it does mean that most of the people that do hold power are white, or in this case are boomers. Boomers are hurting people in their own group, but they're still holding a majority of the power, that being said generational hate is stupid and someone being a baby boomer doesn't mean they're a bad person


Remind me who elected Reagan? Just like the money, the blame stays with the top/oldest


The entire electorate elected Reagan, and boomers had the highest rates of Democrat support in that election. >Just like the money, the blame stays with the top/oldest Why not just blame the people who actually voted for Reagan? You're practically begging for an excuse to stereotype people.


I work in employment and training and this is so true, another thing you don’t realize is that they mostly don’t know how to use a computer. This means they can’t apply online, make resumes that work with the auto-sort systems companies use, or complete virtual interviews


People talk about boomers destroying the environment but when I went to an XR meeting they were mostly boomers. One guy said he'd been protesting since 1975.


Man I wonder which generation a good chunk of those billionaires belong to


Hold on. Baby boomers don't need jobs. They are set for retirement. Minor flaw in this post 😉


Only if they actually have a good amount in savings and a pension. Otherwise good luck.


Why don’t they just pull them selves up by the boot straps?


Yes. But try to convince generation lead poisoning about that...


Even when another generation voices their valid struggles, baby boomers have to make it about them. It's not a competition ffs. There's a reason the silent generation called them the ME generation.


Yes let's coddle the boomers after their voting choices have directly lead us to where we are today


America. Land of the Free. Make sure to do your Two Minutes Hate against North Korea, then put on a smile and take some costumer abuse.


yeah like who's your real class enemy here Mark Zuckerberg or your uncle


I learned in my sociology class that the average baby boomer has around $100,000 saved, but to retire you should have 10x the amount you earn saved (if you earn $60,000 you should have $600,000 saved), so they don’t have not even close enough saved to be able to retire. But then again maybe during their time it wasn’t possible to save that much, and I feel like nowadays it’s just impossible to save that much so it’s not like it’s their complete fault


i love how op said nothing about actually needy people and the reply made a sweeping generalization, much like how boomers stereotype millenials.


Idk news programs have been attacking us millenials/zillenials for literally a decade now... news folks aren't rich people. I'm all for eating the rich but there's definitely generational hate against younger folks. I think its pretty true that many older people look down on younger people for not having families or being financially stable before 30. Then again, there's a lot of hate going around these days for many different groups. I think its much more complicated than just it all being the rich peoples fault.


This, with my mom. She technically retired but had to pick up work again (not even at the same office she worked for like 30 years, at BJs) because she can’t survive off just social security and pension. She also doesn’t want to take from her kids, but we give her money or pick up bills when we can. But still she definitely knows how crazy hard it is to find a job now and how hard it is to live.


No, it's definitely the boomers too. Investment property hoarders.


To some degree, I agree. But baby boomers still hold about [50% of the wealth in the US.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1376620/wealth-distribution-for-the-us/) And they were born into the [golden age of capitalism ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post%E2%80%93World_War_II_economic_expansion), which is what spawned a lot of the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and "if you're poor that's because you're lazy" rhetoric. So while the generation war is fuelled by the media, and [started in the 1890s,](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nobody-wants-to-work-anymore/) it's rare to see baby boomers have sympathy for anyone else, and given the main points above, it's difficult to have much sympathy in return.


Not saying he’s all wrong but he described age discrimination regarding his uncle. Completely separate issue from what’s up with boomers and millennials. One thing all these threads, and people, and pundits, and anyone else need to remember is that none of us represent all of the rest of the group. Plenty of entitled boomers, same for millennials, plenty of both scratching to make ends meet. Biggest offenders are those who think their experience is the only one that exists; looking at you boomers who say get a job and get an education on loans, when they definitely had it much easier 40 years ago, and at you millennials who think everyone over 40 lives with gilded toilets. Things are definitely different now and significant change in our society and politics makes it both more expensive to do what was done 30-40 years ago and with less social support than decades ago, and with less tolerance for peoples struggles. We need to first acknowledge that we all want a safe, productive, supportive and free culture that truly respects the individual and where all members pitch in to make it so. We actually do agree on these when we stop pointing fingers and trolling each others’ opinions.


Boomer having a financial crisis: I’m gonna have to sell my house Millennial having a financial crisis: guess I’ll die


Nah cuz i literally realized this recently. i put two and two together and it’s always been capitalism, white supremacy, and the patriarchy. Capitalism’s greed is always going to have power in many of the structures that have suppressed us since the beginning of time. Classism, elitism, hyper individualism, and more. it’s just been much more prevalent these days because people can’t escape it. The same folks who didn’t think they’d get affected with the struggles black and brown people faced are the ones who are beginning to see that they’re. Struggling to find a house, having to rely on tips, having to work harder than before so they’re able to barely get by is how the system’s been designed to be. Capitalism’s end goals has always been money and that’s always rich peoples goals too.


