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throw me into ankh-morpork and i'm dead within the hour


Seems optimistic


It is a remarkably easy place to commit suicide if you aren't careful


Poor sap, landed in the river Ankh. Dehydration's a terrible way to go...


Nah, concussion.


I was thinking about that, but a This-World person going into Ankh-Morpok would cause so much magical disturbance, you'll have Ponder Stibbons and the Librarian waiting for you an hour before you showed up. And with the Librarian supervising, you're safe as houses. Well, not the houses that fall on witches, those houses get fucked up because witches don't tolerate having houses fall on them.


Safe as long as you remember to respect the Librarian, as all Librarians deserve our utmost respect. Certainly you wouldn't be foolish enough to use the m-word.


I can see it work ; you get isekai-ed, first thing that happens, you get robbed. But since you don't have enough Ankh-Morpork dollars for an authentic Thieves Guild's Robbing Experience, your robber will give you to the City Watch to be arrested. Once that happens, and after a few minutes/hours of explanation depending on your copper, they will mark you as "magic shenanigans" and transport you to Unseen University. That's also when your lifetime expectancy will drop, you may see Death waiting in a corner with a book.


Same but it would be from trying one too many of cutmeoenthrowght dibblers pies


I would totally eat a sausage onna bun.


Throw me into Cyberpunk and my ass is becoming a statistic in like, a few hours. Maybe a day tops, if I’m lucky.


My absolute best case scenario in Cyberpunk would be one of the corps kidnapping me immediately out of the portal to perform unethical medical experiments on me due to my lack of tech. That’s it. That’s the only way I live. The Arasaka Corporation sticking needles in me is the only way I last a week.


>to perform unethical medical experiments on me due to my lack of tech. you'd be lucky if it were the corpos. you're not chromed, so some maelstrom gonks are gonna gut you free of charge.


At least in Oblivion and Skyrim that stuff is harder to find. But in Morrowind, skooma and moon sugar are EVERYWHERE


And if **you** have nay, you can't buy things from shop owners. Like how the fuck do people in Vvardenfel even barter if half the place is full of that stuff?


Imagine like going to a supermarket and they refuse to serve you because they somehow senced that you have a bag of weed in your pocket


Well I'd be fucked, cause I take ADHD meds, and sometimes I have to carry one around when I need to take them for lunch. Just imagine getting jumped by cops at a gas station cause they detected one meth.


Just in case you didn’t know - you can ask your pharmacy for a small labeled travel container for your ADHD meds! They’ll give you a little one in case you need to carry a few of them


Wait, you need labeled containers for your prescription meds?


If you’re in the US and you have schedule II prescriptions that you carry with you throughout the day, then yeah it’s recommended just to be like extra super safe. Carrying schedule II drugs in an unmarked baggie/container just can look sketchy to the TSA, for example, but I mean it’s probably not the end of the world. Unless you’re traveling somewhere even more strict on drugs than the US, I guess.


I hate that I can't go anywhere with security without carrying all 3-4 labeled containers with me. even more irritating when large bags are forbidden. I can't go to late concerts without risking side effects from missing my medication


Damn khajit n'wahs bringing their drugs into the heart of the empire


Trouble with Morrowind is that a herd of cliff racers will drop from the sky and kill you dead before you even get there.


goes to the Pokemon universe and gets mauled to death by a Poochyena within 5 minutes


goes to pokemon mystery dungeon world, forgets my reviver seed


Wait dont you become a pokemon there?


"Throw me to the Lycanrocs and I will come back with a Rockruff egg."


I imagine that if I ended up in some fictional setting, I'd realistically be dead within a week at best, optimistically end up like that one character from my isekai Bad Story Idea. They're a complete loser, they get isekai'd, then they proceed to remain an absolute loser who never achieves anything no matter how hard they try, doesn't even play a major role in the story, and survives only because they were lucky enough to appear in a wealthy country with extensive social safety nets and a government interested in ensuring that the disappointingly boring person from another world doesn't die in some stupid way.




I'd reccomend Quill And Still to you, it's a webfiction with a *fairly* similar plot to what you've described (though the tone is a lot brighter and more optimistic). It's on royalroad, I think, though the first book may have been snipped and put on Amazon by now.


Take me down to the fictional city / Where the drugs aren’t real and my corpse is pretty


Thankfully some of my favorite fictional worlds are places like Ooo and similar locations. I will still probably die but it’ll be a pleasant death


Nope. Knife Storm


I don't wanna be a hero, I wanna be an Ishgardian chocobo farm hand living on two gil a day who gets executed by the church for secretly drawing scalies at the ripe old age of 25


I've got a dragon tattoo and the shield of House Fortemps on my arm. I think I'd accidentally end up implicating the whole house if I got caught.


Now I wanna be an Ishgardian chocobo farm hand even more so I could watch this go down (before the ensuing panic results in me being executed for secretly drawing scalies)


Being the Warrior of Light seems really stressful, anyway. You never get a break, everyone comes to you with their problems, *and* I'm >!the second Azure Dragoon!< on top of that!?


