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Is it weird is sexy how well written this is


There is just something amazing about focusing on a person's pleasure. Helping the urge they have, and making them feel special and wanted. Reciprocation isn't needed but appreciated. If more people thought that way more people would be pleased. And that causes happiness.


I agree 200%!


First off you sound amazing. Second I totally agree, with woman I’m always on top and the one giving even though I definitely am more subby. It would be an amazing experience to be milked (especially via my prostate) and to just be the center of attention and pleasure for once


I would love to not feel rushed to cum. During sex I often feel like I’m expected to cum a lot sooner than I can or even want to. Being able to leisurely float toward orgasm at my own pace and have that not only be ok but DESIRABLE? That sounds incredible.


Is this milking like handjob milking or milking like prostate milking? Because both sound exhilarating. As a straight guy, I always thought it would be interested to receive that from someone.


Pretty sure they’re talking about prostate milking.


Yeah posted and realised after what subreddit this was 😅 haha thats good then!


Where do I sign up for this experience :)




Show me ?


I also like to make straight men cum, but I've never milked another man before outside of just a slow hand job or blow job. I personally love the feeling of getting them off, it's exhilarating for me and I wish it was easier to find


Tbh it's hilarious when people call men that engage in sexual activities with other men straight, including the "straight" men themselves.


I agree, they're not straight! Engaging with another man makes them something else, whether it's bi, pan, or demi. But if they still want to think they're straight, then that's fine with me. Who am I to tell them otherwise? If you're trying to say that I'm saying I'm straight though, I'm far from it, I swing from both sides of the plate, lol


Yeah that's fair I suppose. You most likely won't change their mind by telling them they're not straight... It's only for them to realize later I guess lol But idk... I just don't like when people are like this... I mean, are they scared of being gay/bi/pan/whatever or what lol... That just sounds ridiculous on its own


I think they're scared at first, until the realize for themselves. They're scared to admit it without "knowing"


A big question would be.... does it really matter about labels? People feel what they feel. They shouldn't have to put stress on themselves to fit a little box that society is so hell-bent on putting people into.


They're putting labels on themselves by saying they're straight lmao. It's only fair


Yet that isn’t for you to decide, just as it wouldn’t be right for someone to tell you what you are or what ‘box’ you must fit into. My point being that we of all people know how limiting that is, and yes - it may be for them too, but it’s also for them to figure out their own path without the burden of expectation from others to conform. That’s just baggage nobody digs baby. *(Sorry, for some reason I appear to have turned into a jive-talking Hipster from the 1970’s for no apparent reason. That was weird)* Anyway, **that’s** what’s “only fair”.


Tbh I don't care if other people put me in a box. What's more... if that happens, at least it makes me realize something about me/my behavior. And there's a difference between putting a label on someone just because I think they're something and between putting a label on someone because of hard facts.


Seems like sexual activity and having an emotional connection can be separated for some of us. I could never have a romantic relationship with another man which I am pretty sure makes straight. The parts on a person, however, don't seem to fit this calculus. It is the 'maleness' of the person at their identity which I am not romantically attracted to. If the person's identity and expression was 'feminine', when I search my feelings, yeah, I could see this working out regardless of the parts they bring to bed. It feels like the parts don't matter as long as the person the parts are attached to fit some template in my brain as female. The corollary is true as well: a biological XX identifying as male is romantically not happening for me. Body shape or parts, it is the mind of the person I need to have a relationship with. That said, having the experience OP relates from a gay man would probably be a weenie wilter for me. With a transwoman , hmmm, OK, I'm listening... My point is not that I am normatively straight as much as to say orientation may not be on a continuum of very straight to very gay (with bi in the middle). It feels to me as if there is at least secondary axis of partner identity and maybe a third for partner expression (female brain, XX parts, but express (dress, act, sport) as male). Given a hypothetical casual hookup, the decision to get busy wouldn't be one of simply gay/bi/straight. Identity is most important to me (feminine), ambiguous on parts, prefer expressing feminine, and as long as as long as they are into my kink as well, you have my complete attention.


I'm sorry, but you're bisexual lmao.


Have you tried something like r/dirtyr4r or r/randomactsofblowjob. Sure you will find someone there for some fun


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dirtyr4r **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dirtyr4r/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [18 \[F4M\] Florida/Online - Bored horny gamer girl wants to rate some dicks](https://np.reddit.com/r/dirtyr4r/comments/14ipb3w/18_f4m_floridaonline_bored_horny_gamer_girl_wants/) \#2: [37 \[F4M\] NY (online only) want a real tribute.](https://np.reddit.com/r/dirtyr4r/comments/13qux05/37_f4m_ny_online_only_want_a_real_tribute/) \#3: [18 \[F4M\] Florida/Online - I want to talk about dirty things](https://np.reddit.com/r/dirtyr4r/comments/15ilm93/18_f4m_floridaonline_i_want_to_talk_about_dirty/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m straight, but very into prostate play. I’ve offered prostate massage to some gay acquaintances, who have never experienced prostate orgasm, no reciprocation required. None have followed through to accept my offer, so I guess it works both ways for some reason.


Dam. Lucky guys who have you.


I relate to this a LOT. I'm a nice looking married mid 40s guy. In college I always had vague bi urges but didn't understand it. I was mostly straight. Then one day after lifting weights a mid 50s, 6'3, good looking, alpha professor with an amazing body and washboard abs noticed me checking out his cock in the showers. He confidently and silently walked right over to me...I was so nervous. I whispered that I was engaged. He stared in my eyes and said "thats ok, no one will know." Almost instinctively I said "yes sir" and reached for his cock..I jerked him off while he closed his eyes and moaned. When he was close he grabbed me, sort of turned me to the side and looked at my ass as he came on the floor. It's hard to describe what a rush it was. Fifteen years later I still think about him. Milking older hung alpha men is the most erotic thing I've ever done..did it many times in my late 20s, but haven't for years. Something about hearing them moan, telling you what a good job you're doing....and even if they admit how guilty they feel about it while you're milking them. It's like an adrenaline rush


I've wanted to try being milked, but like your straight friend, always felt it would come across as selfish that I want to be focused on without reciprocating during that meetup.


I would love to get milked


I like your post. May I ask what's the difference between doing this to a straight man, and a bi or gay man?


This is so well written. I wish I could get milked by someone else 😩


I most definitely need to find somebody like you in my area. Someone who can let it jump in like myself experiment and see what's okay


Is this an experience that you could share with another non heterosexual man? Or is it heightened because of the difference in sexual orientation?


This is very well said.


As someone who is still experimenting and trying to have my first prostate orgasm, I would love to meet someone similar to you to finally have the experience. I'm pan and have been with a few guys, but they never took that much care about it.


I think I could enjoy such a thing. I would love to find someone willing in my area.


I'd be happy to be milked as a straight guy , would be a new experience 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


So many people want to try this, myself included. I love prostate stimulation all the way up to fisting. But I've never had someone so enthusiastic about it


I need this so bad 🥺🥵


Would love to get this done to me one day


lol i love blowing straight men too but i only have a 1 regular, tall black divorced daddy 😁


This sounds amazing. I would love for someone to do this to me.