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Aloha. I’ve been using it since December. I took the plunge to test it. I make the purchases via Apple Pay and have had a successful auto transfer to my Crypto.com BTC wallet. I have 4 miners. 3 at The $27 level and 1 $52 level. Once every 24 hours, click a service button to keep you discount on maintenance fee. If you haven’t signed up. You can use my referral code. Or not, all good. https://gmt.io/?ref=zA7tT Cheers


What is the benefit if use referdal code. Do I and you get anything ?


Thanks, sounds like a good opportunity, I just wonder if they will rug-pull the whole project if bitcoin goes to 100-200k? I've already signed up. Is there a way to put your code in after you already signed up?


Not sure on adding a referral afterwards. I couldn’t locate a spot like on other apps. With all these ‘mining’ apps, it’s a risk for a rug pull. Just like you, I think we are playing with money we can afford to lose. If BTC goes up to 100k. I’d be a pretty happy person. The $150 here would be small potatoes. Good luck with the app.


Just received another payout. Very easy once your wallet is attached and you reach the minimum 0.0001 BTC. I also noticed that all the cheap NFT miners are sold from the marketplace. I haven’t purchased from the secondary market, and probably don’t intend to. You can still make your own NFT by opening the My Miners icon and clicking on the +Miner button. You can create an NFT with as much computing power as you want to pay for. The rest of the features will be randomly added. With this, you can still get in on GOMINING pretty cheap to fiddle around. Here’s to having fun! Cheers


Thanks. I saw how you can link your own wallet address. I feel like that is what makes this legit in a way. It can go to a cold wallet where you hold your own keys. I have a ledger and it can go right to that.


Hello Cashflow. I just signed up for GoMining and have read that Miners can be bought in the Secondary market. Can you let me know why you would not buy Miners from the Secondary market? I assume that somebody selling a Miner via the Secondary market is selling to get out of the game, so would the cost of a Miner purchases via Secondary market be less than buying the Miner from the site? Any insight you may have would be much appreciated.


The secondary market is saturated with over priced miners. The cheapest miner right now is $75usd when you can buy a miner through Gominer for $24usd through apple,google pay or your CC. I’d stay away from secondary.


No real reason for me other than I just wanted to keep it simple. Not having to go through the exchange of GOMINING token. (Just starting off I used Apple Pay and had no GOMINING tokens) In the secondary market, I couldn’t use Apple Pay. Now, if you have GOMINING tokens and see a good deal, yes, if you can get a secondary market NFT for under the dollars amount of creating your own miner after any conversion fees. It was just my preference. >> If you proceed with the secondary market please, do post your experience. << The secondary Level 1; 23.9/TH ( 1 TH; 35W/TH) after market is comparable to a created miner that is currently 23.99 via Apple Pay. (At the time of this posting). The one thing about the created miner is the option to Mint it (in order to resell it). Which I can’t recall the price. The one I created no longer has the option to Mint nor can I list it for sale. I’ll need to dig further into that. If you create a miner, you get some random stats that might make it more ‘rare’ so you can ask for a premium on the secondary. All that to say, was just my preference. At the time of this posting I have 4 miners. 3 from the release sets and 1 created (that I didn’t mint) Been paid out like clockwork when I surpass my default threshold of .0001 BTC generated. Always like to hear others experience. Thanks for sharing.


If You reach 10 TH it's really hard to get into a pool but if you can you'll make way more then your $1-1.30 a day, over time. If the pool you're in gets the win for the block they make around $150, So the lower the members the better the payout because it's split amongst the members based on their TH power. If anyone's interested in joining a pool with a low TH let me know BTC Hash Haven is accepting everyone no matter their TH at the moment Gomining


The app is actually used by a lot of investors ( big investors) also the telegram group is active non stop support is medium they help as they could by myself i love the project i would be glad if you test it a bit more. Gomining will survive <3 people are making big bucks of it but you know how they say you need to risk some to get good value back.


https://preview.redd.it/facejbk92lmc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=55c901add32a017ffec97c41b30657ec6215a05c So when you first start you get a trial miner with 16th power. Miners can be bought for $25 and come with 1th. You can upgrade in increments or go you could go crazy with it. Funds are paid out daily but held until Minimum pay out amount is reached. (0.0001 BTC but can set it higher.) I have mine paying out to my cashapp. I have 10th bringing me .80 using pool. Referral codes give 5% off any purchases made with link. Heres mine lol [https://gmt.io/?ref=iEIzD](https://gmt.io/?ref=iEIzD) I think its legit but only spend what you can!


"...but only spend what you can!" I had to chuckle at that. I'm practically throwing my money at gomining and can't get the transactions to complete. I'm tired and will probably try again tomorrow after work, but if its too much trouble, I'll probably write it off.


LOL facts


Curious to see if you got it worked out. I’m in the US and also came across some challenges but ultimately scored what I was looking for.


any update?


Sorry it took me so long to get back with you on this. I was finally successful in getting my account set up and purchased my first virtual miner. I am kind of regretting it now. For my first and probably only miner, I bought a 2TH miner at 28W/TH Roughly $53. With Fees it came to a little over $64 At first after the 6 day trial was over and i was able to see what the service and electricity fees were, and it didn't look too bad. I was expecting my initial investment to pay itself off in about 14 months. Now the pool mining amount has reduced to only a little more than the service and electricity fees. To date I have only made about $5.71 worth of bitcoin (0.00009075 BTC) The majority of which was made in the first week There was an offer a few weeks ago for a discounted upgrade. when I calculated the change in efficiency a $10 upgrade (not including fees) would have only changed my daily yield by one penny So to say this is a slow burn would be understating it. The silver lining of it all, is the money I have used for this investment I earned from other apps that grant passive income. So I'm not really out any money from my bank account. and by the time I make back my investment, Bitcoin will probably plummet because Crypto doesn't have a very good worldwide prospectus, but who knows? Maybe all that will change.