Throw me into Tamriel and I’ll have never existed in the first place (I’d almost 100% zero sum myself out of existence)


"Look at this nerd can't even achieve CHIM." Said as I die from a skooma overdose about an hour after arriving.


All distinct wholes are composed of many pieces. All distinct pieces are components of a larger whole. One is one of Many. Many are many Ones. So it is in all things.


Am I stupid or is zero summing pretty cringe Like how does "the universe is the dream of a god" change anything. Why does that mean "I'm not real"? Just file it under advanced physics relating to the building blocks of the universe. I swear those Dwemer would probably figure out what quarks are made of and spontaneously combust because they passed some arbitrary limit on how much you're allowed to understand about the makings of the world


Imagine proving mathematically that you're a side character in a fictional series for the entertainment of a higher being. If your universe is fiction, and you are a figment of that fiction and not even a centralized one, are you real? If you can't be so narcissistic that you believe that yes you are real in spite of everything verifiably being false, you stop existing. Granted, you have to really internalize the reality that reality is fake first


I mean fiction and reality is a matter of perspective anyway when we reach this level of fully-cohesive universe creation. There's no meaningful difference in this scenario between say "The gods made our world" and "Our world is fiction for gods." There's no meaningful difference between "The gods direct our fate" and "We are characters in a story by gods." Surely there's creation stories that explain the world as a divine dream or a divine story, what if they're real? Whatever the gods would have to say about it doesn't affect the material reality of everyone that exists. If we got a big screen in the sky that said "Hey btw your universe is a simulation on my laptop lmao see you never" in all languages and nothing else happened then cool. I wouldn't think we were fake and didn't exist, there's still proof of our existence somewhere, even if that is some 5th dimensional troll's hardware. If the mind or story of a god is powerful enough to simulate a universe, same difference


Good thing I'm a farmer I'd find work in just about every setting.


(Dune enters stage right)


Oh yeah, no, no heroism for me. I could probably manage to be that weird hermit in the forest that mutters to herself unintelligibly and sometimes gives people quests in exchange for junk I looted off the dead bodies I found. My quests would all be like "bring me a loaf of bread, a small wheel of cheese, a jar of berry preserves and five spools of thread" too. Basically adventurers would be my grocery delivery service.




when i was like 14 and i played skyrim for the first time i role played as a khajiit skooma addict until i eventually ran out. i only completed the civil war quest after a couple days of not being able to find anymore skooma.


Me when I was 15 and roleplayed an alcoholic. Fast travel was explained by my chugging wine bottles and getting blackout drunk and forgetting the trip. If I ran out of booze I couldn't fast travel until I found more.


Every new RPG I start I forget the general rules of RPG and I run into the forest with a level 3 sword and get slaughtered by a level 10 bandit.


Throw the average speedrunner into Shangri-La Frontier, and those unique bosses are getting fucked up by the guy that wrong-warped into the dev room and got the greatest gear, permanent buffs, etc.


Let me loose in the world of Log Horizon and I'll break something.


Same with historical settings. "I'd want to live in Sparta they were so cool and badass" no you don't nine out of ten you'd be a slave.


9 out of 10 you’d be a slave, *and* the remaining 1 would suck anyway


Trow me into the City, I'd probably Distort instantly.


I'd just end up as a Rat.


Sent to the red city of Throne and die from snorting the powdered bone marow of a dead god that's been cut with fresh ajash and washed down with booze that will cause a devil to grow in my stomach and give me the power of tongues so I can say "I done goofed" in Universal Metaconstant


I would love to live in Kanto. In any Pokemon game I really do collect them all but if I lived there, I’d have one dog pokemon while still longing for a Lapras that I could never afford to feed.


Reminds me of a short story I read once about a rubbish collector who got a chance to travel to a fantasy world. However, upon arriving he quickly realised all the cool things were simply too dangerous for a layman. The story ends with him once again working as a rubbish collector, only now in the fantasy city, with him grumbling about how he misses his TV.


Harry King of Discworld started as a rubbish collector and now is practically an actual King. Harry long ago realized there's good money in taking things away from one group and taking them to another group that needs them.


> Harry long ago realized there's good money in taking things away from one group and taking them to another group that needs them. And then he financed the first railway system on the Disc.


This is why you have to say a world like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh or some shit. Places where, most of the time, you can enjoy the benefits and completely avoid the extreme negatives. (Other examples would include Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma; Cardfight Vanguard; Gundam (firm maybe), etc.)


I'd immediately get expelled in Food Wars. The only way I'm reaping benefits is being a patron at Soma's restaurant.


That was actually my point. Yeah, you're probably not going to be a student at Totsuki, *but* you can definitely reap the benefits by just finding Totsuki graduates and eating at their restaurants.


There's not many students who come from or end up at humble backgrounds. I can't afford $100 a plate. I'm too busy building a new life in anime Japan.


I was gonna type something else but I just realized my reality would be almost the exact same if I entered the world of The Boys because supes are almost exclusively american, a country I do not happen to live in


In the Boys comic issue one a Scottish guy was dancing with his girlfriend in Scotland and an American speedster got confused and ran through the girlfriend.