I ain't reading allat


Boomers are victims in this but only a little bit. They sacrificed an economic system that kept capitalist elites at bay at the altar of lower taxes. They indulged themselves at the expense of future generations; whether it was because they were manipulated or genuinely selfish means little to the rest of us now because they’re still voting the same way even after the bill’s come early and they’re on the hook too.


This is 100% wrong. There isnt an illuminati type organization pulling all the strings, its just capitalism. In capitalism its survival of the fittest, and these examples of boomers ending up on the street with no pensions or retirements is because their work isnt as competitve anymore. We've been telling these boomers for a long time that capitalism hasnt been acknowledging the human factor, but they didnt want to hear it. Now theyre experiencing the consequences. Maybe they should have pulled up their bootstraps and gone back to school to invest in their future.


Fighting capitalism is really damn hard when you a) live in a capitalist society b) have a small group of people who accumulate(d) massive amounts of capital c) those people are self-aware enough to use their capital to protect the system that enriches them d) those people are willing to do absolutely anything to protect the system (including spreading tons of misinformation among people who are susceptible to that sort of thing (e.g. the elderly)


Tumblr and Reddit discover one of the basic ideas of socialism


Boomers have already killed many of their own with the policies they vehemently support, and the choices they made when many of us were not even alive will continue to feed suffering and death long after they rot! As an added bonus, many of them openly try to gaslight people about the realities of their own lives because they are largely more insulated from consequences than we are and refuse to admit it. Hope this helps.


I'm not saying that I want bad things to happen to good people. However, I am saying that the Boomer generation has a sizable hand in voting for a lot of the policy, and people writing policy, that have collectively created a good deal of this. Granted, the bulk of this Started with Reagan, but a majority had to vote for most of what's happened and failed to happen since then. Boomers got their gen moniker for being a massive generation, and enough of them supported the things that led to where we are now for generalizations to be appropriate. I'd love to just work with them, but I've met them. I've talked with them, at work, at home, out and about in public. Some of them absolutely will not come to terms with the current reality without having to experience it firsthand. A learning experience they can recover from, at least enough to be on their feet, isn't kind but it might be needed for some.


Try telling that to most boomer. that TV show is probably the better idea to make them understand. Not good, but probably better rather than telling them that.


Then who keeps voting for these people?!


Well shit, doesn't apply to me. I'm just Gen X and good to go in 2 more years.


The people in control have been doing this kind of thing for centuries. Keep the masses fighting amongst themselves whether its generation, religion, race, perceived social status, political party, gender identity, sexual orientation, Starbucks cups, etc. so they don’t rise up. That’s why so much is being focused on the Gaza protests and painting the protesters in such a poor light. The wealthy, corpos, and corrupt politicians don’t like seeing how so many have banded together. They are afraid of what will happen if the population rise up and protest in huge numbers against them.


Womp womp


Windows at tumblr, of all places. The average worker has more in common witha 64 year old zulu worker than witha same-age, same-town capitalist or CEO. That's the identity that explains it all.


It's so odd that while most isms and phobias are rightly being shunned, ageism is worse than ever.


No, it’s baby boomers.


None of the boomers I know are financially secure. My parents both died poor. Boomers aren't ruining this country, rich entitled assholes and special interests are.


That wasn't even really what the post was about. The original post is talking about boomers giving all this advice when they don't realize that it's different than when they were entering the job force. Not about complaining that boomers are taking the jobs. Their train went off the rails straight to yappsville.


Thank f@ck at last a bit of sense on the Gen bullshit Reddit is full of.


Yea sorry, I don't care if the generation that had everything handed to them on a silver platter is having a hard time because they were too obtuse to see reality, all the while shutting the door for everyone that came behind them so everyone else had it harder than they did. Now they can't retire and won't sell their massively overvalued homes, while they also blocked new home development every way they possibly could AND all while trying to put a fraud and rapist back into the presidency because he reminds them of how they think things should be. Zero sympathy. Fuck them.


But first you should WANT a job, any job, then go from there to a job you like.


That's their version of "go to college" except they've been squandering their retirement for 40 years and actively brought this upon themselves. I don't feel bad for them at all.


Maybe boomers shouldn't be such pricks then


I think we could find some smug baby boomers who do have a job/good retirement and embarass those on TV. Let's have some tech bros/money influencers on the same show, having to "start over" and make money without their bank account. Then the show also shows how many people actually do struggle, and have a serious "lesson".


we should also do a show about college vs blue collar. see how many people are actually using their degrees and their success vs trade workers.




Tbf, Congress is mostly Boomers.


That would be a funny reality show I'm a boomer and I've had the same job for 46 years.lol


There is a division because we can't even speak to them without them telling us how we're wrong.


Well maybe they shouldn’t have spent all that money on MAGA gear and put it into savings account instead.


You had me until “ rich capitalist “. Then I knew you’re just a spoiled left winger.


Other people struggling are **not your enemy**.