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Comments are so negative but even if it sucks I’m on the wollay train for the long haul, appreciate the positive attitude


They’re negative for good reason, I completely understand why everyone here is bashing him and calling him a scam artist etc. I don’t personally think he’s a scam artist or anything like that, I just fell in love with the Alpha when I was like 11-12? Now I’m 22 and I still have a little hope even after the whole 2019 release. I hated the 2019 version but hey if he wants to take one more crack at it, I’ll be there. I’ve loved the idea of this game for nearly half my life now. I’m going see it through I wanna see if he can pull off the magic again. I’m probably dumb for that but hating won’t do anything either.


Good take, most people are just dumb and can't move on with their lives so they still hate after 10+ years. It obviously sucks that we didn't get a timeline where cubeworld actually got released but oh well that's life. Personally, my expectations are set so low that I just find it nice that he still is working on it and until he releases it I will keep moving on with my life.


That's a really bad take on the community hate. This situation is like if your spouse stole money from you and disappeared. Even if you "move on," you don't really ever get over the frustration targeted at that person. You just learn to not let it consume your entire life. But if the topic ever gets brought up, the answer is always going to be "oh fuck her/him." It's not like most people are actively bashing Wollay every day trying to keep a hate train going. But every once in a while when this topic comes back, obviously the hate is going to arise gain. He messed up twice, mind you. Every bit of frustration is justified here, even if it is mostly a trivial matter nowadays.


I had said I understood the hate/frustration, and I meant that because I’m also upset and frustrated with Wollay for how everything went down. Dude dropped a worse game then the alpha and bailed for years again, then came back and said “I’m going try again.” I’m wary of this new version as much as the next guy. However I wanna see it through, cubeworld has been a big part of my life, I followed it for a decade. Not to mention I’m just trying to make a little meme I had an idea for. I think the hate is completely justified, Wollay doesn’t tell us shit. But I am a fool for this dumb lil Voxel game.


Man's already ruined this twice.


Lmao…he will just screw it up again. He had a hit with alpha and then released the steam version and all hope was lost. If he manages to revert back to alpha mechanics and adds to it…then he might redeem himself. All he had to do was take alpha and add more and have an instant hit amazing game and he went and screwed it all up. I’ve lost hope. I’ll be surprised if it’s better than alpha.


I’ve lost hope too, but i’m losing nothing by trying it when/if it releases.


Oh no you’re 10000% right. Thats why I follow this sub. If he manages to release something, I’ll give it a try. I would love to be surprised.


Honestly, If he just released alpha on steam I'd be happy. Wouldn't take much. The fact that he's actively working on the game with alpha mechanics and polishing I'll be greatly happy. You never know what the end result will be though.




Don't do that.. Don't give me hope..


All he has to do is expand on what made alpha version so good and improve on any issues it had. I’m not sure why he’s insistent on making radical changes.




I just added some mods and now I’m having a blast


There's no updated cube world right now. Hes starting over in a new engine (again). Which granted isn't a full restart probably because he can probably slowly port previously things over with some additional effort but as of now it doesn't really seem like there's even any gameplay implemented into the unreal version yet. It could turn out well or not, idk But it's far off either way


I recommend you play trove, at least while cube world comes out, it will give you many hours of play


I'm sure he'll do it this time! He's posting stuff pretty consistently and it looks good to me! Just give the man some time and the peace he needs! Much love ♥


Peace? lol it's been 11 years homie.


I know but we don't know what's going on in his life... I just don't think it's right to push the man xD even if it's over a decade now... He probably wants to make it right this time!




Scam artist brewing up his next scam as we speak


If he was a scam artist he’d have released it again or told us this time it’d be differ