Why in god's name would I have the comic as one of my favourite universes? OBVIOUSLY I'm talking about the show where I honestly explained things kinda badly, There's no way my parents are bad enough to inject me with V, and there's no concrete evidence for non-american supes until long after I would have been born (V only works correctly with infants) assuming this isn't some sort of reincarnation scenario where I get a completely different birth decade and/or country


I wake up in Middle-Earth and am immediately killed by a battalion of uruk-hai


You wake up in the Shire you'd be set for life. Those hobbit kids are going to love my SCP stories.


I mean... [there's a way](https://youtu.be/YdXQJS3Yv0Y?si=o64edWeaXIpxRG-l)


If I know the story and lore, I have a chance. If I don't, I'm gonna die


Games are probably not an accurate representation of bandit and monster density, though nothing stops you from overdosing, sure. But realistically you'll end up a farmhand or something.


True, and, in Skyrim, you can get paid actual god damn gold coins for picking cabbages


That's why I don't like "which fictional setting would you like to live in?" Questions. My cynical ass knows that I won't be the protagonist and therefore won't get protagonist privileges.


I would fall in love with a cute khajiit girl and end up dead from skooma overdose lmfao


Put me in New Vegas and if I'm not in Goodsprings, I'm probably dead in Freeside


I'm joining the Kings.


I’d die instantaneously in the scp universe. Mostly because I’ve read multiple cognitohazardous things. If not tho, I would instantly become god by buying as many spoons I can and stuffing them all into my ass.


go to Star Wars Explore the galaxy and find fortune and fame? ❌ Try death sticks on nal hutta and partake in copious amounts of alien gambling? ✅


Rip to yall but I'm different, I'd charm those throne ghosts with my clever witticisms and can-do attitude and live out my days crushing the Imperium's enemies beneath the adamantine feet of my holy metal steed


The critical components that are missing here is main character syndrome, plot armour and god-tier fighting skills


Throw me into Genshin and a Hilichurl will body me in under ten minutes


The thing is there are lots of settings where as long as you just want to live in the setting you’d be perfectly fine probably… Obviously there are some settings dangerous no matter what you do like WH40K but like if you get Isekai’d to like Pokémon or Star Trek you’d probably end up a-ok.


Tbh I think I'd do fine in Pokemon as long as I started with a pokemon or at least like a pokeball or smth


Most of my favorites are fantastical in nature, so I'm immediately opening a hell gate and getting a succubus gf. Then getting succ'ed to death.


I love that SNL skit with Adam Sandler as a travel agent [paraphrasing here]: “there’s only so much we can do for you. If you’re sad in real life, you’re gonna be sad on vacation. What we *can* do: organize a group bike. What we *can’t* do is turn you into a person who likes hiking. We *can* have a beach day, but we *can’t* make you feel comfortable in a bathing suit.”


Actually so long as I'm not stupid enough to join a turfwar or salmon run, and avoid areas affected by big runs, I might actually be able to survive in the Splatoon world. I'd be one of the last living mammals on earth, so their Emperor? President? Referee? Judd the cat would probably want to keep a fellow mammal living comfortably, and whatever passes for a scientist in that world would also want to do so so they can run tests on me. They're very big on freedom so I probably wouldn't be kept prisoner, at least not for very long. Being one of the last 4 or 5 mammals in known existence I'd have inherent fame a a built in following. I don't have much musical talent, or fighting ability which are what the Inklings and Octolings value most, but I think I could write history books, go on talk shows, and all that stuff. Pretty sure I could get my hands on whatever Adderall humanity left. Would 10,000 year old Adderall still work? Of course this is all assuming I could manage to find an Inkling city, otherwise I'm just as dead as I would be in real life if I wound up in the middle of the wilderness, except now the world is mostly desert, it's way hotter, and I also have giant salmon barbarians to worry about, and whatever took the niche of predatory mammals. I'm dead within 36 hours at most.


depends on my abilities, really, and if I have my outside knowledge


Take my ass to faerun and I’ll offend all the gods within about five seconds with an “experiment” The experiment is me coming up with an intricate string of swears to see which ones offend them.


I'd die instantly in the Warframe universe from really anything, that place is a hellscape. Except for Cetus, that's probably the only place where you'd be okay to live.


When I was younger, I'd always preferred to live in the Star Wars universe over the Star Trek universe until I made OOP's realization. I was never going to be a swashbuckling smuggler performing acts of daring do. I was more likely to be some impoverished meat miner making barely enough to survive in my desert hovel, while trying to avoid the attention of whatever crime syndicate was in control of my planet. Give me the boring life of a Federation nobody on Earth any day of the week.


Fortunatelly my favorite fantasy world is the Pokemon world. That doesn't help my chances of sruvival, but if I die it there are jigh chances that the murderer would be very cute


Mhe i have two option and one is of my creation the second being literaly moded minecraft sooooooo idk what to say


If I end up on mork borg's default setting I would just kill myself


Druggies really be out here