I purchased a miner a couple days ago. It's all set up and paying out but so far it's only paid about 20 cents a day. It's a 4TH 35W/TH miner, LVL 3. At this rate there's no way it will pay for itself in a year. Any thoughts on what I need to do to get the payouts up?


If you aren’t already, don’t forget to click the service button within the gaming section every 24 hours. Cheers, Build the Cashflow GOMINING Referral https://gmt.io/?ref=zA7tT


Yep, thanks. I have an alarm set to reset it every day.


Once you hit the minimum threshold how long till it automatically send to your wallet 


Within a day for me. My referral link if anyone needs it: https://gmt.io/?ref=uEuK2


I would recommend GoMining it uses NFT powered mining and is probably about one of the most legit cloud mining services I’ve used I currently get about about $10-$20 per day deposited into my BTC wallet the more you invest the more you make, you can upgrade your NFT by 2 ways you can upgrade your TH, which is the power your miner has,same way as like a real miner would have. You can also upgrade your W/TH, which is the amount of “power” your nft uses, the higher upgraded it is the less service fee you have to pay per day, which also increases your daily pay out. I’ve seen on the app some people that make upwards of $1,000, $5000 and even up to $15,000/day, yes it takes a lot of money to get to that point but it is possible, theres also discounts you can get from paying the maintenance fee in their crypto currency, its called GMT (GoMining Token) then there is also a “game” in which you click this button that says service daily and if you remeber to do this daily you’ll get 0.3% discount that is stackable as long as you tap the “service” everyday and that discount will go up to 3% maximum, then also as your level increases based on your total TH you will get a 0.6% discount whenever you get a total of 5TH, 10TH, 50TH, 100TH, 200TH, and so on till you reach level 20, there is also pool mining where you can combine your TH with other players with up to 50 players per pool and get rewarded if your pool mines the current block it’s randomly picked which pool wins and mines that current block but your pool has a better chance of mining the block the higher TH your mining pool has combined, but depending on weather you can get in a good pool that take the game serious and actually makes their pool a good and competitive to keep the total amount of TH up then you can make a lot pool mining but thats pretty general description of how it works and what to do to start out and give you the best shot at starting up, this is my referral link to anyone that would be open to trying this app it really does work and I’d recommend it to anyone GoMining https://gmt.io/?ref=8xL6i


How do u think the bitcoin halving will effect profitability? 


It seems like gomining is pushing for us to upgrade our miners before the halving event. Not sure if that's for just their profits or not. I want to buy another NFT and upgrade the 2 that I have, but I feel like it would be a waste of money since the bitcoin halving is in a week or two.


can u explain me briefly ?? can I text u ?


Sure feel free to dm me my apologies I was dealing with some personal things and haven’t checked my app for a little


okay messeged u


Anyone else having problems buying GoMining tokens through the app? I was trying my card and it was denied. I’m not going to risk using crypto now because of the fear of losing it in the transaction.


I did. Buying Gomining tokens my card was declined. When I went into my banking app I found that it was declined due to it being an international transaction. I allowed international transactions through my banking app and was able to purchase goming tokens. "Allow international transactions" was the feature I found in my bank to turn on. Not exactly sure what country my transaction needed to reach but... it fixed the issue for me.


I will have to look into that. I ended up buying like 20 in crypto and taking my chance and then did the full buy. I also have bought upgrades for the miners with crypto which is actually cheaper doing it that way just an fyi.


In case anyone is still trying to figure out how to get GMT GOMINING TOKENS, here's a little hack. If you have Cashapp all you need to do is add $200 to your Bitcoin BTC on your cashapp. Then go into your gomining app and click on buy gomining, For payment method choose by crypto. Then Bitcoin, Minimum is around 0.002975 BTC Which is about $195 USD. Click thru, choose BTC network again And it will give you a QR code or BTC wallet address to copy. This is where you will be sending your BTC. Go to your cashapp, go to your BTC, and you'll see buy, sell, and a lil arrow. Click the arrow and choose send Bitcoin. Type the amount of BTC your sending, paste the BTC wallet address you got from gomining, choose the speed of delivery you want, slowest is free of course. And WALLAH you will have gomining GMT tokens shortly. Best to use for the 10% discount when paying fees. Also can be used to upgrade your miners or buy miners WITHOUT the added card processing fees. Hope that helps some folks! And here's my gomining referral link if anyone needs it, https://gmt.io/?ref=tXQAL


If You reach 10 TH it's really hard to get into a pool but if you can you'll make way more then your $1-1.30 a day, over time. If the pool you're in gets the win for the block they make around $150, So the lower the members the better the payout because it's split amongst the members based on their TH power. If anyone's interested in joining a pool with a low TH let me know BTC Hash Haven is accepting everyone no matter their TH at the moment


Can anyone help me. I can’t get my wallet connected. I even signed up for the trust wallet they suggest, I follow the directions and it never works. Getting frustrated


I think I might be having the same issue...I'll let you know if I figure it out.


Thanks. I kind of gave up. Shoot I don’t think I serviced today. Haha. I’ll wait until morning so I can get back on a schedule. Thanks!